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Jesse Salgado
Tennessee    I'm going to use poems as a way to write down my thoughts, creatively.
Anthropology Student and Rugger.
erin haggerty
maine    Poetry is nothing more than an intensification or illumination of common objects and every day events until they shine with their singular nature, until we …
Love is my religion.
Ryan Nash
27/M/Philadelphia, PA   
John Ryles
United Kingdom    (1947 - Present) John form Seaham England.
This seems like a lovely place to be. I think I'll stay here a while.
Gintare Macionis
You've got my runaway smile. You have to catch me when I fall. I'm just a girl, living a life that I sometimes hate and …
david badgerow
34/M/Florida    yes, i have tricks in my pocket, i have things up my sleeve. but i am the opposite of a stage magician. he gives you …
But it's not about me. It's not even about you.
Audrey Howitt
Anthony Moore
34/M    Poetry isn't written it is created. Writing it is only one form of it's expression.
Sansara Justinovich
In my own words, I am silent.
Bruised Orange
United States    "This poetry. I never know what I'm going to say. I don't plan it. When I'm outside the saying of it, I get very quiet …
United States    One day, my right hand met a pen. They married, had many children and numerous quarrels since. Years later, they are still irrevocably in love. …
Marcus Lane
Thanet, Kent, ENGLAND    My roots are in the West of England. I write infrequently, when the mood takes me. You'll find here a collection of the romantic, the …
emily webb
i am sick of rhyming iambic meter. also, no one wants to hear about how much your life sucks in abab end rhyme verse. also …
Robert Zanfad
Born 1962 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mariah Padgett
I don't feel that I have a knack for poetry; it is fairly rare for me to actually attempt it, since it often only brings …
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