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Jul 2012 · 610
Mixed Feelings (10W)
QuiverCoeur Jul 2012
Empathy yet,

You shouldn't be.

But why not?
Jul 2012 · 692
The Loud Times
QuiverCoeur Jul 2012
I sat lying on a sofa
At a party in
My penthouse apartment
Drunk n ******
At 2am
And all I could think
Was how small these people were
And how you should be here with me
And how vast your mind
Back when I could explore it
And how great your thoughts
(Back when I could contemplate)
These people are too small
Pretty perhaps
Cute like children
But I can't connect with then
Connect with them
Like children
They're just
Too small.

And you were great.
I really miss that.
I really miss you sometimes,
When the small people disappoint me
I always knew I had something rare
But I never knew
You were more than rare
You were,
In the loud times as much as the quiet,
May 2012 · 537
Contact (10W)
QuiverCoeur May 2012
Darkest edge of brightest eyes
Here, in contrast,
Beauty lies.
QuiverCoeur Apr 2012
With my weight over you,
Arms around,
Fingers intertwined and
Speak these words in your ear:
"Please don't feel smothered by me"
Time stretches between our mouths and
Even if you were to spend
Every minute, every
Day in my bed
******* even just
Breathing, beside me
It would never be enough.
Some infinities are greater than other infinities
Yet none can be reached,
So please, don't feel smothered by
Me, even though you
Are the food I crave while still eating
You are the song stuck all day in my head
That remains there repeating even after
Having listened loudly and often.
You are the the book that sits
Glued to my hands and my eyes
******* me into its world while
Belittling mine,
You are the dance I cannot replicate with
A lifetime in the mirror
You are the one in seven billion
There is no other
But please don't feel smothered.
If I can never get enough
Then there is nothing you can give.
Therefore you are,
And always,
So please don't feel smothered
by me.
Mar 2012 · 2.6k
Liquid Nitrogen
QuiverCoeur Mar 2012
So this is as it was, the old wound still itches
Glimpses of your face and my heart still twitches
If time heals all wounds then what am I to do
When my life has been frozen

Since last I saw

You soften your eyes as they flickered to mine
Skirted the contact then burned deep inside
Gritting my teeth in the pleasurable pain
A razor machete in welcome invasion
Expertly wielded through my jungle of thoughts
Clearing a path and discovering

My soul lost in

Your damp forest of evergreen trees
Rooting my soil and growing up through me
Bringing fresh life to my stagnant dirt
Oxygenating the air of my earth
Reversing pollution, reviving, refreshing,
Regressing the growth of the thorns in my flesh and

Cutting the cancer that
I might live,
Leaving your legacy scars.

So this is as it was, the wound still itches
Glimpses of your hand and my heart still twitches
If time heals all then what can I do
Since my death was frozen
When last I felt you.
Mar 2012 · 625
Blind Drunk
QuiverCoeur Mar 2012
A flash is all she gave to me
Her light's imprint on all I see
The flicker of her camera's eye
A moment light, a passion fire
Left in burnt and blind desire

I almost heard her say goodbye

If I get blind drunk will you carry me home
And not believe a word I say
Make me hurl to force me better
Then chase my memories away...

The buzz is all that's left to me
In my ears from your company
Enthralled by silken siren song
All the dancing, all the bass
Shouted greetings in my face

I almost thought I might belong

If I get blind drunk will you carry me home
And not believe a word I say
Make me hurl to force me better
Then chase my memories away...
Song Lyrics
Mar 2012 · 511
Old Muse
QuiverCoeur Mar 2012
The mud was soft. Feeling cold,
Too cold to be soft, it slid the same
And the fall,
Longer than I saw again
(when I later returned)
Fast and fun, long enough to enjoy, relax
Enough to survive
The landing.
The cave, dark but glowing
In the careful light of my deprived eyes
Rivers rising and falling in the forced night
Stalactites clinging maybe
Falling into the grey.
If you had known,
If any if you had known,
Noticed, felt my absence in the crowd
Heeded my falling away,
You could have joined me
For my time in the cave.
So long, longer than I saw
(when later I returned)
That I had spent there,
So peaceful.
There was a gentle dripping, I remember
And sunbeams, if I did not dream them
And voices, I thought I had imagined
Leading me to salvation.
They died, in the end: alone,
I found my own way out,
An escape forever I regret.
Mar 2012 · 445
QuiverCoeur Mar 2012
Silent thunderous flash and blink
awake into another vision
melting lucid in realization
of a world of simple repeating gestures
all the former things unending held
soft, unfocussed what could be
forever in this gentle bed
until alarmed my heavy head
strikes the work day morning square
to live a truth I am aware
fails to compare to the dream.
Feb 2012 · 660
QuiverCoeur Feb 2012
A lone thought in the wind
Spark blinking in mind
a Tesla snap across the great synaptic perhaps,
A momentary lapse in the carefully constructed meditative


The birdsong stops as the engine revs
And the spinning starts
Mental handbrake turns in the snow of scattered crystallized drops of frozen liquid memory,
My face is distorted in the turning.
Feb 2012 · 481
QuiverCoeur Feb 2012
Forest lands
And untold plans
Hand over hand in the darkness.
Following scents and sounds
On this fickle ground
As soft as your vaporous presence.

I have to wonder
Where this path might lead,
The silence leaves me too much time to think.
The darkness brings me to my knees,
Time and again
Hand over hand
I get back up,
Get back to trusting.
I hope you know what you're doing,
This time.
Time and again,
Hand over hand,
I hope

You know what you're doing.

(I can only hope)
Aug 2011 · 1.4k
QuiverCoeur Aug 2011
The cutting edge never felt so safe
As it did in your hands as you built me up
To the highest of rooftops then sliced me to shreds
And dangled my bedraggled mind from the ledge

The howling wind never felt so calm
As it did in my ears when you waved goodbye
With the hand that had held me so high and so hard
Turned soft as your pity filled smile from afar

The solid ground never felt so sure
Running into my arms like a long lost lover
Spearing my thoughts with its soul searching gaze
Shattering bones in its forceful embrace

The lonely road never felt so crowded
As it did with my head and my heart shared around
Chill winter rain washing the ground where I lay
Blowing clean through my soul as they took me away

My (final) resting place never felt so disturbed
As I, in my eternal bed in the air
Find myself bound and ******* to the post
As smiling you endlessly toy with my ghost,
As endlessly smiling you toy with my ghost.
This one works best in performance, or even just read aloud.
Aug 2011 · 537
For Him (and for her)
QuiverCoeur Aug 2011
It's 1:23 in the morning
I'm sitting in the darkness of my room
My computer playing Radiohead's
"How to Disappear Completely"
On my left, while
The rain falls heavy on the
Ground outside the open window
On my right as
The poster in front of me

Jesus Christ

I think its about time I chose the brighter path
for once.

— The End —