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Listening to the Cardboard Empire with -
gray day rain pools , shadow figurine -
ancestors trapped in dusky tree lines
Irreverent city banter , ideals shifting
right of center , selfish , twelve coated
worthless brick entities
Working the wishing well for pennies
Finding home with a cart
Walking back to start* ......
Copyright 5 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

Wrote this while listening to 'Cardboard Empire' by the Guess Who on Youtube ...Listen to the song while you read the poem if possible so you can get a better feel for the write ... :-D
Deliver me from the folly of jealous men . From the mirth of mischievous demons that long to traduce and besmirch , remove all thought of appeasement toward the rancorous and ill intended serpents that crawl the Earth . Shelter me from the disingenuous , the naysayers of good intent and those that portend lies as benefaction , seeking my friendship through groundless merit and frivolous actions ..
Guide my feet across the perilous river of treachery toward my fellow man , directing my ears to the benefits of silence , gravitate my persona into the light of Dharma ..
Bind my arms from receiving poisonous bounty , render my tongue stillborn to boastful atrocity ..
Sharpen my eyes in the confusion of night , grace the helm of life's vehicle with the Angelic aura of pure white light* ..
Copyright December 27 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Her charms are wine and bread bestowed upon a ravenous man , weathered hands capable of wickedness having received their porcelain salvation  , strands of perfumed silk kindle a passionate immediacy , a bonfire called into night skies with embers in search of eternity ..
Copyright November 23 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Hallelujah Tree Tappers
Songsters of the morn
Signal the warbler , the jay and
the thrasher of the coming dawn

Good day curious crow
Surveying the wetted green fields
of soy and June corn
Alert the valley that a new day -
is born
Hallelujah !
Copyright July 14 , 2019 by Randolph L Wilson ** All Rights Reserved
The  * Republican hypocrites within this country , * Christian extremist with a combined I.Q. of  *fifty , standing tall and pious spewing  *fear , picketing * funerals , pointing fingers , calling us *  " Sinners ! " Call me what you will , tell me I'm going to * hell , quote scripture all you can but for once let's be real !  * * Jerry Falwell is one of the most diabolical *screwballs residing on the planet and your religion has screamed the end of days for the last * thousand years , so get over it !
The words marked with a star *  are multiple choice . Add your favorite religious zealot , political organization and his wacky beliefs . Be creative . Have a good day !

Copyright October 26 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A departure unforeseen , Father , gun in mouth , routine stop for policeman and paramedic , in bed  , at peace , thankfully not witnessed , trigger mechanism and human mind , complicated machinations and machinery , revolvers easily taken apart , analyzed , correction to design , re-tooled  unlike thought , perception , objectivity , inner workings of depressed , hopeless and panic stricken inner wounds not attended to or recognized .......
To all the children in the world tonight ! Have you gone to bed safe  in a warm nurturing home , a yard to run free , be yourself and explore ? Catch frogs or play with dolls , coloring books and Lincoln logs ! Pray for food , clean water , access to a Doctor , books to read and shoes on your feet ! Warm coats and toboggans , clean shirts and stockings , good schools and Teachers , rain jackets and mittens ! Pray for peace wherever you may be ! Good night ....................
Copyright October 1 , 2015 By Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
To my fellow Artist tonight , a final word on the rhapsody of beautiful sentiments expressed regarding love , the human condition and hope written by skilled , emotionally charged men and women today ! With dignity , grace , and passion throughout today you have once again charged and reminded a humble colleague on the power of poetry forged by fierce imagination and forethought ! Thank you and good night !
Copyright September 15 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Voices in the 'Cranberry Dusk' , artistic imaginations found on watercolor
to tablet paper mediums , God has eavesdropped
on a child's prowess once again this evening* ...
Copyright July 18 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I require three pertinent elixir's inside my icebox ! Sweet tea to quench my thirst , cold beer to settle in for the evening and hard liquor to smooth out the past ....
Copyright September 25 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
She is the first warmth of the new day as morning dew envelopes my exposed , quickened skin
A curious glance toward blue ambiance shelving mustering
prose to the God given natural holiday
Wildflower fragrant recovery , echoes of worked Earth , White Hereford
relaying the Dawn call to order
The business of man , plant and animal unfurled
Days of songbird early cacophony brought to steady relief
across pearl homesteads , cattle trails and country lanes
Copyright June 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A smiling face in the window of wonder and sheer delight ,
Feverish accounts of the confectionary woodland and the lemon drop sunny sky ..
In wonder of every 'puffy cloud' in the morning light ,
A most curious child in awe of 'Cotton candies' devise !
Copyright March 11 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
the full Moon winks , gives the thumbs up ,
the stars cross their fingers and wish good luck ..
the kind Oaks sway , hoping for the best ,
a katydid plays a diddy about the day we met ..
a steady pulse of rhythm courtesy of a musical Bullfrog
a fastidious , tuxedo wearing cricket pulls out his violin ,
plays a beautiful Italian love song ...
Copyright January 22 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Greenscapes , lavender flowers , -
thoughts of love and morning doves , bluejays sing praise to the sun above
Farm bells announce the dawn
The light of day , the hand of God -
caresses summer studded lawns
A tap on a hollow tree
Gardenia in the breeze
A shady respite
Fledglings call from silver-
maple nest
Crows toil in open fields
Black knights harvest , store -
and protect their yield ...
Copyright June 27 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The morning fires of Ola have resumed
Leaves are whisked across rested -
pastures and workable fields
The bells of Hereford and Charolais announce the -
sunrise meal
The lick is filled , the trough watered ,
the herd counted , the busy day plotted
Orpingtons pick cracked corn , barley and
The first firing of the tractor , the beagles -
leading the farmers rowdy contraption in -
hopes of a stirred rabbit or a covey of game birds
Ola's country air is thick with new- day diesel ,
fresh harrowed field and wild onion , thickened
with pine an fresh hewn hardwood ...
Copyright March 11 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Petrichor fills my senses , the western hemisphere receives the miracle of Dawn , magnificent palate of morning revealed in first light , punctual feast delegated amongst the plant world of the Americas ..Pull of the tide , the Moon coupled with mystery , disappearance , Sister Venus with nocturnal creatures of the forest relocate their private dwellings with the new day ! Warm , cool air confluence , Western cloud banks foretell Natures ambivalence ! Steadfast purveyor of the rambunctious , ever changing Earth !
Copyright October 23 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
****** snowflakes , each diminutive blessing unique in its own way , millions bound together , Winters panoramic contemplation of the world before me ! Born into the grave like man , animal and plant . Is the snowflake a living entity , or as dirt crumbled in a child's hand ? Gliding through the air with a predetermined plan ? Reflecting exertion of Dawn to disintegrate their multitudes , ultimate testament of strength in numbers , collective well being of the population as a whole ..Water in the quiescent stage , waiting to muster , fertilize and nourish a grateful Earth ..A pawn of the Suns fiery command !
Copyright October 17 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The crying sky with heavy afternoon crystal
drops of heartache tickling
sweetgrass mingled with newfound sunshine
With piedmont wine forming perfect pools ,
ushering streams to awaiting seas
A place to bathe for romantics like me
A home for springtide antics ,
for polka dot bullfrogs , singing daisies ,
red grass blankets and apple tree sergeants
Windemere spiderlings , crooning wood larks ,
hereford dancers crossing purple clover parks* ..
Copyright April 20 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Softwood seeds whirlybird to the broom sage floor
Appalachian winds awaken forest spirits just outside my
door , Fall cornfields crackle under invisible control ,
Brown Gourd birdhouses clack against each other on
the first chilly Autumn morn* ..
Copyright May 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
Tumultuous cries within earshot , drowning the sound of battle , deafening cannon , infantry that crossed her wooden servant , rushing to the sea with great speed , soldiers lay amongst her rocks , await the call of judgement , swift to arms , advancing southward into Armageddon under command of the Archangel Michael , longing for the anodyne ! To rest beside placid water , beneath the benevolent admonition of the Almighty !
Copyright October 31 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Stars fell upon the newborn world as hardwood behemoths arose to shed the colors of winter , under swaying motifs the cackle of morning crows grew from the center , her trestle -work cried frozen and archaic , forever unknown
She flourished beside the rails and died
And to her residents a crown of case hardened iron , tooled with misery and dubious history* ....
Copyright January 29 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

* For little southern towns that lived and died beside the rails ...
Egrets stand proud across blue waterways ..
Floridas natural beatitudes flourish as her occidental sojourner travels home , diurnal fauna softly acquiesce , lullaby .. Lailah delivers grace , harmony and benevolence across Gods opus ..
Copyright January 1 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Concentrating on a star
Like lightning bugs in a jar
Like a roman candle in the dark
A yellow streetlight in the park
She's occupies the same nighttime place
Like the lines on my face
Like feet unable to run the race
A thundering beach where memories
are made
The riddles of youth solved in the crucible
of age
Its just another beach scene added to the page* ...
Copyright February 22 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
You'll find me straddling the -
crescent moon
Ukelele in hand
Working on a tune
Connecting the dots in-
the diamond night
A friendly wave as new souls -
meander by
Setting a course for the ' Heavenly Lights '
Copyright August , 2020 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
So the conclusion was reached that in order for the group to survive and prosper some would need to be destroyed ...
Copyright march 3 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Parasites begin to die after the -
host is depleted* ....
Copyright January 10 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Love was a snake when you brought it down from the mountain ..... Yet still your confused as to why you've been bitten ?
Copyright October 1 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The Atlanta Falcons have beaten the New Orleans Saints
Therefore , life is good , colors of the world are tinted
with abundant sunshine , the coming Dawn shall be impeccable ,
civility and courtesy bestowed to all , my gait becometh steadfast and true
Praise unto our " ***** Birds" , let us partake in copious celebration* ...
Copyright September 26 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The Atlanta Falcons ,  defender of the city in a sport of the passionate ! A longtime cold weather tradition of the Peanut State with youth , high school and university alike ......Memories that conjure Van Brocklin , Nobis , Humphrey , Van Note , Bartkowski and Ryan . Fall is for dark green numbered fields , pageantry , struggle as tactician , athlete and opponent mired in battle , bestowing honor , emotion , and pride in the warriors of yesteryear , locked in the spirit of competition , sportsmanship and Georgia folklore* !...
Copyright September 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A broken machine
It's motion impeded and destroyed
The mechanics of hard days ,
the plight and sad ways of a cur stray
Begging for sustenance along the street ,
where white collar impresarios meet , where
the heat can knock you on your feet
At the killer an killed divide , in some defiled , hollow portion of town , where criminal plus victim racked in hunger do rile* ...
Copyright February 14 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
One cheery Mockingbird spicing the May night doldrums , Two tree frogs chime in on cue with three Whippoorwills rounding out the chorus
Four Cicadas , Five Field Crickets , Six Barn Owls and Seven singing Katydids
Eight Killdeer in harmony with Nine Coyotes
Ten Bullfrogs rocking the pond as Mockingbird number
two comes calling
Copyright May 13 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
It would be perfectly proper for the poet to welcome 'Death' with a curious smile for its instant revelations and numerous , profound musings ..
Copyright April 6 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Todays golden setting is a facade masking danger that lies in waiting , there must be a Bobcat from a treetop preying , voracious raptors diving in the glare of the Sun , a Water Moccasin ready to strike for no reason
Coyote's strategically blocking all avenues of escape , an alligator moving quietly in the everglade
Tiger mosquitos with innumerable disease , well traveled Deer runs racked with fleas
Wild dogs running the moors , Government agents behind closed doors* ...
Copyright August 20 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I care not what the 'peoples endless song' alludes to ,
For I've reached my own personal conclusion
Save the cake recipe for another , for the -
icing is normally the same as all the others
Overalls cover my body better than the works of the finest clothiers
There is not a sock on this earth that competes with -
bare feet to warm grass , I've yet to witness a publican -
that failed to 'out bray a Jack ***'
Whiskey is good medicine for sore backs and 'hay cough'
Fancy cocktails and beer are the stuff of the spoiled and the jaded debutant
A full week of work is a gift , one hour without makes a sound mind drift
Simple music and ways can move a mountain
A parched , shut mouth with an open mind will lead thee to a cool fountain
Plan the death of a horse with a donkey in waiting , for the lamp a candle , the truck a wagon , for the cup a ladle
Watch the beast of the field quite closely for each one tells an invaluable story
Look into the eye of the January wind , face the Sun of August as if welcoming a friend , tithe the God of November rain with laborious days , face the storms of March unafraid* ...
Copyright October 1 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

*** My Grandson Harrison ..
First time love and homemade ice cream
will surely melt before your very eyes
A true friend is tantamount to a
falling star in daylight
Fair weather confidants are like Summer whitetails , returning
to the field till your last pea is gone
A real comrade will carry your indiscretions for
the price of a song* ...
Copyright March 8 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
There will always be a storm to reckon with
Beware of things marked new and improved
Wear earplugs at work and work like a mule , friends are like buying a bag of potato chips , they're normally only half full
Sometimes being alone is perfectly right
Stars change their positions during the night so
pray for the path by the light , defend your house with
all your might , remember love is a lone star shining bright
Avoid cliques , their like swimming with a bag of bricks
Leave church at church and work at work
Build a fence and build it right , keeps men honest in the dead
of night* ...
Copyright March 7 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Let the outdoors filter your past
Inquire of the sun to spark your tomorrows
Copyright March 5 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The Wild Turkey burns for a few seconds then
slips away
The mellow burnt barrel taste returns bringing
a smile to a weathered face
The sweet breath of Alabama dries the morning rain
The shots continue till the pain is slowly consumed
by thoughts of better days* ...
Copyright February 2 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Such a remarkable day
Throw a stone into a pond
and watch it slip away
Put a finger on the sun then
highlight the world
Take in a performance of
backyard , native birds
Read a poem 'neath the firs
Yellow bells , daffodils , nature stills
The swell of cascading streams ,
misty dales , the lambs of Spring , the nightingales ,
the whippoorwills , buck dwellings , new growth
stands , broomsage pastured farm lands
Tis a remarkable day
Catch a sailing leaf
Let it carry you away* ...
Copyright March 4 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I , Frank Wilson , would be lawyer , represent myself in this attack upon my honor ! For I am a studious , God fearing man ! I bow before no Judge , Lawyer or Constable ! Your court dwells beneath moral turpitude , a jury of my peers will soon know the truth !
I do not recognize that woman and child , I'll not pay the stipend your foreman has read out loud ! Your verdict means little in my hardened eyes , one that I refuse to recognize !
Bailiff ! Send for the State Patrol , summon the officer before this Court ! Take this man directly to jail ! I want him in Reidsville by five p.m. !
Copyright October 5 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Mr. Hopsons polished , placid pond surrounded by dark green July corn , teeming with mud and flathead catfish , dairy cattle call on clear blue , bucolic afternoons .. Black tadpoles crowd her tall vegetative shore , hoof prints riddle lonesome trails , killdeer chirp atop Elizabeth rose fence lines , paddocks come alive with abundant , fragrant wildflowers of every shape , color and size ..
Beagles cry for their midday meal , songbirds vivaciously work the white barn homestead , Rhode Island Reds gather for Noon feast , Embden Geese patrol East seeking the blacktop , waddle noisily along the gravel drive , forever curious , even a touch boisterous and foolhardy from time to time ..
Charolais bulls command the molasses lick , working salt blocks , lay
without fear beneath tin topped field shelters ..
Copyright February 16 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
You make me feel like Ive prepared a speech for a trophy given to someone else at times but thats your addiction......
I draw your bath each evening after you've complained about dinner
but that"s merely your *******........
You persecute my friends , curse my parents , set rules for me to follow
but that's only animal aggression........
Your ******* will be receiving divorce papers just as quick as there drawn up and that's my determination !!!!
My red and rolling eighteen horsepower
think tank has been the catalyst to many a
welcome thought , spurring many a good
A much needed , twice a week , two hour
break from the scatter- brained everyday
illogical world ...
Copyright April 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A symphony of woodland imagination , Sycamore trees that mimic the forlorn's indignation .. Persuasive River Birch's cover quiet brooks , compel the fragmented light crossing the waters surface between moss covered stones , Honey Locust armed with their crown of thorns , instruments of the Passion stand majestic as regal Live Oaks command the high cliffs above the swirling tributaries confluence and utter confusion ..
Pan awakens the creatures at Dawn with the song of whippoorwill and Mourning Dove . Helios sets the floor aglow , Redtailed Hawks deliver their morning anthems..
Angels walk freshwater streams without question , forever charged with unfolding the tapestry of divine creation ..
Copyright December 24 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Today is like a brand new fifty cent stamp
Blue skies and dragonflies neath -
a golden lamp
A chorus of birds
Gardenia filled breezes
Picturesque landscapes to whittle -
and daydream
Copyright August 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Country hamlets filled with sweet barbecue smoke ,
wisteria and the perfume of afternoon rain
Steamy lanes , chattering 'grays' ,
Red clover pastures bordering city byways ...
Copyright July , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A laborer bagging paper in the courtyard ,
smoking mangled cigarettes kept in -
a sock
Flags crack like whips in the Fall breeze
Disoriented black birds fill town trees
Breath has become visible on hurried -
Cars in angled row line the pharmacy ,
barber shop and the only downtown restaurant
Idle chatter , ringing of silverware , the  -
drawer slamming against the cash register
Waitress calling orders to a fry cook ,
children working gum ball machines
Middle class Americans in flannel shirts -
and blue jeans
Paying Friday tabs , barely getting by ..
Copyright April 7 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Busy Bluebird work songs , perched atop rustic farm bells
Maternal Thrashers and boisterous Cardinals thriving in sunlit dales
Forest of Da Vinci-esque brushstroke and Mozart timbre , living miracles pulled to Earths paternal floor , Red headed Woodpeckers tapping
on 'Heavens door'
May zephyrs spin wildflower mosaics , refreshed in the Water Oak catharsis , nurtured within her cooled forgiveness , lost in Mourning Dove musical
serenity* ....
Copyright May 26 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Cars wait their turn at the crossroads
The Taco Bellians stand in line
One dark cloud on a beautiful day
dances by
The chickens gather at the sound of
a bag as its opened
I'm garnering the courage to blend
with the breeze , lie beneath evergreens ,
camouflaged in sweet invisibility
Hoping* ...
Copyright January 26 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Lakewood Fairgrounds in '68 , Southeastern Fair has come again , in awe at every turn , magical , mystery , in view of Atlanta......
Caramel apples , cotton candy , corn dogs and dill pickles ........
Natural wonders and clowns on stilts , barbecue sandwiches and licorice whips .......
******* jacks and carnival music , a haunted house and fireworks at night , Ferris wheel ,  merry go round ,ring rubber ducks for a prize..  
Milk cows and barkers , horses pulling wagons , popcorn and milk duds , Cocoa Cola and peanut brittle !! .........................
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