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I ache as my ligaments ponder their course through the air
& the frozen little notions of when I used to care.
Any amount of volume given to the correct note & sound
would remind me of you
just the way you were found - When my eyes had set forth from being young
dumb & in love
we'd set the summer in sun
& across the street was November - How things do change
How things do change..
 Nov 2011 Pink Taylor
Right Now
 Nov 2011 Pink Taylor
To exist in the present. Its my one goal in this crazy life

its let me become who i am, and put down the knife

right now I can plan for the future, learn from the past

life’s greatest blessing is that it doesn’t move too fast

find the difference between what I control, and what to just let be

accept whats happening right now. thats what it means to be free

heavens gates may be locked, but my soul holds the key

only patience lets us branch out, i learned that from a tree

it doesn’t matter what i think, or what i think i know

doesn’t matter where i’ve been, or where i’m gonna go

doesn’t matter if its delight or pure fear

all that really matters is that its here

and its the only thing that i see completely clear
ARGH **** ****
today hasn't been the best to me
woe betide they who cross my path
for today hasn't been the best to me
and there are things I'd like to destroy
but none of it belongs to me
(just gonna have to deal)
and today hasn't been the best to me
so maybe it's time to just





and take a breath and keep writing
god it's cathartic sometimes
but it still makes me think
that today hasn't been the best to me
and I'm still in a pissy mood
(though it's not as bad as it was)
so the fact hasn't really changed
that today hasn't been the best to me
at all
Just needed to throw some words at the canvas, folks. I'm sure you can relate.
The Church is beautiful, a perfect white.
The Altar is magnificently lit.
Dozens of candles burn the sweetest scents.
The pews are filled with many bright-eyed guests,
The closest of Family in the front.
Ah! Finally the Orchestra begins.
The doors swing wide as “The Bridal March” plays.
The Beaming Bride is on her Father’s arm.
They start their stroll to the holy Altar,
Followed closely by the two Flower Girls,
Their cute pink dresses flowing in the breeze.
Ah! And there is the dapper Groom waiting.
He looks into his soon-to-be-wife’s eyes,
And she grins, now she finally has him.
He peers to his Best Man, who gives a smile.
The Groom relaxes, comforted by him.
The Music stops and the Groom lifts the veil.
The Priest begins the ceremony now.
As the Holy Man drones on, The Groom thinks.
He then steps down and speaks loud to the crowd.
Speaks of lies, tricks, of false and secret loves.
He steps to his Best Man and kisses him.
They embrace passionately through the gasps.
They join hands and run out of the Church doors.
They run off to their grand happy ending.
This is an attempt at blank verse. Enjoy!
 Oct 2011 Pink Taylor
Jack Piatt
I don’t deal with probably
Only certainty
I roll deep with clarity
Vision inspires me
A full scope
I carry knot-free rope
Soft undertones
Whispered into wanting ears
Come here
Let’s get near and dear
Eject fear
From this plane
Flying through a mountain-less range
But sane is in
So we pretend
To recommend
This life
Curiously prescribed
Time after time
Subconscious suicide
Don’t **** on my passion
I’m vice versatile
Naked is the only fashion
True to itself
Time and again
Easy to fit in skin
One size fits all
Short or tall
Spring or fall
Tis the season
To be happy
Don’t need a reason
If I did then slap me
Look around
One million reasons why
Staring us right in the eye
Every morning
And night
Calmly declaring
Everything is right
Everything is right
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