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127 · Jun 2020
preservationman Jun 2020
Every night I try to sleep
I find myself counting sheep
My Husband’s snoring is driving me nuts
I know the Neighbors can hear as the windows aren’t shut
I am hoping for a miracle of silence
Well in the meantime, let me read a book
Wouldn’t you know it, the book is titled, “Don’t let Snoring keep you up”?
Who wrote this book, Rip Van Winkle?
But then again, perhaps I should do the up close approach to my Husband’s snoring, let me get a hammer, and tell him its hammer time
Who am I fooling?
Even the hammer wouldn’t work
I thought of putting a pillow over my Husband’s entire head leading to the mouth
But that would probably cause my Husband in thinking ******
I don’t need to be on “****** She Wrote”
My only request is, let me sleep for goodness sake
That snoring I can’t take
Suddenly for the moment the snoring grows silent
Now I can finally sleep
My Husband said good morning and woke me up
No I don’t need Folgers in my cup
Well it is AM
Work you know
Have a good day got too go
127 · Jul 2018
1 2 3 4
preservationman Jul 2018
Enter through the open poetry door
This poem I hope you won’t ignore
Let my words airborne you in soar
Yet intrigue with you to explore
Numbers sequence being a specific count
Climb that ladder with an endurance mount
Penny’s from Heaven found
But listen carefully, there’s no sound
The number one being a leader of the pack
But the order is forming a stack
Total sequence
But they have no defense
Its just numbers having their way
In fact, it involves timing every day
It’s numbers having a schedule
It’s the arrive and depart
There’s a Sunrise that is the start
Add it and sum it up
Numbers control your entire life
Your Horoscope of your birth is your daily advice
Hours, Seconds and Minutes
A test of your on-time performance
Your own numbers for you to figure out
Think on that as your daily task as you move about.
preservationman Mar 2018
Reality is going to be a mission to kick in
Many doubted that I would be a success
Yet I had own doubts being my confess
Thinking negative about myself most of the time
Then there was complaining and crying all combined
Negative words produced an achieving wonder
But after all, it comes from yonder
One must grow in order to know
Understanding with knowledge being its own platform show
Analyze who whose actually the thinker and organizer
This is what made me wiser
Some people were waiting for me to fall
But through understanding, I stood tall
I didn’t even stall
I proved to myself I could achieve it
Wonders with puzzled people’s faces
But people’s criticism was deleted like the unbelieving blackboard minds like an eraser
Like a Chase Bank Commercial, I ran into success face to face
Not one can change that but achieve it
One can only have doubt if they are uncertain
People thought I should stop, but for me, it was going to be a continuation
Because of understanding of myself, I prepared for any situation
Yet, there was anger of one being a mention
Yet I am destined to move on
But we all to get along
I now know in life where I belong
But for now I say, “So Long”.
preservationman May 2021
Lord I pray
India has a Pandemic extremely high I relay
Deliverance is what India needs
Their hour in a desperate resolution indeed
Death mounts all around India
Uncertainty having where does their tomorrow stand?
India illness throughout
Lord, India needs an intervention worked out
They need your Merciful and care
India doesn’t have much too bare
But you are the Lord that has blessings to share
Eyes to the cross
You conquered having force
The people of India are at an all time loss
The world is trying to give India assist
But the world should look to you because you don’t miss
Guide India’s Medical team
Turn their tomorrow like a refreshing stream
You are wise and understand
Spread your Spiritual hand over India’s land
You are the only hope
Your assurance is what matters to India’s cope
Your eyes focused like a microscope
Lord, you know what to do
You are the Healer that can pursue
Heavenly wise
Help India not to give up
But believe and take in
This prayer I want to reach throughout India
Now and Forever
Lord, Almighty
preservationman Jul 2019
The story of a travelling little girl that was intrigued by a hand at the steering wheel
It all happened on a bus in the south
These are my words straight with the account from my mouth
As the narration goes, a little girl who ventured on a regular basis traveling from Houston, Texas to St. Charles, Louisiana
It wasn’t just any trip, it was family visits
All covered by the Hound Bus, but there was something about that Hound Bus and it was the Operator that was always the driver
I am going to say the name of the Driver being Harry
Now I don’t know much about Harry and the Little Girl, but I do know, there was admiration and a feeling of belonging
I do know that the Little Girl back then was his number one travelling passenger
I was on my way to Houston, Texas after spending 7 Days in New Orleans
So the bus made a stop in St. Charles, Louisiana where a Female Adult boarded going to Houston sharing with me her story with knowing the Hound Bus Driver since she was a Little Girl
I found it interesting to learn, she was still friends even in her Adulthood.
But remember, we are in the South and South always show hospitality and greetings that last a lifetime
I observed when the driver asked the Female Adult to do certain things with the tickets in punching, and she definitely knew what to do
I knew then, yes, and that Little Girl never forgot and the Driver was like her Dad
The Female Adult travelled on that route on a regular basis
The Hound Bus was no stranger, and the story certainly not out of the ordinary
I will never forget that day with a remembrance as if it was yesterday
It was the affection and caring like a Father to a Daughter
The Hound Roadrunner showing the way
A Little Girl all grown up returning the admiration and in the passenger seat where she wants to stay.
preservationman Oct 2022
Unrest spirit
The skies opened up like a fiery hell
The Evil Witch
The unfold is being told in tell
The Witch could no longer cast spells
Her evilness suddenly fell
The witch vowed to pass wrath on the world
Good Witch overtook the Evil Witch in swirl
Be gone Evil Witch
Your powers no longer work here
The community finally has freedom from your unity
The citizens over you no pity
Salem wants you back where you belong
You are a mere mortal
The mind having no desire
Into the fire
You will be chained forever
Never to invade again
Be gone Evil Witch
Eternity will be your everlasting
Burn Burn Burn Evil Witch
The bell rings for your endless Soul
The Evil Witch is dead to never show her angry face
Your flesh is now ash
No Tombstone nor grave
You are punished because you didn’t behave
The Witches ashes drift to the Heaven’s above
Safe keeping to think of
Gone forever with no lifetime
125 · Nov 2019
preservationman Nov 2019
The Thanksgiving Feast
It will be a holiday at least
The Turkey shall be put into the Oven
It will be glazed in flavor, but won’t be toughen
However, there may not be a Turkey this year
Turkeys are in a protest mode, and have stolen Turkeys from every kitchen
Turkeys are determined in not being eaten
When did this all happen?
How were the Turkeys able to pull off this caper?
No one was manning the kitchens within the houses
The Turkeys have taken their protest to the streets
All households are at a stance of hold that they have loss
Even though they are the multitudes have no force
Well the battle is between the Knives and Forks with the Turkeys
Care of wager on who would win
But how would the Pilgrims and Indians handle this situation?
Simple, “After those Turkeys”
Perhaps that is the approach the households will have to take
After all, what other meat within any household would want to make?
We are talking tradition
All I can say is have those Knives and Forks ready and go get that Turkey
Turkeys run today, but there will be a turnaround in every way.
preservationman Aug 2019
I was on vacation in Los Angeles
So I decided to see the sights
It was Hollywood in Burbank, California
The theme then, “Come home to NBC
That was in 1983
But I was far from home, but it didn’t matter because with NBC anywhere could be home
I toured the NBC Studios and saw Celebrities along the way
I saw BOB HOPE who was tall and met personally and direct, ANN JULIAN being another celebrity
But I also saw the NBC Los Angeles News Team
However, it wasn’t just NBC alone as it was the acting and effects that makes NBC being NBC
We took an adventure into outer space, but we survived being our own trace
We also analyzed the game show of the “Wheel of Fortune” behind the scenes
The Wheel is nothing more than thin paper but you don’t see that on Television
In fact, the camera camouflages so you wouldn’t see what we saw
The labels on the wheel are glued and not exactly straight
This was my NBC adventure
Seeing the Studio a total venture
So I came home to New York from NBC Bliss
I was determined, I surely didn’t miss.
125 · Mar 2017
preservationman Mar 2017
J          JOY


S          SUPERIOR

U          UNITY

S            SALVATION
preservationman Sep 2017
Hurricane Irma hit numerous Caribbean islands, and left devastation in its path
But the storm is far was over yet
The storm still packs strength and worse as it gets
Florida braces for a windy show down
Citizens had been prior to evacuate from their town
The question of return when everything settles down
Many lives were loss on the Caribbean tuft
Personal valuables have no worth
My CO-Worker at work told me his parents are nowhere to be found
A sudden silence came over me being no sound
I was on my knees being praying bound
After it was a moment of wait
Many minds being the thought of fate
I hope and pray it wasn’t too late
Suddenly, good news from the shores
The CO-Workers parents were found alive
Prayer and more prayer
Praise into glory
Hallelujah confirming the end of the happy story.
124 · Jan 2018
preservationman Jan 2018
Come and sit by the fireplace
Follow me into a storytale of royalty that will surprise you in your face
The spoken story is about a King and Queen of Featherson Castle
It also involves a Joker who would often entertain
The story behind the Joker, we will let that just remain
Let’s just say not in this domain
Now King Jack and Queen Mary were superior sitting on the throne
They let their powers being known
Once a man started to rebel
He shouted to the King and Queen being his tell
One thing you don’t do is go against anarchy
It is treason and is a solid creed
It is enforced strongly indeed
The Guards brought the man in front of the King and Queen
Now King Jack and Queen Mary were quite angry and distraught
Who are you to relish against us?
You the penalty is Death, and your tongue could be cut off
The man responded, “Do what you wish as I have lived through harsh conditions of anguish of cruel torment”
The man spoke for himself and the community
In fact, there was no unity
The man was his own testimony with a jury of none
Some how the King and Queen listened to the man with interest
Thoughts above in thinking
Perhaps we were taking our authority too far in being harsh
The man’s life was sparred
King Jack and Queen Mary changed the treasons
Cheers rang out from the surrounding town peoples
A happy ending indeed
The story closes with no need to further proceed
I see you have fallen asleep
The story is your soul to keep.
124 · Feb 9
Left or Right
Decisions to make
At stake or take
Straight forward
Might seem awkward
Move onward
Lesson of direction
Concept of affection
Mind thought of information
Matter when to turn
Left or right
No decision made
Straight up talk
Straight out
preservationman Oct 2017
Hi everyone, I have arrived
No it’s not a jive
The sole at heart at strive
Sorry for my noisy shoes when depart and arrive
Now that is my shoes with their own stride
Every step I make, my shoes sounds as I am moving about
It’s a departure in begin and arrival at the end
Silence not being part of my shoes
I know a few people that are not enthused
To some people, they might become confused
Yet my noisy shoes being on the go
Perhaps, I should move slow
Sole to the heart of the shoe
Going forward, I will wear more silence heels
I know how the noise feels
But it is reality for real
No the heel I cannot peel
Attention being a attract
I am in the middle right in the smack
Some are probably thinking I should sit on a tack
But the term is, “I am have arrived and what comes is strive”.
preservationman Jan 2018
Mountains high and valleys low
A voice that was strong
A man determined in bringing us together where we belong
The man being Dr. Martin Luther King
Influence was his thing
Injustice was nothing more than a sting
Dr. King’s speeches being his teachings
While many were stuck in darkness
It was Dr. King who shed the spotlight
But Dr. King provided the beacon with might
He knew the injustice could no longer prevail
But that was the theory being Dr. King’s trail
One’s race shouldn’t be a separation
Mockery has no place
A delete being an erase
Washington, DC saw that new day
Multitudes from all over the U.S. nation
This was an occasion to break the chains and be free
Dr. King opened America’s and the world’s eyes
Yet this educated Washington, DC in needing to be wise
Voice of virtue
It was a mission in bonding hand in hand
The ashes began to clear
It was time to step out and have no fear
A world having an understanding
The sun rose again
A new chapter with a tomorrow
Heads held high out of sorrow
Vintage becoming our daily heritage
It’s an honor to know about Dr. Martin Luther King being a privilege
But this doesn’t take away of all others who were involved
This was definitely a problem that needed to be resolved
My fist is raised having the power
Freedom is hour by hour
Remembrance to Dr. Martin Luther King now and forever more.
122 · Nov 2017
preservationman Nov 2017
I don’t have any decent clothes to wear
This I swear
I would love to go to a very Sophisticated Party Affair
Imagine me meeting my own princess being an enchanted night
What am I saying?
What Princess is going to even give me a look being a mire Laborer?
My Clothes aren’t exactly clean
But as you can imagine I am should you know what I mean
Suddenly a Wizard appeared and stated, “So you want to go to the sophisticated party affair”?
Being a Wizard, I can make that happen
So what does Princedefella want to wear?
I want an expensive looking suit that stands out
I want all the guest too notice me as I move about
A Suit it will be
Immediately appeared was a Black Suit with Silver Sequence running across the Suit jacket
PrincedeFella looked into the mirror, and was satisfied with what he saw
It was total “Galore”
But the Wizard passed some good advice as Midnight will strike and your clothes will return back to where they were
The Party a waits
The Wizard said, “You can’t just walk into the party without having an elegant ride”
Here is your Long Hummer Limousine
Now you are all set in elegance Mr. Clean
Enjoy the party, but remember Midnight
Well at the party when PrincedeFella entered the party all eyes were on him
The Princess even caught the attention in Princedefella in let’s dance
The Princess and Princedefella were dancing close
Suddenly when they kissed, midnight striked
Princedefella dashed out swiftly
Upon reaching outside everything turned back
The only trace was Princedefella’s tie
The Princess ran behind, but later cried
She was determined to find Princedefella
The Princess searched one entire town, and it was the tenth man that she knew was Princedefella, and it was an enchanted day, and a celebration of living happily ever after.
preservationman Apr 2018
Have you heard?
The White House Building was seen rushing down Pennsylvania Avenue towards the Parkway heading for Baltimore
That’s what a witness actually saw
The White House building could no longer be President Trump’s House
It wasn’t fit for even a mouse
This was the White House building moment to escape
It was no time moving like an ape
The White House building got a real boost
A Hound bus pulling attached in being used
It so happens that this was a known fact
The White House building couldn’t take the media always spotlighting involved
President Trump has so many problems, and the White House building didn’t know when it would be resolved
But the nation is wondering when?
The White House building just couldn’t wait any longer as it was a matter of fate
It was best to depart before it’s too late
President Trump will have to make his home for sleep in Florida
This White House building is on the run
As for President Trump, we both are done
Let President Trump find someplace to live
As the White House structure, I have done all in give
So this White House structure is getting out of Washington
Hold the Beef Wellington
I am running with a strong will
I won’t return until
This White House building is not thinking still
The thought is next to none
I surely wouldn’t want to be the one.
122 · Feb 29
The look
The stance
Illustration and creation
Fashion twist
Runway rise
The style
Wonder while
Uplift smile
121 · Feb 2016
preservationman Feb 2016
Not a town or city
Not a place of pity
Not a place you can travel by car, train or bus
An eternal home
A place of rejoicing that I was meant to roam
I hear echoes of Angels singing in the distance
It’s Heavens home I am talking about

Time has swiftly counted on
I have been summoned and Heaven is where I belong
I will be leaving this Earth
A place that was already reserved during my birth
Only true believers being chosen get this honor
Tears of joy run down my face
Oh Heaven such an interesting place
My name is still on the list and not erased

I am a weary old man
My Grandmother said before she died, I want to take you with me, but it’s not your time then she said, she will be waiting
Wait no more
I am ready for sure
The Lord has spoken and I have achieved the Heavenly score
My praises grew louder
I couldn’t be anymore prouder

Heaven seemed far off through the years
But Heaven taught me I would preserver
My heart and soul is thankful
The message I would leave, keep believing, and hope being our king
But just one more thing, come together and help one another and don’t wait for the other
My white robe is on, and I am ready for the journey
This is not goodbye, but until we meet again
This is not the end
My eternity in my soul being lifted up, and to the Earth below in spirit of behold.
121 · Apr 2018
preservationman Apr 2018
Now don’t continue to make a mess
I had to say that being my confess
Watch how you sit
Don’t force, but your buns should be able to fit
Remember to keep me clean
I know it might sound mean
But I am often overlooked
All one has to do is look
Remember to clean up any stain
It also can’t remain
I want to be lemony fresh
The smell of aroma clean
Also being stain free
It’s all about hygiene being the key
But before you flush
Before you speak, please hush
Examine the toilet seat being a must
I see your mad and making a fuss
Don’t even think about a cuss
Remember, I am used daily
I don’t want to see any germs
Catch my drift?
Clean and deodorize
You would be amazed at the clean surprise
You had no idea in what toilet seats realize
That’s what makes us wise.
preservationman Jan 2022
Sidney Poitier, you were a wonder
Your talent spans from yonder
Mr. Poitier were his in how he expressed dramatics to the world
You inspired many to travel in your paths of Acting
Your footprints being your wisdom
Your achievement earned you the award to the Kingdom
You were a master in whatever role you played
Speech with assurance your character
Dramatics was your high point
You were a man who stood on principles
I remember Sidney Poitier on HEAT OF THE NIGHT with his affirmative, “THEY CALL ME MR. TIBBS”
Heaven calls you ‘EXCELLENCE”
You were extraordinary
Yet well established
It doesn’t matter what land one comes from
It’s the determination with the spirit towards effort
Those would be your very words
Your name will always be remembered
In fact, it is spread out all through Heaven
The skies have captured your spirit
Your personality earned you respect in merit
Your life surrounded inspired into possibilities
This is what you wanted all to see
You are what you want us to all be
Thank you for your gift of Acting
Thank you for showing us fulfill
You have proven where there is a way is a will
You are the cure of people of doubt in helping others to achieve their own dreams and aspirations
Your assignment is complete
Heaven announced, “Your room is ready”
Your soul rejoiced and held steady
Your spirit soared
The world applauded
Vision of essence
Your words in don’t sorrow
We will meet again
Rest in Heavenly Peace, Sidney Poitier
preservationman Jan 2018
I urge all men over 40 to have their PROSTATE regularly checked
This is not an alarm to hit the deck
It’s a matter in saving one’s life
Life is about never thinking twice
My Prostate was blocking my bladder
It became a health matter
It was either keep the foley on for the rest of my life
My Doctor came up with surgery being the strive
He recommended that surgery would be the plan
It was more than an option and theory in demand
The surgery came about
It worked all my Prostate issues out
I am happy to talk about
My testimony could save your life
No need to overlook being instead
Life is about living throughout
The mention of surgery success is worthy of a shout
I was given a second chance
I didn’t want my Prostate to further advance
I am my own spokes men
I encourage and recommend
Don’t want before it’s too late at the end
Let 2018 be a resolution having a new prosperous begin.
121 · Dec 2019
preservationman Dec 2019
I felt weak and sick
Any illness, take your pick
It was that moment in prayer
The sickness suddenly cleared into thin air
I was healed in Jesus name
I have a slavery folktale of my own
I am Mae Rock, and I was once a slave
Always taught being black you must behave
How did I get the name Mae Rock?
I was named for Unbreakable, Unstoppable and Strong as a Solid Rock
The Plantation owner named me that for that very reason
I would often rebel after being beaten and refused the plantation ways
I knew I had to getaway
During those slavery years, you would find me reading the word and praying morning, Noon and night
One slavery night, I tried to escape
I crossed the river that was in South Carolina on state line heading for North Carolina
Ever so close leading to the North
When morning came, the plantation owner discovered I was gone
They had their dogs to track my scent and foot prints, but because I went through the river, they loss total track of me
I was determined to never go back to the plantation nor slavery live again
Sometimes I would tire, but knew I had to push on with all inner strength I could muster
The Lord guided me throughout my journey
I met fellow slaves along the way
In my Southern Draw is all I knew
I encouraged the other slaves to make their way North and escape to Freedom
Mae Rock’s words were, “You have to live and breathe as any person walking this Godly Earth. The Heavenly skies spells “Freedom”. The ways of the oppressed plantation owners could no longer being tolerated”
Suddenly a crack of Thunder, Flash of Lightning came along with the pouring rain and a rush of the mighty winds
It was decreed at that very moment that all slaves had to be free
It was as if that was God’s decree, and he had spoken
Freedom came loud and strong
All the slaves knew where they belonged
Head North for a better life
Mighty and true
Success in pursue
Mae Rock’s Legacy for generations to come, “Live out your dreams with spirit and destiny. Be true to yourself and to others. Don’t ever be silent, but always vocal. Time will come in your favor, but you must believe”
A Slavery Folk song says “Dance before the Lord as he is the melody through circumstance, and breaks all barriers. Enrich your mind and voice on one accord. It’s assurance that comes from the Lord”
121 · Jun 2016
preservationman Jun 2016
A storm that stayed in my head
Couldn’t move, and scare, but preferred to stay in bed
I immediately began to write the accord down
My sentences having a destination bound
I was writing as if there wasn’t a sound
The lights began to flicker on and off
However, I continued to write
It didn’t natter if I was full of fright
It didn’t matter if soon there would be no light
I knew my writing had a purpose
My inspiration had a devotion that needed to surface
A storm that tried to take my writing whole
But courage became victory and I had to be bold
I wrote through the storm
This is far from any norm
Life is about what do you want to achieve
The storm encouraged me in not being deceived
Goodness and value is what one will receive
A storm that had power
My writing being the every hour
The words, “Don’t be alarmed”
The storm, “I don’t intend to harm”
Immediately my write became a diary, which took affect
Write on and be strong, as the destiny is in the hands
My writing being a door knock
It’s the open heart with a welcome in
This is where my writing story all began.
120 · May 2023
preservationman May 2023
A&B Surround me

C&D What do you see?

E&F Dancing with plenty of time left

G&H Country style

I&J   Are you still with me?

K&L There’s a ranging of a bell

M&N Dance while you can

O&P We the People

Q&R Head home far following couples

S&T Dancing partner swing

U&V Country style music doing its thing

W&X Relaxed no longer perplexed

Y&Z. The ** Down accomplished and now applaud
120 · Aug 2020
preservationman Aug 2020
I am at an all time high
Wonder why?
I am on a rollercoaster involving my own words in the up and down thrills
I am being taken in all kinds of directions
It doesn’t matter if it involves turns
I know it is all adventure, and I will venture back
It is the skies with no limit
I didn’t think a rollercoaster thought have being a poet an impact in me
But it does
It goes beyond the rollercoaster incline
But coming being adventure of words lines jolted down with joys of inspiration
The turn is only the appreciation
My mind in the unexpected mode of creation
My own words took me for a ride
It took me high above the people below
At first it was slow
Then the rollercoaster accelerated and it was all go
It was my own yells being gratification
I have been given the joy to write
Rollercoaster made sure in pure sight
So let you and I take a rollercoaster ride, and just see how far our combined words can go
Get ready to go downhill, and this is called “Free Will”
But hold on, as you won’t be able to keep still
120 · Oct 2017
preservationman Oct 2017
Heaven having words to say
Being obedient is the term in ok
Listen to what God illustrates
Salvation in what the might one wants in all too participate
Accept me in bring everlasting life
That is my best advice
My storm is a warning in change from your evil ways
Heaven is a place that only allows the spiritual stay
Praying continuously is every day
I am the way
In Good you seek
I am the strength when you are weak
But let me repeat
I am the strength when you are weak
When struggles come I bring you out
My praise is something worthy to shout
No need to settle for drowning in sorrow
I am the Lord and there is a tomorrow
I am the Lord who wants all to be saved
The world I do control
I am my own greatest story ever told
My wonders are my works demonstrated in being bold
Life is where it stands
I am the Lord God who can command
I cover the entire land
Follow me throughout your life
Watch my wonders in how they expel good advice.
preservationman Apr 2023
Calypso spread throughout the world
People person being a heart that swirls
The name behind Harry Belafonte
The music having flavor in the calypso moves
Essence with music smooth
Mr. Belafonte’s life expanded commodity throughout his life
His name rang the music charts
But there is more to his story beyond music
Mr. Belafonte’s was quite active in the Civil Rights Movement
He worked determined alongside Dr. Martin Luther King
Mr. Belafonte encouraged everyone to be involved and connected in the cause for justice for all
His achievements and desires have been fulfilled
Heaven said come home and rest
Your work is complete
Mr. Belafonte’s music will never be forgotten
Heaven has music for you to pursue
Lifted up in spirit and lived the way God wanted him to live
You will always be remembered having a calypso style
Your own blend
But now it is your end
Your legacy is forever
If Mr. Belafonte last words would probably be, “Think of me being more than an entertainer, but a supporter in Civil Rights and capturing the world’s hearts
He wouldn’t say Goodbye
Until we meet again
119 · Mar 2019
preservationman Mar 2019
What do Vintage and Antique have in common?
Here’s a clue, a Hound Bus with a yesteryear start
So the clue wasn’t any help you say
It’s the Greyhound Mack Bus 1931
The Front could be considered something from the Ford Model-T
So since the secret is out, and you now know what I am talking about
There were many variations of the 1931 Mack, but some with my liking is the Camel Hair seat and even a little Seat in the middle of the aisle for a little Tot

But Dazzle in the sleek Navy Blue and White
The 1931 Mack is quite a sight
It has a unique look
Imagine Mr. MAGOO calling the Hound Bus Mack 1931 a road hog
But the Mack’s response would be “My Headlights flashing in stating never forget as it is a Vintage in the Greyhound Fleet”
Now that is really neat
But I have seen the 1931 Mack Hound Bus up close and personal
It was 2014 at the Meadowlands in New Jersey celebrating Greyhound’s 100th Anniversary and the 1931 Mack was exactly the way it was always pictured
But wait, there’s more
I have a Toy Model of the Mack 1931 Bus Burlington Trailways in my Personal Bus Collection, and it is made out of Plywood and the Greyhound 1931  Dieast
Well time really moved fast, and our journey did last
As a Buddy to Buddy would say, “So long Mack”.
preservationman Nov 2017
Terror surrounded Lower Manhattan
No one expected a truck to plow people down
But a question that comes to mind, where was the terrorist bound?
The Terrorist was just short steps to the World Trade
This was the new version that was constructed made
I commend the NYPD having a fast response
It was ammunition ready at a moment’s try
To the Terrorist, this is between New York City with your motive of why?
We will not be frightened by your evil act
This is New York City, we don’t function like that
We are prepared to attack
We practice daily our stance
This is how we maneuver in advance
So Isis, you have no place
Hitting New York City was a waste
We will continue to be in your face
New York City is no town
Ready, Aim and fire will always be our sound
New York City message for Isis is think before you enter
Because you will be arrested front and center
You see we respond on the dot
What you tried to do was a failed evil plot
We will continue to fight whether you like it or not.
118 · Jun 2022
preservationman Jun 2022
Any highway with a surprise
Life focused on realize
Always be encouraged to emphasize
Travel with an open mind
Watch as the scenery unfolds
The picture windows being the narration of story told
Greyhound who shows you towns that might not be on any map
Don’t forget to wear your thinking cap
The Greyhound rolling wheels not needing a road map
Recline and lean back and take a nap
Greyhound bringing your destination closer than you think
I just saw America’s Uncle Sam give a wink
Greyhound showing you possibilities
Your life you haven’t thought about
A turnaround will be worked out
Greyhound and you united as one
Greyhound with your destiny
Enrich and embrace in the Greyhound way
Think Greyhound always when you want to travel any given day
Leave and arrive
Drive our way
Think of Greyhound being your getaway
118 · Apr 2019
preservationman Apr 2019
118 · May 2023
preservationman May 2023
But sometimes you will fall
It will become a stumble
Get back up
It’s life preparing you
It’s called Trial and Error
It started at your very school pointing that out
Pitfalls in what you can expect
It became the learning concept of adaption
Prepared in advance

Every opportunity is giving you the reason to excel
Purpose has set the stage
It’s you being the commodity of your own
The spotlight is on you
Go out and use what you learned
It won’t be easy
There will be challengers
It will seem difficult
Stumble and Fall
But always get back and plan your strategy
Don’t set boundaries, but organize your standards
Don’t accept excuses, but prove abilities
Tomorrow is your today
Establish has formulated this very minute
Being a graduate is just one part aiming for success
Success is movement through continual efforts
Think Believer, Achiever and Determined
Accomplishment will be what you mastered

You accomplished the first element and that is education
But don’t stop there, keep up the date in business insights and keep the learning going by furthering your education is you desire
Keep your mind aware in being focused
Always improving
Turn a negative thought into a positive theory
Proven in your favor
Everyone is proud of you
You should proud yourself
You planted your feet on solid ground
Listen to the applause, it is for you
You thought education, but get ready to create your success story
Look at now where you are, you mastered the educational agenda
While others may have doubt, you proved you can learn
You are your own presentation and representation
No one can enhance that but you
See possibilities being your reality you never thought
Image, but accelerate
Assurance your own
Confident and self-alliant
Beyond your own expectation
What you expect is what you turn into effect
Let the force be with you
You are ready to go forth
You are now prepared for the touchdown of your life
Conquer challenges
Let your challenges excel into victories
Your story
Congratulations graduates
This is the day to embrace
Hold your head up high and emphasize, “I am the best, and the best is still yet to come”
Go out and believe in yourself.
preservationman Aug 2018
On some given days you would see “Speed” on the move
It was New York City justice too prove
A criminal chase would often make citizens think that that were seeing a movie
It might sound groovy
But it was the real NYPD thing
A car chase would often make anybody think if they are witnessing a race
“Speed” was just that fast
The remembrance will certainly last
Moving with urgency
Crime with Justice on Speed’s mind
Jail time for criminals combined
If you Rob, Steal or Mug justice in NYPD policy
But then again, justice is faced in major cities across the United States
But this is a retirement send off for a Horse named “Speed”
As you retire, I will always think on establishment in proceed
However, a NYPD battle against crime, there is a message when you were in need
Assurance being in your own right
Everyone could see it in plain sight
After all, I have respect and you deserve that as I am polite
You deserve the spotlight
You were more than a horse of course
You were are a Policemen’s friend
The public showed you love all within
Yet with pride and dignity you showed honor in knowing you took part in Justice being can
As you retire, there is a certain inspire
But don’t ever tire
You leave behind other horses in following your lead
Don’t be surprised if Mr. Ed calls you in need
The NYPD will miss that Policemen street moving ride
But it was the citizen’s protection that you need provide
It was saddle up
Let your gallop be a cast in the wind
Your retirement is not a good-bye but until then
“Speed”, continue to ride on
Your sundown is your inspiration that you spread around
Now you can settle down and relaxation will be your sound
Gallop Gallop one last time
Retirement is your reward, and I honor you with a silver sword.
preservationman Oct 2022
My location in viewing was Regal Union Square in New York City
October 15, 2022
Mississippi was where the story took place
Medgar Evers on the case adding to the trace
It was injustice and hatred portrayed
The analogy of being black
The opposition in wanting black to take back
The movie was more than a flick
The lies told throughout that stuck
Anger with emotion
Cries feeling the pain of Emmett Till’s Mother
The open coffin of her son’s reality
The world saw and remembered
The lifeless body of Emmett Till
Justice wasn’t served
A mixed menu of what was not ordered
I held this movie close to my heart
Legacy influence from Thurgood Marshall and Civil Rights Leader, Medgar Wiley
There’s a connection, and I personally felt the experience of the movie throughout
I actually met the Medgar Evers Family, and I graduated from CUNY Medgar Evers College
This person is legacy as well, but wasn’t in the movie with a mention
I was lectured at CUNY MEC by Professor Dr. Betty Shabazz, Malcolm X’s Widow
Even though Miss Till loss the battle, she proved to the Racist world that Blacks have a Voice, Courageous, Determined and will not be still
The voices of reason will always shout out
Miss Till surpassed through the tribulations, Boundaries and Crossing Forbidden Lines
Yet, she held her dignity in honor of her son, Emmett Till
Miss Till was encouraged through the higher minds of legacy
She was guided by Heaven’s eyes
Pillar of Strength
All costs at every length
Emmett Till with smiles and joy
The train may have departed
The Sunrise and Sunset captures the paths taken
The world awakened
Emmett Till until
Spirit reigns
Emmett Till ranks
117 · Feb 2018
preservationman Feb 2018
It’s the introduction from chapter after chapter into ever after
One’s mind being intrigued
The thirst to know more in proceed
The open book mind of the Reader in finding themselves
Words full of understanding and mystery
The hard times full of misery
The mission is holding one’s attention
But the term is really comprehension
A story dialog of who did what and expelling into the person unknown
But at some point the book will let it be known
It’s lessons learned having a shown
Could it be a jealous Rage?
Perhaps a moment of beyond in not acting ones age
The story of deal that went sour
Seconds going into hours
One life to live
One’s inner inspiration expelling in give
However, the book can offer emotion
Love with desire
Ancient Rome being an Empire
Time that simply expired
So what is it about a book?
See for yourself and take a look
Perhaps you will be on a journey unknown
An aftermath that will be full blown
However, that is for you to find out, and I won’t let it be known
Now that is your Homework assignment
However with that comes commitment
Discover the understanding within your own mind in a book
The stove is on now cook
But while you are cooking, the book might establish a crook.
116 · May 2023
preservationman May 2023
The battle is too win
Rats get no give in
Not a fact, but reality
Pest always want to invade
Sometimes glue traps don’t work
Different methods as a perk
The idea is to rates defuse
When Rats don’t want to leave, refuse
They will tell your home into a hotel
No vacancies to rats in get out
Put measures in place
That includes getting rid of garbage waste
Show them you mean business
Become the victor being your own witness
Be careful when using chemicals
You don’t want to harm any pets nor small children
Electronic devices may do the right trick
Just make that measure stick
They encourage them to leave
Catch your breath and feel relieved
You don’t need a Jerry in your house
That also includes any mouse
Tell them to go back to Disney
Be ******* getting Rats out
Be aware as they are moving about
Let your home be pest free
Prevention is the key
Make the Rats move in a getaway
Apply every day
Rat patrol
116 · Nov 2018
preservationman Nov 2018
Eenie Meenie miney Moe
But you don’t really know
It’s up too me to narrate being the show
Life having it’s down and with an although
A man being in total despair
Having no direction beyond his own compare
A man loss with no directional finder
It’s a case of being confused
But at some point in the man’s life he was used
However, the man used other people in his lifetime
Some might consider him like everybody else
Yet the man is of human nature

Now help me in giving this man some sort of insight
But it must be inspiration in getting him out of his plight
Right now he is in a dark tunnel needing light
Trust in above
It’s Heaven too think of
Inspiration that comes from a total high
Your question needs no answer as of why
Just give heaven a try

As I narrate further, the man was once married, but he also cheated on his wife
Now for that, he deserves no advice
The man and his Wife would often argue and Shout
Curse words after another I am talking about
So his Wife told him to pack his bags and whatever belongings he could carry went with him on the pavement which became his home
But now he is alone
Well maybe not totally alone in the sense of physical presence

The man’s loss base with family and friends
However, the question is, will the Man’s life ever mend
No, we are not at the end
So what words of encouragement do you think I should give other than what I said already
Prayer is priority
Life is the reality
Look to the skies with a Man ever so wise
Within life, there is always a surprise
It will be a turnaround with a new sunrise
Tomorrow is understanding with a suppose too be
So look up Man, and you shall see.
115 · Apr 2019
preservationman Apr 2019
115 · Apr 2017
preservationman Apr 2017
My mind says write
My thoughts illustrate am I right?
A Poet must have a concept
But also adapt
Words can have a rhyme
It can also have possibilities
Adjectives into verbs
The right combination being like an herb
But the specific Poet’s story had an angle, and it went like this
Tension was pressures on my heart
My mind being like a violet storm
Echoes upon echoes of many voices
Yet my senses alert alarm after alarm
A rocky avalanche occurs
But one is right in the middle of the situation
One’s life could end in that split second
Reckons calls
Pray on the knees in fall
Oh Lord I am in a plight
Possible darkness with transcending light
My soul will go up to thee
I am asking spare my life
Suddenly the avalanche passes over
One praying soul survives
This was a Poet’s story encounter
But it makes one really wonder
The Poet was destined to write
But if one has Faith and truly believe
Writing with confident will help relieve
A Poet must have the idea to always perceive.
115 · Jan 2019
preservationman Jan 2019
The ***** ever so tender
Sultry of the summer heat
Organisms intense
Sweat pouring all through the bed sheets
Love on my mind
The Moon bringing on the stronger mood
Needing the caress to soothe
Oh I am feeling enthused
I am on the prowl
My heat is turned up
The interlude is nothing to ignore
Reaching new heights in love to explore
The temperature is high in my bedroom
Humidity of summer is all through the air
But the height of desire being my total fulfillment
Love being a satisfied guarantee
My motion in putting out my fire
It’s all desire
Body to body touch
I am beginning to cool down
Intense is not past tense
Epilogue was a sequence
Sultry being my summer heat night well spent.
114 · Sep 2017
preservationman Sep 2017
What separates you from loving me?
What separates me from you loving you?
Emotions no longer control
Mind communications don’t connect
In fact, our personalities totally neglect
There is no love effect
Our understanding doesn’t have an intellect
Yet we don’t speak
We are like a thread not going through the needle
Our bed even protests in not being loved
The truth is within us
Why must we be separated?
We seem we are apart even when we are together
Yet I still have love for you
However you say you still love me
My thinking, I will have to wait and see
But we stand alone
No understanding shown
We are like two birds that have flown
My hesitation I should have known
I don’t want to make this full blown
Separated we are
We can only work out our differences and see how far.
preservationman Aug 2019
Many movies have portrayed “Miracle on 34th” versions beyond the actual
But I actually worked during the ordeal
My story is certainly for real
I have been with Macy’s Thirty-Seven Years
Through the years, I managed to preserver
It was during the Macy’s-Gimbels era is what I went through
I am sure you see the clue
It was a time when a Macy’s and Gimbels Buyers had lunch
There was talk of merchandising while they munched
Business was discussed on Macy’s side and Gimbels found out about Macy’s Strategy
So Gimbels explored Macy’s campaign
Well the aftermath that shall remain
So Macy’s was outraged with what had transpired from Gimbels
Macy’s decided to spy on Gimbels to see what concept they could pick up
Macy’s couldn’t get the whole element since Gimbels had their plan complex
So Macy’s became upset
Yet they knew they needed a plan of their own to be competitive
But its Macy’s in wanting to be objective
I worked in the CEO & Chairmen, Edward Finkelstein’s Executive Office along with his Executive Assistant, Veronica and I was their Typist
So an email went out stating to all Macy’s employee’s that we were not to discuss any Macy’s business with Gimbels
This was a different kind of miracle
But that was the day back then
However, the Macy’s and Gimbels competition comrades came to final end.
114 · Jan 2018
preservationman Jan 2018
It’s the respect you give
It’s also the encouragement and how you think positive
You make me laugh and we have fun
I am blessed for your friendship among
We inspire one another
We know how to be ourselves like no other
We get along quite well
It’s noticeable and people can tell
There are two sayings, “No Man Is an Island and Man can’t live on bread alone”
Well our friendship let this be shown
Friendship is something where one must adapt
It’s not something that comes from an app
Yet you won’t find on any map
There will be times of our in difference
But that is what makes friendship unique
Friendship is something everyone should keep
But at the same token there should not be lies of deceit
Friendship is about truth
It might start within your youth
Yet trust is a must
I value you friend
It extends until the very end
Yes this is how our friendship began
Interest at heart
Togetherness making a mark
Our friendship has blossomed like the season spring
But the thought being one thing, “Our friendship began from day one
Once again, I am glad we are still among
This is why I call you friend
When I need you it’s words of can.
114 · Feb 11
Wheels unstoppable
Enabled inspiration
The gentlemen called “WHEELCHAIR LOUIE”
He lifts heavy weight to keep in shape, and not look like an ape
Wheelchair Louie is into Wheelchair Bodybuilding to compete in Bodybuilding shows along with his brethren
Wheelchair muscles of the fittest
He trains at “ENERGIZE GYM” to work out and enhance his muscles into proportion
Transform and intensify growth
You would find wheelchair Louie posing in the mirror using his own wheelchair for support
Analyzing structural and definition in his muscles
Wheelchair Louie doesn’t see a handicap as he sees the will to try
Being movable and encouraged with a pursue and winning spirit
One has to give him merit in his efforts in not settling on his circumstance, but devoted to accomplish like anyone else not in a wheelchair
What is Wheelchair Louie’s advice for those in a wheelchair, Exercise and break all barriers of doubt and bring understanding with every try in accomplishing whatever your heart’s desire with a promise of fulfillment
Give Wheelchair Louie an applause in his quest for standing on his
solidarity and eyes on his own victory.
113 · Mar 2022
preservationman Mar 2022
Many yesterday’s ago
Words put Recruiters in the know
Feast your eyes
What was accomplished will be a surprise
I am a candidate you would appreciate
My influence in what I could create
I am prepared for any task
Can master concepts fast
I performed on Broadway in a small role
Possess an Office background showing behold
My skills are in the multitudes
Technology is also an include
I have been exposed to numerous business areas
It’s knowledge you know
From Small Businesses to Fortune 500’s
It all surrounds me in being effective
Knowledge upon knowledge I possess
Put my mind to the test
My Resume spell success
The Resume words say it best
I am the Knight in shining Armor
Ready to expel
Assurance you will tell
There’s no music to accompany
I am the candidate in honesty ready to join your company
Call me established
Remember the name well
Put me at the top of the stack
My Resume illustrates fact
Just believe
Performance is what the company will receive
My aid is to achieve
Sincerely yours
113 · Apr 2018
preservationman Apr 2018
The book introduced a time to realize
One’s life at some point they should analyze
But to many Motivators, this is no surprise
The book emphasizes cope
Where there is cope, there is also inspiration of hope
There is anticipation in waiting and seeing
Assurance has its own term with the meaning in what it should be
It’s one’s look into what they should expect
Hope in establishing words in the four letters, “HELP, OPTION, PRINCIPLE AND EXCEL”
Hope has words within that give’s one the possibilities into direction
Consider the above sentence alone a lesson
Now those four words in hope are worth a mention
Let’s start with ‘HELP”
This I call the advice mode
Knowing that one is in devastation
But one also doesn’t want to end in destruction
Looking for answers having hope
Help in knowing what one needs
The steps in direction in how to proceed
Now let’s weigh in “OPTION”
What alternative’s does one have?
Will these alternatives be vital to one’s objectives?
The alternatives can be Direct Counseling, Education, Personal Self-Awareness and Faith
We now have reached “PRINCIPLES”
Having a purpose and reasoning from within
One controls the census of one’s decisions
It involves one’s thought being their own equation
Decisions and thoughts that add up
We are finally at “EXCEL”
Now that is self-explanatory
Having inspiration in movement to succeed
Later followed by continuation to proceed
But one must have hope throughout
This I have been talking about
Let me assurance you that there is hope
This is a requirement to believe
Knowing you have hope becomes a relieve
But because of Faith, this is the hope you will receive
Hope should be ongoing throughout daily life on days end
This is where the belief begins
But thank the book where hope was introduced
Always remember, hope is always for your good use.
preservationman Nov 2022
Day into Night
Anticipate of Thanksgiving in plain sight
Uniting families and friends
Thanksgiving offering no pretends
Total inspiration at the end
Giving thanks
Smiles with Laughter
Food that comes after
Bringing people together in the multitudes
Beginning until conclude
Destinations to numerous destinations
Mercy and Grace following
Seeing people face to face
The thought of the Thanksgiving Feast
Worries behind and stress carefree
Where ever your journeys take you whether at home or destination to
Let Thankful pursue
If you are alone, be Thankful to be among the living
Every day is Thanksgiving
Living and Breathing is a reason
It doesn’t matter the season
Reflect on memories gone by
Table setting with food to eat
Various desserts adding to the treat
Your thanks
Don’t take being Thankful for granted
Remember to pray for the misfortunate
They deserve Thanksgiving as well
Remember the Pilgrims who made this holiday
Praise Heaven Authority who embraces our lives each and every day
Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your feast
Family and Friends time
A blessing one of kind
Be Thankful for one another
Let the Feast begin
113 · Feb 2018
preservationman Feb 2018
The sun turned blood red
The change in the Earth’s revolve becoming a solid stead
The Moon darkened to night skies black
But what is wrong with that?
Belief being the end of the world
Run for life becoming a swirl
But where does one run?
It’s Heaven’s call in who will be among
Panic throughout the world
People scare they are going to die
They try to live one last try
The Bible warned
Yet people on Earth weren’t getting along
The skies portrayed the Earth’s fail
But again this was Heaven’s tail
People’s thoughts were, “If only I had lived right”
One could feel the world feeling uptight
People were searching for that divine light
But they lived their life in darkness being a plight
But it was too late
It is now fate
The calendar formed the absolute date
Moment became now
The final skies curtain came with wow
Heaven is in control of souls now.
112 · Apr 2017
preservationman Apr 2017
My mind says write
My thoughts illustrate am I right?
A Poet must have a concept
But also adapt
Words can have a rhyme
It can also have possibilities
Adjectives into verbs
The right combination being like an herb
But the specific Poet’s story had an angle, and it went like this
Tension was pressures on my heart
My mind being like a violet storm
Echoes upon echoes of many voices
Yet my senses alert alarm after alarm
A rocky avalanche occurs
But one is right in the middle of the situation
One’s life could end in that split second
Reckons calls
Pray on the knees in fall
Oh Lord I am in a plight
Possible darkness with transcending light
My soul will go up to thee
I am asking spare my life
Suddenly the avalanche passes over
One praying soul survives
This was a Poet’s story encounter
But it makes one really wonder
The Poet was destined to write
But if one has Faith and truly believe
Writing with confident will help relieve
A Poet must have the idea to always perceive.
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