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 Aug 2014 Rada
Allison Owens
 Aug 2014 Rada
Allison Owens
Exultations decreed,
A mind filled to bursting,
In this infinite end.
Still reeling and turning,
In this delicious insanity you inspire.
A world,
Wide eyed,
And always improved.
Brief wonder held,
This softly shimmering soul,
A curious joy,
The exultations decreed,
A mind view panorama,
Of an infinite delight.
©2010 Allison Owens
 Aug 2014 Rada
Waking up startled, to battering wind and rain.
Tide marks surging to great gasping heights.
Catching breaths stolen by the wind.
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.
Watching idly by while pieces of you dissolve into the shadows.
I want those clouds weaving through my fingertips.
Their curious renderings like powdered ***** sugar.
Taste it and they fall heavy with gloom like **** death in the aftermath of such storm.

Counting the miles to the storm.
Ticking, tocking, and clicking.
The clock waiting in anticipation for the next thunderous sound.
Cold shivers up my spine like a thousand Carolina insults.
Your ghost still haunts and seeps into my pores lastly at night.
I taste defeat in the way you love.
It's like weaving clouds between my fingertips
Trying to grasp and hold onto every flowing motion of you pulling away from me

My cold, cracked walls are surged.
Towered over in their crumbling decay.
I want to taste your rain.
Your lips gently sink into mine.
Crushed velvet smooth and warm waking up the army of dead hearts ready for battle.
I am no warrior but there's blood painted across my sky.
Red sky in the morning, sailors warning, as I float on out into your turbulent seas.
Looking back on shore I realize that I'm finally home.

These seas roll uneasy.
Watching thru the mist towards our lighthouse that guided us to these depths
Trembling away like an afterthought.
The land has disappeared into the mouth of the shark.
Digested in the belly of a whale of angels.
Our sorrow holds us here, anchoring us to the tumultuous waves.
We battle our sea sickness with kisses of death lingering.
The soft pull of our exile turned oblivion.

Navigating with open wounds the silky expanse of midnight unwinding above us, within us.
Knowing us through and through.
An island of quivering vulnerability breaks the static horizon.
Lights, smog beginning to choke the sea air in my lungs.
Too long you've been left unkempt, grown comfortable.
That will change with new currents,
North winds bringing the frigid breath of winter.

Licking the sun off of the salty expanse of our sunburned red flesh.
The ****** of desperation lingers thru our moaning fingers
Feeling and pleading for our SOS call to be heard by anyone’s ears but ours.
The shores of this icy water leave my mind beneath the dredges of polar sleep.
We've grown strained, frost bitten, and distant in the few feet we are able to part.
The growling of hunger satiates our parched thirst.

I am rendered speechless adrift without you.
Hurricanes a coming.
Stand fast.
Secure the riggings.
Solaris brightens to light the way into calmer seas.
Those tepid shores of wonder and new beginnings fade into the horizon.
It's just you and me left to face the swelling tide.
Hang on.
The water is rising.
No one left to pull us saturated and insatiable from these waters of shadow and secrets.

The siren's song will bring us to our sharp shore end.
Resist the silky flow of nocturnal snakes wrapped around chilled flesh
Pulling closer to our aquatic hearts.
Hades and Persephone bond.
Glowing abysmal rage.
Holy grail veins.
Bleeding back into the orange crush dawn.
Night gives way to hollow rebirth
But once again we are inside one another.

These waves crash on overboard.
Trying to drag us back into the frigid depths with each ebb and flow.
With each crash of wave I can feel our resolve growing weaker.
The sensation of just letting go and giving in.
Should we let go and just give in?
Leave ourselves at the mercy of shipwrecks.
This hurricane dance we've perfected on the endless depthless ocean
Left us weak and willing to pull ourselves apart.
To taste our insides on the outsides.
How many times I've wondered have you noticed my stare.
The lustful licking of my sun blistered lips.
I want to taste the way you think and feel the warmth of your life to keep me alive.
The oceans call, I have heard, brings out the worst in sailors.
Always searching for the elusive siren to sing us a song.
A song from the depths of mythology to lullaby us away from our status adrift.

Our bodies collide in the tide once more.
Salted skin heated and torn
Latching on to something greater than just depths of starless prose.
You were a wicker man, weaved strong and whole.
I was a water girl, slipping straight through your bowl.
Wishes flow to and fro on tepid air laced with promises.
Our fingertips will never lose grip again,
the melody writhing between us like staccato heartbeats
Seeking solace on the endless seas.

*These waves rock us to shoreline.
Rock strewn and littered with the ribcages of whales
And the bows and sterns of shipwrecks long ago.
We pick up these pieces and hold them closest to our chest
Realizing the possibilities of a new home and a new start to this oceanic life we've drifted into.
We build a fire to warm our hearts and suspend our thoughts
Cradled and nestled in the crook of each others arms we leave our sea and our island
Soaring high into the clouds and the sleep we’ve begged for with our parched lips and swollen tongues.
Our dreams at night are the call of the sea begging to be drowned in our sand encrusted lungs,
To be one with us and our failures
The bequeathing cry of the seagull wakes us dully from our slumber
We peer out with sea salted eyes and realize it was all just a dream
We shout for help with all the voice we can muster
Letting in lungs full of icy ocean and dead crustaceans
Filling our bodies like bags of sand immobile
We’ve been sleeping with our anchors held closely
Down in the depths of the endless ocean rolling.
Normal text: Brook Ilges []
Italicized text: B K Barnes [you're already here]
Bold text: Written by Brook, Edited by B K.
 Aug 2014 Rada
Archit Srivastava
Staging the abyss of an impending cessation
The dark expanse lays stretched across
And beneath, in its surreptitious labyrinths
Lay white dreams to unravel, in time, lost

Under this glittering montage of departed souls
Lies a troubled night, in hand, a palette it bears
Whether a plaintive hue should grace the occasion
Or an ebullient serenade, the birds shall hear

The very earth, where countless crimson streams hath flowed
Withholds a pungent smell, which the rains shall release
And it gazes impassive, into the void
Awaiting the faltering steps that shall forever cease

And vestiges of times, the trees, they sway
Casting queer shadows in the placid waters below
And the ghostly gushes, the leaves, they tug
Reverring the end, bow in a vaudevillian show

And silence reverberates across the woods
Strings of the harp, wildly they swing
And the invisible hand twitches them to its insatiable thirst
Into the endless night, silent melodies it sings

Dancing to the minstrelsy exhibition
Struck by the virulent, a red leaf alone it spins
The dampened wind materializes, glides along
With a picturesque elegance, to its deathbed, it brings

And with this servitude of wind, nature has toyed around
Of countless summers with it, had dreamt
And though it lies in its cold, wintry grave
For a vivifying spring, the duel begins

And as it lies trampled, a votive
Cherishing the last marks of the wind it shall entail
A man, none brighter than the mist around
Dawdles forward, facing the vestibule of his mundane fate

With a perpetual stoop, the timeless wonder
A paradigm of an immaculate creation perfected by age
And this derelict entity, with dipping eyebrows
Limps along into the ubiquitous haze

And this crude parody of child
Moulded and crafted by the sands of time
Marks the finale of His greatest creation
As the crying infant rings the opening chime

The few strands of hair, they humble the infanceness
The folds of skin hang loose
And the staff handles his feathery weight
Boundless patience, with prudent steps he moves

Sans tooth and blind, deprived of sounds he is
He craves for the innocent chuckle of a newborn
And its ethereal touch that shall span generations
Shall light the moribund, for the new morn

The weight of his past closes his eyes, tears glisten
He remembers the touch of his mother's *****
And the lullabies she sang, sleepless nights
Pages of his memoirs lay blotten

And the feel of the grass, on the verdant landscape
The sun gliding upon the waters, sweet summer afternoon
And the open seas mocking it with a ripple
And the shrubs wave beside some kingdom's ruins

The birds romancing their way through the canopies
The butterflies find their way through flowery drowsiness
And the eyes of his love that he used to behold
And her hand on top of his that used to rest

His decrepit limbs, he trudges along
The stars shimmer above, light up the way
Fulfilling the tryst, with open arms, he embraces Death
The sweet memory of her love fades

And far away, into the distance
A dawn blossoms, rises up the shores
And a young one laughs, greets the despondent night
Shaking his clenched fists, catches the dreams that soar
 Aug 2014 Rada
Love Burnt:
 Aug 2014 Rada
I lay in unfolded silence
upon sheets that blushed
roses on our flesh
my quickening breath
stuttering as you speak
in finger-tip questions
down the curve and valleys
of my unchartered territories;
now yours...

I am without thought as
the shiver of you teases me
to the point of unleashing wildness
that strains at each whimper,
each moan you gather and toss
wildly upon the liquid fire
that I am...

The sigh of you breaks down walls
as I am thrown to stars in stroking
wetness, the pleasure exquisitely
tracing the lace of sweat
upon lips pungent with desire
sliding to dip in a dance of

I thirst for you finding a hunger
that borders on insatiable
as the beast within rises
voracious and demanding -
grasping to draw you in,
revel in my abandon and growl
in the proof that you are mine...

Staking my claim, I ride my nails
down your back to clench your
appetites driving me back and forth
within each stain of musk
as lusts rage to consume begins
to defy the shattering love that
you breathe into me
And when all thought and breath
have left me, when I am flung
so effortless to the fury of your primal...

I shatter....

In soft starlight and sapphire,
crimson silk fluttering in the depths of
each chasm and fold
I am suffocated on the bliss of euphoric
and I die each little death
willingly in your arms

I become as I am, gasping for tender breath
wrapped in the steel and flesh of you
crying for the need, the fruition of Us
as you murmur tender on love-burnt flesh
I am awakened as if newly made
as you smile into me, gently kissing where
you once ravaged and know

It only gets better.....
 Aug 2014 Rada
Alex Apples
As for me, I favor fire
in its various incarnations
its many supple siren bodies
its many sultry, scorching fingers
sensually curling
dancing for me like a woman
stirring perspiration
warming my belly

I inhale its ashy breath
as it explodes in an ******
of light and dark
yellow and black
blood orange and ink
scalding, searing
shaping, sizzling
starving, swirling

hissing like a serpent
cackling as it devours
hungering and growling
reaching, desirous
for anything in its path
ravenously sinking teeth
into paper edges
licking bark of trees
******* the air and sap
like marrow
and leaving behind only dust

insatiable demon
that feeds on flesh
irresistible angel
that warms the soul
how would that I
could match the inferno
of your white-hot gaze!
evolve your overwhelming
unquenchable thirst for life
the ability to destroy
and to forge.

So as for me, I say at last,
I favor fire.
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