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Jul 2010 · 1.7k
Tarnished Faith?
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
Waves roll onto the shore.  The sound, soft and steady but not perfectly so. Far enough to watch outside the halo of town. Yet, still within reality's grasp. Warm sand embeds itself in nooks and crannies. The balmy breeze blows tresses free. No longer constrained and swinging wildly in the evening air.  Enticingly yellow sunset with clouds like meringue and white smoke.

Painted golden sun
Sleepy on the horizon
Awed into silence

A short drive in God's hands and it seems a better place.  That buttercup and frothy sky heals unknowingly.  Lapping sea and glorious firmament are proof enough.  What is faith to a doubter?
copyright©PrttyBrd 28/07/2010
Jul 2010 · 1.4k
Disguised in Reality
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
I don't believe in cartoon dreamgirls
Overblown endowments and matching egos
I never sought perfection
Love always seemed a lie
A girl in a bar,
Seems so cheap and cliche
Yet, the truth is what it is
I turned to leave, the door in sight
A spilled drink and a smile.
Where I once ran to escape
Now I linger in the sweetest gaze
Apologies and kindness silent in the beat
I dreamed of blue eyes
Yet these are twinkling in caramel
I dreamed in shades of blonde
Wisps of raven hair reflect the dancing light
A drink and a breath of fresh air
Reveal humor dry enough to rival my own
She gives as good as she gets
And doesn't miss a beat
Behind those strong opinions
Is a hidden tenderness
There is perfection in that crooked smile
I don't believe in cartoon dreamgirls
Vapid and narcissistic
Barbie doll nightmares
But disguised in reality
I have found the girl of my dreams
For Challenge #2 in the group Up For A Challenge?

copyright©PrttyBrd 26/07/2010
Jul 2010 · 545
Holding Silent
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
the story of her life
is such that it has no real beginning
a child thrown into adulthood
still treated like a child
abandoned and reclaimed
altered and unnoticed
The words were never spoken
no one ever asked
decades pass and they forget
she carries the nightmares, alone
it is time that it unfolds for all
time for the ugly to be shared
and room to be made for better things
now that it is time, there is no telling
there is no tale
beginning where, as a child
at the tragedy, after the pain?
it must be told,
it is her story
but the words won't come
copyright©PrttyBrd 23/07/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
Jul 2010 · 1.3k
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
Gone to live her life
Adventures unknown excite
Remnants of childhood
Lost between was and will be
Emerging victorious
Tanka (5/7/5/7/7)

copyright©PrttyBrd 18/07/2010
Jul 2010 · 601
Reluctant Heart
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
Heart beats eternal
Flowing free and warm
Changing speed
With emotion
Fleeting in fun
Standing still
In a moment
Dripping in pain
Beating while broken
Swollen with tears
Hardening edges
Darken with affect
Constraining perception
Sludge forced through
copyright©PrttyBrd 16/07/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
Jul 2010 · 3.1k
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
Plans made and calendars marked
Two days away from expectation
Quickened heartbeats at the thought
Eyes close and dreams dance
Arrangements completed early
Nothing left but to wait
A nonchalant mention of something to do
A promise to another
Red circle reminders overlooked
Our day forgotten as is our night
Sincere apologies, no other thought
Eyes close and heart cries
copyright©PrttyBrd 15/07/2010
Jul 2010 · 1.4k
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
A sated sigh and warm breath in my ear
Enveloped in the heat of you
Your heart beats within me
As we lie enmeshed and still
Basking in love's quintessence
copyright©PrttyBrd 13/07/2010
Jul 2010 · 1.4k
The Ugly Truth (Prime)
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
Will suffer
Refusing to share.
The pain and disappointment
Have rusted the hinges on the exit door.
I will not fight, or scream, or break your heart in pieces.
This is my pain, my broken-hearted shattered dreams, my burden alone.
Refusing to drag you to the depths of my personal hell, is not noble.
It is not selfless or well meaning. There is a shameful part lying silently within me.
It know the truth that I have fought hard to swallow, that I continue to deny, the truth that proves I am no martyr.
There is, in fact, some comfort to be found in a pain so familiar that it has leached into the very fiber of my soul.
Written in the Prime style as created by A.Thomas Hawkins
copyright©PrttyBrd 012/07/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
Jul 2010 · 6.1k
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
70 miles per hour
The highway rushes by
Careless open window wind
Caught like a kite
Lifted to the sky
Open, it dances
Twirling and twisting
Swaying in slow motion
It's invisible smile, contagious
As it flies away free
So lovely as it makes it descent
Swirling in the breeze
Slowing as it realizes its fate
At journey's end it lays
Dusty and crumpled
Forgotten and used
Left by the side of the road
Unsightly, scorned
Torn and stabbed
As it journeys on
Lifted again just briefly
As it comes to rest
At the bottom of a bin
Written as in response to a challenge for Poetic Dreamers.  The inanimate falling item I chose to write about is a plastic grocery bag.

copyright©PrttyBrd 012/07/2010
Jul 2010 · 649
Anyone But You
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
Blame it on bad timing or the weather
Blame it on traffic or your kids
Blame it on whatever is handy
Blame it on someone else
Because God forbid you see fault in yourself
To be responsible for your own actions regardless of the outcome
There are worse things in life than an honest mistake or bad choices
But to be blind to the fact that they are choices you yourself made
Or to close your eyes and pretend that unforeseeable mistakes did not happen
And seeing the outcome effect others
Well, that's just a weight not worth bearing
So man up and take the fall since it was you who stumbled
Don't take anyone along for the ride
You will find that you won't be alone on your journey
But that decision is yours alone to make
Living in denial of self, with no trust and no heart will never lead to happiness
copyright©PrttyBrd 20/04/2009
Jul 2010 · 2.2k
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
Tears chasing water
Dream tomorrow's reality
Beauty lost, forgotten
Open burning touch
Watching remains blue
Heat waves in secret
copyright©PrttyBrd 09/07/2010
Jul 2010 · 1.6k
Inseparable Eternal
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
I celebrate the joys life brings
Cry through all the saddest things
Yet, throughout all these happenings
You are there
When the broken arrow stings
We still share

You still give me consolation
When I fall short of expectations
If I should lose negotiations
You hold me
In overindulgent celebrations
You scold me

When you call me to your side
I heed the call, I must abide
Our yearning seems to coincide
We're in sync
When my heart is cold inside
It's you I drink

Through the hot and through the cold
There through all the days of old
Tomorrow's journey is not yet told
I know you're there
There is no other hand to hold
My soul I bare
an ode to Chocolate, it never lets you down.

copyright©PrttyBrd 09/07/2010
Jul 2010 · 4.7k
July Continued
PrttyBrd Jul 2010

Overcast, sunless
Visibly silent screaming
Parched, now overjoyed


Wheat and weather watched
Drought gives way to summer storms
Lightning strikes with fire


Darkness falls so late
Chicken coop falls silent now
***** crow before dawn


Chasing butterflies
Buzzing bees on flowers still
Spiderwebs glisten


Birds bathe in sunshine
Chasing, dancing, singing free
Harmonious life


Breezes blow warm air
Waves of grasses hypnotize
Clouds float passed the sun


The water ripples
Slow concentric rings wave on
A rock and a splash


Attack, run away
Attack, attack, run away
Courtship rituals


Fowl scattered in fields
Hunting, pecking, roaming free
Chasing bugs and seeds


Corners filled with webs
Intricate art of nature
Respect without fear


Water beads on grass
Thirst quenched every morn
Silence before dawn


Seven eggs in nest
Encircled in royal blue
Three weeks to new life


Small spaces invite
The great escape attempted
Free birds in tall grass


Running through the fields
Frolicking in the sunlight
Sunset calls them home


Butterfly standing
Flapping wings in slow motion
Gently ate its fill


Short weeds in high grass
Flowers, bees, grasshoppers, ants
Seasonal creatures


Scorched earth, lightning strikes
Life lush green burning to ash
Renewal takes time


Five are missing, gone
The culprit is yet unknown
Life cycles throughout


Clawed dirt freshly turned
Evidence of a sly fox
Clever, impressive


Lightning strikes, sparks fly
Fire consumes through the darkness
A fresh start tomorrow


Winds of change blow in
Lightning storms of discontent
Perception adjusts


Stinging insects buzz
Flowers thrive in the meadow
View from a distance


The surface unmarred
Faint hint of things soon to come
Small crack, rotten egg


Distance still remains
Oceans and miles stretch onward
The phone is my friend


Leap and take a chance
Is easier said than done
knowledge kills hope


Change is forged in need
Optimistic tendencies
For better or worse


Clicking black keyboard
Ethereal glowing screen
Midnight love awaits


Separately we live
Together under one roof
Bound by a shared past


Swarms buzz all around
Armies crawl across the ground
Mammals hide in shade


Flying mosquitos
Settling in on warm flesh
Drinking in sweetness


Warm balmy breezes
Steam rising from burning streets
Lungs choke on wet air
copyright©PrttyBrd 07/2010
Jul 2010 · 889
Dry Summer (Haiku)
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
Overcast, sunless
Visibly silent screaming
Parched, now overjoyed
copyright©PrttyBrd 03/07/2010
Jul 2010 · 1.3k
You Were Wrong
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
Arriving early for five minutes alone with you

                                                  You thought I was punctual

Leaving last to be your ear and use your shoulder

                                                 You thought I just hated to go home

Open affection to start every occasion

                                                You thought I was your freedom

No judging and true words defined us

                                                You thought we were being honest

Hero and heroine saving each other

                                               You thought it was enough

Twisted words and broken spirit

                                              You never noticed the change

Side by side and lifelong promises

                                               You swore you would never lie

Above all else...the truth

                                             **You were wrong
copyright©PrttyBrd 02/07/2010
Jul 2010 · 1.1k
A Girl I Once Knew
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
Once upon a time I knew who I was and kind of what I wanted, or rather expected from life.  I was sure I knew who I was.  I had a plan, general ideas on a tentative time-line.  This comes before that, and so on.  I got swept away in the rapids of others.  Tossed around and wrung out.  

Swept away
White water, no raft
Lonely ride

Left in the gutter, I found my way home; vacant-eyed and sullen, Jaded and confused beyond the realm of humanity, but home.  What had I done to attract such things?  Why was it okay to be garbage to others?  Abused and unwanted, still far from myself.  Plastic bubble gum smiles, no one asks and I don’t tell.  Made it home, scathed and broken.  Thinking the me I knew couldn’t possibly have done that.  So, was I ever who I thought I was?

**Beautiful masks worn
Thin veneer of porcelain
Hides maceration

copyright©PrttyBrd 01/07/2010
Jul 2010 · 2.0k
In Limbo
PrttyBrd Jul 2010
I can see light through the wall,
as it is wearing thin with age.  
It makes it even bleaker to exist here.
copyright©PrttyBrd 30/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 1.8k
Love's Swift Foot
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Cherry scented lip balm
And bubble gum shampoo
Dreams of love start young
You think you'll know just what to do
Teddy bear tea parties
Long left behind
Give way to basement spin-the-bottle
Hearts afire from words so kind
Hormone crazy rebel yells
Lead the way to things unknown
It must be love that brought us here
Uncharted bodies, believe we're grown
Blindsided devastation
Turns the smooth to pitted glass
Innocence was traded
For a hard kick in the ***
First crush and puppy love so sweet
Will always leave their mark
But no one quite recovers
From their first real broken heart
copyright©PrttyBrd 26/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
Bits and Pieces (a Haibun)
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
A change of scenery and a new life.  An innocent beginning, as all beginnings seem to be.  Still, after all these years remnants of that incipience still remain.  

A new adventure
Packed, moved, unloaded, emptied
All but for a few

Boxes with pieces of me packed away and disregarded.  Never to bask in the sun or live in all their glory.  Too little too late.  Like a lost retainer straining to fit shifted teeth, they no longer belong to me these bits and pieces.  

Long since forgotten
Secrets held within their walls
Hiding shattered dreams

They had gone unnoticed for so long.  Yet, the secrets of how I came to be the me before you, remain in those dusty boxes, so neatly stacked and so easily overlooked.  They may no longer fit the puzzle, but they are still part of the picture adding splashes of color and bringing zeal and

**Artful shading
To my self-portrait painted
in hues of joy and pain
copyright©PrttyBrd 24/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 1.0k
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Journey down a path
Far removed from plans made
Dusting off the glitter
To search for
Sunshine in the shade
Shine a flashlight in the corners
Of a dusty cobweb mind
Yet eyes are closed too tightly
Too afraid of what she'll find
copyright©PrttyBrd 24/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 718
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
It remains through a century
A dozen lifetimes
Through the pain

It shadows all that shimmers
Blocks the sun
Brings the rain

It weighs like heavy armor
Protects the heart
From love's refrain

It ***** out all the joy
'Til there's no trace
But for a stain
copyright©PrttyBrd 22/06/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
Jun 2010 · 862
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
fear, loneliness, and anger lead to stress
stress leads to ulcers and anxiety
yelling and screaming absorbed like sponges
short tempers, curt responses, attitudes
nature fights nurture, there is no winner
highlighted things most hated of ourselves
inadvertent lessons learned by innocents
molded by fear, yet still guided by love
can't teach, "do as i say, not as i do"
they do what they see and learn what they live
blind to the effects of our own actions
responsibility belongs to all
more than a person, it takes a village
even more than a village it takes you
it takes you not ignoring what you see
it takes you to offer a helping hand
it takes every one of us to force change
in that change is found hope and strength and help
Community is not a neighborhood
it is not a town or its citizens
and it cannot be fostered in a word
it must grow in the hearts of the people
willingness to care and an open mind
baby steps toward each other today
and a sense of responsibility
tomorrow's flowers are planted today
copyright©PrttyBrd 21/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 2.4k
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Stale air in a vase
Filled with water and a bloom
Becomes beautiful
copyright©PrttyBrd 21/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 1.4k
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
I sit beneath the tree
As the breeze blows stale
Infusing sweat in every breath
Stealing the air and turning it wet
Almost too thick to breathe
No birds fly and nothing crawls
Ice melts at the thought of entering my glass
Yet, there you are
Doing things men do
Tending and fixing and mowing
Skin too sticky to touch
The outdoors melts to your flesh
Slow roasted and juices flowing
There you remain
Doing what needs doing
As I, too melted to move
Sit beneath the tree
copyright©PrttyBrd 18/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 3.1k
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
I watch as the sun dances on the water, under the bluest sky.  No twirling clouds in the breeze above.  No shadows block the sun.  Twinkling stars in the afternoon hang around to dance all night.  The sparkling onyx water takes the hand of the moon and is serenaded by the night sky in all its illustrious splendor.

Fluttering lights sway
Music unheard leads the dance
As heartbeats keep time

In the heat of the day through midnight shades of navy, the ocean laps the shore. Beckoning ever so gently.  With each passing joyous tango, the force rises until it demands your company.  Until you learn to dance in all your glory.  To be one in the night and be bare in the sun.  To reflect the good around you and let it shine down and make you free.  Still, I sit and watch the water dance.
copyright©PrttyBrd 16/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 901
Balancing Act
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Pendulum of life
The goal of balance remains
Centered at zero
copyright©PrttyBrd 16/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Betrayed by good intentions
Stabbed and bled out by emotion
Rotting flesh of a useless heart
Better to turn away and be hopeful
Than open your eyes and feel pieces of you die
Swiss cheese analogies for gaping wounds
Continuity lacking
You aren't who you were
Yet you are who you are
We learn as we grow
Sometimes we grow apart
copyright©PrttyBrd 14/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 4.9k
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
The blue rain of obscurity
Blurs the edges of reality
Turns a deluge of insecurity
Into fissures of abnormality
And disappointed purity
that decays the personality
copyright©PrttyBrd 14/06/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
Jun 2010 · 2.2k
Young Love
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
1st glance
1st stare
1st crush
1st dare
1st tingle
1st time
1st heartbreak
1st cry
copyright©PrttyBrd 14/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 977
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
A few well placed words
Lift wings that they created
Kudos work magic
copyright©PrttyBrd 14/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 947
As the Story Unfolds
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
A word true and caring
Provoked us to sharing
To be ever daring
In our replies                    
Our souls we are bearing
In truth or lies                    

As the story unfolds
Our words we will mold
A sight to behold
Each new morn                    
Let secrets be told,
Verses born                           

In reading new words
More voices are heard
Sincere or absurd
Doesn't matter                    
Be free as a bird
Cages shatter                    

No thought to inspire
Another's desire
To be free from the mire
That can bind                    
Be consumed by the fire
**And unwind
Jun 2010 · 8.2k
In Passing
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Oh, how the new day dawns
In lavender hues of beautiful.
Tired eyes renewed by the splendor.
As it stretches to peer over the horizon,
The sun grins Good Morning.
As I bid Good Night
copyright©PrttyBrd 12/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 668
Who I Was Before
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
And he said he was my friend
Beside me he would stand forever
Confused and alone, I was abandoned
Dared to trust and broke in pieces
Eternally marred with experience
Forever altered, just a bit
Giving my all to those I love
Has proven to be, less than perfect
Ideal would be that caring is equal
Jaded and hardened by
Knowledge and fear
Love is not limited to romance
Melancholy taints entirely
New friendships form more slowly
Omnipresent, the past hovers
Pandering specks of my soul
Quietly I wait
Resolving to remain true
Sensitive and sentimental
Trust, is unforgiving
Ubiquitous skepticism, underlies all
Voraciously I hunger freedom
Wanting to be who I was before the pain
Xeric hearts don't bleed
Yet, I wish on the nights first star, on a
Zillion stars I wish to face my fear and trust once more

copyright©PrttyBrd 12/06/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
Jun 2010 · 1.2k
Sleep Interrupted
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Seeking restless souls
It enters through the tiniest of spaces
Gliding through
On invisible currents of air
The warm uneven breaths call to it
In silence they whisper its name
There is no peaceful slumber
No dreams to be had this night
The mind, slowly drained of coherence
Now speeding through bits and pieces
Of bits and pieces
Memories meld together
A montage of the useless
Dreams, stories, memories, and wishes
Reality no longer resides here
In this land of in-between
copyright©PrttyBrd 12/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 3.9k
Morning Sun (A Sijo)
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Sun shines bright          morning has come
Warmth reaches out         grasping your soul

Tendency         to resist all
Eyes closed tightly         in denial

Heat on skin          awakens within
Today will be          glorious
copyright©PrttyBrd 11/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
So Long as You Try (Lai)
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
With you by my side
Let's go for a ride
There's nothing to hide
We're going outside
To play
Don't tell me you lied
Just say that you tried
I'll stay
A Lai.  9 lines 5/5/2/5/5/2/5/5/2  with the rhyme pattern aabaabaab, where the a's rhyme, and the b's rhyme.

copyright©PrttyBrd 11/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 606
Release (a Hay(na)ku)
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
In love
Happiness will follow
A Hay(na)ku.   6 words total.  Written 1,2,3 or in reverse 3,2,1.  No restriction on syllables.

copyright©PrttyBrd 11/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
It seems strange, this thought of admiration
of someone eyeing my soul
Night wind caresses my nakedness
Reluctantly I relinquish control
Muscles relax, and the heart burns slow
Fear dissipates in the mist
Open arms with empty hands
Offer a freedom I cannot resist
Not tethered, but still close to a broken past
To what made me who I have become
To see all the trials that line the path
Still in awe with the positive outcome
copyright©PrttyBrd 11/06/2010
Jun 2010 · 923
Dancing Trolls
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
The familiarity of helplessness
Thrice-fold upon return
Has churned up the sleeping trolls
Now dancing on the nerves of the lost
A happy dance it is they do
copyright©PrttyBrd 08/01/2009
Jun 2010 · 2.6k
Night Blindness
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Chasing rainbows in the dark
Searching blindly
Hopeless night sky
Starless and lonely
Blinding reflections
On invisible water
Navy blue and eggplant planet
Sunless and smokey
Flailing wildly
Trying to grasp the unseen
Knowing it's there
Just out of reach
copyright©PrttyBrd 08/01/2009
Jun 2010 · 1.6k
Shadows of My Own
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Empty places and missing friends
Time alone to contemplate being lonely
Reaching out to no one
Reaching out but no one is there
Reaching within the emptiness
Finding nothing but self
Self-loathing? at times
Self-obsessed? so it seems
Self-analytical? always
Self-conscious? about everything
Reaching out and still passed by
Take my hand and smile "hello"
Look in my direction and make me feel...real
copyright©PrttyBrd 17/02/2009
Jun 2010 · 1.5k
Feeling is Believing
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
In a dream so real with tear-soaked pillows

Is found the answer to a question never asked

Can reality enter through a dream

Or is it just a spoon to stir the ***

Settling of the restless is welcome

Yet the seeming truth is unreliable

Is one to hold on to insight from a dream

Or to try to figure why the dream became at all
copyright©PrttyBrd 20/04/2009
Jun 2010 · 1.9k
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Chasing the wind to learn its secrets
Whispering in your ear just out of touch
Following the mystery that it uses to tease
Inescapable longing lures enticingly
The world forgotten on a summer breeze
copyright©PrttyBrd 31/05/2009
Jun 2010 · 3.2k
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Rainbow colored jelly beans
Kaleidoscope dreams
Brightly colored sunsets
A patchwork quilt of wildflowers on grasshopper hill
Soft breezes cool what the sun has heated
As peaceful as it seems
Butterflies flutter by as the flowers sway
Sunshowers and songbirds
Inner peace in a perfect moment
copyright©PrttyBrd 31/05/2009
Jun 2010 · 2.4k
I'm Just Ignoring You
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Misunderstood and overwhelmed

Testy and dissatisfied

Apprehensive and alone

Shaken and yet stirred

Confusion isn't crazy

Crazy isn't stupid

Just because there is silence

Does not mean you are not heard
copyright©PrttyBrd 30/09/2009
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
Something's Gotta Give
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
A loaded cloud of debris whirls around
As I remain firmly planted in its eye
There is silence but no peace
The strain of stillness takes its toll
One step in any direction and it all crashes in
Safety is not comfortable
And comfort is not necessarily safe
Teetering on the precipice and ready to fall
No way to escape unscathed
No landing zone in sight
Ready to falter and take the hits
Hoping to make it to the other side
The side where peace resides
copyright©PrttyBrd 04/11/2009
Jun 2010 · 868
Why I Am Here
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
To ease the cries that pierce the soul
To hold on while you lose control
To be there when you almost fall
To be close enough to hear your call
To chase away what makes you cry
To give you wings and help you fly
copyright©PrttyBrd 09/11/2009
Jun 2010 · 1.2k
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
Discarded pretty, pretty paper
Shredded on the floor
Once held secrets longed to share
Holds nothing anymore
copyright©PrttyBrd 08/04/2010
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
And We Move On
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
A sparkle like a diamond
A twinkle like a star
I look into your eyes
Your sad soul and smiling face
Un-fallen tear and a quiver
Bewildered by your beauty,
Though I knew it was good-bye.
You're beautiful
But I won't miss you
copyright©PrttyBrd 21/04/2010
Jun 2010 · 730
Over the Hill
PrttyBrd Jun 2010
How old is too old

To let your dreams be your guide

To allow yourself the freedom to soar

How old is too old

To change your own direction

To put your eggs in a different basket

How old is too old

To hold on to possibilities

To run toward the good

How old is too old

To trust in yourself

And let go of fear

How old is too old?
copyright©PrttyBrd 23/05/2010
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