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Run away
Far away
Become somebody

Leave yourself
Your life behind
You have so much more
To do

You are not bound
By this evil past
that haunts and follows

So run away my dear
Escape into a life
You never dreamed of
Never knew
do you still...
too early to say
or ask
but I feel it, all the time
all the time

with every second
maybe even smaller
I don't know
I just think
a lot
about me
who I am, who I wanted to be
youth? yeah I got what I wanted
(be careful with wishes)
but like a trip to Vegas
the lights are dazzling, but I saw them for
a day
and then they were just lights
flickering silently
they don't appeal anymore
did they ever?

do you still...
of course not
I left
you saw that and
all the rest of it
it can't compare to
the ancient comfort that never
never never
let me down
I know I
dropped it
that pumping thumping heart of yours
yeah I heard it shatter
but oh you better believe
I found every last piece
I might not let go
I might not have a choice

I feel different
like a tree's mighty roots
continuously searching
for a deeper level
normal almost, but it's strange
the dirt- moves?
can't quite seem to
touch the sky
I'm changing, oh yes
but there is something missing
where is the
solid ground

do you still...

care about
think about
wonder about
yearn for
dream of
wish for
My love is like
a play enacted on a curtain.
I can do anything with shadows:
sharp edges and dark heart.
Touch it– try to touch it
and the warm silk ripples away
and leaves nothing but the space
where the light travels.
the world was just that
I knew too much
my own good

Space between a thought
the electrical signals that
become us
Do you ever stop one mid-cycle,
and say
"I will not."

It's a thing you would do.

I can't even imagine
to be a part of
your mind
these days

the world
 Nov 2011 Pink Taylor
John Butler
He announced with a sneer
'Now listen here,
all you sinners that can hear
Explain to me how
you'll plead when making
pornographic movies;
plastic *******, swear words... nasty things
when the lord calls upon you
offering the forgiveness he brings? '

'He'll send you to hell! '
'He'll punish you well! '
'You don't stand a chance, what you're doing! '

The crowd raved and screamed
Faith high esteemed
until a young man in the back
The Morning After

I remembered your hands this morning,
The way you let your fingers run down my neck,
Self-conscious of their effect on me.
They would make their way down my spine,
My back curling to them, awakened.
Meld my flesh to your fingerprints.

I remembered the taste of your fingertips,
The dip of your palm, the folding effect
Of your skin - How it would pulsate against mine.
I know them and the roughness off your calloused,
Hard working hands. I loved the grazing of you,
The warmth of your skin.

You let your hands bloom in mine,
Opened up your fingers, spread your palm
To let me take hold of you, to memorize
The swirls and lines of you. I loved the sensation of you,
The aftershock of your devotion.

The sun creaked through the cracks
Of my blinds this morning and I remembered
You and your touch, your hands and
The creases I would lose myself in,
That I traced endlessly.
Adam Feeling
Variation on Adam Thinking

I feel a stitch at my side
A missing piece, a hollow part of me,
And there is a rumbling,
A movement,
A hushed gasping of your name
Slowly rising
Perching itself on my tongue.

I bring my hand close,
To hold the absence.

I speak of you inside me,
Too new to call,
So I come back to myself
Touch my side,
To search,
And find you kneeling there
Settled knowingly in the hollow.
The silence is louder than any words that they can yell.

He looks at her, she glances away.

She looks at him, he turns his head.

What are they afraid of?

If she opens her mouth, will he ask her to leave?

If he opens his mouth, will she say she has to go?

What brought them together?

Is it the missing passion that she longs for?

Is it the missing person that he needs?

What happens now?

They put a smile on their face and pretend it was nothing.

That is what happens with the silence between two lovers.
I have your heartbeat
she said cupping
her cool hand over
his clothed chest
shifting on his lap
just to feel the way
his arms tightened
around her waist.
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