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Jul 2011 · 3.0k
PrttyBrd Jul 2011
Would you think me insane
If I were to tell you that you have set me free
That knowing you has taught me
About who I am meant to be?

Something I thought long since dead
Deep inside myself
Was awakened when you looked at me
Like there was no one else

A renewed sense of who I am
Invigorates the soul
I now believe in fairy tales
And love I do extol

It is not a passing breeze of caring
More like a hurricane-force wind
That knocks you over and lifts you up
Like you're flying from within

Two hearts connected silently
Across a million miles
Melancholy fades away
With just the memory of a smile

How can it be that circumstance
Deals such a cruel, cruel hand
To temper fated torture
Almost too much to withstand

For in a love so consuming
That it is laden in every breath
Forced to live so separately
Is a torment worse than death

For at least in death can be found Heaven
Or if we're guilty, can be found Hell
But even hell, if I am with you,
Can be called Heaven very well
copyright©PrttyBrd 14/07/2011
Jul 2011 · 11.8k
PrttyBrd Jul 2011
it is my unseen lover
it caresses my dreams
and weaves beauteous nightmares
my closest friend, it walks with me
our hands entwined in better days
and cradles me tight against its breast as I falter
though feared by so many,
it is comforting in its consistency,
in its dependability
always there, it never disappoints
close enough to feel its cold breath envelope me,
it feels like home as it moves like fog through the cracks in my soul
And my heart can almost feel whole in its bitter embrace
©PrttyBrd 14/08/11
Jun 2011 · 1.6k
Motionless (a Haibun)
PrttyBrd Jun 2011
Heart stuck in gray dawn. Subtle remembrances, consume. Longing for more. Lingering for, "used to be".  Vulnerability in pain gambled for strength in love.  Held in place by promises.

Spoken words deny
Actions scream in love and pain
Hearts splinter and crack

Time cannot heal what was not meant to be broken. Change is slow coming.  Dreams of warmth take hold, trying to leach into reality so abruptly ripped apart.  Something once so perfect, so beautiful in its purity, in its simplicity. Forever tainted by selfless gestures turned selfish motives.

Promises broken
Dreams relive yesterday's bliss
Stopping tomorrow

What's good for one, not enough to sustain.  Love enough to last, pushed under, forgotten. Lost to fear. Submerged in darkness.  Yet, there lies the sun.  Warm and alive.  More than a seed, a field of flowers ready to bloom.  Still, flowers of love do not bloom in tears of despair.

**You are the warm sun
Watered by my salty tears
Flowers turned to hay
Apr 2011 · 1.1k
Open Fist (a Choka)
PrttyBrd Apr 2011
All the years gone by
Numbness fills the heart like smog
Slowly creeping in
Filling the space between smiles
Choking out the joy
Smothering love with each beat
Hoping for a change
Fighting to save what once was
One side fights alone
The other watches the smog
Numb down to the core
Is one to fight for the past
Or is there nothing to save?
PrttyBrd Apr 2011
Instant gratification.  Instant disappointment.  Dreams of yesterday and a blind tomorrow. Talk of closing doors and opened windows does not quell fear.  The unknown is too familiar.  Teetering on the precipice of what was and what will be.  The path is unlit.  In darkness all is equal.  There is no direction.  There is no certainty but that any motion will let gravity take hold.  Falling, falling, falling.  Blindfolded by emotion, a lightless tunnel.  Hoping only to land on the side facing forward.  

Thrown into change
Dragged into tomorrow
Clawing the past

Status quo has been erased.  Eradicated by others.  There is no escaping pain, there is no eluding fear.  Time stood still for ages and the clock has begun to tick in time with the very heartbeat of life.  There is more, more to be desired, more that is deserved, more life to live, more joy to find.  How bad is the hunger?  How strong the need? Driven by hope or fear, or both but driven.  Driven to a new sense of self.  A renewed confidence found only through the art of release.

**Tides will ebb and flow
Sun rises in the morning
Change is imminent
copyright©PrttyBrd 05/04/2011
Mar 2011 · 693
Change (senryu)
PrttyBrd Mar 2011
Change blows through and guards come down
Naked to the wind
Mar 2011 · 927
Behind Closed Eyes
PrttyBrd Mar 2011
Eyes closed and frozen time
A place so warm and free
The pain of today erased
Future ceases to exist
There is only that moment
Behind closed eyes
Mar 2011 · 707
so close
PrttyBrd Mar 2011
As close 2u as close can be
w/o a thought of u and me
unspoken it was always "we"
now it's just what used to be
Feb 2011 · 524
To Be Seen
PrttyBrd Feb 2011
the world sees me how they want me to be
not how I truly am
I've shown you the same as all the rest
yet you see through the facade
you see a soul that I've kept hidden
a heart that's behind bars
the spirit forever broken
and to you, I am beautiful

I am what you need to make you smile
I believe in the best parts of you
like you believe in the best parts of me
to you I am not lost
the storms I have a weathered
have not broken me
even though I still seem cracked
in my reflection
Feb 2011 · 2.5k
No Solace
PrttyBrd Feb 2011
Gazing out the window at leafless trees
Seeing not, but feeling what the heart believes
Trying hard to clear the fog the mind still sees
Trapped within a broken heart as it bleeds
copyright©PrttyBrd 21/02/2011
Feb 2011 · 1.4k
If It Was Me
PrttyBrd Feb 2011
If it was me
I wouldn't stand in your way
I wouldn't hinder your happiness
I couldn't disrupt your life just because I love you
If it was me
I would let you be
I would walk away
and hope you reconnect with your family
If it was me
I'd cry myself to sleep
I'd wake to dreams of what could be
I'd stay busy enough to be numb
I'd pray that it would get easier without you
If it was me
I'd cherish every memory
I'd want nothing more than to be with you
And still I would go
If it was me
I would tell you how much I love you
I would make sure you knew you are wanted
I would show you you are loved
I would cherish our bonded friendship
And hold onto it with all I am
If it was me

But it's not me, it's you
And I wish you would love me as I love you
I wish you were less noble
Yet I would never change you
I would want you to tell me you love me anyway
I would want to know the truth
I would want to know everything
For how am I to find happiness, wherever it may be
If I am left to hope and wonder
If I guess on where you stand
If I'm in love, alone
How am I supposed to know what you won't tell me
So, I cry myself to sleep and dream only of you
I fight against reality and pretend I'm not in love with you
In my heart I'd swear you love me
Though I can't possibly let myself believe it
So I wonder why I'm not good enough
I wonder if you still think of me
I wonder why it is so easy for you to walk away from me
I wonder why you don't hold on to what you can with everything you are.
I wonder why it's so easy to push me away

Still, if it was me.......
copyright©PrttyBrd 17/02/2011
Jan 2011 · 554
A Few Good Things
PrttyBrd Jan 2011
Changing tides
Warm breezes
Swaying trees
And a smile
copyright©PrttyBrd 25/01/2011
Jan 2011 · 841
PrttyBrd Jan 2011
Heart shaped boxes with red satin ribbons
Pink stuffed atrocities that have no use
Sappy lovesick greeting cards
Flowers that always die

Cheap chocolate massed produced
Three months of brainwashing prior
Chalky hearts profess true love
The lonely always cry

Made up days of forced romance
Bullied into mass compliance
Pressured into jewelry sales
Empty grand gestures prevail

Today is a day for puppy love
An excuse to eat by candlelight
Public affection is cool tonight
As we've appeased the Gods of retail

A day like any other day
Rising and setting moon and sun
Though nothing has changed
The heart races still

Though the chocolates are cheesy and stale
And flowers will die tomorrow
Though the world bullied the romance
I've been taken against my will

To the land of cotton candy dreams
For a few heartfelt words on paper
A card that speaks your love
And the truth that is in your eyes

Nervously, the gifts accepted
I am almost at a loss
Tears begin to well a little
And I pray the words don't lie

May I stay in this land of make-believe
Where it feels like a fairytale
Make tonight's dream, forever's reality
Wishes on wishing stars come true

Sarcastically with cynicism
And a dry wit that defines my nature
Hidden deep within the core
Of things I said I would never do

I will savor every chocolate
As if it is your warm lips on my own
And every word and cheesy line
Is the most beautiful I ever read

For you have chosen it just for me
Filled with all you cannot say
So I cherish my pink and heart-filled card
Because it is to me the words are said

From me, there is no cheesy gift
No candy covered sweets tonight
Nothing retail overblown
Just a small white box with a  hand tied bow

A poem in my own hand
As I give my heart on patterned paper
So simple, but it's everything.
Please don't ever let me go
copyright©PrttyBrd 14/01/2011- From 14
Jan 2011 · 1.1k
PrttyBrd Jan 2011
Really, it's just that easy
Easy to forget all the happiness and joy
The truth of what we are
The  very thoughts we shared

Really, it's just that easy
Not a glance or a call
Never to notice what has been broken
Leaving all the promise alone

Really, it's just that easy
Ignoring what never will be
Erasing a friend by denying the truth
Moving on by stepping over

Really, it's just that easy?
Pinned in place by the idea of you
Consumed by what will never be
Drowning in what was

Really, it's just that easy?
copyright©PrttyBrd 08/01/2011
Jan 2011 · 2.4k
Without Blinders
PrttyBrd Jan 2011
I see you
Alone in a crowded room
Speaking about nothing
Going through life lost inside yourself
Thinking that you're invisible
But I see you

I see you
Cigarette in hand for something to do
Working away your time for nothing
Throwing yourself into anything to keep busy
Hiding from the pain you're afraid will lead you to hell
I see you

I see you
Silently crying yourself to sleep
Wondering why it has to be so hard
Wanting nothing more than to be free
Locked behind who you want to be
I  see you

I see you
So good inside, masked by a hardening shell
Heartfelt smile that shines in your eyes
So beautiful a heart that the world seems ugly
Too much disappointment, afraid to let go
I see you

I see you
Pain, excruciating, nothing to fill the gaping wounds
Liquid poured right through your soul
Ashamed of the past, afraid there's no future
One day at a time, a means to an end
I see you

I see you
Fighting everyday to be closer to good
Yet, believing all you touch turns black
Those who seek you out don't rate
Assuming they must be crazy to hang around
I see you

I see you
Happy for a minute and ashamed that you were
Thinking you poison all that  you love
Caring so much that it consumes you
Believing your doing right by cutting loose
I see you

I see you
Feeling like damaged goods
Sitting on the cusp of acceptance
Trying to re-assimilate
But more afraid of success than failure
I see you

I see you
Ignoring what's right in front of you
Pretending it's not deserved
Fighting your demons alone
Afraid to smile and bask in the joy
I see you

Can you see
That you don't have to fight alone
That you are loved just as you are
That you are an imperfect person
But you are still a good man
Can you see that I see the real you
copyright©PrttyBrd 06/01/2011
Jan 2011 · 883
Alive not well
PrttyBrd Jan 2011
I hear the words and feel inflection
I reach to you, yet fear rejection
Your eyes can't lie they show what's real
Your words don't say the love you feel

I don't doubt that your heart bleeds true
Though you're lost between what's right for you
Too much distance, too much time
Too scared to wait, we crossed the line

Too eagerly we skipped ahead
Now, on cracked remains we tread
We hit fast-forward with no rewind
We can't break free from our own kind

So we long and yearn and suffer long
In silence we don't feel it's wrong
Hearts have merged despite the rest
Still we pull away on friendships quest

To love without loving,  and live our lives
Separately we feel the knives
The ones that cut our hearts in pieces
For every moment it never ceases

We talk without speaking and look the part
We live, hearts not beating, like living art
We cry in the darkness alone and distraught
In denial we awaken alone with our thoughts

Nights stretch into months of dark gray
Even though we talk every day
It's empty and lacking, yet we hold on
Pretending the love we share is gone
copyright©PrttyBrd 02/01/2011
Dec 2010 · 3.5k
passion a haibun
PrttyBrd Dec 2010
Blue eyes watching. Blushing at the sight at the very thought.  Flushed with emotion. Hearts beating so fast and hard.  Deafening rhythmic beating.  Quivering at the thought of what may be next.  Hoping it will be so, yet afraid of what is to come.  Self-conscious and embarrassed, time stretches on.  Not wanting the moment to pass.  Holding on hard to the idea.  A soft, almost accidental, brush of the lips.  A light, absentminded gliding of the finger on the skin.  Systems heightened, mind swimming, emotions running rampant, temperature rising.  Taken by surprise the lips plant firmly yet gently.  A breathy moan leaves no doubt.  

Sighs tell a story
Opening the door to play
And so it begins

Tentatively, lips touch.  So sweet and delicate the dance.  Welcoming, beckoning to be entered.  Warm and wet they go exploring, tasting, breathing in the essence of desire.  Doubt gives way to fire, and passion wins out.  Piece by piece the offering is made and accepted.  The game continues.  Silently daring to be outdone.  First one button, then another.  Heat rises.  Smooth skin under rough hands. Electricity.  Fingers trace a line that the tongue follows.  Closer, closer, closer.  Involuntary movement brings skin against skin, breath against breath, body against body.

Minds lost to passion
Floods come to drown the desert
Drink til thirst is quenched

The hand once afraid to touch, briefly runs the length of its desire.  Like a volcano letting off steam.  Embers turn into an inferno consuming all it comes near.  Floodgates opened, beckoning.  Waters tested.  There is no denial, no second thoughts, no rewind.  Short gasps of need, punctuated by the sounds of the flesh.  Glistening in the moonlight, two outlines become one.  

No more wondering
The question has been answered
Hearts have been traded

There are no thoughts left to ponder.  In this moment there is only those eyes.  Those blue eyes that pierce the soul, that see right through the words.  Lips removed from lips.  Watching the moment.  Waiting for its impending arrival.  Fingers grasp tightly as they pull against the skin.  Trying to melt into each other.  They dig in a little too hard, the sounds are a little too loud. Inhibitions lost on the wind.  No longer able to hold back.

And in that moment
There is only perfection
Nothing else matters
copyright©PrttyBrd 24/12/2010
Dec 2010 · 1.6k
On the Mend
PrttyBrd Dec 2010
It was taken without asking
Held without contempt
Moved by emotion
Stolen by a lover

It was abused in disguise
Bound tightly by fear
Rejected, unforgiven
Damaged by another

It was reclaimed at long last
Caged for its own safety
Clipped so it couldn't soar
Numbed by the experience

It was afraid to be free
Blindfolded by life
Relegated to dull existence
Content in acquiescence

It grew colder over time
Ignored and soon forgotten
Shriveled up and hard
Unnoticed and discarded

It was stumbled upon by grace
Warmed slowly by another
Held fast in times of trouble
Trying hard to be less guarded
copyright©PrttyBrd 24/12/2010
Dec 2010 · 1.2k
The Darkness Stirs
PrttyBrd Dec 2010
Behind closed doors they sleep
While in the night the tears are streaming
They dream of dragons and kings
Silently the shadows are creeping

Closer and closer they come
Grabbing hold of all that is good
Squeezing until the bleeding stops
Too numb for the pain to feel as it should

Never wanting to let go
Drained of all the things hope brings
Sharing dreams of yesterday
Lost in the night as the Cricket sings
copyright©PrttyBrd 03/01/2011
Dec 2010 · 1.1k
Because I AM Your Friend
PrttyBrd Dec 2010
Adolescent yesterdays
Of being too afraid to care
Too afraid of sharing what makes you, you
Time stands still it seems
For fear can linger through
Making it difficult to let others in
Yet there is no true caring,
Without first cracking a window
Letting light into your heart
Push, push, pushing away
"Eventually", they all will go
Not I,
Not now,
Not ever
You push, I stand
You pull away, I stand
You glare and yell and scream
I remain
For I am not a silly, silly girl
Not a fly-by-night friend
I know who you are
I have always known
And yet, I stand firm by your side
A million miles away and always in your heart.
I see who you are afraid to let yourself be
I know what you deserve
Though you believe not
I see you
I see your heart
I feel you
Because of that, I scare you
You want so much to feel the good
To be happy you must risk sadness
Good, for a moment, feels lousy tomorrow
Lousy tomorrows, are easy
They are never hard to come by
They are always laying in wait
You can stumble through a thousand lousy tomorrows
Yet, I'm still here
After you are done with the crutches of the flesh
After you are done with inadvertent broken hearts
After you are finished doing what it is you do
I will still be here
Here to listen
Here to hold
Here to help
Here to stay
I know you.  
I have always known you
I am not blind
I have not been fooled
You have never made it easy to be close to you
You, who believes that happy is for others
Fear binds you, blinds you, and ***** you dry
Love will set you free
Let it.
copyright©PrttyBrd 13/12/2010
Dec 2010 · 864
Thoughts of You (a Tanka)
PrttyBrd Dec 2010
A thought awakens
Blood rushes, heart pounds, timeless
Dried salt tracks remain
Warm breath rememberances
Held fast by yesterday's dream
copyright©PrttyBrd 13/12/2010- From 14
Dec 2010 · 2.2k
PrttyBrd Dec 2010
The feel of your skin envelopes me the second I close my eyes
Your lips, the very taste of you, your hand against my thigh
Racing hearts and shallow breaths of passion not denied
Dreams are filled with memories and hopes of future ties
The now has changed the status quo, I'm living in disguise
Body and mind and heart unite yet living different lives
In the throws of restlessness I awake to subtle cries
My heart, it weeps for longing, for a need I can't describe
So full of joy between us, there is more than love implied
Drawn to you completely, yet left to wonder why
Choices made against a future that seems eternally unwise
Yet painful yearning pushes to a life that we must try
An aftermath of broken hearts and tears that never dry
Still, we're drawn to one another beyond what we realize
How are we to live apart in lives where the sun won't rise
Where everything we say and do will feel like it's a lie
All the love that we could share has come as a surprise
We can't seem to hide our hearts with what our words belie
copyright©PrttyBrd 09/12/2010- From 14
Dec 2010 · 902
But for a chance
PrttyBrd Dec 2010
Across the room a subtle glance
Victims of bad circumstance
Hoping you would take the chance
Yet, nothing changes
The makings of a great romance
But time estranges

There you are just out of reach
In my mind there is a speech
Of how your heart I will beseech
I still, can feel you
The words you say I will impeach
I know the real you

The one whose kindness from the start
Has torn my faded world apart
And shown the truth to half a heart
There's so much out there
Happiness you do impart
With how much you Do care

Still it's like just yesterday
So close and yet so far away
I need you in my arms, to stay
That's my suggestion
I want you each and every day
There is no question

So sunshine mornings I have seen
Because there is no in between
The love we feel has always been
Our worst disaster
If only kisses dared to mean
Forever after
copyright©PrttyBrd 09/12/2010- From 14
PrttyBrd Dec 2010
An idea
Formed from nothing
Grips the mind
Until reality is unrecognizable
Pain seeps in
Through self-inflicted wounds
Once sunny
Now in shadows
Fighting hard to see the light
To step into it, again
To see through it like before
The mind leads down twisted paths
To find its way back to the beginning
A new light
Yet, shadows linger in hidden corners
Tainted yet free
Thought, imagination, and fear
The worlds most powerful words
copyright©PrttyBrd 08/12/2010
Dec 2010 · 1.7k
Blurred (haibun)
PrttyBrd Dec 2010
A life lived in black and white.  No time for middle of the road.  Lines drawn straight and narrow.  Passion, only with rules.  Love, only as stated.  A heart filled with admiration, adoration, and caring.  Nothing missing from the list of "supposed to".  All boxes checked off. I's dotted and T's crossed.  Perfect on paper, perfect to onlookers, perfect in bed.  Never a thought of something missing.  All boxes checked.  Not able to settle into a life.  Unable to blur the lines.  Must be good, always good.  Mistakes happen, but not on purpose.  Not by choice.  

Always the good one
Right is the only option
Mistakes...still happen

Before we fully become, life is full of confusion.  Who we are and what we do are enmeshed within our surroundings, our perspective, our emotion, and our lives.  Pulled together, yet fighting every step of the way.  Beyond our understanding of purpose or passion.  Afraid of everything we are as yet unable to understand.  Trying to get through to the next phase without falling too hard.

Peers skew vision
Rules confine the innocent
Love hides unnoticed

Grown into a life of checks and balances.  A nice life, a good life.  Loved by many, yet alone.  Always alone.  Able to love, willing to love, believing love is what is being lived.  Unseen circumstances. Friendships remembered.  Longing, pulling toward one another.  More than passion could ever be.  More than who we thought we were.  The need to be right, to do the right thing, is stomped unrecognizable by emotion.  The past melts into the future.  Is a life unfulfilled, yet loving, enough to maintain, or is love supposed to be so full of passion that it takes you outside the box?  

The thought of a life
A love left unrealized
A world in a cage

A chance to live in happiness. Fires burn in body and mind.  No sorrow, no regret.  Pushed by one into another.  Two hearts alone run to each other.  Holding fast to all that is real.  Yet casualties will line the road forever tainting all that could be good.  Checks and balances. Pros and cons.  Does one give up happiness to maintain the perfect facade, the perfect family, the "perfect" life?  There is no perfect.  There is only what is.  The possibility of happiness could be short lived.  Hearts broken and bridges burned.  Broken families, broken lives.  Happiness could be tangible.  Happiness could be real.  Pros and cons.  What price shall be paid.  When should love lose and happiness not be a goal?  Choices, pain, there is no fairness.  There is no black and white, there are no boxes in which to fit.  

Straight and narrow life
Checklists, I's dotted, T's crossed
Thwarted by passion
copyright©PrttyBrd 08/12/2010
Dec 2010 · 750
PrttyBrd Dec 2010
The thought alone ignites the flame
That consumes me from within
Reality just fuels the fire
Composure is wearing thin

Behind the eyes lies fantasy
A dream so far away
Yet in the now, is everything
There is nothing left to say

Temperatures keep rising
Bodies stir with every glance
Passion is taking over
Led to burn by sweet romance

A brush across the skin
Reacting bodies hold no fear
Devouring piece by piece
Consuming what is held so dear

Heightened senses in the throws
As fantasy is laid to rest
When hearts are bound in love
There is nothing to contest
copyright©PrttyBrd 08/12/2010
PrttyBrd Oct 2010
When I said that I'd be bad company
I meant that only you could brighten my day
The sound of your voice is my sunshine

When I offered for you to let me be
I meant that I would never force you to tolerate me
But hoped that you would want me by your side anyway

When I pushed you aside, however delicately
I meant for you to not want to go
For you to just sit with me for awhile

When I said I wasn't in the mood to talk
I meant for you to sit with me
In comfortable silence until you kissed me happy

When I sent you a message warning of my grumpy
I meant for you to call me
And make sure I was alright

When I said that I couldn't
I meant for you to show me that you believed in me
To help me believe in myself

When I set you free
I meant for you to not want to leave
For you to stay with me always
copyright©PrttyBrd 27/10/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Oct 2010 · 527
PrttyBrd Oct 2010
Separately we live
Together under one roof
Bound by a shared past
copyright©PrttyBrd 29/07/2010
Oct 2010 · 466
Another Sigh (Senryu)
PrttyBrd Oct 2010
Leads to more disappointment
Heart dies a little
copyright©PrttyBrd 23/10/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Oct 2010 · 474
Spoken Into Reality
PrttyBrd Oct 2010
The tip of my tongue burns for you
To tell you the words that I must bite back
It tries to form the sounds to let you in
But denial still reigns supreme
The twists and turns in conversation
That seemingly bob and weave
Are just my lingual deficiencies
Still, the fire is strong
In my mind, in my heart
The words bang loudly in my chest
Trying with all their might to burst through
Trying to show you the truth
Fear of that truth keeps me silent
Never to reveal that which you surely already know
copyright©PrttyBrd 19/10/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Oct 2010 · 423
Tortured Heart
PrttyBrd Oct 2010
How can I be honest
When it is too much to bear
When all I can do is pretend

Please don't ask me how I feel
I can't say the words
It's almost too hard to comprehend

We were only kids
When that look in your eye
Sent me whirling for reasons unknown

Agitated by your smile
Or your bothersome ways
I wouldn't understand until I was grown

Now that I know
What I should have known
About that blonde haired angel-faced kid

I think back
To the hell in your eye
And I know what I guess I always did

So here we are
The two of us older
No longer hiding what our bodies betray

Yet there is no freedom
No joyous reunion
Only fear that my heart's already strayed

How can I be honest
When it is too much to bear
When all I can do is pretend

Please don't ask me how I feel
I can't say the words
It's almost too hard to comprehend
copyright©PrttyBrd 16/10/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Oct 2010 · 3.4k
Where Life Takes You
PrttyBrd Oct 2010
In an instant
The question is gone
Choices made
One action begets another
No turning back
We move in time
Lead by forces unseen
We pass each other
Perhaps only briefly
Perhaps for longer
Tiny acts of kindness
Heartfelt words
A hand reaches out
Grabs the heart
Expectation of the harsh
Receiving gentle strokes of caring
Words of wisdom shared
Hugs sent along
Unknown prayers answered
Gratitude and friendship
The depths of which remain untold
Yet moved to tears of thanks
Friends for an instant
Marks the soul eternally
Never to be forgotten
Only to be cherished
copyright©PrttyBrd 15/10/2010
Oct 2010 · 504
What I'd Do
PrttyBrd Oct 2010
I could stay up for hours
Just for the chance to hear your voice
To listen to you whisper my name in the dark

I would wait all night
Just in the hope of feeling your breath
As you slide in next to me and sleep

I have longed a lifetime
Not realizing the opportunities lost
To the doubt and circumstance of innocence

I will wander time as you rest
To never miss another chance
To be in your arms, in the moment, and in your heart
copyright©PrttyBrd 11/10/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Sep 2010 · 921
'Night Darlin'
PrttyBrd Sep 2010
It lifts my spirits, even when they aren't down
It resonates with all things happy
Makes me tremble to the core
The expectation of its warmth
Comes as waves of unforeseen joy
When the ride ends it is always bittersweet
Until tomorrow
Until next time
When that time draws near
I wait with bated breath
In hopeful anticipation, I linger
Almost as an afterthought in throaty air
Like distant thunder in a cloudless sky
With a deep rumble and a Southern drawl
Sweet dreams always follow
copyright©PrttyBrd 26/09/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Sep 2010 · 1.1k
Disillusion = Dissolution
PrttyBrd Sep 2010
When I slice my chest open
Spill my heart and soul
Divulge the same at my own inadequacy
I never said it was your fault
On the contrary, it is my own
When I asked for time to think
To breathe away from responsibility
You asked me how you were supposed to make that happen
When I stopped talking and you didn't even notice
You said I had no right to assume you weren't listening
You yelled that I was against you
That I blow things out of proportion
I tell you again how hard it was to tell you my fears
and  admit my shortcomings
You tell me that I like to be mad
But I'm not mad, I'm hurt
I told you that, when I had stopped talking
You were too busy scrutinizing your foot to notice
That showed me just how important I am
None of it was about you
None was about how you make me feel
You don't get to play the victim in my pain
You don't get to break me and say I threw you away
You gave me away slowly, willingly
You pushed me out
You have no rights left
And you don't get to hurt me anymore
copyright©PrttyBrd 21/09/2010
Sep 2010 · 1.3k
To Be Invisible
PrttyBrd Sep 2010
Everything for everyone
Nothing left for me
I speak to walls
My voice makes zombies
My life, unrecognizable
Broken by family
My love has twisted all my hopes and dreams
A cracked shell of shards
Remnants of what happy was
Before I realized I was happy
Used up, worn out, and discarded
There is only so much trying
There are only so many tears
My pain is not yours to take
My crazy is no one else's burden
Open and empty carcass
Picked clean by harsh words
Not even my pain is my own
Claimed by others to fuel their anger
Their growing hatred
All I did was love
Now I'm lost eternally
Alone surrounded by people
No trust, not for my broken innards
No comfort, no solace
I am chewed up and shat out
Invisible and inconsequential
I am alone in a house full of people
Where only I say "I love you"
Where only I need more
I need purpose
I need to be free to feel what I feel
Now, with that freedom removed permanently,
How can the status quo remain
I, once filled with love, am empty
Eyes dulled
Mind devoid of substance
Heart as cold as a glacier
A shell, numb to the outside
Motions without thought
Time drudges on
Drained of everything
My last breath, too, goes unnoticed
copyright©PrttyBrd 21/09/2010
Sep 2010 · 568
It's always been you
PrttyBrd Sep 2010
Why can't it be as easy as following your heart
Can't I just be selfish
It's not that it's new, it's old and comfortable
It's exciting and deep and I want to hold on forever
The moments shared in darkness
The throaty whispers in my ear
The hint of naughty in a sigh
All of it, perfect in each moment
Perfectly imperfect
Worries dissipate as I melt in your eyes
Fears are quieted in your warm breath
Yesterday goes blurry, only now remains
Tomorrow has yet to unfold
I want to keep you in my heart while holding you in my arms
It has to be real, please make it real
Playing with you is the best part of my day
It takes away the gray and makes me smile
Not a momentary smile;
A heartfelt ray of sunshine, end of the rainbow smile
That is what you do for me
that is who you are to me
Can I have you
Can I keep you in my heart forever
A promise everlasting
Hope renewed and hearts afire
but it's bound and choked and scared
When unchained, will you still run to me as I to you
Will  you hold me eternally
or will you turn your back
and keep me tied to a past without you
Can't I just be selfish
copyright©PrttyBrd 12/09/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Sep 2010 · 589
Choice 2b Made
PrttyBrd Sep 2010
One foot steeped in reality
the other testing the waters on the other side
The side where fantasy comes alive
And there is truth in dreams
A world of possibility that tempts and taunts
where dreams, once thought dead,
are resurrected in full force
The power of perhaps shades all views
It beckons to follow as it flutters beside
Reflecting all the things ever wanted
the shackles of reality feel like a lead weight
tethering you to who you never wanted to be
Responsibility removes true choice
Yet dreams yearn for release
Opportunity bangs the door down
and shakes the shackles free
Left between shadow and light
Lost between the good of both sides
split in two by desire and need
time stands still in purgatory
copyright©PrttyBrd 08/09/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Sep 2010 · 965
Wrapped up in you
PrttyBrd Sep 2010
Warm arms around me
As we lay in sighs of silent pleasure
Tucked into the safety of each other
Lost in the rhythm of our hearts
Basking as desire is laid to rest, momentarily
Deep breaths subside as our bodies settle
Curve against curve we remain
Bodies sated, hearts filled, and dreams turned to reality
copyright©PrttyBrd 05/09/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Sep 2010 · 576
Quantum Leap
PrttyBrd Sep 2010
A heart that reaches out through the years
One that regrasps what it never truly let go
Thoughts ignite to fuse the past to the present
Melded emotions in a blended reality
Emotion so heightened that time is lost
United through lost years by the memory of what never was
Separated now only by what was lived apart
Betrayed by passion, hindered by commitment
And enveloped in the dream of the possibility that lingers
copyright©PrttyBrd 04/09/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Sep 2010 · 398
From a dream to reality
PrttyBrd Sep 2010
is it the dream or the possibility
the want or the need
the pull within is ripping
at the fabric of my being
who I am and how I am made
are too quickly blowing away
the goal of the long term
is changing now, today
the past begets the future
that is on the verge of change
and dreams that lay awake
can cause your plans to rearrange
copyright©PrttyBrd 01/09/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
Fresh Meat
PrttyBrd Aug 2010
Guts ripped to the surface
Heart in knots, unrecognizable
All the while a smile remains
Thoughts of nothing burn in speed
Status quo has faltered
Bleeding from the outside in
Still hoping, always hoping
A scar is just a reminder of pain
It's the gaping wounds that make you suffer
copyright©PrttyBrd 28/08/2010
Aug 2010 · 749
Anticipation Denied
PrttyBrd Aug 2010
Endless insomnia
Rest ran off by a fantasy
Fast-footed memories cannot be reigned in
What is done cannot be undone
What you want is what you need
Visceral reaction to the very idea
Thoughts will not settle
There is no calm ocean
Only the tempestuous remains
Caught on the top of the slide
Too high to see the bottom
Too scared to take the plunge
Too happy to have made it that far
Left to hang in midair
The ride is to be continued
But the fall remains ...tonight
copyright©PrttyBrd 25/08/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Aug 2010 · 407
Better late than never
PrttyBrd Aug 2010
This fool believed the words once spoken
The dancing heart tells lies
Floating on the wind for an hour or a day
Worries blown away in a sigh
Thoughts of maybe tickle the past alive
Awakened memories, revived
copyright©PrttyBrd 24/08/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
Aug 2010 · 865
Happy Ending
PrttyBrd Aug 2010
Gray days and blowing wind
On sad and naked limbs
The bitter cold imagined through the panes
Nestled in warmth and wrapped in a blanket
I am loved,
Dressed up and beautiful
The smiles that gaze upon me
In awe and wonder
Are well worth the journey's end
Up For a Challenge #3

copyright©PrttyBrd 19/08/2010
Aug 2010 · 1.6k
Belly of the Cookie Jar
PrttyBrd Aug 2010
Gramma always had cookies in her cookie jar
No one ever ate them but me
The jar was her self-portrait
The silvery bun was it's lid
The slight clanging of it as it opened or closed
The smell of it
Even the thought of it,
filled me with joyous anticipation
of its internal goodness
When I was sad, or did a good job
When I worked hard, or was a good helper
When I was sick, or had a rough day
But particularly when I was in trouble
That is when it was most special
She would sneak me off to the kitchen
With a steady hand, like that of a surgeon
She would lift that lid slow and steady without a sound
A feat I have yet to accomplish
Then, in silent winks and sideways glances
When the coast was clear
I got to choose a decidedly undeserved treat
It was in the belly of that cookie jar
That I learned that she would always love me
No matter what

That cookie jar, abandoned and dusty upon a shelf
Recently found and cleaned
Laid in wait upon the table
It had been weeks sitting silent before my visit
I noticed it the moment Ma opened the door
Before the hugs, "hello"
We reminisced about that old empty jar
The jar that never matched her kitchen
The one that was poorly painted by hand
To her its beauty was hideous
She obviously did not know the secrets it held
Our secrets, mine and Gramma's
Happy to be rid of it,
The torch has been passed
As it takes its place of honor in the center of the counter
I notice that its yellow dress and red apron
Match my yellow walls and the red flecks in my curtains
It is at home in my kitchen
Even if my kitchen was purple
Now, its lessons of unconditional, eternal love
Are to be bestowed, unknowingly to my children
They will learn just how much a cookie can fix
And the secrets that are kept deep within
The belly of the cookie jar
copyright©PrttyBrd 18/08/2010
Aug 2010 · 758
Your Song
PrttyBrd Aug 2010
I will sing for you a love song with words that ring so true
And I will forge the perfect melody to make the love shine through
There'll be thanks for all you've done for me & thanks for all you do
And I will give to you my heart in words that I will sing to you

And I'll be there, when you need a friend
And I'll be there, when you need a shoulder
I'll be there when the weight of the world
Seems less a chip and more a boulder

I'll sing to you of roses and fields of wildflowers
I'll tell you how the sound of your voice can make me smile for hours
I'll sing happy of the day you saved me from that tower
With declarations of how our love is never going to sour

And I'll be there, when you need a friend
And I'll be there, when you need a shoulder
I'll be there when the weight of the world
Seems less a chip and more a boulder

I'll be there
copyright©PrttyBrd 17/08/2010
PrttyBrd Aug 2010
Alone in a sea of the most colorful people.  Rainbow dotted horizons and sparkling reflections of joy.  Amazing view of happiness, of what it should be, of what it could be.  Standing atop a rock in this ocean.  Searching for the unknown.  Waiting and uncertain.  

Passing by in waves
Ebbing and flowing in time
The tide will soon turn

Green-eyed monster tickles toes.  So many cries of glory and elation. The clueless linger atop a rock.  Unseen or unnoticed, unloved or unwanted, or just unintentional and unrealized.  Isolated by fear of falling.  Afraid of the unknown.  Afraid of breaking.  Afraid of the ocean and awash in melancholy to see it pass.

Toe dipped in slowly
Taken out to deep water
Left to drown alone

Confined to that space.  Safe from all who are unable to scale those smooth walls.  Unwilling to drop a line without a safety net.  A smile with each thought of "what if", seems like happiness from afar.  Seems like contentment, Seems like a mirage.
copyright©PrttyBrd 17/08/2010
Aug 2010 · 894
My Plea
PrttyBrd Aug 2010
Destroyer of dreams
Leave my side so hope remains
Move on to the next
Oblivious in their bliss
Perhaps they shant see dreams die
A Tanka
copyright©PrttyBrd 15/08/2010
Aug 2010 · 489
PrttyBrd Aug 2010
Last minute rendezvous
No time to plan
Letting time unfold
Embracing each moment
Living in the now
No thoughts of tomorrow
Happiness in the everyday
copyright©PrttyBrd 15/08/2010- From 14
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