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172 · Apr 2023
preservationman Apr 2023
Not Tick Tack Toe
Not even a Crossword Puzzle you know
I am trapped in a word maze
Trying to find my way out
This will not be a snap
I wish I had my thinking cap
I am confused like a mouse
I feel like I am in a haunted house
Everywhere a detour
In is where it all begins and with exit
Did I mention I am in the dark with no light?
This is what I call a plight
Words block every path
Direction having no find
This word trap is certainly not kind
No getaway nor trap door
I know that for sure
Escape will not be easy
Perhaps there is escape
A motto keeps popping into my head, “Seek and you shall find”
Easier said than done
Trapped like a fly
This is definitely going to take awhile
Word trap has its own style
What will I do now while?
170 · Aug 2017
preservationman Aug 2017
Journeys endless
The sun has risen in a new day to begin
On this hot and humid summer day on the highway
It involves a Greyhound bus, trucks and cars
Destination on the Greyhound bus to a place called “Trust”
So as the passengers sleep and recline in their seats
The Greyhound bus tires turn and turn to every moving beat
Tire tweet sounds
Onward and onward the Greyhound bus being bound
But there was an uneasiness that no one will expect
Suddenly within that second
The Greyhound bus started to lose control
There was no preparation for the passengers to take hold
The Greyhound bus turned over and over on its side
No passenger aboard had any place to hide
So what caused the bus to crash?
You see, a car had literally stopped in the express lane
The driver of the car was completely lame
Fortunately, there was no loss of life
This wasn’t the Greyhound Driver’s fault
The passengers of the bus only had minor injuries and not serious
But you can imagine, The Greyhound Driver and passengers were totally furious
Yet there seemed to be uneasiness from the start rising to the max
Accountability being nothing more than witnessing having facts.
170 · Sep 2016
preservationman Sep 2016
I long for this moment
My tears overflow
I am focusing on despite and agonizing struggles
My dreams nothing more than nightmares
I see no reason to preserver
Choices have been ruled out
It’s like I am having boxing bout
Decisions are only final conclusions
Life puts people to the test for them to figure out
But all I want is a chance
A given right to prove myself
I don’t need a Judge and Jury
It certainly doesn’t come down to being a theory
No chapter in a book sustains my mystery
That is the key word
Now you have heard
Don’t look down on me
I need no microscope for all to see
I don’t need pity
I have a personality that makes me witty
An opportunity becomes a chance
Yet unbelievers want to prance
This is at every chance
Chances to be taken away
Yet it won’t happen on this day
Chance in my eyes is analyzing in creating the surprise, but thinking in knowing how to stay wise.
preservationman Jul 2019
Her two Fathers who were mighty
What’s in the Thor name don’t take lightly
It was the strength of the God of Thunder
But there is a new Wonder
He had a daughter, Thor Athena, God of Creation
Just like her Father, she stands for Justice for civilization
She swings her hammer proving supreme
When it comes to Justice, Thor Athena shows Evil mean
Her own brother is jealous being Thor Athena is the Queens, and all civilization bows down to her
Well her brother Loki will never accept
Loki has his own concept
Rule over good and make bad
That sounds so sad
But on Asgard, it becomes a moment of uncertainty
Even though Loki with full of greed
Thor Athena will always be able to proceed
She has her Grandfather and Father guiding her deed.
preservationman Dec 2016
What will Santa deliver to all the Boys and Girls?
Money or perhaps the taste of honey
Might that will turn into excite
Joy being Oh boy
Advice with nothing but sugar and spice
A very tasteful Gingerbread House now that would be nice
Now all those thoughts do sound good
But the question still remains if Santa could?
However Santa has run into a plight
Santa’s sleigh headlight may not shine tonight
Christmas comes at the stroke of midnight, and it’s Christmas Eve with scheduling being tight
Christmas might not come at all
This has become Santa’s call
But, it was like a miracle in the stars
It all came from a far
Rudolph’s nose that shined so bright
Santa asks, “Rudolph, my sleigh needs your nose that gives radiant light”
Well right after, the Elves got busy again
There’s no time thinking when, can if and then
Production prevails and we must set sail
Rudolph and the Reindeer team dashed well into the night
Christmas morning will be every child’s delight
Well there you have it where Christmas almost wasn’t going to be
There is no answer to that, but the world did see
Yet too the world, Santa travelled well hidden and beyond any observation electronic
Then it’s the journey back where Christmas always began
Every child wishing and hoping
The sky stars all filled with dreams
But that is a child theme with overflowing streams
Christmas cheers too one and all, and Happy New Year 2017 being the prosperous call.
170 · Apr 2017
preservationman Apr 2017
Trapped like a mouse
But this is not about a house
Cornered in a alley with no way out
Darkened as the night where no one will hear any shout
I ran but have no pace
Escaping being like a race
Followed by Thugs
They all had rough looking mugs
I was weak and meek
The Thugs were strong being at their peak
I didn’t have much money on me
The thugs surrounded me, but their faces I couldn’t see
They pulled out a Gun and Knife
I knew this could be the end of my life
Surely, there was no way out
I had to be clever and think
Otherwise, I will be like a sunken ship and sink
I tried to reason with the Thugs
I was outnumbered and didn’t win
I just knew I came to my end
A knife was put towards my stomach
Just when the **** was ready to stab, Police cars came with their bright lights
I no longer had the feeling of being uptight
I am alive and that is something to praise in excite
Now I can sleep and Good Night.
170 · Aug 2016
preservationman Aug 2016
Destiny and honor all making the mark
I stand as a man with no conviction
My movement needs no permission
I stand as an American in knowing my rights
I stand as a man being direct
I am that man being effective
Let no one to tone my voice down
I want Justice to be all around
My voice ranks high and no volume below
I walk, but my mission will not be slow
I will not bow to any man who sees a lower esteem
Being a man my character speaks, and I rise to the occasion
I can’t stand along, but follow me and let it be known
I am no longer unknown
I am the man to the plate
Success is being complete as my slate

My reasons are unknown
But my outburst has shown
My inner voice yells Civil Rights
The emotion will be a good fight
I have been told I must be silent
My demeanor says speak out
It’s about rights
This is no time to sit back and be polite
A light has set my paths of my footsteps
I see a long walkway, which reads “Leadership”
As I walk further another sign says, “Courage”
Then continued walking and discovering “Determination”
But the purpose in me speaking out, and knowing not to take the wrong direction
I can’t detour with a roadblock
My inspiration will not stop
Let my voice ring even if it means to the mountain top
Yes this is my platform as it relates
My journey is whatever date
If you believe in your heart, you know it is not too late
But today, stand with me and let us all appreciate
A man who stands is a man who doesn’t crumble at the end.
170 · Jul 2021
preservationman Jul 2021
As I recall you didn’t want me anymore
We argued all the time
Your rebuke being my move on
I responded with I will get along
There was no love only cheating on both sides
Get out, you can’t reside
Commitment has no meaning
It was simply lies
I am not a light switch being on and off
When you stepped out
Your cheating was known all about
From sunset to sundown you were nowhere to be found
I now have peace and tranquil
I have no tears
I don’t want you ever to come near
I am able to move on
My heart being a locked secure door
You are a person I will always ignore
You only want to put me down
But I am not falling to the ground
You are long distance by my standards
I have a totally different approach
My words are no joke
You say you want, but really didn’t need
My life now is focused on me to continue to proceed
No further need
Goodbye now forever
preservationman Sep 2018
Planning and with strategy in destruction taking a minute
The Terrorist using commercial plans
The two Former World Trade Centers that longer remain
Devastation in truth
Evidence being the proof
At least I still have my house with a roof
So many lives loss on that day
But there is much more I want to say
I went on a interview a week before 9/11 at Marsh & McLennan, Inc.
I would have worked on the 96th Floor in Former World Trade Center One
But I wasn’t the hired applicant among

Each and every given day I pray and look upon
Imagine, my name could have been added to the memorial among
My name could have been read year after as ANTHONY CHARLES BLAKE
However, I am appreciative that I yet can preserver
Life is what matters most
No I am not trying to boast
Heaven just wasn’t ready for me
The world witnessed the death of others and they could see
Once again that could have been me
I witnessed the other commercial plan strike Tower Two
It was more lives again

But deep down I must hold my head up and stick my chest out
Move forward and live now that’s what I am talking about
Can’t let Terrorist to ever make me afraid
This is not how I was created, but what inspiration Heaven made
This is a time to live
Remember, reflect and give
America has triumphed since then
Time told us to move forward and strive on but always be strong
Embrace still while others feel they don’t belong
Destruction hasn’t broken the chain
It is solid and strong and will continue to remain
Trust but be alert
Observe but always be prepared
Stay on track but only reflect
Life is about living but no gamble
9/11 instilled my courage
Fight only when the time is right
We are all New Yorkers, and our hands clasped being tight
Truly we did move on
Striving new Towers being from tomorrow with a continuous every day
What else can I say?
Weak before but strong now
Let us show the terrorist that fear is no longer within, but strength in numbers in knowing we can defeat, and can’t be beat.
169 · Oct 2015
preservationman Oct 2015
My heart beats strong, but is too loud?
My tears pour, but I need to be tough
As a rock I must be rough
Yet my thoughts don’t have an aim
Totally my fault in being the blame
My emotions captivating an up roar
This is something my inner self cannot ignore
I fall to my knees in search of prayer
Oh Lord you the king beyond compare
Comfort me being Heaven’s share
Help me to cope and bare
My life feeling like a closed shall
Yet my heart has a confess to tell
I once was a robbing thief
The thought doesn’t give me relief
I turned from being wicked and harsh
But I am moving like a fog beaten marsh
I longed for a rightful gift
But it seems I was been labelled a thrift
Destiny needing precise direction
Guidance coming from a higher mountain being perfection
I need my cries to dry up
I need fulfillment to fill my cup
Agony not wanting any pity
At least not from this city
My heart rings out and faith being the shout
Being despaired had made me wise
It’s understanding being no surprise
It’s about overcoming and meeting despaired face to face
My eyes to God who will erase
My trail of where I have been, and continuing footsteps until the end
Walk with me LORD and help me get through the winding bend.
preservationman Jan 2017
It’s about knowing how and arriving at can
The learning process during when
Carefully on target planning thinking all through then
Inspired in the mind
Positive approach must be combined
Fine tuning of current and tomorrow’s skills
Skills that will be recharged and enriched personality
A time to represent being the presentation
The word “Excellence” at its best
You are the person being the example for this test
The Old Typewriter Theory, “A, E, O and Up the ladder in perfection in reaching the leadership top
Accomplishments in efforts that shouldn’t stop
My Grandfather always taught me that no matter what the challenge, have confidence in ability and add knowledge from education in knowing how to follow through
Distance sounds far, but it is up to you to bring achievement in being local
“Thinking you can’t is a negative you won’t”
Can’t doesn’t apply until you have illustrated try
Efforts in sacrifice that might make you cry
Yet achieve will be even be questionable on thoughts focusing on still
But your true establishment must be fulfilled on a destined will
What was a thought in being a big climb, you made it too the top of the hill
You actually didn’t think how the will
You saw challenge and knew you had to conquer
You left others wondering with a ponder
Remember these encouraging words, “Look up, but don’t look down, but do encourage others in need as you life depends in the outgoing future in how you will continue to proceed.
168 · Sep 2014
preservationman Sep 2014
The chapter opens with General Walters and his Troops
They were briefed war details
Having a planned strategy not wanting the enemy to prevail
Missiles were shooting all over the place
It was look for cover in any space
Later the troops went up in the front line
They used all of kinds of equipment combined
Suddenly one of the soldiers was wounded
The echoing of bombs in the distance was a cracking sound
A war that could be long
But this is a mission and the Soldiers knew where they belonged
Conflict was certainly in the air
Yet careful footsteps in caution of beware
The enemy being mysterious
A precise motion to move in obvious
Smoke screens of a determined force
Everyone at their accord with their own source
Yet the battle goes on
No one knows for how long
It’s a matter of wait
Then anticipate
Followed by don’t hesitate
Certainly don’t be late
United States map in the hands of an uncertain fate and the calendar will mark that date.
preservationman Jan 2019
I seem to have a mark in being a Greyhound Bus Company Employee
But let me explain in understanding so you can see
It was three years ago
Now this is a dialog so I will narrate slow
I was waiting for a specific departure being a Greyhound Bus at the New York City Port Authority Bus Terminal
My destination was Philadelphia, PA
It was an Express Bus
I was on my way to the Philadelphia Flower Show
As I was standing waiting for the bus to pull up to the Gate and Load
Too my surprise, a Travelling Customer was passing by and stated directly to me, I look like I work for Greyhound
Now even though I am a Greyhound fan, I made sure I wasn’t wearing any bus memorabilia on
The only thing I was wearing was my Bus Patches on my Denim Jacket, but my Coat was hiding it
So I wonder was Greyhound written on my forehead
What did that travelling Customer feel I was knowledgeable about Greyhound
Whatever the event, the secret was out
Perhaps being destined to work for Greyhound is what I am talking about
Imagine, From the Greyhound slogan being my version, “Greyhound and me, travel with adventure and take it from me”.
preservationman Sep 2014
God called your name
But you closed your ears and made mockery blame
You felt salvation would be a shame
Having salvation is a Heavenly prize
This is something the world must realize
The wonders can open your eyes
The divinity in making you wise
The clouds that gather
It’s your true soul that matters
God’s voice echoing beyond any mountain and enriching in valley’s look
A new beginning with a renewed tomorrow
You are simply drowning in your own sorrow
The hills make you strong
God’s solid foundation is where you belong
The faith of one’s belief
Having God’s mercy oh what a relief
God shall call again
The Heavenly voice for your salvation to begin
But because of your doubting questions you have no idea of when
God’s voice speaking directly at your heart
Praying sincerely is a place to start
This is an open invitation to make your mark
Heaven awaits and remember your fate
Don’t be loss in darkness before it is too late
The Heavenly room is coming soon
We all will be meeting our superior groom.
168 · Jun 12
Love came together
Man and Wife
Embracing in others advice
Dated hand in hand
Devoted hearts
Our vows
Even now
Romance forever
I do
Marriage in pursue
Love shining stronger
Kisses to each other
Waves to invited guest
Thanks for this moment
Cherished distinguished
Uplift Champagne glass
We are married at last
Lip kisses
Everlasting Bliss
168 · Jun 2017
preservationman Jun 2017
Sleeping peacefully
But how long will that last?
Time moves with the moon and changing skies
Thinking intellect, but being wise
A noise churns outdoors
But suddenly there was a noise on the living room floors
I dashed carefully downstairs
I moved ever so clever through the darkness giving stares
I had a club in my hand
Ready to attack at my command
A soulful voice appeared in a ghostly manner
The Ghost said to me, he once lived in the house
It was he and his spouse
The Ghost was Warren Stellar who was quite a tall fella
Ghost Warren Stellar told me to get out
All I could do was yell and shout
I ran as far from the house as I could
I had no thought on my mind if I should
I knew I couldn’t stand where I stood
I did in fact go back
But communicating with Ghost Warren will take some tack
I was able to reason with the Ghost, and my house I could surely continue to boost.
167 · Sep 2017
preservationman Sep 2017
Ship to shore
The high seas to explore
Sea waves to open the Poet’s mind
Breathing in that fresh clean air
The Poet writes while sitting on deck
A bird on the deck being a wood peck
The Poet writes, “I am aboard the S.S. Poetry Enterprise. It’s my poetry composition having a realize. It is the ship cruising the ocean, and the ship’s horn is letting all other ships know it”.
I feel relaxed and laid back
No job to think about, how about that?
As a Poet, I am taking this vacation to just write
Taking in all the sights
My emotions are full of fun
This is a seven days cruise, and I am far from done
By the time my journey’s end, I would have written several poetry pieces
The words would go like this
An ocean that goes beyond the miles
Thinking on many words during while
In my hand is my cup of thought
In my mind is a concept sought
Words don’t conclude my life, but extend it
Writing is a pure gift
A commodity being an inspired thrift
What makes the Poet’s get away special?
It’s the cruise giving the Poet open expression being essential
The ocean refreshes the words needing to be said
The confidence being the instead
Well I will be cruising several more days
Ship Ahoy Mates!
It’s the Poet and the captivating ship having a date.
167 · Oct 2017
preservationman Oct 2017
Follow me too the kingdom
Are you ready to go?
You can’t be slow
Just go with the Heavenly flow
But if you want to get to the kingdom there are provisions
Seeking salvation in knowing you need to be born again
Praying Continuously
Follow God’s word and reading scriptures
Witnessing for Christ to others in Christ’s honor
But before you follow me
You must remember, Heaven is a place you can’t get to by Car, Train, Air, Walk nor bus
It’s pure salvation that surrounds us
But there must not be any fuss
You must have Faith
Believe and no doubt
Confessing one is a Sinner
Only then accepting salvation one has permission in Heaven’s enter
But you must keep the Faith while you are on Earth
You must value salvation for all it’s worth
Take full in God’s word
Witness to God’s people in letting his goodness and mercy being heard
Heaven bound having preparation
Your testimony being participation
Spreading the gospel in illustration
Now that you know, are you ready to follow me too the Kingdom
No need to pack bags
But Heaven and salvation is a made up mind but don’t drag
Your mind should be all made up
Yet you should pray Lord always fill up my spiritual cup
But seek Heaven with your true heart and just be caught up.
preservationman Apr 2016
As the song began to play
It was wow what can I say
The farm belt of the nation
I remember my father using the tractor on the farm
He was always attending to the harvest
It was his folklore in not to fail
Growing up on the farm, we were always taught to be sure
As night approached, the skies were no joke
A twister began to blow
We had to leave the house and go
Under the house we went
The twister was heaven sent
My mother would often chant
Have courage and don’t be a little ant
Life has promise, but you only get one chance
Take life for what it is worth then you will advance.
preservationman Dec 2016
Holiday Cheers!
Let your poetry continue throughout the years
You are like no other compare
Your emotions and thoughts you shared
Your writings were like a Christmas tree shining bright
You brought out from the darkness and into the light
Snowfalls and your poetry being narrated like a holiday call
The feeling of togetherness establishing for all
Your poetry at times was your shedding tears
But it was all out of fear
However your poetry lines were heart to heart near
The spotlight of your writing work being a highlighted premiere
I lift my cup in your honor in Holiday cheer
My honest heart of Love in continuing to preserver
Everlasting inspiration year after year
Happy Holidays and inspiring write
Poet too Poet and I say Good Night.
167 · Apr 2019
preservationman Apr 2019
167 · Jun 2022
preservationman Jun 2022














167 · Jul 2014
preservationman Jul 2014
I walk to arrive
I learned what it is to strive
I eat to energize
This helps in keeping my in thinking wise
My words being creative sentences
The moment capturing my instances
The light bringing out the shine
The struggles combined leading to victory
My birth from past a reflection of history
The story in the beginning like a mystery
My steps of a rythmatical beat
The motto, “Don’t give into defeat”
Let the smile on your face become on own retreat
I live to explore, and being confident and thinking sure.
166 · Apr 2016
preservationman Apr 2016
My act in yet to perform
My cries are far from the norm
I am at the center of my conviction
A knife I hold in my hand of my demand
I want to aim straight for my heart
I am not worthy to live
I can no longer give
My pain of a bottomless soul
The years of my past have grown old
Pity me not
The knife is my only shot
Death was put in the center of my own spotlight
My consequence has always been my plight
Life has no meaning to me
Even my eyes don’t want too see
I leave now
My consequence I know how
My presentation being the show
Death has finally called and my light has turned dim and I must go
Goodbye I say unto you, and tomorrow I have no debt due.
165 · Aug 2017
preservationman Aug 2017
Mystery of words the Poet had
The thought coming from a young lad
The lad who always wanted to write
Yet he didn’t try because he thought being a Poet might be a plight
Unknowingly to the young lad
He wrote a poem, but didn’t know what to expect
In fact, the young lad thought his poem was going to be a reject
So the Poet took the poem to school
When the poem was read, his classmates and Teacher all drooled
There was magic in those words
Every sentence was a signal to be heard
A voice is truly a voice, but it is only when inspiration comes out
Writing shouldn’t be a chore, but your mind concentrating with observing within explore
Those few lines were like hypnosis and put everyone into a writing trance
This was opportunity being a chance
Classmates, Friends and many others caused people to start writing poetry
The power of the mind
The fundamental being the concept
Ideas coming together ready to adapt
So you haven’t written yet
Make time for a poetry write
Influence people being inspiration being poetry excite
Just imagine you in the center spotlight
Poetry going beyond having pure encouragement being Explore and just watch your ideas as they just soar.
165 · Jun 2016
preservationman Jun 2016
Far more than any dramatic stage
Just words alone that sure will amaze
It’s a story about a little boy
He was in distress as he has loss his most valued toy
A Greyhound toy bus the little boy treasured so well
But it will be more than a bus, it will be inspiration with a story of tell
The search went on and on
It was well into the night being long
The little boy shouted, “Where could my toy Greyhound bus be?
The little boy prayed to the stars
But his prayers went beyond going far
However, it is a place you can’t get to by car
So little Tom went fast to sleep
He was dreaming in finding his toy Greyhound bus to keep
There were moments when little Tom would sweep
But little Tom was inspired by the stars to believe in your heart
Well morning came, and little Tom’s toy Greyhound bus was sitting on the floor
But when little woke up, he was happy in galore
But how did the toy Greyhound bus get there and who found it?
Was it after all believing from within?
No one will actually tell
All one can say is oh well
Yet, one would have to believe it was a higher calling who saw the little boy’s heart looking yonder.
165 · May 2017
preservationman May 2017
Gather round and listen along
Encouraging readers to write Poetry is where you belong
Poetry is easier than you think
Maybe not as fast as a blink or wink
But Ideas in Poetry will make you think
We as Poets encourage readers to write what they feel
Now realities can be for real
It may sound like a big deal
However, Poetry can make lifetime experiences influenced for real
So jolt it down
Before you know it, you will be on a writing bound
It can be any direction especially being stable right in your town
Just let your emotions pour out
But be silent and shout
The subject matter you develop and spread out on paper
So the readers who thought about poetry, now is the time
You are your own sources combined
You have been thinking you never thought about doing any kind of writing
In your mind, you thought it was a handicap being a plight, so since you came to our round stable, we simply shed some light and you learned a lot
So don’t just sit around, the open door to poetry can found
We inspired you and deleted “NOT”
So what are you waiting for?
Poetry is waiting for you to actually explore
Our encouragement requires pursue
This is a daily task to do
So write and you will see
You turned Poetry into everything it could be
What would be the perfect subject?
“Show the world readers can be Poets too, and a lifetime of writing is what you will be going through”.
164 · May 2015
preservationman May 2015
Depression had set in
My struggles seemed like it was the end
My desperation tears poured like a fountain
It seemed I was in the valley and not on the mountain
As I prayed, my words became a Heaven relay
I was sincere from my heart
Suddenly a voice powerful as thunder spoke, “I am the living son and you are my servant being among”
Life will have boundaries once and awhile
But you must be able to adapt being the daily style
Troubles come and go
But hold on, and continue to follow salvation being the praising flow
I am the spirit that transcends in
It’s a new beginning that has truly began
The wonder of your praise
The Heavenly one that will continue to amaze
Your cries will become less flowing
Now rise up from your knees, and get going
Your soul in the right hands and place
The Devil will try to erase
But I am at your defense and the Devil will be pass tense
Your spirit is among and this is something that will always be upon.
163 · Jan 2016
preservationman Jan 2016
An hour that was only a minute
Your voice of what you will only admit
A sunshine that suddenly went down
Darkness being your cast
Your life that was certainly vast
Time’s movement accelerating fast
All you could was look around
You found yourself being alone
No time too run nor hide
Your own redemption you didn’t abide
You tremble from which you stand
This world is under God’s command
You are nothing more than mire flesh on this land
You thought not but wouldn’t on will
Your mind was trapped on still
But not your wait has reached until
Heaven knows you not
Your voice has always been agonizing plot
Yet you can still be redeemed
All you have to do is confess and come clean
Heaven wants to recognize
God the almighty is more than a Saint
Your Soul is everlasting but don’t faint
Your past still a waits, but your gone is ready to move on
The Earth revolves with your new sunshine
The Lord has provided you with a new advise
Walk with me now
I am your Teacher and I will show you how
It was only your past to reflect, and gone being your new tomorrow.
163 · May 2020
preservationman May 2020
Spaniards voice
Culture scents
San Antonio, Texas was my vacation
My account being my personal proclamation
The enriched history inspired me being pure rejuvenation
Here is my presentation
Do you know what San Antonio in Texas means?
Saint Anthony
So what’s in a name could be a person born with the same
My exploration took me on tour of all the highlights that made San Antonio, and why it is a major city
It was Medical Centers, Universities, and San Antonio Zoo, which I witnessed from an Aerial view
I even visited the famous, “ALAMO”
The Mexican Spanish War fighting for independence
But there is a unique side of San Antonio, and it is the “RIVERWALK”
It’s those floating taxi’s that bring the Riverwalk alive and extends into the suburbs
Yet, there is a European atmosphere culture at the Café’s at the Riverwalk edge
You hear the serene tempo music of Violin’s acquaint sunset going down and the evening air sets the stage for a romantic evening under the stars and moon
This is all happening at all Café’s tables as you wine and dine
Enchanted as I was, I took in all the San Antonio accord
I stayed Seven days at the Holiday Inn Riverwalk in Downtown San Antonio, Texas
So you know my Folio
It was a venture of delight
Those Texans know how to shed light
Friendly citizens within San Antonio, the city
Having to return back home to New York City was my pity.
163 · May 2017
preservationman May 2017
The moment has arrived
Words unite like no other
Poets want to acquaint that Poets are alive
Writing is our strive
Think of us as Theatrical Poets being our words
Our dramatics that need to be heard
Poet’s words into the reader’s hearts
Sentences that actually show it
Inspired, but yet positive
The objective of the verb and adjective
The purpose being a writing heart
We are the source being our inner force
As a Poet, we stay the course
Our influence is our continued assurance
It’s our integrity we stand behind
We have our own surprise
We help the reader to remain wise
The words close in
It’s the reader thinking emotions that begin
We are Poet’s, we can’t stop
Our words are our merchandise to shop
Our intention is to help you bare
Yet we are knowledgeable beyond compare
As a Poet myself, this I wanted to share.
163 · Apr 2016
preservationman Apr 2016
The possibilities within dreams
The emotions moving like streams
A capture to someone’s heart
The offer of hope
Struggle bearing, but with encouragement to cope
Through believing, there’s survival
Eyes of the sunshine, there will be light
The beauty of vision having outgoing sight
The thought, “Throughout any illness struggle, have a smile during while, as intervention being God’s style”
The inspiration captivating
A comfort being sustaining
Breath being the new tomorrow
Having morrow, but don't stay in sorrow
Spread the good news of the new day
Your hand lifted up to glory all the way
A wish writer having a reason to write
Hope in any situation
Celebration being any occasion
One wish being a skies kiss
Heavens look down being no miss
Wish high and well
Your testimony will surely tell.
preservationman Nov 2017
No need for cash
With the credit card I can dash
The Holiday to fill
Determination being the will
Plastic putting someone in debt
Some would rather bet
But later discover regret
Store prices that will soar
The credit card providers who get the score
Interest rates surely will be high
The arrival of the statement passed to I
Payments need to be made before the due date
There will be a fee if the payment is late
Yet the holidays will be a mission in being accomplished
Finances organized being established
The credit card is my expenses discovery
After the holidays, it will become a recovery
Yet I discovered one thing, I have overworked my credit card
Realityville will be my fill
But there is a miracle still
I will buy gifts for people that were true friends to me throughout the year
As Santa would often say, “Have no fear”
Credit Cards are the remedy when cash isn’t available
Credit Cards are the life Saver through the year.
162 · Nov 2021
preservationman Nov 2021
Harmonica sings
The Morning Dew enterprises
Life is full of realizes
One wonders of their destiny in purpose
Thoughts start to surface
Immediate establishes as obvious
Thinking relishes serious
Sitting at the Bayou Bank, one’s life becomes clearer through depth
Will tomorrow be cloudy with no understanding?
One thinks hard, but must look beyond the past and into the current
The Future is uncertain that haven’t arrived
The Bayou seems to know my heart
It becomes a movement of where to start
I am seeing overcoming from life’s wear and tear
Getting through all the beware
Bayou says it is about you
I see my urgency
Let your life direct
You are the effect
See reason
They are resolutions
Pause and see no conclusions
They are the elements to survive
That is how one stays alive.
162 · Feb 2016
preservationman Feb 2016
Romance that extends long
Into each others arms where you both belong
Two candles with love still in desire
The commitment being the inner ongoing fire
You didn’t just let love just stop by
It was total satisfaction being every try
Lips upon lips
Kiss upon kiss
Happy Valentine’s Day
Kisses too all that comes your way.
162 · Sep 2023
preservationman Sep 2023
161 · Feb 2017
preservationman Feb 2017
A moment to think
All it takes is a wink
Seconds have passed even with the blink
Precision having a rush
Chatter that won’t hush
Eating breakfast that might taste like mush
Yet time with a purpose
Long and short hands being the quartz of a clock and watch
It’s the AM call with mass transit to catch
A rush having no time to pray
The forgotten mode that has gone astray
Time being acceleration in life on Earth
The seconds of a new living birth
It’s all a matter within timing
Knowing how much of valued time you have
Time with a message in “Use it wisely”
But the most important time is giving some time to Christ
He is the Holy one that gives sound advice
It’s his understanding bringing together wisdom and wise
As time revolves, there might be even a happy surprise
Time is controlled by the Holy One being his own acceleration
Time is about living and having appreciation
Time can be precious to some
Then there’s others where the value of time having none
The clock moves in accordance with the seconds in the hour
Time can also put termination being an expire
Time is simply surrounded with so much power
No time to keep up
Time precision zinc
It doesn’t matter what you and I think
The best of times and even the bad
The revolving time, but through the open door you should keep in mind.
161 · Feb 2018
preservationman Feb 2018
President Trump and the House of Representatives of the Capitol
Gun Laws need too be strict
There must be a constitution that will make the law stick
Shootings have gone way to long
Schools are for learning where guns don’t belong
Students from everywhere are letting their voices be heard
But there is little utterance in response of words
How many more Deaths that will take place in schools?
Your standpoint seems to be a refuse
This is not a political game
Guns and more guns cannot continue to remain
President Trump and House Of Representatives, please open your mind with understanding, and do what’s right
We are now in a crisis, and it has formed a continuous wounds being a plight
What would it take to get you to understand?
Bullets have no name
It’s a mater of focus and then aim
Safety should be of the most importance and priority
We now live in an uncertain society and it has become a reality
Imagine if this were your Son or Daughter shot in a school, how would you feel?
However, think of this situation in actually becoming for real
You cannot blame President Obama on this
The House of Representatives made guns a hit and miss
President Trump, this problem falls into your lap
Don’t turn your back and the students, teachers and parents get a slap
Teachers, Parents and students shouldn’t have to worry for their lives
But it is about that any given moment
Shootings having no specific announcement
Anguish and disturbed
Dead can’t utter any word
Guns do destroy
They are certainly no toy
But what about other weapons
How much more grief must the world endure
This is cut and dry in being pure
Think hard, but construct documentation that will have meaning
The world has spoken out
It’s time for Washington movement is what the world is protesting about.
preservationman Sep 2014
It was a vision I had
This was going to be the day I walked up too Heaven
It was going to be a long journey
I walked on a sunbeam at least at what it seemed
I knew I was Heaven bound
All around me there was no sound
So I walked and walked
As I walked, I also prayed and talked
Well according to the bible flesh as never seen Heaven
But then again, flesh will never ever see Heaven
But that didn’t stop my determination
Arrive or fail, the fact attempted being my indication
So I arrived outside the pearly gates
An Angel told me I had to wait
My name was not on the list
The Angel said “No, this wasn’t an miss
Your soul isn’t ready just yet
But the Angel didn’t tell me to get
There is much work needed on earth
Your writings on Earth is still needed for the world to see their new birth
God is counting on you to come through
Your spirit is in the right place
Don’t ever erase
No I am not trying to make a Federal case
The Angel said God has given you a voice in your writings
Words for the world too hear and the message to share
Heaven is on hold for you
Your day is not yet your slew
It is the everlasting to come that will be due
Walk back to Earth
You have been enriched in your own new birth
Your writings are God’s salvation to you
I am the Angel Galleo
You are called as God’s chosen fellow
Continue to write with God’s enduring words
With your voice, you will be heard
Go back to Earth and continue in your writing wonder
You have a writing horizon and it is yonder
Go now As God will show you how
The Earth is calling and no time for stalling
At that point I thanked the Angel Galleo
My next writing will be of my own pateo.
160 · Aug 2023
preservationman Aug 2023
Have a seat
As I transcribe
A jolt down
The bench and sit
The weather was perfect for it
Sky words with the sun warmth
Here and there
Difference beyond compare
Mind lair
Moments to share
Every bench
Observation alert
Words suddenly come to mind
Every movement, a reason with a purpose
Need to write
I am giving the reader to look and it’s an invite
Totally relaxed
The vibes just right
The source of my compose write
No complain
Not even lame
The bench seat green
Words being lean
Write is with a write on
160 · Oct 2015
preservationman Oct 2015
A writing position that was advertised
My anticipation in response was oh my
A content writer with constructing on various subjects
My words that will just fit right on in
My true reward can finally begin
I am the candidate with the right fit
I am determined and won’t quit
Being focused and seeing the vision
I know where my writing needs to be in the reason
My writing ability functions in all seasons
I am idealistic and can turn fiction into reality
But waiting for the interview will be a possibility
I have been writing for a long time
It was commitment being combined
It was then followed by devotion
It all happened one night overseeing the ocean
It was a lonely lighthouse that showed me the way
There is much more I could say
But you have been exposed to my writing and you get the idea
It was total encouragement that helped me preserver
Since I have been writing I haven’t encountered fear
My writing talent was God instilled
It was every write having a will
My hope in an interview is focused now on still
No science experiment with an invention of a pill
My inspiration is keep writing, and don’t stop
Every writing creation will help me reach the top.
preservationman Jun 2018
Moments are for thinking
Praying is for uplifting
Encouraging is for inspiration
Teaching is for learning
Throughout becomes knowledge
Numerous thoughts is numerous ideas
Fear into Faith
Striving establishing into preserver
Battle comprising into victory
Mystery into intrigue
Presentation illustrating a platform speech
Formulations becoming concepts
Meteorology Storms forming conditions
Anger having revenge
Joy with happiness
Consequence with eye on mission
Plan with a theory
The unknown with a mystery
A past from present
Me saying to you
There you have it
Time with ongoing agenda’s
Time putting together forming a creation
Mission set by time
The hour glass in a movement to catch up
The balance between time and fulfilling
Yet a mind that must be willing
Time established
Agenda’s set
All Agenda’s met
159 · Mar 2017
preservationman Mar 2017
Establishment, Empowerment, Heritage
Honor and Pride being appreciative
One’s voice having every right
Movement that can with decisions on when
There were times my theories were blocked
While others tried to mock
Concepts became resolutions
To this day we have educational institutions
I remember a time on when
The enemy was not your friend
It’s a wonder now
The years expired oh wow
A voice often had to think twice
You couldn’t ask a question nor give advice
To gain knowledge was an act being a chore
But you had to be determined in order to explore
It didn’t matter in one being blocked
It didn’t matter if it was a set up being a plot
Achieve it and you will receive it
Be determined and you will have discerned wit
Yes I achieved my legacy
It was that special blend of hard knots
Let my inspiration be your target
Become a commodity on the market
Believe and have confident
Excel but expect
Project and focus horizon vision
Let the legacy rise within
Later, let understanding carry you at the end.
preservationman Sep 2018
It was a foggy London night
Darkness that was in plain sight
But a night that one shouldn’t take light
Darken as the moon
A crime will be soon
Suddenly a loud gunshot
Obviously it was a plot
****** in senseless blood of a victim like a tight knot
Inspector Holmes and Watson appeared on the scene
They were searching for clues and evidence that wasn’t clean
The bullet that was aimed directly for the murdered victim’s chest
However, on the victim’s shirt was an emblem in the shape of a crest
The murdered victim was a member of the sophisticated intellectual honor society from Oxford University
Yet still no alibi as to why and what reason for this ******
However, Holmes and Watson were looking carefully for anything that would be a lead and crack the case
Somewhere the murderer will meet face to face
Immediately, a clue was discovered
An Oxford University Ring was missing off the murdered victim’s hand but was worth millions
There were also fingerprints scattered all over from the murderer
It all goes back to Edgar Beasley who was an average student and the murdered victim was Justin Hanover
Apparently there was rivalry between Beasley and Hanover
Hanover had plenty of honors and the ladies
Beasley was an average student that ladies wouldn’t even give the look over
Mr. Beasley was just plain self-centered and mean
He will now go to jail
Once again, Holmes and Watson cracked the case without fail
Mystery n o longer having a trail
London’s night being clear in justice
A feeling in don’t live in fear
Holmes and Watson will always be near.
159 · May 2019
preservationman May 2019
158 · Apr 2017
preservationman Apr 2017
Sprinkle of showering words
Rainbows being the sentences
The Poet’s emotions targeting instances
The Darkened Clouds in what is too come
The inside of a Poet’s heart being like flowers that bloom
Yet the Poet writes alone in a room
The inspiration will come at noon
The sunshine may be hidden
The Poet notes what is written
Showers only refresh
The Poet’s mind being awaken to write
The midnight Oil well into the night
Rain that helps the Poet to explore
It’s the sunshine that helps the Poet to soar
The Poet often says, “Shower me with wisdom and understanding”
Let the rain pour and not turn my thoughts sour
Give me ideas hour after hour
Shower me with cleansing words
Let readers have an open heart
As a Poet, I have been showered to write
This is a Poet’s given right.
158 · May 2018
preservationman May 2018
1950’S – 1960’S are years I and many others will never forget
It all adds up to regret upon regret
It was a time of discrimination and separation
Of course, there was a lot of speculation
It was a battle for “FREEDOM”
Afro-American’s faced much turmoil because they had wisdom
Skin color was a curse during the Civil Rights Movement
But that still holds true today to some degree
Struggle’s in where Afro-American’s can go
But continue to follow me in the flow
Afro-American’s had to take a back seat on the bus
Opposition upon opposition in what was all the fuss
Dr. Martin Luther King knew he must take his stance
This had to be our chance if all races are to advance
No longer could Afro-American’s be a race that shouldn’t be knew
The opposition felt Afro-American’s was making Civil Rights too full blown

But somebody had to let it be known
Various Leaders and Afro-American’s in particular let their voices be known like a Church Bell on Sunday Morning
Each day, there was a sunrise being the continuat8ion of Racial Equality
But the ordeal was a Wake Up call full of reality
As high as the sun could shine, possibilities was going to be a change
Discrimination could no longer remain

Through Dr. Martin Luther King’s efforts, change started to come
Life seemed to get better
But remember I said “SEEMED”
Let’s fast forward to 2017 to present
There is still a Civil Rights Resentment among the Opposition Peers
But Afro-American’s are staying focused and that’s how they preserver
Yet, Civil Rights seemed to have been reversed
Its let being on stage and forgetting the lines from rehearse
In this instance, it was what learned from the past, but a short moment that didn’t last

Time revolting back
Now what do you think of that?
Discrimination has returned like a sharp sword
Wounds seemed to heal, but the wounds are open again
Recovery unknown

Opposition at Afro-American’s once more
Through the commotion, no one can ignore
We have a President of the United States that has turned up the volume in separating all Races
It doesn’t matter of creed
It’s the powers in how they want you to proceed
It’s the opposition mirror having I don’t like your skin color look
Now this wasn’t a picture took
For Years, Afro-American’s had to live in being frightened in shook
But will there ever be a true Civil Rights change?
Only time will tell
But for now, all I can say is oh well.
158 · Aug 2014
preservationman Aug 2014
I have crossed the Ever After Bridge many times before
It wasn’t in the spiritual, but the fleshy body I can’t ignore
But on this specific trip
The bridge span had a very deep dip
One wrong time and one could slip
But I was on this bus
It was the multitudes that derive in us
As the bus climbed on the high span on the bridge
It seemed like the entire span was a ridge
Well as the bus approached the bridge bend
It seemed like this was the end
This is when
The end part was extending down to the water
This was the exact sequence order
That means the bus would have to surface in order to float
Yet the bus was a land vehicle and not a boat
It was my expression in hesitate
Then later thinking my life would no longer relate
I was now in a panic state
My life would have to come to believe
This is for me to see the evidence in receive
The bus started moving within the water
I thought the bus might just sink
But it was only my thought of think
Despite the buses weight
My life began to have assurance even to this date
The Ever After Bridge being a remembrance in the slate
A remainder that obvious is never too late
It is all about believing in becoming participate.
158 · Feb 2018
preservationman Feb 2018
You didn’t want me when I was born
You wasn’t attentive in my yond
You were not a Mother to look upon
You were a Mother in be careful with a warn
You often said you wished I were dead
Yet you lived your life in fun instead
A Mother’s live is affection to think of
The cherished moment from Babe to Adult
Now that’s where love comes in being felt
You despised me having my Grandparents raise me
If it weren’t for them where would I be?
You never ever took the time
It was a long distance with no view
Thank God I have a different intellect
So I know all about a Mother’s neglect
I also know what effect
I am a person that choose friends in elect
So Mother you will never get my love
There is nothing to think of
Your verbal abuse had no effect
I have become better than that
Now that you are old
My salvation is enriched in behold
It’s intervention from within
A Grandmother through encouragement always had the right words in when
I am proud in who I have become
Don’t bother Mother to capture the moment
The sun has gone down and I am nowhere to be found.
preservationman Apr 2017
Tomorrow from yesterday
The past reminding for the future
The journey shall be until
The place, Smithsonian National Afro American Museum of History and Culture in Washington, DC
The date was April 22, 2017, Saturday
Heritage coming in many accomplishments and shouting voices
Legacies of choice
A time of discrimination
Places where rebellion rang high
Questions still remain as of why?
Historians who were determined to break racial barriers
Race being under one accord
Yet all guided by our Heavenly Lord
Wars fighting the many struggles
Freedom being only a word in distance of when
I am Black with a mind to think
Being a Slave they were told to obey
The whole idea of being a slave it was simply a resource being ok
But Black Scholars spoke out
Yet Race was about interacting with other Races and moving about
A time for justice being about time
We will use whatever resources combined
Fight we will, and win we shall
It didn’t matter Bloodshed or Death
Justice was coming no matter what
Marches all throughout the South
Town after Town with names called out beyond their own
Segregation being a term that was considered ok
But this America is about being free, and this was decreed from thee
The Freedom Riders with determined to fight and Greyhound Bus Lines was the one that opened the light
Marches and voices
Chanting Freedom, “We shall Overcome”
Air waves were spread into big waves being shore to shore
Afro-Americans were told they must stay in their place
The thought being from the opposition
But Afro-Americans knew they must position
Education was the number one tool
Having knowledge doesn’t make you a fool
It just makes opposition drool
Freedom did come, and Race was a combination in coming together
Smithsonian NMAMHC being a way of helping all Americans to see Freedom as a right
Smithsonian shed some light
Cause with effect
A purpose not being an elect
I am a Black who seen and conquered
Wonder no more
Just continue to educate and explore.
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