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Dec 2014 · 1.5k
Truth or Dare?
Purvi Gadia Dec 2014
I could see the daring truth in her crystal clear eyes.
They emitted a radiant kind of enigmatic enlightening light.

Before the beginning of the lie
emerged the truth , with the sudden rapidness of dams opened to flow.
Danced in her eyes,
a daring truthful show.

Looking into her eyes is a challenging dare-
to reveal all your truths.
So what will you choose,
Truth or dare?
Nov 2014 · 2.6k
The cyclone
Purvi Gadia Nov 2014
There is a FURIOUS storm knocking at my door.
The wind is HOWLING LOUDER than the wolves.
Trees trying VERY hard to fight against the strong winds and at least, kneel on their knees.
Everything unsecured is swirling around....

There is a sense of fear everywhere.
I can hear glasses SHATTER....
Things falling and slamming to the ground.

I suddenly start shivering or is it shaking.
Is it the ground below me that's moving
or me, who is trembling with fear????

It's the next day.
Everything has calmed down or so it looks.
Indeed... The city IS silent.
It has plunged into darkness.... I can no longer hear the taps go sushhh or the trees swish.
Vizag has become an eerie land, as if it has been cursed,
with all its leaves attracted by gravity and roots gazing at the sky.
The once lush green roads, can no longer be recognized.
All the modern facades made of glass, have been destroyed.
Even my friend, the phone, has left me.
Instead of walking on a cemented road, I walk on a carpet of glass, leaves and branches.

All this aside, what worries me is the 1000's of trees we have lost.
Will I ever again feel the refreshing breeze the trees exhale, when I open my window?
Will the FUTURE, have oxygen in the air or will it be in bottles to breathe????
*This poem is about the cyclone in my city and the cyclone was just how I described in this poem.
The answer to the question in the third para is: it was the bed that was shaking because of the strong winds*
Oct 2014 · 753
Purvi Gadia Oct 2014
I just want to break free,
from this world...A living Hell.
To a place unknown,
God....Bless me well.

I'll find some Garden of Eden.
Some place where peace rests.
A land I will call home,
a place free of distress.
Oct 2014 · 3.9k
Cyclone in my city(true)
Purvi Gadia Oct 2014
Just survived a cyclone on 12-october-2014.No loss to lives but massive, colossal damage to trees.Almost all the trees have either been uprooted or lost its branches by the cyclone travelling at 180-240 km per hour speed.

I have a few details about the cyclone in my blog and few pictures of the present city, Visakhapatnam.
I request everyone to at least have a look at the pictures.
Here's a link to the blog.
Oct 2014 · 7.9k
Pizza cinquain
Purvi Gadia Oct 2014
spicy, cheesy
slipping off our fingers
topped with happiness, joy and love
Delight !

©2014 Purvi Gadia
My very first and exciting attempt in writing a cinquain..... For a challenge
Oct 2014 · 6.0k
Ice cream cinquain
Purvi Gadia Oct 2014
Ice cream
flavored with sweet pleasure
refreshing the soul within us
My second try to write a cinquain....... For a challenge in a club
Oct 2014 · 959
Hellish curse
Purvi Gadia Oct 2014
I could feel the earth moving,
my life playing the music, reverse.
On me, the hot sun was showering it's fury,
cast on me was some dreadful curse.

The light had darkened and the dark did light.
The ***** evil attacked me with all it's might.
The harsh wind slapped me every time it passed.
The black cat had definitely, my path crossed.

Every corner had an abyss waiting for my fall,
if missed, I was to be burned with a fire ball.
Tartarus had opened it's gates for me,
My much feared beast had been unleashed.

Tick tock, tick tock, the clock did chime,
darkness within me started to grow and shine.
Consumed in it everything that was pure,
the curse had begun, now it's pain I endure.

The angel within me was flying away
to Tartarus, to be cruelly slayed.
Now I had entered the land of Tartarus
to live the blessing of the curse.

As it's queen, I walked on a carpet of skulls
drank the holy drink from the fountain of blood.
Wore a dress of the sinned man's flesh,
and was crowned with teeth and bones coalesced.

Surrounded by voices and shrieks of the ghouls,
only darkness inside me remained, contaminating my soul.
On the earthy land,I slaughtered the king of hell,
and the curse of becoming the queen, on my head fell.

I now walk with darkness on my shoulders
sins turning my heart colder and colder.
Will I ever live again or die everyday henceforth?
Eternally withering away with a heart filled with remorse.

©2014 Purvi Gadia
Please feel free to drop suggestions......really need them presently
Oct 2014 · 494
a struggle
Purvi Gadia Oct 2014
Success is sweet because it is a struggle
Sep 2014 · 539
mean... harsh world
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
What kind of a world is this...
Where money matters not a persons life
Where people will spend all their money for a stupid party but not to save someone's life......
Something this world should realize
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 781
I fall back to you
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
No matter what I do
I just fall back to you

No matter how hard I try
my eyes just wont stop to cry
my emotions, they are spilling on pages
I wish you could read these messages

I knew one day it would end
but still, I made you my friend
with you I was strong and now I'm weak
I can hear my broken heart weep

What happened to that friendship we shared
How did it get impaired
To me, you were my everything
I thought we had that zing

But you left me here alone
in this eerie place unknown
still I survive on those burns
on hearing your name my heart does churn

Although I try to forget you
my heart, with me, just argues
no matter what I do
my heart just falls back to you
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 319
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
do not think about the past
until it presents itself
in your present
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 15.0k
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
Hey you,
Anime is not just a means of entertainment but it is a religion we follow
you dare not insult it
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 945
the fashionable fashion
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
Being in fashion is the new fashion.....
The fashionable fashion....
From my composition on fashion which i wrote for my language exam.... :-P
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 497
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
Time moves in one direction
Memory in another
Sep 2014 · 400
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
People throw stones at every thing that shines and is attractive...
so make yourself the diamond instead of the glass which will break
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 614
finger nails
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
Be very careful while coloring your nails.....
They are what truly define you...
They are the speakers booming your personality..... Loud and clear
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 431
silence screams
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
Do not accuse her of being silent
She is screaming at the top of her voice
Only if you were not deaf
And opened your ears to hear her
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 2.1k
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
Shoes are what add to your personality and attitude..... Wear the right shoes and shine..
Like Marilyn Monroe says...... Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 369
live in peace
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
If I had to teach the world something..... I would teach them how to live in peace
... Away from wars based on social differences and religion
.... And without the horns of ego
this world has become a contaminated and polluted place
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 347
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
Do not scare someone so much... That they lose the fear of being scared
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 326
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
Nothing in this world can break me
Nothing that is made up of earth
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 353
a million pieced heart
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
You took my heart away
Well keep that piece
I have lot more pieces to share
#trying to fit poetry in two three lines
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
Egami rorrim a si efiL
hturt eht fo noitcelfer A
thgir gniweiv ruoy elgnA
hturt siht nrael lliw uoy dnA
       **read this from right to left like japanese
read it from right to left like Japanese......
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 369
fall n caught
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
I want to fall and to be caught....
Not in love for it is a mishap for fools
I just want to fall and be caught......
I really love the leap of faith....
#And Taylor Swift not everything that falls gets broken.. Sometimes you fall and you are caught
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
Exams; they ring a bell in your head
Wakes you up from your dream
Lazy time to sleep now ends
My exams about to start
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 319
a poet
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
A poet
Creates history
With words stole
......Releases his heart
And touches our soul
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 636
time takes and gives
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
By the passing of the clock...
Time taketh away your youth
In return gives experience....
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 450
need a title.....
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
I'm not a ****** path
I'm a differently functioning sociopath......
Sep 2014 · 508
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
She has found a friend
Maybe someone who cares
Don't you let her drown in loneliness
Don't you DARE.....
I hope you don't mind hope...... I just happened to write these lines in a second.... Never wrote anything so fast :-P
Sep 2014 · 411
fall but don't break
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
This is bad
Im falling
Head over heals
In love
With whom????
That's the question you ask......
With myself
And the bad thing is....
Everything that falls breaks....
Just the way wicked hope describes herself.....
Even I'm 20°N of becoming insane.
Sep 2014 · 507
the disease
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
My heart it is infected by a disease called you............ and it is breeding and surviving  in that soft, delicate place in me
I wrote these lines while reading much ado about nothing........ Beatrice in it calls Benedick a disease.... So sort of taken from there :P
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Sep 2014 · 647
The crying hearts
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
God.....if you hadn't sent me in this world
Then my heart wouldn't have started crying seeing this....
All the suffering people bear in their hearts
And the unbearable pain of lost ones they miss

All these hearts they look silent and at peace
But they are screaming at the top of their voice
They have been secretly tortured and burned at the stake
Their screams loud: can't you hear the noise

My heart it weeps and it cries
It burns in agony and drowns in a sea of blood
Only if all this suffering could be lessened
Then hopefully peace and happiness would flood
The starting two lines are kind of not mine..... My father came up with those lines in the language, Hindi......
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Aug 2014 · 748
A cloudy Fear
Purvi Gadia Aug 2014
I sit here
amidst these clouds
They look silent and peaceful
But still some Eerie feeling it shouts

A kingdom in itself they are
Boundless they seem
Huge castles untouchable
Maybe contain a life unseen

I descend; slowly
No it is real fast; my eyes can't capture
I'm scared; a sense of horror
Fear; my bones feel fractured

We clash these castles made of nothing
Everything peaceful still frightening
Thud, thud, I've touched the ground
My vision is straightening

It was just a journey
And I have reached my destination
All my thoughts have ended
All those imagined creations

When will I vanquish this stupid fright
Those sudden frightful chills
Fear of the inevitable
The unwanted thrill
*this poem indicates my fear of traveling in planes after I've been on them for something like 50 times*
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Aug 2014 · 365
The 3 things to do in life
Purvi Gadia Aug 2014
as life is a gift
which brings along with it sorrow and unhappiness
and the joy of sharing them both
with the special,loved ones
who have walked along with you
in your life

as life gives you only one chance
to feel this feeling indescribable,
an emotion which cannot be expressed in words
Feel it, experience it and
embrace it

as death is inevitable
and is a pleasure in itself . . .
to know that you have done
all that you desired
and achieved all that you wanted
And then take your last breath with the knowledge
that life. . . .like everything else
has come to an end
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Aug 2014 · 438
Purvi Gadia Aug 2014
I am chained to my couch of fear
nothing but solitude bides here
I try to break these invisible bonds
but them tighten - year by year

My will and faith, yet lie by close
strength in me now I see arose
these walls not strong nor high nor wide
to break and walk the path none knows

These chains slowly shatter into heaps of dust
which bind-ed me with grief unjust
I take a step and a leap
fearless my steps within my heart trust

I am free at last like the air
no bonds along with me I bear
with open arms as wide they go
all I got is happiness to share.
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Aug 2014 · 380
A numbered story
Purvi Gadia Aug 2014
The story of us
is a numbered fuss. . .

we had fun

the sky was then blue

I set you free

I didnt want you anymore

blue,still,is the sky

your mind is playing tricks

I am in heaven

you still wait

I can only be mine

this is the end
you have been abandoned
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Purvi Gadia Aug 2014
Is this the world I live in
where everyone lives a life
built on an edifice of lies

Is this the world I live in
where everyone can see only hatred
in each others eyes

Is this the world I live in
where everyone wears a mask
A mask of pretense

Is this the world I live in
where everyone's deeds
are a punishable offense

Is this really the world I live in
where the innocent is crushed
till it can no longer stand
where the right and the truthful
have no power in their hand
where the weak is tortured
till he dies
where justice to everyone
is denied

What kind of a world is this
in which I live
where all I can hear are fatal cries

Hell does exist
cant you see
Beneath these boundless skies it lies
Beneath these boundless skies
it lies . . .
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Aug 2014 · 478
Oh my, oh my
Purvi Gadia Aug 2014
This life of mine you see from far
Looks so bright and sufficed
if you did come a little closer
only emptiness in it you would find

Do not judge me by all that you see
I am a lot more than what captures your eye
My heart in it has stories suppressed
I wish I could share. . . .oh my, oh my
©2014 Purvi Gadia

— The End —