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157 · Oct 2017
preservationman Oct 2017
Las Vegas being a gambling place
Vacation being full of fun being the trace
The climate having the warmth for perfect getaways
All hotels having excellent room stays
But there is another relay
It is about a shooter on went on a rampage
He was so full of rage
Ammunition having ready aim fire
But the killings don’t seem to tire
I don’t see an even expire
Numerous lives loss in cold blood
The shooter having an evil mind for human killings like an overflowing flood
Families tormented with loss loved ones shattered like broken glass
This is a like a movie where shooters wear a mask
The incident happened all so fast
Prayers should be going out to the families
The shooter being controlled by the Devil
Evil of the criminal mind
The split second having no time to respond
It feels like a dream waking up from a yond
Yet the nation must look on in as actual reality to look upon
Life having no remorse
It is a fact
Of course of course
157 · Jul 2014
preservationman Jul 2014
My faith had gone weak
It seemed my life had no meaning and was bleak
It was struggles and challenges I went through all week
I felt trapped in my tears
Perhaps holding on to fears
My sorrows had no tomorrow’s
But as my eyes looked up at the skies
The wonders of God reassured me in being wise
I wasn’t alone
Every day it is something new the Lord continues to let be known
He sits high but looks below
I am God’s creation in the show
Don’t ever let salvation go
His words are strong as thunder
The winds blow like no other
The oceans are just one example of struggles
But as you walk along the beach
The destiny has become a new reach
God’s word begins to teach
My sunrise of faith being restored
My sunset in believing explored
A time for faith
A walk with my God
I am no longer astray
My tomorrow has become of this day.
157 · Oct 2016
preservationman Oct 2016
A destination to
However many questions to think through
There seems to be a comparison of one
A differential being among
The where being a destined place
But which and where both share secrete
Yet without the E there is a mystery secret
A discovery to take place
Which being at what point?
Where a destination or appropriate spot found
But which and where do connect
They both have an effect
In order to go from which you have to know where
The understanding being the difference in comparison
Logically being the reason
Which do I pick?
Where being anywhere
Which and where for all too chose
A thought in you can’t lose
Yet be determined but don’t refuse.
157 · Nov 2021
preservationman Nov 2021
Every year it is always the same
It’s enough to make a Turkey go insane
We are the feast
This will be my getaway at ease
I will hop on a Greyhound bus
I am definitely avoiding the fuss
My travelling is a must
This will be a permanent vacation
I am feeling the appreciation
This will be the Turkey’s thanks
I intend to always be a Turkey among
Greyhound will take me to my journey being nothing but fun
A lane changer being no pun
This Turkey is on a scheduled run
A Turkey only understands
The same old tradition of dinner tables having the Turkey as the main course
I am taking action being the force
Feeling at ease while taking in the refreshing breeze
Lying on a Florida beach
They can’t catch me now as I am hard to reach
The sun will be me a Golden tan
Dinner tables will have to find another plan
Thanksgiving is my take away
I won’t be caught by no ax
This Turkey is controlling the facts
Florida might be my permanent stay
Dinner Tables I will always astray
My leisure moment and I am ok
Being the serving never on any day
Dinner tables can have their feast, I am free to breathe at ease.
157 · Apr 2019
preservationman Apr 2019
Certified and Qualified
Talent in demand
Presenting one’s personal standards
At interviews, applicants are put too the test
But I often wonder do Interviewers take candidate’s words for less
Now the Interviewer is looking for “Certified and Qualified”
The Resume speaks in advance of what the candidate has accomplished
That’s obvious
Then it is up to the interviewer after reviewing the Resume in scheduling Face to Face meeting
Candidates do have the training and standards
But it seems Interviewer’s state company standards
But if there is a correlation, you already meet the objective
If you didn’t meet and your Resume says you do, why sudden change on the Interviewer’s part
Yet most of the time, Race is a factor on qualifications
It shouldn’t, but often is
However, a company will say they are an Equal Opportunity Employer
That means Equality for all
If Race comes into play, how is that Equal?
One’s Resume states what the candidate has achieved based on ability being merit
Two words that stand out, “Marketable and Commodity”
But why do interviewing questions be asked to one Ethnic Group but not another
One’s Resume will state Qualified in the Interviewer’s eyes
But personal feelings being spite
The Resume is the first Representation, and one on one meeting being the second
But with all one’s training and experience makes an candidate in the interviewer’s theory of overqualified
What makes a candidate Overqualified and Qualified?
If you were to ask the interviewer, there wouldn’t be a precise answer or perhaps no answer at all
Certified and Qualified
But if the salary doesn’t compensate
Obviously, the interviewer doesn’t want to negotiate with a compensate
The qualifications after that doesn’t lead to appreciate
The candidate still has an accomplished Resume
Certified and Qualified.
preservationman Aug 2017
Heather Heyer
You will be missed
Your heroine efforts to fight what’s right
There was a darkness that surrounded you
But you were determined to be guided by God’s light
Your name and face will always be a vision of sight
It was your courage being determined with might
You felt racial barriers had no place in life
Protest from radical groups just didn’t understand
It was turmoil and over throw in their demand
But the Radical groups focusing on their own analysis and agenda
Yet Heather Heyer, you were distinguished being your involvement to accomplish
However your achievement was satisfied by Heaven
You may have died in the flesh
As Heather’s Mother put in, “You made my daughter magnified”
Your soul expels throughout  the Earth
Your commitment has given us an enriched new birth
We have become devoted with a wake up call in believing there is still hope
It’s about coming together and cope
We are all one breed
But White Supremacy cannot continue in terror in proceed
The theme having a purpose is “TOGETHERNESS ONE ON ONE RELATIONS”
Thank you Heather for that reminder
My praying hands raises to you
We need to finish what you started until through.
156 · Jul 2017
preservationman Jul 2017
Every time I see an episode of Mission Impossible one wondered the task to perform
In any case different from the norm
Martin Landau was the possibilities of Mission Impossible
The objective was always to succeed
Yet the theory in never get caught nor reveal sources
The Mission Impossible team  were the forces
But Heaven added Martin landau to their team
The mission forever being everlasting
The impossible being a definite possible
Mission Impossible TV show was the overcoming and sustaining
However, Mr. Landau was called to the Lord’s side
He is in Heaven being a preside
The Lord’s command having another Soul in demand
A task Mr. Landau couldn’t refuse
Yet a task well taken
Mission Impossible Landau is among
His Soul has risen up beyond
Yet his voice of praise is yonder
Some might seem to wonder
One’s soul has a place
We will all see Mr. Landau one day face to face
The Lord saw Mr. landau achieved in his life
The Lord’s advice is like sugar and spice
Walk around Heaven Mr. Landau
You made it in
Now it will be Heaven’s everlasting to begin.
155 · Jul 2017
preservationman Jul 2017
Tomorrow will be
Today is too live
Inspiration we all should give
Blessings to receive
Block out the Devil to deceive
Praise to on high
Daily praying words to thy
Trust that tomorrow will be
But it is the all the possibilities in wait and see
Today the world must explore
Heavenly vibes one should not ignore
Our lives are in the hands of Faith
Praying hands hoover the world
A world needing healing
Faith being the coping dealing
Heaven sees the inner soul
The Lord is the wonder in one’s behold
True salvation means be bold
It doesn’t matter if you are young or old
Tomorrow will be
A Heavenly test if you have trust and be patient in wait and see.
155 · Mar 2018
preservationman Mar 2018
A talking Mother Model T
The car is everything it should be
Yet my Mother the car has a human son
A car that knows how to discipline
A Model T that is Heaven sent
But don’t make Mother Model T mad
You will be sad and not glad
Don’t be surprised on the response if you say the wrong thing
It could be a seat eject having a aching sling
But then again, the wheels that turn could have you put in an urn
However, if Mother Model T is driving, you better bucket up
Otherwise, the most uncomfortable ride that will make you fed up
Yet Mother Model T is in control
Don’t even think of mentioning to Mother Model T that she is old
Mother Model T will certainly have you in a hold
The streets are Mother Model T thresholds
A wonder having no questions, but the car being its own
But I guess you would have known
So Mother Model T knows
Her way in discipline always shows
All one can say is wow
Mother Model T is always on the go
But leaves one in the moment of although.
154 · May 2016
preservationman May 2016
I saw and went forth to accomplish
It was torture and I endured anguish
Ammunition everywhere
It was more than any war compare
This was a global battle affair
As a Soldier, we had to beware
Bloodshed and wounds
The American flag cloth and casket bearing death
But it was dignity having a destiny
An honor not looking for any pity
I fulfilled my quest in being military’s best
Words that go beyond any battlefield
It was my silent words within being concealed
All that and more during my war days while
A mission that was at hand
Seeing the endless horizon being the demand
I still remember the ashes of destruction
There was no longer any distinction
I lived the life as a Soldier
The war yet continues
But the Lord said, “I fought a good fight”
Come home to Heaven and redeem the rewarding light
The sun shines on me
My face is the vision that all will see
My military fight is done
But continue Soldiers where I left off and be among
A battle is never done until finished.
154 · Jul 16
Laughter for Evil
Surprises upon surprises
A smile with a plan
Sinister demand
What to expect
Evil revenge
Lies through the smile
No trustworthy
Honesty questioned
Wonders of the Joker’s box
Joker’s card foolery
Like it or not
Win or lose
Being confused
No heart of gold
You have been told
Joker’s wild
154 · Aug 2017
preservationman Aug 2017
Little Rod needs a miracle
He is 4 months old
His birth was joy in behold
However he has a rare health condition
It is not cancer in remission
I am asking everyone to pray
I want this chain line prayer to be direct being Heaven’s relay
Miracles I know God can perform
This is always ongoing being the norm
I pray that Little Rod will be a witness to Christ
Imagine encouraging others through testimony being advice
I am a witness myself
My testimony might sound like everybody else, but personal
I was labelled Death in what Doctor’s observation foreseen
But God knew the Doctors didn’t have the understanding in what their diagnosis mean
However, God saw differently
Today I am a witness throughout
My praise is thankful and comes with a shout
Little Rod is not alone
His birth is what God has shown
Heaven sees and knows
Prayer upon many prayers being the flow
Lord I pray
Please let little Rod be ok
My Faith is strong in the Lord
Its assurance and believing in the accord
Oh thank you Lord
I am giving you the glory.
154 · Aug 2017
preservationman Aug 2017
A man named Donald Coffin
We emailed each other quite often
Mr. Coffin was 93 years old
He had stories that were the best ever told
Mr. Coffin’s motor coach bus knowledge unmeasurable
I would hear within the email of the vast bus models he knew
I started calling him Dad
He would always say yes young lad
The acknowledgement and theory of my every question of buses
Dad answered my numerous questions without every tiring
Because of his bus industry devotion
I am trying to get a plague made being my motion
I want it placed at the Museum of Bus Transportation in Hershey, Pennsylvania
Mr. Coffin was instrumental at the museum itself
His bus knowledge was like a bookshelf
However, I was told by a person at the museum there wasn’t any space
The thought they need to erase
I have been to the museum twice
I find it hard to believe
However, I am backed up by Donald Coffin’s Son so I am relieved
Buses were my second Dad’s commitment and my project being determined
My preservation having indication
Salute to Dad
The remembrance of Donald Coffin being his student lad.
preservationman Aug 2017
Words on top of words
It’s a title that just wants to be heard
This is the time to just settle back
Having one’s feet up on recline and just reflect
The focus on time going by
The moments being a cry
The reflection on loved ones who passed on
A blessing being how I got along
The friends I met who gave me plenty of confidence in knowing my life in belong
Yet the message was always clear in continuing in remaining strong
The mind being a foundation and as strong as the constitution
Yes this is my story
Please don’t add your inspiration being my glory
Understanding until the end
Beams of light through the clouds that transcend
There is a tomorrow of a new day to begin
Inspiration to start with footsteps being the mark
The past a word offering the future
The image being a picture
Forward on Forward on, but yet continuing moving and doing, but be solid strong.
153 · Aug 2016
preservationman Aug 2016
Your mobile device you won’t let alone
Yet your total phone conversation in being known
Everywhere you and your device goes being the flow
Constant looking at being a show
You talk to half the world
Yet it makes individuals head swirl
Your phone device conversations can be long and sometimes disturbing
But you must always keep your phone charged up
Your phone device must have a specific look
It’s always those selfie pictures that you took
The brand has to be just right
However, it must not make others feel uptight
Connections being straight out
Technology as that is what I am talking about
No need to shout
You can hear me now and wow
Yet sometimes people want to give someone a Pow
Communicate in need when the time is right
But don’t turn into a dramatic verse being a sight
So sorry you can hear me now
What was I thinking oh wow.
153 · Oct 2019
preservationman Oct 2019
We have Pork Chops that are tender
They are cut just right being slim and slender
Mash Potatoes I would recommend
Our seasoning is done in a special blend
Vegetables straight from the Farmer’s Market
Freshness you can depend
Our assortments of desserts stretch to no end
We don’t stop there
We have a new dessert called, “Multitude Galore”
It has various nuts, cream and little extras
But it is the flavor
Alcoholic and Soft Drinks to ignite your mouth
We have a new Alcoholic drink called “Southern Belle” capturing the South
But I have already said too much, let me shut my mouth
Thank you for coming to “Eating Delight”
Now you know our menu is out of sight.
153 · Feb 2018
preservationman Feb 2018
You heard of Mount Rushmore
But that is not the subject to explore
It’s the aroma of Mount Kiss More
The acceleration of the Kiss
The height that’s called “Romance Point”
It’s a place where one reaches the top then comes the Couples Kiss
The mission of Mount Kiss More is for everyone to cherish the kiss in love more
The breath taking view in not taking love for granted
Love has its own description within having assured
Yet the kiss in love something that should be applaud
Mount Kiss More has several motto’s of love written throughout
Yet being so high as one shouts out, it actually echoes out
It’s like a boomerang that echoes back
However, love in the heart starts just like that
Kissing being where ever love is at
Love and Kiss
Solitude being no miss
So Mount Kiss More, thank you for a journey up
Your message being, “Love doesn’t ever give up”
Kissing being the beauty of a relationship
Imagine Mount Kiss More giving us the tip
But it is up to families to make the effort and time being a trip
Don’t let the kiss and love slip
Mount Kiss More is worth the trip.
153 · Feb 2017
preservationman Feb 2017
A loss soul needs a prayer
I can feel the blessing in the air
My life feels as if over cast clouds have gathered
I am smothered with no space
The atmosphere have taken its place
But praying hands extend in welcome
A very merciful voice says come
I was suddenly touched by a superior power
It all happened before the hour
A surge of the Holy Spirit began to settle in
A blessing that truly came within my life
A higher calling with inspiring advice
I felt so much praise
My assumption was quickly changed to Devotion
I found salvation
It was a wonder from Heaven
The greatness of thy
The praying hands that led me in the right direction
Prayer was definitely the key
The salvation road it was meant to be.
preservationman Jul 2017
Miracles, Spiritual and Blessings
What do they have in common?
Simply speaking, encouragement with a talk with the Lord in overcoming a Health battle
Heaven holds the key
It’s the amazement for all to see
Health issues Doctors really don’t understand
A call to jesus is in demand
A dial up being prayer
Now let’s continue on from here
Senator John McCain has been diagnosed with Brain Cancer
Father in Heaven look on Senator John McCain
He needs a healing, but if it is your will
Doctors can on rely on a medicine pill
But Jesus you are truly the one that can fulfill
Please heal Senator McCain from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet
Encourage his family to look up
Lord, you are in control and for the family to not get fed up
I am a witness to what you can do
I had health issues at birth
Yet Doctors finalized that I would be leaving this Earth
Death and nothing but Death on the Doctor’s lips
But the Lord had other plans and living being an extended life
The Doctors said I will only live to the age of 7
Witness God’s miracle for all and Senator McCain, I am 60 years old and still living under Heaven’s breathing oxygen
Senator McCain never lose sight
This is only a temporary spite
Healing power coming from above
Blessings that come down below
Senator McCain, please take it slow
Of course be careful and patient as you go
Lord, give Senator McCain my praying hand
Let it reach him like a caravan
This I pray
Connection my relay
Amen on this day.
152 · Apr 2019
preservationman Apr 2019
preservationman Nov 2017
You didn’t know that Poets could sing?
But singing is only one thing
Being a Poet is the writing wing
Now being Poets our singing might be a little off
As you can imagine, we might even cough
Our talent might become “Poets who Sing and Write”
We are not trying to be overwhelming polite
As Poets, we just want to shed some light with music being the harmony to help us Poets out
But to the readers just don’t shout
Our words enchanted in song and poetry
Writing became the ever after
Emotions being the influence within
Poets that can
Readers being on ready set go on when
This is the Poets time to shine and unwind
It’s also a Wake Up call for prospective Poets to put out their own write
Let it be front and center in plain sight
Even dogs are getting into the Poets act as they take a bite
So Poets who sing once again that’s the Poets new thing
However, what surrounds the Poet is the inspiration the words bring
Now the readers are surprised in the Poet’s singing and poetry words have a sting
But we got the reader’s attention being the closeness in cling.
152 · Jan 3
Man meets Woman
Saw each other as just another commuter
Average straphangers
They weren’t expecting romance
Subway ride through the love tunnel
Suddenly a change of pace
Rush hour minute
Usual crowd
As the Man and Woman were pinned together on a crowded subway train
This is where the subway romance began to build up
Eye to Eye facing each other
The man kiss to the woman
Love came front and center target
The romance of two
They dated for months and three years
They were now Husband and Wife
The daily subway ride had made the romance rise
No surprise
Transit hub match
152 · May 2022
preservationman May 2022
God’s Foundation stones
151 · Oct 2017
preservationman Oct 2017
Trick or treat before I forget
You are our invited guest
It would be our honor if you accepted being our request
But there is something I want to share
The Theme is “Beware”
Don’t be surprised who stops for a bite
But just don’t take that too light
Because it is Halloween
Where there are many surprises in between
Lights will start going out
Within the Darkness there will be screams in shout
Doors will be like tomb shut tight
Creatures will arrive from everywhere
But remember you were warned in beware
Don’t forget to dress in costume in whoever you want to be
Did I leave anything out, let me see?
Get ready to dance
This will be your moment at every chance
The dance floor will become a creature prance
No more to say than “Happy Halloween”
Duck, Flying Bats!
151 · Feb 2017
preservationman Feb 2017
High rise above
Flightless, but no Dove
A Young Man knocked on a Female Senior’s door
He wanted to make sure she had a balcony for sure
The Young Man pushed the senior out of the way, but only after the senior said “Yes”, he headed for her balcony to explore
He leaped to his Death from the 12th Floor
The Young Man died on impact
Reasons unknown
An investigation will have to be shown
This could be called “Valentine Leap”
His soul is wandering in who will keep
The arrow that pierced that was fierce
Love no longer on the line
Possible love rejection just might be the indication
But the Young Man holds the key
What could the motive be?
Death being the actual
The Young Man would be the factual
Death took its toll
The accords, no one knows for sure
This situation is nothing to ignore
What do any witnesses know?
Suicide was on the line, but whatever the circumstance it wasn’t fine.
150 · Sep 2016
preservationman Sep 2016
I am a witness, but being the example
I was even told of my expiration, but it became an indication
The statement immediately became a question, but someone higher had valued assurance
Merciful instilled into grace
The Heavenly voice was instant praise
Encouragement was fulfilled into blessing
My tomorrows mainstream was look, and enjoy the sustaining sunshine
Yes this miracle was mine
My testimony in poetry to share
A God being is own pair
It was Death God took away
I will never forget that day
A journey that Doctor’s stated to me
I am going to pray to God and see
The Doctor’s words were only possibilities
But God provided that reality
So when bad news strikes
Pray to the Lord and tell the struggles go fly a kite
Truly no Doctor has all the answers
Your consultation should always be the Holy one
He is the one that keeps all being among
When a struggle seems long, that is an indication in putting you trust in Christ where you belong
Then when you do that, victory can come in
It’s not the end
It’s simple living that needs to begin
Now take all what I have said in
Assurance in knowing and believing in who holds the key to healing hands
Have no fear nor doubt
It’s the Lord today, tomorrow and everlasting I am talking about.
150 · Apr 2023
preservationman Apr 2023
Concept to take in
A lesson to begin
It’s learning typing being transcend
Perfection, isn’t that what you seek?
Having a typing skill for the future that will put you ahead being so neat
Feel the typing keys
Be patient, relaxed and at ease
Up the ladder in the keyboard
Alphabet by alphabet
Eventually you will become a pro
Don’t say although
It’s a matter of how much time you spend on typing
Practice makes perfect is what my grandfather said
Just a matter of time
Your typing skill will become genuine
A valued skill
All it takes is will
Typing without looking at the typing keys
Feel assured and confident
Not afraid in avoid
Type away
Never go astray
Practice every day
Go from beginner to advance
Typing is your career chance
Type my dynamo
People will know
Type and go
150 · Jan 2022
preservationman Jan 2022
It was July 10, 1995 with Summer being in high swing with humidity, and temperatures rising in the high 90’s across the country. However, distances far away, Jeff Masters and Mary Sanders had intense *** urges of their own. Jeff was living in Malibu in the state of California. Mary was living on the East Coast in New York City. They both being far apart, and living alone. The one thing that was on their minds was in search for a love connection with *** hitting the Richter scale. Jeff wanted love feeling like an Earthquake in the bedroom. Mary on the other hand was in steamy heat and used water as her *** dance. But Jeff and Mary found themselves on a dating service, and that is how they found each other. The question comes up in who was going to pursue who? Jeff quickly made a flight reservation, and flew to New York City. He wanted to meet Mary, and perhaps create a love connection. When Jeff arrived at Mary’s door, and she opened. Once inside, Jeff ripped took off his clothes, and he ripped off Mary’s clothes. They both were now naked, and Jeff carried Mary into the bedroom and gently placed her down on the bed. His ***** was hard as a rock, and was ready for the session of love. Jeff quickly got on top of Mary, and was going for the sooth of love intimate.

Jeff kissed all over Mary’s body, and licked in places giving Mary moans of delight.
Both their heart and voices were pulsating in precise. Then it became the motion of in and out of Mary’s *****. The moments got even more intense being pound for pound. The Bed Frame was banging as Mary kept begging. Mary felt as if she had been taken to the Moon and back. It was a night to remember that Jeff and Mary will never forget. They both got what they needed in heat. It was like they were Astronauts being the lift off and the return back to Earth. Ecstasy rated supreme, but only Jeff and Mary know what that means. Love in and, but not out. Jeff and Mary are now a couple moving about.
150 · Jul 2022
preservationman Jul 2022














150 · Nov 2021
preservationman Nov 2021
Sitting and waiting playing my Harmonica at the Rivers edge
The moment is my privilege
The Bayou helping me get over my struggles
Feeling tense
Need the Harmonica to help me relax
I am all perplexed
Bring harmony together is what the Harmonica does best
Thinking on worries less
Looking ahead to Dawn
Being blessed feeling the yawn
Through the Dew of expectancy
The Night Stars are certain
The wonder and bright
The Harmonica sooth
Understanding that is smooth
In the eye of struggles
One can overcome
The spirit of hope
Simplicity on target
The Harmonica Bounce
Elevation of tune
Storming the feet
This is a time to refine and be triumphant
Defiance having a cause
The Harmonica set the record straight
Just take in and let appreciate set in
The Bayou is telling me pursue
Tell struggles goodbye
Continue living is what one should try
Living is about sustaining
The blessings remaining
Harmonica finale, you will never be in the valley long
Reached the zone
You stand alone
But the Harmonica let it be known
A Bayou moment being the minute
No limit
150 · Apr 12
Battles of the world
Powers of incantations
Flight of Broomsticks
Evil on the minds
Witches brew with a broth
Human stew
Witches sleuth
Determined with desire
The *** full of fire
Witches with no remorse
Revenge and more revenge
Battles to win
Worlds to transcend
No Fiddle Faddle
Incantations disappear
Witches in and out
150 · Jul 2016
preservationman Jul 2016
My praises used to be within
But that was the past from then
My raised hands came down
I was long salvation bound
There was no singing being the sound
The falling weight felt like a pound
I turned away from God’s praying hands
I became part of the Devil’s band
I was Evil that won out
As to why happened, it’s nothing to talk about
The fact, I have fallen from grace
It was that Devil who approached
It was that same Devil that called the Lord a joke
I questioned my own Faith
What do I Believe?
What happened to my commitment and responsibility to God?
I knew I had to come back from being fallen
I felt I was now a villain
This is not what the Lord wanted me to be
Heaven observes and I know they can see
Yet I have fallen from grace
It’s going to be a long road back
Somehow I will have to back track
I am God’s human creature that shouldn’t settle for that
But I must find how I will get back
Fallen from grace, but only for the moment
I will eventually return to Heaven’s voice
But a lot of praying and forgiveness being my choice
Fallen, but I need to stand up
From, one on one redemption
Grace, God never left me
I need my Faith to be responsive and secure
God being the almighty, and having the spiritual cure
Fallen on while and heaven’s voice bringing me back with encouragement being the style.
preservationman Jul 2017
It was stormy that night
The waves moved abruptly being uptight
There was a very small ship way out to sea
There were echoes in the distance of streaking pleas
In the horizon there was the Sky Bright Lighthouse beaming with its guiding light
But the light was not enough as the storm continued to be tough
The small ship went side to side
It moved in precision along with the waving tides
The ship started to tip
Then suddenly it made a dip
Some of the crew and passengers were pushed into the sea
The Coast Guard was alerted
They tried to rescue the crew and passengers, but some had already drowned
Their bodies just floated down
Lightening continue to flash and thunder roared
However, the heavy rain continued to pour
This was a night God didn’t want anyone to ignore
The message that one could visualize in one’s head, “I am God in control as I am the wonder in behold. Its souls from the flesh and Heaven giving Earth a time limit in how much living people on Earth have left”
Later the storm started to let up
The darkened night clouds departed fast
The vision of the moon finally at last
The stars twinkled of a storm pass.
149 · Jan 16
Not impossible
Just possibilities
Curious minds unfold
Imagination vibes
Journey through expectancy
Hidden thoughts beyond
Decisions to make
Avoiding any mistakes
Give and take
Dreaming stories
Surprises within realizes
Logic through understanding
Wild as it seems
Wavy streams
One point to several theories
One thing after another
Each dream different from the other
Dare to imagine
Only to dream
149 · May 2021
preservationman May 2021
Lottery ticket I hope I win
Let my fortune be in sight
Perhaps I am being too polite
The lottery ticket will make me rich
The thought of it is making me itch
I will try to be myself
It will be my own Robin Leech affair
I will handle my lottery ticket win with care
I must be careful in whom I share
I must think financially wise
Maybe start my own enterprise
I am beginning to feel energized
Imagine my own corporation having a skyscraper 80 stories aiming for the sky
But between you and I
One can dream
We can think what would seem
Inspiration is surging from a nearby stream
I am still thinking lottery rich
However, I will wait until I reach cross that bridge
It would be a blessing being a privilege
preservationman Sep 2017
Before I begin, let’s take a moment of Code OF Silence
Brief pause, remembering all the people that loss their lives
That day of September 11, 2001 was like any other typical weekday morning
People were commuting from everywhere on their way to work
Nothing seemed suspicious
It was a clear summery sunny day being obvious
There was no thought of an attack
Suddenly a passenger plane went into Tower One
However, that attack was only half done
Immediately following, Tower 2 got a big fiery smack
The explosions were like a movie thrilling flack
But the world became motionless
So many names having no time to list
Terrorist were definitely made their move
Their mission having an agenda to prove
The world’s lives were changed forever
I was supposed to work in Tower One on the 96th Floor for Marsh and McClennan
But I was told I was overqualified two days before
It was my time for Heaven to explore, so Heaven literally said, “Just Ignore”
This anniversary is a remembrance of loss friends and family
Human souls were already lifted up to Heaven
Heaven has the souls for safekeeping
The message from America to the Terrorist, “You can’t keep a strong nation down as America has strived from many vintage points all around. Fear is not our stopping ground, but our Faith in God that will always stay around. We have sacrificed , and it’s God who controls and gives advice. We will continue to stand as our spirit is pride and dignity being our command.  Heart to Heart with fear will never be near. We will never forget and we have no regret. We are strong in the multitude, and we have peace being our solitude”.
preservationman Jul 2016
The world seems to always make a face
This is an every day trace
A face rolled putting someone on alarm
The attitude added with a possibility to harm
It’s time to take a moment, and look at one’s self in the mirror
As Michael Jackson’s song reminds, “Man in the Mirror”
We all need to make that change
It’s about self-improvement with a new image
We need to come out of self
Have respect, but don’t act like anybody else
Respect is a two way street
We can’t let evil take control and it becomes a defeat
Life how you live is a plan
This comes totally under your command
It’s a priority being a demand
Personalities come under all traits
Don’t act like you don’t know as you can relate
But as an individual, one shouldn’t hesitate
Once again, respect costs nothing
Why have an attitude with someone who hasn’t done you wrong, and especially you don’t know
I am sure at this point or perhaps before faces have changed and now the nose is sticking up
But truth must be said
Either change composure what’s holding you back
Perhaps converse and share the communicating track
Maybe just stand back
Having an attitude with one another won’t change a thing
It’s about fellowship in harmony being the sling
You must believe in yourself and have Faith that you can do it
There is nothing more that needs to fit
But the hatred and anger that needs to quit.
148 · Sep 2018
preservationman Sep 2018
Preparation during the prior year
Perspiration in intensity in high gear
Muscle structuring having a high note
What am I talking about, “The Mr. Olympia 2018 that is a regular event, and to Professional Bodybuilders, this is a dream being Heaven sent
However, the Olympia event comprises of various Divisions such as Women’s Fitness, Women’s Bikini, Men’s Fitness, Amateur 212 and Professional Male Bodybuilders for the Mr. Olympia title
Muscles being pushed into toned under the stage lights
Extravaganza that’s always out of sight
Each competitor telling the Judges in don’t take their posing light
Their muscles is what keeps them might
The roar of the audience in being a competitor’s loyal fan
Bodybuilders dazzling posing with specific creative moves
The idea of getting the Judge’s attention having a posing routine being a winner with everything to prove
Yet the enthusiasm that must be smooth
But the Mr. Olympia title being a world proclaim
It’s that First Place being the aim
The Top Five is what Judge’s will see alive
A check and a Trophy of accomplishments in strive
Well 2018 was a surprise, as Shawn Rhoden became the New Mr. Olympia Victorian
For several years, Phil Heath controlled the throne of Mr. Olympia
But this year, he was dethroned
What the Judge’s saw was Shawn Rhoden that stood
So there was an upset
Shawn Rhoden had all the components of muscle density and conditioning
Phil Heath questions in how did Shawn Rhoden win
It is because he can
Shawn Rhoden was the Conqueror with a mission of quest
But Phil Heath could care less
So negativity spreads the media waves
The fact is Shawn Rhoden is the new champion and everyone should just behave
Someone who always wins also comes a loss
But the new champion everyone must accept
Who will be the new champion of Mr. Olympia 2019?
We will have to wait and see
Until next year, keep it lean.
148 · Jun 2018
preservationman Jun 2018
I remember all so well
In fact, this is a must tell
It was Washington, DC at the monument where we first kissed
Now that is nothing to miss
It was romance that I will never forget
In fact I have no regret
It was that starry night
But war was going on
You told me to remain strong
You were an Army man
The Army needed in demand
But there was something about your Army Uniform
That War kiss when I closed my eyes was full caring and loving
It was everything nice
I certainly didn’t need any advice
I remember holding your hand into mine
The Moon was Full and there was a sense of interlude
I didn’t want that kiss to end feeling like a conclude
But there was something you wanted to ask me
I thought what exactly could it be?
We walked to the Washington Mall
There was crowds being a multitude of all
At that very moment, you proposed to me and I said yes
But I was on cloud nine I must confess
A Year later, we became Man and Wife
Our love still stands today as if it was yesterday
The Nations Capitol brought us together
War didn’t even separate us
We were on accord and didn’t fuss
Our love was a romantic chapter from the very start
War wasn’t going to stop us from being apart
Our marriage is as strong as it was the beginning
Our love still has the inning
Washington, DC surely appreciates
I still remember that date
A Wife and former Soldier salute
I still know how to play that flute
We still have that everlasting love and it remains me often when I see two flying Doves.
148 · Oct 2015
preservationman Oct 2015
Earth look above
The atmosphere is moving in the sky to think of
Jesus is soon to come
The Earth will be among
Your flesh you think is all you got left
Your soul is what God would call
It’s the Lord that never ever let you fall
The hour is moving
The merciful God is ever so soothing
He doesn’t want your soul to perish
You are his servant being distinguished
The Devil wants your life to end
But with Jesus Christ, you will have a rewarding begin
The Devil’s aim is for you to be in his court to remain
He also wants you to point your finger at Heaven
The Devil is just mad because with blessings from Christ, he can’t get your soul
Jesus is about observe and behold
He conquers all
He also picks you up when you fall
When you pray, he is the one to call
All you have to do is dial “Pray Until”
Honest prayer and God will
Be steadfast, but yet remain still
These are God’s encouraging words
Opened ears and I hope you heard
Now go now and spread the word.
148 · Aug 2017
preservationman Aug 2017
Love became romance in get
Smile after smile
Total endure while
It was love at first sight
You have me inspired and not once uptight
Our kisses were like July 4 fireworks shooting in the air
The night being full of stars, and the sky being crystal clear
My heart always beats when you are near
You showed me how love can transcend
The moment, hour and second being together our lives on a journey of begin
It was when I proposed to you and you said yes
But I have a confess
I thought you might turn me down
But look at us now it will soon be congrats being the sound
This is our wedding day, we will be as one as Man and Wife
Our own everlasting story being our strive
Love that will continue on
Together as one with a bond being strong
I will be proud to say, you are my wife, and I am your husband
I hear the music in the air, “Here and Now”
Husband and Wife Oh Wow
Hand in my hand
Our lives together
Love all in between like no other
It’s love that will lead us
Total bliss having nothing but plus.
preservationman Aug 2020
Companies say, “Equal Opportunity Employer”
But the question becomes equal for what minority group
Diversity covers all races at all ages
But how does equal make the race scale unbalanced
It is more of add with a subtract
Then it becomes observation in fact
A is one minority group, B is another and C being another
If A is predominate in 50 percent, and B is only 2 percent and C is 1 percent
How is equal when it comes to employment
The scale must be balanced all the way around and equal in abilities
It should be simplified and not complex
The equation must be balanced in the algebraic theory of principle having a concept
Let’s look at a sea saw, if one goes up while the other goes down, there is no balance, but when parallel of both equal the center, there you balanced within the possibilities being justified
Why can’t this same principle be in the Work Place
The Work Place seems not to be equal at all of what seems what I call the element factor
Element Factor referring to an employer’s own rules in how they control and determine
It is the standards of what companies want employees to believe
Human Resources having their own rules of the spoken word, hire or reject
Since Affirmative Action is no longer practiced, so why is it on the employment application
If it is voluntary, why bother to even add it
That too is part of why the unbalanced in the Work Place
Would put 10 Dogs and two Cats in a room together
Of course not, one it would be awkward and certainly unbalanced in the situation
I used that as a metaphor
So equal doesn’t equal at all
Addition is simply subtract
Again, back to that fact
Think on that
But I want you to relish what I stated with balance the scale in your mind, and construct the spectrum of equality
You just got a taste in a lesson of true reality.
preservationman Jul 2017
This is a sample newsletter with its own special writing blend
There is no conclusion at the end
We are writing poets and we don’t pretend
We are the writing enterprise
Because we have the understanding with combined wise
Now this shouldn’t be a surprise
The reader’s appreciation is the Poet’s inspiration being the indication
Our emotions expressed deep to the core
It’s the reader’s journey being their explore
So pull out your laptop and let your fingers function in poet typing
Words will flow
You will become a Poet and the world will know
Words like being straight from the Poet’s heart microwave
Poet’s coming into the heart of the world
As the world turns so does Poets are everywhere
Their venture being the triumphant of accomplishment in being the share
A poet is a more advanced than a writer
Thoughts beyond any book
But you are the Poet’s look
Global being worldwide
Eye to eye Poet taking stride
Now think on what to write
It could very be experience from a past plight
But make it informative shedding light.
147 · May 2022
preservationman May 2022
Not a Country
Nor is it immigration
A tomorrow came
But I am living it today
Sounds like a riddle
But there is no fiddle
It’s the Earth’s inspiration
Learning lesson
A lot to understand
I am standing on solid land
Sometimes I wonder
Why having a lot of questions?
Yet no answers
I have been granted
Permission on my part
The Earth making it my start
Having a lead
Amazing Earth beyond my expectations
Yet thankful and appreciative
One who refuses to live don’t know
One who embraces opportunity excels
Some say, “Who am I”?
A person for all generations
I am the image from who and where I was created
Legacy in part, but comes further than Earth’s reach
I know you don’t understand
Perhaps no explanation needed
I am my own universe
Living, breathing, Granted and qualified.
147 · Nov 2021
preservationman Nov 2021
Embrace the blessings
Give Thanks
Families and friends united in harmony
Value time
Precious life
Enjoying foods of all kinds
Rejoice having a combine
A Turkey thinking having no luck
I have been slaughtered and plucked
Being the Main Serving
I am the one and only deserving
Having all the stuffing and flavor
Dinner tables will all enjoy in savor
I am the usual Butterball
preservationman Nov 2017
I am all packed for my Greyhound bus ride
The relaxing reclining seat what Greyhound will provide
I got my Round Trip Ticket in my tote
Destination being Richmond, Virginia
It will be seven hours journey
But it will be family I will see
It will be togetherness what Thanksgiving is supposed too be
The Turkey being perfectly craved
I can tell you one thing, I won’t starve
The food will be all laid out on the table being a spread
I am just thinking on all the blessings of having a family
Greyhound is bringing me back home where my life all began
Greyhound has always been my beginning to end
When my bus arrives in Richmond
Family will meet and greet me
My Thanksgiving will begin the moment I arrive
Well, we arrived On-Time in Richmond at Five PM
Family a waits
At least Greyhound made sure I wouldn’t be late.
146 · Feb 2019
preservationman Feb 2019
Somewhere I have heard that before
I know that for sure
I remember as if it was yesterday
But then again, it happened all today
Let me take you back
My buddy and I were hanging on the Basketball Court
We often played on the Basketball on any given day including the weekends
We were shooting the Hoops and challenging each other
My buddy noticed some thugs walking towards us
He said, “I hope they don’t make a fuss”
My Buddy stated, I got your back
Meanwhile, I was getting punched and smacked
So much for my Buddy having my back
Then my Buddy and I were being pushed and shoved
It went into a complete beat down in fight
However, it turned into more like fright
But my Buddy and I began to take control
We were feeling Bold
Did these Thugs think we were going to let them push us around?
It was going to happen on these grounds
No matter what, we were going to defend ourselves
We weren’t born to be turtles in a shell
Our message in fight is our circumstance too tell
We have a right on this court
Our protection must be our fought
We have game
That shall remain
We have a name
Its Thugs beware
If you want to play Basketball, we can share
So if you Thugs don’t want to do that, we will take you out in a punch
So Buddy, “Do you still have my back?”
He said yes
I got knocked out with one hard punch and smack
Thanks Buddy for not having my back.
146 · Oct 2023
preservationman Oct 2023
Like a Merry Go Round
Enter in and accelerate
Where do we go?
Circle turn left into right
No stop
Turn Turn Turn
Point of no return
Movement after movement
Dizzy feel
Atmosphere is for real
Before into the after
Still turning
One turn leads to many
Nothing uncanny
Tomorrow’s reminder
Today’s preparation
Be ready
preservationman Mar 2018
Christy Crème sweets that just can’t be beat
Make our delights your treat
We have the flavor that your taste buds will seek
All you have to do is take a peek
We are the best having a winning streak
We are always in demand week to week
Once you try our donuts, we won’t want to eat the competitor’s other
Christy Crème is like no another
Let your taste buds become our guest
This is an invite at our request
Christy Crème you will say you want more
The taste alone you won’t ignore
We are sure our sweet assortments you will explore.
145 · Apr 2018
preservationman Apr 2018
Hello Poetry wants to make your acquaint
Now we don’t want you to faint
I am your Greeter throughout
Please enjoy in what I will be talking about
There are words that we went you to be able to digest
It’s not a demand only a request
We want you to read our Poetry as we communicate
As Poets, we want you to be able to relate
But always remember, Poetry is about literature to appreciate
In some ways, we might just educate
Watch as we put the assembly
Read as we entertain our showcase
Sentences opening like a curtain
But verse for verse is our confidence in being certain
Our words resting upon your hearts
The moment in how we feel
Our inner emotions being a big deal
Yet confident is within our seal
It’s our decree
But it’s our actual words that you see
We are not trying to challenge
But we want you to see that Poet’s can manage
Words beyond your wildest imaginations in what we as Poet’s can create
But with the understanding, our writing is never too late
It could be history from the Poet’s specific date
Yet it will be words that could fill any plate
The ingredients having the aroma that attracts the senses
Any Poet’s words steam our from any ***
Yet we always have a dialog seemingly like a plot
It’s our have and never not
So reader, come along and join the many waves of Poet’s
Words that could very well be your own
But we will never know unless you like it be known
However as Poet’s, we are worth being full blown
Look and read in future writings in seeing how our sentences take off, and how the breeze of words will take your breath away.
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