Dew drops fell from leaf to leaf
In hopes of finding the storied sea
Falling with a dream of something better ...
Together , forever , wherever & whatever ...
Bigger , constant , urgent & quite clever ...
To grow old with tales of churning seas
Boggling young , maritime minds with --
thoughts of oak , pine & evergreen ...
Rainy day soldiers in groups of ten-
have overflowed the pond again
Hastily seeking the culvert to freedom ..
Bravely forsaking their watery kingdom..
Boarding rickety rafts of vegetable , tinsel , fescue , monkey-
grass & thistle ..
Leary , weary , fearless & fickle
They drill , patrol & preen ..
On a collard green leaf they chase-
the dream
Rafting uncertain , storm churned brooks-
& streams for a chance to mingle in-
nautical schemes ..
Copyright June 17 , 2020 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved