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Morning hues of dawn ,  aspiring artist and palette , color the day as a child ,with bright crayons , sunshine and happy faces , for it's wonderment , ephemeral nature and innocence ...
Copyright September 16 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Hot tea and black clouds keep creativity
from spilling into space , stormy writes -
with anti-social vibes on the clockwork rat race
I can hear the highway laden with heavy loads
The five o'clock monkey circus for precious home
We're all dying to get there no matter -
where we are
Rushing for something more
Bound for the unknown
We recall the song while ambivalent to the -
individual tones
Like the thunder from a passing July cloudburst
The first note of your favorite tune
The rattle of wind chimes in the misty afternoon
The crescendo of rubber meeting water on the
busy avenue* ....
Copyright July 5 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
On the day my soul becomes light
I will shine for you the following night
A new star will be added to our celestial tapestry  , you will recognize my signal of devotion from the highlands to the sea* ...
Copyright December 26 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

For Mary Ellen ..
Apple Brandy warmth over my face
The telltale expression of love , kithless -
murmurations of a lonely dove
Lunar lamplight reflections tour -
the Heavens on this night from an Allatoona cove ..
Copyright April 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Hair on end , the crash of cymbal
from the bough of Mother cloud
The dance of wanting grass and
The dueling 'Canopy of Gray' as it settles over the
promising , tempest day
Fortunes of truth and rebirth told
Of violent change and rain carried
award* ...
Copyright August 6 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Petrichor and wisteria interlace at the empyrean .. Electric blue spatiality , brushed in sable waves , protracted shadows connect days end ..
Concertos of twilight mourn her passing .. The insatiable Harvest Moon shimmers afresh ...
Copyright March 31, 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
There's always something fascinating on the other side of the street ..
Copyright October 4 , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Tempestuous , random loveliness stands -
Lady October clothed in 'Sky Red gown' , Raven haired recital from
Persimmon , Mimosa rafters sketched in verglas night fallen cover
Autumnal ****** kiss of Winter and brown valley panoramas
The wind driven pang of chill
Golden blades skip , funnel , mask
Moist , visible breath
Live Oak naked lecterns with Mistletoe
Mittens , sock caps , scarves
Hot Sassafras Tea , oatmeal cookies
Barren groves
Wood stoves
Hardwood smoke clinging to the arctic day
Window views , red faces , maplewood fires* ...
Copyright August 19 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The young man killed because he had no other options
He killed out of no other recourse !
He will have to **** again if we refuse to understand-
his plight or cast quick racially motivated separation .. Render quick judgements devoid of his painful circumstances
It could happen at any time ..
How can you look into the madness-
of our cities and wonder why
Can the man justifiably **** the murderer ?
Copyright April 5 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

** I'm not proclaiming that we open the jails and release everyone .. I'm saying that we will never extinguish the fire with gasoline , no matter how hard government keeps trying .. Parenting ! Parenting ! Parenting !
Intrigued by the grain on a -
hardwood floor
Counting knots and connections
Ceiling reflections
The rumble of naked feet
Musical precision and random thought
The ocean surrenders with thundering -
breakers at the killing shore
Contemplating familiar doors
Fixated on a pane of glass
The odor from a bag of trash
A friend from 1990
Chariots thunder overhead
A blur in the funnel of anxiety ...
Copyright July 1 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Barred Owl , Nighthawk ambient harmony ..The crash of Shellcracker
over smoky waters , the footsteps of Gray Fox and Blue Heron
audible along the shallows .. Wind swept expressions carry through statued marsh , Tree frogs , Katydids and Cicadas fill the young nightfall with varied chantey as white stars cross the impeccable , woodland firmament ..
Copyright March 22 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
                                                                                                                          Little Bear Creek , Palmetto, Georgia
Little Sweat Bee , employ of Spring
Where lies your abode in the afterwork evening
A lair within the grass , a hole in a Oak tree
Little biddy Bee , will you come home with me  ?
Copyright March 31 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Leaves crunch beneath our postman's feet
Fussy songbirds slowly advance up Wilkerson
The familiar and the new , cedar greens and
beautiful sky of blue
Majestic pecan , centurion oaks
Hopscotch squares chalked on a lazy road
Where people still blow car horns and wave
Where church bells and courthouse clocks
measure the day* ..
Copyright December 22 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Curt morning Cardinal , thy gamut echoes the Pin Oak grove
Songs that travel the back country road
Scarlet harper 'neath the cane creek valley , trilling , wild berry , muscadine captaincy
Tenacious , agrarian , amusing wonder* ...
Copyright August 16 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Mercurial Robin hold your ground ..
It's only my footsteps throwing sounds
Continue with your resolute aims on this precious day ..  Nurture my regard for the miraculous with your timid , curious ways ..
Copyright January 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Students of Machiavelli perjure the body politic , meanwhile the Calvary arrives on scene , Constables attack in every direction , the Sheep fall back , redirect ! Mushroom Barristers appear , stand tall , feed amongst dung and debris ... Prophet picking fungi weeping meeting and taking pictures for magazines and Good Morning America , fumigate the cracks and crevices between each building , fingerprint , humiliate , declare open season , flip the truth to make it palatable , taser shoot to **** then kangaroo court back at headquarters .. Shot in the back , point blank ,  taser from behind , with hands up or down in plain view , in pockets , in public or in secret and live at five ! Who's shooting who on the six o'clock news and who's putting the screws on the law and the truth , a crying mother , an angry brother it's Beirut 2.0  up in this ******* !  ..........
Copyright October 1 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
The cessation of my diurnal tapestry , a nocturnal tale of white horse
tragedy .. As we wait for the eight at nine , where shadows
often appear to be alive , hours run pathetically slow , freezing near dead from head to toe . Suckling from the bitter , wicked teet , normal people now **** where I eat .. Old crow nail , purple tip reactive banter from a starving vulture , the wailing of Lucifer , his consumption of the rotten in the shelter I rest my aching head upon .. Putrid bile breath , painstakingly reconnoiter the veins in both legs , stabbing wretched leather , smell of imminent death at the meeting house , night of inopportune visitation from an old chum long since forgotten ...What will I find when the body expires , when my broken heart finally gives in , when my brain sinks to the murky bottom , when the voices stop calling  . Who will I see , to whom will I greet when religion receives its long awaited answer , when the riddles lay restful and solved , when guilt and needle wounds are calmed ...Will life resume once more upon my fragile piece of Earth or will I jettison on a beam of light around the Universe .. Will there be a Jesus or a creature with intelligence I can't even begin to comprehend or will the bulb be switched to off and that's it ?
Copyright February 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Just as my physical remains are returned to the soil , my soul is born anew , cast across this very ocean . Be at ease , remain watchful , for as the return of living water at high tide parlayed with everlasting love , patience and fidelity , the seashore remaining vigilant with each breaker for intimacies nurture and embrace . The tearful void of hopelessness and despair fulfilled ! You will find me at the crest of every wave ..
Copyright November 18 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Furniture burns quite well should the -
need arise
A quilt will cover a whistling window
Thick socks make good mittens , a fiery -
book of Sandburg will heat my soul most dandy
and smitten
The lake shall provide fish just as -
the charcoal grill will offer a place to heat them
Snow will turn to water , mother woodland will offer -
plentiful piedmont herbs , roots and berries to -
sustain and medicate
When these material nothings are depleted-
I will forage the landscape as needed
Determined as the bobcat , frozen as the hunting heron
With cold reserve and insatiable hunger* ...
Copyright January 17 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
My inner organisms would be wise -
to worship the god Randolph , for I -
control the power of life and death in their universe* ...
Copyright February 17 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
One hour prior to sundown
a Tiffany lamp sky caught a
wandering eye , warmed a resilient
heart , the finale of a dull day became timely art ,
kaleidoscopic colors like fireworks
in July , a magical sigh from a granite
gent over such a brilliant site , it made him
glad to be alive
Copyright September 19 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Beer freed inhibitions
Blue tobacco smoke , half -
price Monday nights
Inebriated , lonely locals venting -
frustrations on aged billiard tables
Southern rock blasting through house -
speakers , music legends come to life for -
a little while , small town cliques
Their table becomes another time brought -
back to life tonight , if only for a few tearful -
Time controls .. Hurts .. Brings needed venting , laughter ..
Reveals shared pain among quick , one night friends in stale bar room surroundings
Copyright April 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Sometimes in the struggle for-
inspiration I'll travel to
a secret lakeside location
Viewing the freshwater drink ,
a place to think , knowing that my whereabouts
are mired in constant change , for living beauty is cursed
with never appearing the same
Calm water reflections bound for the creek
Never to be seen
Perpetual motion , seeking the river with
thoughts of the ocean
Kinetic nature , uneasy me
Forever occupied with changing scenes* ...
Copyright November 8 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
As Farm tractors brush the hayfields of Summer
White Holland turkey's and dairy cattle share
enclosed greenery ..
Late morning vegetable harvest , the cackle of
laying hens and Chinese geese , our Postman smiles
and waves with his Noon delivery ...
Hereford cattle on the move , Fig trees feeding
songbirds , bumblebees and hummingbirds working
the afternoon flowers ..
Tubular bells in town , just over the horizon strike the one o'clock hour ...
Copyright March 2 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Red roses train in the shadow of a summer rain
Through red clay trails
Along white fence rails
Into Magnolia arbors
Across manicured fields of glistening marble* ..
Copyright April 16 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Whippoorwills and high flying airplanes
Church bells and eastbound trains
Cattle moving throughout the night
Killdeer songs in the morning light
A Postman waves while making his round
A buck at the hedgerow , a diesel plow
Shimmering fields , dancing oaks
Burning hickory , field smoke
Black coffee , a stack o' wheats
Frosted windows and strick-o-lean* ...
Copyright October 12 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A powder blue view of Elysium as lavender and pink clouds float
to the East , greens turn from pear to basil , cool Northern winds
sprinkle their magic before such imagination , the day winds down to Dusk with the Evening Star's sterling , most proper invitation ...
Twilight Earth sings outside my favorite window , her voice a cradle
song soothing the very hour of sunset , calling the Moon to temper the night , beckoning the astral glow of the midnight lights ....
Copyright February 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Foraging whitetails
Fastidious dove
A lavender sunset with-
a new moon above ...
Copyright Janurary 28 , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
White Oaks display tenuous longevity
Tethered to red dirt , moss populated
living testaments , etched in black decay
like tombstones marking an ending location
What man did fire in anger from this hillside
Fire for daily bread , wracked in hunger , steeped
in the unknown , slighted by his brethren , ill
recompensed , foolhardy leg deep sagebrush
foraging lonely wilderness outposts , a foreign beast
racked with chilblain , feverish at deaths gate
Hickorys cry golden kin in frosted wind , red inquiries
mingled in dark earth decay , vermin infested rot ,
pungent pile reeking recompense , scavenger trolled
dead carpet , crying in fog drenched stupor , collecting
in leaf well , motif sunbeam , signaling the birth of midday
shine neath Maple umbrellas
Beside talking waters , ravenous , diamond temptress , committing Summers deceased corruption to the sea
Mosaic sands , evergreen curiosities , glass creek- boulder
kaleidoscopes , lapping shorelines , mud foaming froth
hiding unknown depth
Laughing , forever cascading artery without mercy
Teeming with pan , bream , perch and sturgeon
Alligator shell scavenger , water moccasin , consumption
Pine labyrinths , sunless Fern gardens , Snake , Dew , Red berry
briarpatch mazes , rolling countryside without fence , encaged in Crescent Moon , lantern fly obscurity with voracious Aedes vampires , humid , blistering night without end* ...
Copyright September 17 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
In brown eyes , flame beckons oxygen from all directions , the vacuum filled by shrieking winds ! Soil receiving the dead , corruption intermingled with Earths biochemistry , perpetual change , continuity , rebirth ! Blistering days , sun shower in the heat of day , thirsting for cool waters , quenched by the marriage of fire and ice , high above naked lovers ! Rapture ! Hope of the flowers that bloom in Spring .. Honeybees spread the chemical cues of life eternal , abundant and constant . In brown eyes on a cool Winters day !
Copyright October 17 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
We walk the cool January forest floor , every bird shares our happiness , my Dad is a Cardinal following us from tree to tree* ..
Copyright January 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I have come across love in moonlit
reflections o'er placid ponds
In golden rays filtered through
evergreen row , beneath the Winter morning
blanket of ****** snow
On pitch black nights enveloped in
candle glow , the rush of ocean waters
on afternoon shores
Within Apricot sky held in the looking
glass of Autumn
In well worn familiar paths to precious home* ...
Copyright August 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
It wasn't the sound of Bobwhite Quail on the opposite shore of the lake  , nor the sound of bullfrogs or panfish striking the surface ..
       Not the cacophony of insect and songbird or cattle calling in the distance ........ With such sweet music in the air , 'twas but one song above all other !  Laughter ! Walking hand in hand , the first day we met , just the two of us  !
Copyright September 15 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I wish you blue sky
Good coffee , warm relations -
and hot mincemeat pie
German chocolate cake , deviled eggs
Oyster dressing and eggnog with a sprinkle of nutmeg
Pumpkin pie with a dapple of -
whipped cream
I wish you spiced apples and -
sweet holidays dreams* ...
Copyright November 22 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Love is a beautiful scene
She is each descriptive glance
Rainbows connecting mountains
Awe inspiring waterfalls
Clear fountains , the birth of Spring
in the month of May , the embattled flowers
of the Fall , purple wire grass shimmering
o'er Hill Country smoky malls
The flavor of salt , fescue and gardenia
Afternoons along Pink Dogwood , bristling
Magnolia hallways
From wooden porches as shadows grow tall with
the music of Angus cattle in the orange , growing
nightfall* ...
Copyright January 26 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
When you're in love the weight of the-
world becomes imperceptible ..
Copyright December 17 , 2002 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
One day you'll turn and realize , our love for one another is all we have , when all material wealth is calculated and spent , the riches within will accrue through infinity ...
A gentle touch in the hour of it's greatest need will prove to be priceless , an embrace in the hour of hopelessness , a gift from Heaven ..
Each second of our lives is indeed a miracle ,' storms will come and storms will pass ',  at the end of the day it's just you and I , every kiss goodnight could prove to be our last ..
Copyright December 3 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The song of the Killdeer across the quiet , still pool .. Harboring great anticipation , anchoring a Hula Popper to a gold swivel , the first cast over the olive green waters .. Slowly twitching the rod tip causing the
characteristic audible 'plop ' easily caught within earshot followed by
the topwater eruption ! Caught off guard , setting the barbs with one hand while negotiating fallen timber and stumps , the rod bent double ! Ten pound line stretched to the very limit , the whine of the reel , the threshing of tail fin now with a first glimpse of the goliath just below the surface ! The first Largemouth Bass of the young fishing season ! The quarry locks eyes with angler , the battle grows even more intense , finally your "Hawg' is in the net ! Your cigarettes are strewn everywhere , your tackle box was turned over , your catch has wet you from head to toe but you don't even notice !
Copyright March 4 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

First day of Largemouth Bass fishing starts tomorrow !
A little Mady bird caught the sun ,
having forsaken her nest then revelled in the-
new morn
Dreams of sunflower fields and wisteria ,
bumble bees and sweet corn ...
Oak arbors sprinkled with tinsel
Pungent , turned earth laden with -
sweetgrass , kernel and lentil ...

Sing a song of powder blue ventures
Proud announcments from the tip of -
fragrant magnolias
Scolding her contemporaries draped in water oak-
sanctity                                                    ­                                            
Nestled in mistletoe
Pious morning adventures ...
Copyright Janurary 29 , 2021 byRandolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
O to be young once more , to welcome each day with a smile ..
Drawn to the kitchen by the smell of waffles , a new day awaiting just outside our window .. Sweet , fresh cut summer grass , each yard replicated the next , fastidious and diligently manicured all the way to Main Street where neighbors would meet ..
Root beer floats and fried sweet potato pies , the band performing on the city square ..
Summer calmed by afternoon showers , the scent of southern cuisine on an open grill filled our city .. June was a magic time to be alive ..
Copyright January 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Loved to tell a joke ,  loved his Winston's , a pack always visible in a white dress shirt , cigarette in the corner of his mouth . Right eye quivered left eye open ,. seen him drunk once , alcohol on his breath every day ,  morning and afternoon ,. medals and commendations , not worth a cheeseburger at McDonalds , delivered the living , hauled back the dead , hosed chariot , back again , Purple Hearts and Silver Stars , another day at the office and Saigon bars ..A defeated man , No , a product of the sixties , American warrior with all its ambiguity , loved his comrades but cursed the ' system ' , face would palsy , voice growing deeper then silent , physically residing in Conley , emotionally in battle , at ease Major Jobe !
Copyright September 15 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Nocturnal , lurid color propagates evil
The moon taps immorality as depraved
lecherous men reveal their contempt for the Almighty
Tonights train howls like Beelzebub -
unleashed , screaming throughout the vestibules of Lust* ...
Copyright February 3 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A ray of hope across treacherous seas
A red maple leaf falling in the autumn breeze
A smile from the heart
A glowing fire on the hearth
Copyright April 2 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Religion                                                   ­                                           
Political aspirations ..
The ****** ..
Copyright December 12 , 2022 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Today she's the green lady on the Black Sabbath album cover
Tomorrow she'll become the Morton Salt girl
On Sunday mornings my girl is Aunt Jemima followed by the
Mona Lisa in the afternoon
When she takes me by the hand she's indescribable* ...
Copyright June 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Politics have no place on this wood porch ... This veranda
was made for welcome , red hued Dawns and indigo Dusk ..
For watching the colors of a Georgia Fall , for counting Red Winged
Blackbirds , listening to the chatter of ground squirrels ...
This old stoop is for lively conversation , for the sound of the Grand Ole
Oprey on Saturday nights , making strawberry ice cream and bragging
about my tomato plants ...
Singing babies and grand babies to sleep , for reading good books with hot tea ... For anyone to sit a spell and "Chew the fat with .."
For any man to rest awhile and be at ease , for being in love and shootin'
the breeze* ....
Copyright February 22 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The ground is blushing with pink
wildflowers , the canopy is filling
with new songbirds by the hour
Spring air tickles my baited ear
Days of pure sunlight are drawing near* ...
Copyright March 8 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Sparrow choruses carry on a warm March
breeze , echoing through racked
hardwood trees as helicoptering
evergreen seeds fall into a churning stream
Reality fades into a dream ,
Into bucolic , springtide scenes ,
Across beauteous , hillside opportunities* ...
Copyright March 22 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Port Wood's Godhead breached the jealous -
Shards of pure design restored the pang of -
Tik -tok from a red bellied sentry
Water explosions from unknown entities
Morning dance from Mother Heron
Whitetails revealed in burning fog
Killdeer , nuthatch and jays work her
trembling bog ...
Copyright March 16 , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
When my Creator calls me home , carve my marker from sandstone , for I was many different grains of sand pressured into one ... Fear , guilt and myriad troubled times combined with periods of love , sweet dreams and a restless desire to solve life's role on a forever changing stage ...When my days are done , tell the people that may inquire that I was a musician , a blue note with infinite combinations , sad , inquisitive calls followed by tri -tone answers and chord progressions ....Twenty years after my death tell a friend that I was a poet , submitting my mindset for the world to critique , sharing my thoughts in the name of peace .......
Copyright October 2 , 2015 by Randolph Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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