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I was Black yesterday. Blackity, Black, Black, Black…
On my way to work, with my ***** hair stenciled to my Crown.
I was Breathing like Air was a Birthright
And my shoes slapped the concrete
Like a *****.

Because the Rainbow isn’t Suicide Anymore
I tread where my eagles congregate in perpetual sky-
Above the Ghetto of my familiar rivals...
Soaring in the Raiment
Of a Particular Sun that never casts a Shadow
Where my Brown Eyes kneel.
I see the Light… and unleashed, I strut like a phantom-
Your equal in all things…

However suspect,
When bombs go off
at point blank

Invisible to Cabbies.
teething on the knick in your lip, mind blinded.
seeping through dragonfly wings like syrup sunlight.
you emerge without an egg-tooth. draped in moist.
you loosen the nail in your coffin
with drowsy crowbars
and scones.
 Jun 2013 Alexsandra Danae
save me from myself
human wreckage sinking
with ankles made of anchors
self conscious self abuse
the scars on my heart
i wear them on my sleeve
unlovable i've gone to deep
and no one wants a piece of me
drive me to distraction
while i tear apart my soul
searching for answers
to this god complex
i play with life and love
as a third person observer
and spend another night alone
writing "her" name with blood on my arm
i'm ok i promise
don't spare a second glance
i'm not worth your time
tragedy refined i'm almost cliché
bury me in apathy while i miss
the lips of emotionalism soft
just save me from myself cause
i'm trying my damnedest
to send myself to hell
help me.
Been here a while now.
Stuck behind bars that are so familiar
So old, that rust falls at the swipe of a finger.
I want to leave
Escape this prison, where you are fed anxiety and made to sleep under a blanket of regrets.

There's a hole through the ear to the right.
Too small for escape.
Everyday I sit beside it and listen to everything that goes by.

I would like to invite you in for a drink.
Crawl in.
You're the perfect size.
Stay awhile.
Help me build a smile.
Then we could leave through it together.
I haven't been outside in a while.
Tale me through everything that has changed.

But you left without me.
You also took the smile, which fits your face so perfectly.
Now I sit and listen for you to come by,
because I would like it back,
and I would like to get out of here.

Don't lend it to anyone.
It belongs to me as well if you want to remember.
 Jun 2013 Alexsandra Danae
one cup of insecurity
two tablespoons of jealousy
three packets of paranoia
ten ounces of anxiety
a small pinch of pride and
just a hint of insanity
why love you, when i could love you more ? why pick your pocket ?
we are seamless urchins. needles that mend fences. we are kind to our horoscope.
we have the bends.

why should i not mean to say
how my love  is god ?
are you That -
My Goddess ?
why do i stammer to reward you all
whilst i fend off angels  ?!
you can hardly SEE me carry you
through the whatnot
of our Carousel.

you can barely scream a little

with your eyes.
She has all but tied me up
Set me in front of her firing squad
Says she did it out of love
Sometimes love just ain't enough

Asked if I have any last request
Lighting my last cigarette
Ain't much of nothing to be said
When there ain't much of nothing left

Refused the blindfold handed me
Needing one last look to see
The baby blues that betrayed me
On this last day of our history
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