Control and deceit
Anarchy being the force of no one being relieved
Wealth with a lavished house
Money and a living mouse
The house is really a large Mansion
It is nestled way in the countryside
This is where the Persian’s reside
A man named Sterling Persian being an Oil Tycoon
It was always his routine, breakfast at 8 and lunch at Noon
Mr. Sterling Persian grosses 46 million yearly, but ****** is on the mind of one family member
You see, the Son, Arthur Persian wants to heir and take away the fortune for himself, but Daddy Persian put another name on his estate, and it’s not a family member
It’s his Mistress
So ****** is in the air
The thought of ****** making the fortune fair
So as Sterling Persian slumbers, a ****** is already in the works
Sleep unto Death
As everyone is fast asleep, but not Arthur Persian, he has a plan that will be deep
The Son lurks into Daddy Persian’s room, and silently and precisely fires ring out from a single bullet
It kills Daddy Persian instantly
By morning, everyone wonders where is Sterling Persian?
One the Female Housekeeper’s enters Mr. Sterling Persian’s room, and he is found dead
Screams upon screams
The commotion draws attention to the family
The Police are later summoned
When they arrive, they immediately look for clues
This is definitely something to pursue
The Police search throughout Sterling Persian’s room
They notice footprints that lead to the Son’s room, Arthur Persian’s room, but hiding in his closet, he suddenly abruptly comes out
The Son fires shots after shots, but his subdued by the mighty bullets of the Police
He wounded, and confesses Fortune made him do it
So Arthur Persian was arrested
Crime scene solved
It was the Son involved
Justice served with resolved