I'm Sorry.
It seems only fitting to apologize,
especially when addressing someone
as pure as you.
You make all my
imperfections feel insignificant,
You make me feel so much better
than I really am.
My ugly nature is so strong though,
that the moment I step away from
your beautiful light, the darkness
comes crashing down upon my aura.
Your perfection holds true always-
never will you blame or bring another to
shame, as deserving as they may be of it.
As deserving as I especially may be.
Your sweet essence cleanses mine,
I feel unworthy of your care, and
overwhelmed by your optimism.
How much I wish I could stay pure as you.
You personify the metaphorical angel
of dreams- belief is unnecessary for
heavenly light to shine from you.
I don't know if I'll ever repay your love
but know this- I truly apologize for what
burdens I've placed upon you- I'm learning
to carry my weight, I don't want your
perfection to break.
You ask nothing of me, but I ask it of myself.
How did I come to deserve you?
Thank You