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Sep 2021 · 65
preservationman Sep 2021
Raise your voice
Sing your Praise
Observe the amaze
It started from Heaven to Earth
It became worldly on Earth as an enriched new birth
The world was in Sin
That was all from then
Salvation became a take in
But we are in the now
Sin is still out of control
Seek Jesus while you can take hold
Become a Believer being bold
Repent and live in Grace
We are in a race
Time is the trace
Step up and keep up the pace
The Gospel is truth
Word for word in fact
Biblical being a reflection look back
Think on your life at where you were at
Revelation in testimony became a fact
Lift up those hands and praise
You are living because of the amaze
Now give praise
You now know
Rejoice and expel
You are now the tell
Praise, Praise, Praise
Aug 2021 · 57
preservationman Aug 2021
My name is Trouble
I cause disturbance where ever i go
I cause confusion in break ups
I focus on the mind in people to steal
Go out and make a situation a big deal
I have sent many people to jail
I even mingle with the mail
Life has always been on fail
There's no reason to do right
Wrong is my trouble
This is where I always stumble
In fact, perhaps my name should be changed to stumble
Troubles are always bad
It's been like that since I was a lad
I couldn't keep relationships
School I had no interest
I was a Drop Out
So Trouble is my name
My substance is drugs
I hang out with Thugs
You haven't seen the trouble I am in
Perhaps I can persuade you to begin
So Trouble here
I have no fear
Trouble is here to stay
I have no getaway
Word Up
Aug 2021 · 91
preservationman Aug 2021
Feel the excitement
Hear the joy
Performers are holding steady
Set the stage ready
Up the Overture
Raise the curtain as a background picture
Dramatics can begin
Singing in glory
This is Broadway's story
It was enabled from the Pandemic for so long
Darkness in Broadway row
There was no flow
Broadway will be coming alive
Theatrical survive
Broadway goes have waited patiently
But now Broadway will see it's shine
It was dim for a while
But thunderous momentum of the Great White Way
Broadway Dance
Putting the audience in an amazing trance
Each moving step having its own story to tell
It will be heartfelt
Broadway was once down, but can now get right back up
Truth in the talent
No longer will be silent
Broadway will be alive at last
It's showtime
Welcome Back Broadway
Aug 2021 · 84
preservationman Aug 2021
Average women, Jane Holiman
By night, being a crime fighting avenger
It happened to Jane Holiman by surprise
But I must emphasize
Ms. Holiman had acquired powers beyond the world's expectations
She became Megawomen
Amazone muscles would grow in proportions along with size
But Ms. Holiman had no idea what they would be used for
Fighting crime and bringing to Justice
But was that her destiny?
A Night Star spoke to her one given night and told Ms. Holiman told her that becoming Megawomen was a gift behind the purpose, and that she was the chosen one
She was told to embrace in her powers
But use them for the good and imprison evil
Soon later, Jane Holiman thought about being Megawomen
She also thought about the footsteps she was following such as SUPERGIRL, WONDER WOMEN, STAR GIRL and others
Jane Holiman would be known as MEGAWOMEN with powers beyond mortals in strength and Judgement in heart
Destiny a waits
MEGAWOMEN to the world to illustrate
A wonder a world will appreciate
Aug 2021 · 343
preservationman Aug 2021
It seems the years accelerated fast
I remember being young in my thirties
But now I am Seventy
What happened during those years
Aches and pains
Everything else I will let remain
My steps get slower
It's hard exercising going lower
I was always energetic
What a surprise?
The years in wisdom helped me realize
Value what you have, and never take for granted
You live once, and time uncertain
Live it too the fullest
Time waits for no one
Cherish the time you have
preservationman Aug 2021
Our love came from the start
We are still in marriage with no depart
Our love was the first time we met
We dated for a while and our loved continued to build
I am still thrilled
You are my Disney and I am your Universal
Love seeing your face everyday
I count each loving moment as a blessing
My Soul Mate
I appreciate
We have our Ups and Downs
We tell our love all over town
We are still together
We don't compare marriage to another
This is what makes our relationship work
Every breeze brings love in continued at ease
Our heart are true
Cherish always in pursue
Now Kiss me now
Aug 2021 · 93
preservationman Aug 2021
My name is Trouble
I am disturbance where ever I go
But you just don't know
I cause breakups
I encourage people to steal
Turn situations into a big deal
I know all about jail
Prison is not just for a male
It's the system wanting you to fail
Life will always be tough
Being trouble, I am also rough
There is no reason to do right
It's written on the walls in plain sight
Wrong is my trouble
This is where I constantly stumble
In fact, perhaps that should be my name, "STUMBLE"
My troubles are always bad
It all started being a lad
I couldn't keep relationships
School I had no interest
I was a drop out
My name is Trouble
The only substance is Drugs
I hang out with ****'s
You haven't seen the trouble I am in
You wouldn't want to begin
So Trouble here
I have no fear
trouble is here to stay
This is my life all the way
If you don't want trouble, go astray
Aug 2021 · 53
preservationman Aug 2021
You asked
I answered
But was there truth?
There is a wonder
Yet no assurance
Total meaningless
No enduring kiss
It was like a sail
But came was a fail
Don't ask
You have no precise answer
Even the Moon laughs
Everything being a joke
I was hoping promise
But you can't even be honest
So away with you
Don't ask
I answered my own question
Aug 2021 · 72
preservationman Aug 2021
Imagine being among the sky stars
Seeing the Little and Big Dippers
Observing the Earth
Catching every from below
Twinkle here and there
Being high in the sky
A star bright
That lights up the darkness at the night
What a delight
One wish at a time
The skies can sometimes not be so kind
Understanding comes out
It's just encouragement moving about
A since of joy
Capturing a child within the girl and boy
All happens being amongst the stars.
Aug 2021 · 53
preservationman Aug 2021
A story coming on
Characters placed where they belong
Words forming the narration
The results being the objective
Dialog carefully put together
Letters formulated from the alphabet
A time with hours of write
The idea came through the night
Alone in thought
Inspiration of sought
As the words opened up
A theory appeared
It was romance being a test
But there was an interruption
War took place
It wasn't a warrior war
It was a struggle of two hearts
Together became separate
The words behind were the illustrate
The storm of two minds
Don't speak
My mind is starting to grow weak
The emotions have no thought
Standing alone tormented
Leave me
My sunset has settled down
Don't look for me as I can't be found
Path's go in different roads
This wasn't something that was previously told
This is what the soul took hold
We were only yesterday
But I now know my tomorrow
I am sorrow less
This is my confess
Love was only a moment
My days have formed live
All I am seeing is adjectives
Aug 2021 · 58
preservationman Aug 2021
The path is clear
I am not alone
My horizon is in front of me
I cry not for suffering
My tears are assurance in victory
It’s my Grandmother’s legacy history
My Grandmother would often encourage with, “Walk On”
My life full of daily sunrises and sunsets
Tomorrow on continuous mode
Every walk is harmony
Blessings come in multitudes
I will never be alone
I am connected to Heaven
So I am walking on and on
Confident and assured
Walking and continued walking
Head up and held high
Living is a chance to journey
Learning as you go
God’s flow
Walking into the sunshine
Feel that warmth
Walk On
Aug 2021 · 69
preservationman Aug 2021
I feel a story coming on
The Characters are carefully placed where they belong
Words are the narrations
Dialog with no intimacy
Letters formulated from the Alphabet
A time with hours to write
Alone in thought
Inspiration of sought
As the words opened up
A theory appeared
It was romance being only a test
But there was an interruption throughout
War took place
It wasn’t a warrior war
It was a war of two hearts
Together was separate
The words behind were the illustrate
The storm of two minds
Don’t speak
Emotions had no thoughts
It was a stand alone tormented
Leave me
The sunset had settled down
Now no one can be found
Path’s go down different roads
This wasn’t something that was told
This is what soul took hold
We were only a yesterday
But now I know my tomorrow
Sorrow less
This is a confess
Love was only a moment
Days that formed live
This is the only objective
Aug 2021 · 62
preservationman Aug 2021
I have come so far
I was getting further and further away
I asked the Lord to help me on this day
My life needs salvation in every way
A voice said, “Now Come Home”
I knew than I wasn’t standing alone
Suddenly Joy and Praise came my way
A shout echoed, I will never go astray
The Devil blocks what he doesn’t want you to understand
He encourages anyone to his caravan
The Lord opens to door to a blessed extension
It becomes a total Christian lesson
Truth in the Holy Spirit
Rejoice as it is embraced in merit
Time after time
I understood more and more
I knew there is much to Christianity I needed to explore
I shouted Mercy and Glory
But that is only half of my story
My Biblical eye was on search
I was told to go to a place of foundational worship
My mind was open and soul fulfilled
For years I was always misled
The Holy Spirit came and I was fed
So my journey was long
But you are probably asking, “What took so long?”
Plain and simple, I didn’t think I belong
My destination reached precise
I am given daily God’s advice
Tomorrow seemed like yesterday
It was a gesture
It became a promise
The Lord took me in, and encouraged me in spreading God’s word out
Now you know the whole story in how God moved within my life
Salvation is a blessing
I have no more guessing
I extend salvation to you and all it takes is praying in the asking
Jul 2021 · 46
preservationman Jul 2021
If When and How
Can and Shall
Will and Did
Could with Should
Compose with Suppose
Before into After
Word Clusters
I thought you knew
Now You Know
Imaginary Although
True to Life from the Heart
You Suspected
But one word must be deleted
The time that told
The Moment of Truth
Expanded within the dialog
All talk and no action
Let Me Show you my True Reaction
You were cut off in our discussion
Accomplished which you didn’t
The Mind was truly set
The Sun and Daylight added to the inspiration
What you see is the illustration
The Banner is clear
Poet’s hold words that closely dear
Jul 2021 · 63
preservationman Jul 2021
You moved like a slow moving vessel steamer
Time you thought you had
You totally forgot
You seemed to be stuck on being still
But time was on full acceleration
Tick Tuck was your time
You thought you could keep up
You figured the long was your extended time
But the short hand said you were out of time
The Midnight Hour was your finale
You no longer had any seconds nor minutes left
Every component of time captured your every pause and movement
You were now trapped in a clock
You will never get out
Time controls all you about
You didn’t understand what precise time meant
It was a lesson you never knew and didn’t try to find out
Time surrounds you within the walls
You are now sustained in your stall
In essence, your fault being your fall
Time tried to warn you, but you totally ignored
Time has it’s own time
You are now a timepiece
You will never be released
You are time vanished forever
Jul 2021 · 58
preservationman Jul 2021
The ivories seems to say through the notes, we have an inspiring tone
A note that played here and there
Your today is certain, but tomorrow is followed by a question
Every note symbolic being like a prophecy
But one’s life has no guarantees
Warrant on caution
You seem to think you are stepping out
You don’t even realize you are fighting your own bout
It’s the battle of your heart and inner soul
Your mind has become like a wallet billfold
Your relish expense, but you are broke
Laughter surrounds you but you are the joke
Harmony has passed you by
Withy every given tear, it was a moment of your own fear
Your life having no direct pattern
If I were to choose for you a planet, it would be Saturn
Because you see constant pause without knowing the cause
Separate emotion into sacrifice
Understand true advice
So the tone is yet secrete
But your heart is full of deceit
The piano keys are trying to help you find your way
You must stop moving astray
One note being your time
Every moving step your combined
The piano notes have made your advice clear, and be wise
The strategy is too be energized
With that said, the piano keys have spoken
Jul 2021 · 465
preservationman Jul 2021
I remember a song stating, “Don’t be afraid of the storm, but hold your head high”
You questioned me about my own storms
I fell down, but got up
I then walked on
Faith surrounded me
My arms were raised in praise
I knew it was God’s amaze
Yet you kept questioning me again about my storms
But do you even know what your storms were in your life?
A storm can be devastating, but also a learning experience through one’s living
Faith is the answer and behind it is the Lord in don’t be alarmed
Lightning is the advice
Rain becomes the many showering blessings
The wind is comfort in being at ease
Hail is the battle, but victory comes from on high
Praying that sustains into Lord help me please
The storm is a reminder, the Lord being the Great I Am
Storms are struggles that everyone must go through
It’s asking for guidance in how to pursue
Storms help one understand
One must be able to stand and face the storms approachable
As my Deceased Grandmother would often say, “We will understand after while”
Storms are turbulence between your mind and soul
Yet the same storms can also be rewards
Blessings unmeasurable
Eye on the skies and being wise
Storms being the norm
Storms surround our lives all about
Don’t be alarmed, the storms won’t harm
Jul 2021 · 98
preservationman Jul 2021
Think, Write and Respond
The degree level of words
Rise and Low to Situation
Slow and Move in Description
Sentences point
Taking a Moment to Pause
Reaction from a Cause
Setting The Tone
Making your dialog full blown
You never know how words will make the reader react
It’s a Poet fact
Poetry that comes to life
The anecdote being the advice
Words one never knew
Poetry gives your mind something to think to do
Now that you know have a seat
You never knew Poetry could be so neat
Write your inner Poetry vibe
Inspire coming from within being your strive
Your words start today
So you don’t know what to say?
Just let your mind extend taking you far away
You are more of a Poet then you think
Capture it in written ink
Turn your words like before into after
That’s the Poet’s thought
Words and sentences are encouraging you in ought
It’s not a dream nor illusion
Write into Write like you are in fight
Tell the story in plain sight
You are now a future Poet
You just needed to know it
Jul 2021 · 57
preservationman Jul 2021
The image of your face, Eyes and smile
I wondered during my while
You said me being a Poet and how my words captured you
My words went all through and through
Our loving came together like a full moon
I searched for a very long time for a female mate
Blue eyes when you came along it was pure fate
Your blue eyes caught my attention
It was like a Hawaiian night
My heart pounded with that very first kiss
I knew then I wanted you to be my miss
Blue eyes you are so down to Earth
I was enriched like a new birth
Oh Blue Eyes
You make me ever so wise
Our moments together are energized
Let us both journey together to the next level
It’s marriage on my mind
The house with you and I combined
Perhaps form our own family
You nourished my soul
You are my behold
Blue Eyes
Kiss me, you are my Queens and I am your King
Let’s embark into the love thing
Your blue eyes are my bling
Jul 2021 · 65
preservationman Jul 2021
At first, I was using my own senses
I was getting loss and further out of my way in all the wrong directions
I asked citizens, and I was running into detours
Blinded by darkness
I started using my Directional Finder
But I was still a long way from home
A voice echoed, “Don’t roam come home”
I can direct your path
Suddenly Salvation got closer, and I found my way
All the roads that I had taken was leading me astray
I had been travelling on the wrong roads all my life
I had no idea in how to even reach my destination
A voice had to show me in illustration
In the beginning tomorrow seemed ever so far
I was way off track
It seemed someone was trying to hold me back
Intervention came into play
The voice told the roadblock never on any day
It was salvation I had been searching and needing all my life
The skies opened my mind with advice
I reached home that I was away for so long
Just then, an extended hand took hold of mine and the voice said, “You finally reached home”
I got my spiritual blessing
Seek one will find
Accept will be kind
Believe with everything combined
Navigating was so genuine.
Jul 2021 · 93
preservationman Jul 2021
Love can be a maybe with perhaps
It’s a periodical of words drawn by couples
Then again maybe love not at all
Words upon caring or uncertainty words
But are couples truly listening to what the other partner is saying?
How do they compliment each other?
Yet, I believe each couple must have a feeling in what love means
Love comes in days, months and weeks throughout the years
Romance if truth in preserver
Hearts enter like a portal
At times, love can become a violent storm going through the stimulation like a black hole
But it is no illusion
Do couples see what the stars in the sky are saying?
However, is there a twinkle within the love between couples?
Hearts should be stirring perfection into admiration
Love becomes the scale between Desire and Cherish
The finale within the kiss
Not a wish
Periodical love
Hearts enchanted
It takes follow through
But requires pursue
Love advice
That is what keeps love together with a mixture of honey, sugar and spice
Extraction to the nice
Newsweek love, the yearly affair, hearts centered for the next level surrounding love
You read on now enchant on
Love is endless
As couples are priceless
Jul 2021 · 179
preservationman Jul 2021
As I recall you didn’t want me anymore
We argued all the time
Your rebuke being my move on
I responded with I will get along
There was no love only cheating on both sides
Get out, you can’t reside
Commitment has no meaning
It was simply lies
I am not a light switch being on and off
When you stepped out
Your cheating was known all about
From sunset to sundown you were nowhere to be found
I now have peace and tranquil
I have no tears
I don’t want you ever to come near
I am able to move on
My heart being a locked secure door
You are a person I will always ignore
You only want to put me down
But I am not falling to the ground
You are long distance by my standards
I have a totally different approach
My words are no joke
You say you want, but really didn’t need
My life now is focused on me to continue to proceed
No further need
Goodbye now forever
Jul 2021 · 348
preservationman Jul 2021
Each given step of excellence
Charisma within essence
Soaring deep into harmony
Perfection from the soul
Rise up and down
The movement in practice from many lessons
Be tough as each step from the beginning that was rough
Golden style
The slippers providing no slip
Elevation upon elevation of performing arts illustration
Dazzle having a phrase
The musical tone adding to amaze
The accomplishment descending of praise
The Golden Slippers are the excel
Each constructed movement having a story to tell
Golden Slippers
Accounted for
Finale in galore
The rhythm settled down the golden slippers
Take a bow
Jul 2021 · 110
preservationman Jul 2021
Harmony tick tock
Precision right on the dot
Tone around time
Each clock sounded like a musical blend
It was totally breathtaking within
It was the clock’s version of “The Hand Of Time”
The moment in the hour
The second at the minute
The place being any place
The fact of time having no waste
Serene yet gentle
The clock’s playing the skies song of “The Rhythm of the horizon above”
A place in time to think of
Your time is now
The sounds
Acceleration of time
All being one of a kind
The time instrument of delight
The thought of suggestion in might
Time opening the eyes and seeing today well into tomorrow’s daylight
Fast moving hands of time
Now settle down and unwind
Your time you didn’t expect
Time after time
Jul 2021 · 57
preservationman Jul 2021
Mystery date
Asking questions in romance relate
If we were to date, do you believe in fate?
How do you see love?
If you had any choice of any Planet to live involving love making, which Planet would it be?
So many questions, but dating decisions that need to be made
The mystery date into romance
A couple having one chance
Heart into the other
Maneuvers in sharing love
Mystery date in what questions with responding answers
The moment of truth
A mystery date is then selected
The winner stands holding hand in hand on National TV
A date becomes the process
The finale is now in recess
Jul 2021 · 102
preservationman Jul 2021
Harmony in family unity
Strength in support coming from the community
Rochdale Wives all have different stories to tell
But you will find commitment in shell
One particular Rochdale Wive has a loving story
Read on with all its glory
It was 1970 when a Shareholder named Mary Lister moved into Group One
She was single and moving into a One Bedroom Apartment
It was going to be furnished with all her assortments
Then John Benjamin was also single and moved into Group 2 in the same year
Watch as something is going to preserver
Somewhere a love affair was going to become a moment by moment with romance getting a very little chance
It’s love that was going to build and grow
So it becoming an relationship moving very slow
Mary Lister and John Benjamin really took to really knowing each other and their backgrounds were exchanged
Mary Lister was a Manager at a Large Investment Banker Corporation
Now John Benjamin was a CPA Accountant
So they both were going over assets being what their dating relationship in portfolio would be
It was all about accessing
But Mary and John seemed to be intrigued with each other
It became not a date, but when into another date
Mary Lister made sure she wasn’t going to be late
Surprises into the main event
But something surprising at Rochdale that Mary Lister didn’t anticipate and had no expect, it was a proposal in the Big Mall in front of moving shoppers, and of course she accepted the hand of marriage of John Benjamin
So a year later, Mary Lister and John Benjamin became Man and Wife
It all happened through the Rochdale vision of possibilities
Yet one wonders what reaction to the proposal from John Benjamin if Mary Lister had of said No
I won’t even wait for an answer
Mary and John Benjamin are acquainted in everlasting bliss
What comes after is that Rochdale enchanted kiss
The beauty and commitment that will never be missed
The Rochdale spirit with merit
Walk on into Holy Matrimony
Connecting hearts as one
Man and Wife being among
Jul 2021 · 104
preservationman Jul 2021
Her story wasn’t always so sweet
Slippery in fact
Listen as Miss Butterworth traces back
It was at the Oak View Plantation
It wasn’t a place full of fascination
The City and State was Clever, Alabama
Her life was full of struggles
Miss Butterworth was often beaten morning, noon and night
Her whole life was life with unquestionable plight
Miss Butterworth wanted to see freedom as her guiding light
That night, Miss Butterworth made her escape
Vast rivers surrounded the Plantation all over
When it rained she found cover
But her determination to be free rang high
Here’s why
Miss Butterworth often talked to other slaves of Freedom ways in the East
That was her vision in encouragement at least
Miss Butterworth thought back that all she could think about running through her mind was, “I had to be free”
She often heard Dogs with Slave Masters tracking her paths
She ran and ran until she was out of breath
Miss Butterworth maneuvered through the many rivers undetected
That was how the plantation dogs loss her scent
Miss Butterworth was now her own human body in represent
She knew within her heart, she had a purpose and reason to live
Slavery was only a form of suppression
But that plantation taught her a valuable lesson
“You must be determined enough and move with reaction in stating enough was enough being victorious
Miss Butterworth made it East to New Jersey
Her eyes were wide opened to a new beginning, and a chance to excel
Miss Butterworth immediately fell to her knees and prayed to the Almighty Heavenly God
Through his mercy and blessings, he got her through
She was not on Freedom Road
Now you know the story being told
Miss Butterworth’s name is famous on many Syrup bottles being her threshold
Freedom now and forever
preservationman Jul 2021
Medgar Wiley Evers, a name strong and powerful
The college, a mission of knowledge, Understanding and Education excellence
The beauty of essence
CUNY Medgar Evers College being my discovery
Yes this is the story
Medgar Evers College showed me the way in being the person I was seeking and supposed to be
I became the graduate the world did see
I was a truly believer in Evers Teachings
It was the transformation enhancement of the Medgar Evers College uplift
Coming to Medgar Evers College was the balance of what can be achieved and the offset of Social Justice
I learned knowing where I belong
Being prepared for the challenge in getting along
Yet, Medgar Evers College enriched my educational soul like an upgraded electronic component
Stand on purpose with a mission in mine
Set the standards while drawing the line
The discovery of Medgar Evers College was my own exploration
I was on the launching pad, but aimed with the foundation of learning being success
Being my MEC alumni was my honor and privilege of appreciation
Many said I was not college material
But Medgar Evers College changed that into “I was Capable”
Destiny was in my corner because of Medgar Evers College efforts
So Medgar Evers College fulfilled me in being one of their many products for success and beyond
Words can be expressed, but understanding must be an answer. Medgar Evers College showed my own elevation into education as an open door. I entered and was enriched with instilling self-esteem in every way. Medgar Evers College objective was my take away of always remember and don’t forget.”
Jul 2021 · 52
preservationman Jul 2021
An image is walking
Somewhere a legacy is stalking
There are cries with emotions expelling
But distance is truly far
It’s not a place driven by a car
But understanding being clarified
In fact, the image was of someone I once knew
I had to really put the pieces together through
It was a friend who died many years ago
But there is an although
Who was this image, and why did they appear?
I felt fear
I didn’t want that image near
But the image said, “Don’t you remember me?”
When the image got closely, I realized it was an old female friend from college being like a Grandmother too me
Her name plain and comforting being Lois Copeland
So that distance seemed far, but came near
The image was encouraging in continuing to preserver.
preservationman Jul 2021
preservationman Jul 2021
Yo Buddy, you are on this exact bar stool every day well into the night
You are trying to drink away your plight
Your problem won’t go away gulping down *****
It will only make your problem even more confused
Put the ***** glass down for a moment
You and I need to chat
The Bar Stool wants you to share your facts
What exactly led you in thinking ***** is the way to work problems out?
Your mind becomes fuzzy and understanding has no about
You are in a Bar drowning your sorrows
Live and face the problem, there is a tomorrow
The idea is to work all struggles out
Are you sleeping at night?
You keep focusing on whatever your plight
When uncertain try to pray
When things are not ok
Pray in guiding in showing you the way
Drinking only separates in causing you to go astray
Just say to yourself, my plight will be solved on this day
This bar stool wanted to encourage
I am instilling for you to have full courage
Put understanding
Nourish your soul
Then take hold
Tomorrow is a new day
Embracing is what you should do in every way
preservationman Jul 2021
A Novelist thought clever in wanting to write a trivial story
He had all the details with bringing all its glory
How will the reader respond?
It’s anybody’s guess
The Novelist controls the theory being his trump card
But the story has a strong tail
Now let me illustrate without fail
The conclusion is the start with a turnaround
It was ****** in the start being a conclusion of the dialog
Later the story becomes a turnaround with knock at the door that led to the ******
Now there is no specific order
The idea is too visualize in your mind what the outcome should be
The Novelist is only setting the background with the situation
Yet there is a lot of reverse in the turnaround
The identity of the murderer is not really clear
But there is uncertainty being fear
The Novelist write, and suddenly pauses
He thinks to himself in where the story should begin
But does the reader want to depart instead
The conclusion in begin sounding more like an illusion
But there is a lot of confusion
Puzzled on face
This whole story could become a total erase
preservationman Jul 2021
What do each letter represent?
Does your heart expel in what they spell?
Every letter being a meaning within its self
Sentences only guide and explain
The words are looking to captivate your very soul
Into the mind wanting you to explore
The words are determined and forcing you to not ignore
They are the conquerors being the seekers
They are the believers in one letter at a time
The words want to show you their world you have never seen
But your mind must be ready to come clean
Imagine yet believe
The surface of your forbidden soul
Open up and let the words enter
Surprises after surprises
What comes out is realize
Words you never knew
Their story in what they can do
But now you have a clue
All new
Hidden words all along
Jul 2021 · 73
preservationman Jul 2021
Bride and Groom
Love comes together as one in the moment being soon
Bridesmaids forming the Bridal Party
A festival celebration of love to share
The wedding is planned carefully with all the trimmings of care
The Groom and his best man will all stand together
The music will play the enchanted wedding song
My choice would be “Here and Now” by Luther Vandross
The Bride feeling proud
The smile and captivation being allowed
The Bride is thinking, I am actually getting married
The Parents are thinking on both sides, we really paid for this wedding and it is no dream
Later the vows take place
Secrete words to each other having no haste
Then after that moment, the kiss lock making for Mr. and Mrs being the marriage seal
The couples are united being for real
Walking in everlasting bliss
Again following that kiss
The Honeymoon later a waits
This is where Husband and Wife will appreciate
Days of fun and night passion exchange
Husband and Wife create
This is where I will initiate
The Wine glass is raised in the couples honor
Love, reflect and always remember
Love through it all
Jul 2021 · 60
preservationman Jul 2021
I feel trapped in my own emotions
I see myself drowning in an ocean
My Soul seems far away
I feel the decay
Voices tell me Die Die Die
I have no questions of why or if I should even live
Family don’t seem to have an interest
I have no one close dearest
I wonder how my suicide would be
No one would even care and see
I don’t need a push
Suicide is my only wish
I wouldn’t even say goodbye nor cry
My tomorrow came today
I have no story
Let me aim towards glory
Distance in separation
This is my Depreciation
A creation that once was
Now a destiny of a different nature
Too late, suicide wins
Jul 2021 · 90
preservationman Jul 2021
You thought you broke my heart
But it is unbreakable
It’s because I am prayed up being stable
You were trying to make me relish in pity
Well not on any day in any city
I am a thoroughbred being unchangeable
Your words had no power
You talked hour after hour
You still lacked power
Now you paused being your own sour
Excuses having no sense
I am shatterproof worth more than cents
You on the other hand is feeling tense
I have been granted the Heavenly sense
My spirit is too strong and you can’t defeat me
I am shatterproof
You were trying to subtract, but I got multitudes in add
Later came divide, and you got mad
Now you wonder and feel sad
That makes me glad
I was built being shatterproof
Jul 2021 · 121
preservationman Jul 2021
Straight from Paris, France
Style no one has ever seen
Eye on quality
Fabric with a blend
Carefully tailored from the beginning to the end
Glitter adding to the glamour
The model walks down the runway with pride
Being confident in stride
The Fashion Designer sits in the audience as the model passes by
Eye of Fashion in his eyes
The design dazzles being a Paris surprise
The Model makes that turn and shows
That’s the fashion flow
The Paris Fashion Designer was in the know
preservationman Jul 2021
Lie after Lie
We never see truth eye to eye
The fact that truth is never told
There is always a withhold
Your lying is what keeps us apart
Now that is just a start
Every questionable thought being a coup
Misleading after misleading like an Alphabet soup
Let truth sat your free
Lying is your hidden trait from the truth
You cheated on the test
Yet you won’t even confess
You cheated on your wife
Now you are expecting advice
You have a hidden past
Your lying won’t continue to last
I need you to be truly honest
There is a witness
Your lying must stop
Nothing you say I believe
Every word that comes out of your mouth spells deceive
Your lying is your true perceive
Liar Liar Liar
One day your lying will cause you in the Justice fire
Jul 2021 · 75
preservationman Jul 2021
My DC is direct and fully charged
I feel the Prudential Rock
My missile is ready to explode
Let the passion just unload
Your ***** are just prelude
Loosen your clothes and let them drop
Let our love call out all the stops
I am ready for our new frontier session
The Moon being our coach
The heat is so intense
Sweat pours
My emotion roars
Contract after contract
Followed by the extract
Hotter with every pounding moment
We both start to pulsate
Our passion is like an Earthquake
My heart is beating like a rush of the wind
Desire with intense fire
Our temperatures rise
I feel the energize
Moan and scream my name
On target being aim
We are King and Queen
There’s nothing in between
Rough, hard and victorious
Our hearts became one
Love brought us together still among
This concludes the love making, and we are done
Jul 2021 · 67
preservationman Jul 2021
If you don’t say
How can I respond in relay?
What words did I say?
It must not have been ok
Because as I speak you walk away
You just look at me and stare
Your eyes tell me in caution in beware
Your body movement does me you don’t care
What can I do to make this misunderstanding right?
I know this continuation could go through the entire night
Did I hurt you in anyway?
If you don’t say I will just go astray
I will move on my way
Like I said, I want to make this situation right
As a person, I don’t take this light
Whatever I did, I apologize
Seriously and truly in emphasize
preservationman Jul 2021
A day to celebrate
America’s Birthday was an illustrate
Battles past and present became wars
America has the wounds being scars
Yet Racism is a battle within itself
Felt near and far
From Towns to cities
Loss of love one’s always has a pity
Freedom for some but not for all
The voice for Freedom continues to be the call
Songs of God Bless America and America The Beautiful
This is what has kept America youthful
My Country Tis Of Thee
America rose from the ashes for all to see
It wasn’t easy, but became a determined task
The strength of a Nation
It’s America’s narration
The Statue Of Liberty stands for all immigration
Forefathers who gave a speech
We The People the declaration reach
America still stands today
Get in touch with your fellow American’s in every way
Happy Birthday America on this day
We are all proud American’s
Our love for our country USA in precision
So Red, White and Blue continue to protect and carry through
You are America strong
Your shine and light is your symbol alone
Now let there be a sing along
America, America
Stand in glory
That’s your story
Rise and continue to rise
Happy Birthday America due
Today well into tomorrow your promise
America Red stead, White seeing yonder and blue with a continued military mission to pursue
Stand Up and carry on
This is my America where I belong
Jul 2021 · 72
preservationman Jul 2021
Love doesn’t come home anymore
Our love used to be surrender at every core
We don’t talk nor look at each other
What went wrong in our relationship?
Our vows were understanding and trust
Our love doesn’t even feature must
Even that’s a question
I even offered some suggestions
You acted as if it was digestion
Still our relationship is on a pause
What is the cause?
What would it take to bring that passion back?
Our love for each other had an impact
I cry day and night for our love to return
Yet my heart feels like a burning urn
I am truthful and need you to be the same
The focus should not be on blame in shame
Our hearts must be on target on aim
The love I believe is still there
It comes at an instance
But we can’t live together on resistance
We must be persistence
We are not on an endless country back road
Take my hand and let me prove our threshold
Stars in the sky Twinkle, as we need to understand
As Man and Wife, we are both in demand
Love we now or never
I don’t want to think ever
Open up or be a closed within seal
I want our love to flourish again on real
I pray we can fulfill
But you have the will
I love you still
Let love be our intensity in thrill
Jul 2021 · 66
preservationman Jul 2021
Words and sentences setting the stage
Watch how a PO-IT turns to amaze
Walk with me down Alphabet Alley
Marvel at each letter
Think in your mind of the Human Creator
The Entertainer of words
Every cloudy day and sunshine being a day to write
Every moment could be a storm forming the battle to write or not to write
It’s not a question, but a shackled plight
Every PO-IT is a master in overcome
The understanding establishes wisdom
Welcome to the PO-IT kingdom
It’s words and sentences like a day at Adventure land
What is hidden in the mind can be written
Censorship is a forbidden
Yet written possibilities being Indealistic
But be alert in observe can also be mysterious
Yet makes one wanting more in curious
Word become nothing more than mortals
PO-IT’s are the kings in being superior
Having no fear
PO-IT’s inspiration always near
You are taken to places beyond expectations
The extension of the presentation into endless and priceless
Endure becomes pure
Strength in value
So words and sentences open into what’s behind the closed curtain
PO-IT’s make it certain
What’s in your mind that needs to be told?
Be bold
Dialog is the threshold
Jul 2021 · 73
preservationman Jul 2021
Confession of a Man
It descends throughout the land
My Queen you are in demand
Show me your carass
Massage me says it best
Feelings within the heart
Fire with desire
Kiss in delight
Dining by candlelight
Becoming intimate in plain sight
A man will always be a man
Searching my Female Queen
You and me with no in between
My sweat is starting to pour
I am your King Dejour
You found love being in me
There’s always talk about between the sheets
Yet I know that is neat
But I want to know you as my Love Woman Successor
Now I want to be your Love Professor
You and I loss in love
We both are enchanted on our own Fantasy Island
One sip
The ocean our dip
Surrounded by the ingredient of passion
Let’s multiply and let love add up
The Moon gives me an idea
Now come over here
Let our kiss be our preserver
Welcome to this Gentlemen’s Corner
No specific order
Our time is now
My heart beating throughout
I hope you know what I am talking about
Gentlemen to lady, “Essence in love and the kiss making intimate alright”
Jun 2021 · 47
preservationman Jun 2021
Changes in the atmosphere
Mobile throughout the Hemisphere
What’s in the Crystal Ball?
Imagination on accelerate
What the mind can create
Transformation stories into motion
Cruising on the ocean
Running fast trying to escape
I am confronted with King Kong the Ape
If I could fly having wings to travel where ever in global delight
Pulsating in my own authority
A Trap Door leading to nowhere
So I keep falling and falling into endless
I become totally breathless
Seeing possibilities come to life
Being a Counselor give advice
Dreams showing illusions
A beginning with no conclusions
Yonder are my dreams, but my own horizon I see
Dreams having dreams showing my own destiny
It’s anywhere being a city
Rising with no self-pity
Come to my mind and show me the way
Help not to wander and go astray
Dreams into dreaming
Sleep comfortably in peace
Be at ease
Dreams with dreams can only please
Jun 2021 · 65
preservationman Jun 2021
Praise with honor
A sunrise and sunset with hope for tomorrow
Healing of wounds from sorrow
Come Sunday
I can hold my head up high and rise
Everyday is a blessing being a surprise
The World focuses on suppression
Come Sunday is rejoice in the Biblical lesson
There is a reason to get up
There is a purpose to pray
All that Come Sunday
There are testimonies
I know personally
Come Sunday
Praise to the Lord is holding steady
Fulfillment is ever ready
Come Sunday is a special Holy Day
It’s unity with God
He brought all of us over uncertain situations
The Lord deserves all of our attention
Come Sunday
Praying that keeps the spirit in the right prospective
Hitting all the right notes like musical harmony
Come Sunday keeps the soul wanting more of the spiritual cup
Let it overflow
It’s God you know
Taking in all the Heavenly goodness
Come Sunday
Jun 2021 · 68
preservationman Jun 2021
Mountains upon Mountains
Highways onto countryside roads
I have been traveling days in miles
Picture taking during while
Cowboys riding their horses
Up close and personal with Farmers in their crops
It closed me to make a little stop
Ranches upon Ranches
The Towns people in their welcome wave
Looking for shade
Sleep at sundown and rise at the Morning Sun
It’s a new day to wake up being among
Always a new beginning with every tomorrow
Mountains high
Hills with a highway rise
Around the bend being always a surprise
At times, there was a detour
But I felt a discovery like being on a tour
I saw flashing Greyhound Bus lights
The Greyhound Dog stretched out in plain sight
Distance from East to West
I covered territory and I can confess
I felt the test of inspiration and disappointment
Yet in between there was a compliment
The countryside showed me who citizens were
It was a journey’s end
I will always remember while I can
I will travel and greet again
But my travel has now come to an end
Jun 2021 · 64
preservationman Jun 2021
An Airline being spiritual
Feeling relaxed and carefree
The friendly skies bringing you closer to Thee
It’s not a pack your bags and fly
There are guidelines created by Thy
Your Soul must be ready for journey at a moment’s notice
Servings are you have the opportunity in being chosen
There are no Refunds
You are blessed to be among
What is served on the plane is blessings and praise
Heaven control’s the skies domain
It is just that plain
So if you are ready, fasten your seats belts
This is truly a Heavenly felt
So welcome aboard Air Heaven
This plane is number Seven
Its not everyday people fly on Air Heaven
Thee is no turning back
The Schedule is set and staying on track
So into the air we soar
Heaven will be your new home to explore
Air Heaven being on time
This is your Heavenly reward with everything combined
Jun 2021 · 108
preservationman Jun 2021
Grandson, there will be a world you will never understand
You will learn of God’s goodness through the land
Through God you will be able to stand
As you walk through life in living you will understand
Living is a learning experience
You will walk through endless storms
But that is part of life being the norm
You may think you are loss, but God has you in found
Echoes upon echoes is inspiration in sound
Listen as I embrace you in wisdom
There is a place far away known as the Kingdom
In that place you will find everlasting
The preparation starts with salvation
The continuation is Deliverance
I taught you how to pray
Through prayer everything will be ok
In that moment and hour, pray
Now eventually I will be called home
But it will be everlasting to roam
No matter what, my spirit of legacy will always be within you
It is my establishment signature
Grandson, fulfill being God’s will
Watch your steps and hold your peace in still
I must leave you now
You will always be in my heart
My soul lifted up
Behold, we shall meet again
Grandson, “Always observe the clouds, and be prepared”
Grandma says, “Pray and continue to pray”
Now it becomes wait until that day
Jun 2021 · 58
preservationman Jun 2021
Being a Black Man my voice can’t be still
My strength at my will
I have a mission to fulfill
As a Black Man scared for my life
I feel trapped with no advice
Brutality only leads to Death
I don’t know how much time I have to live left
But I stand representing myself as a Black Man
I have thoughts and dreams
Yet my thinking could be taken as a questionable in what it seems
Gun Bullets **** and don’t know innocent until proven guilty
Racism has turned backed time
I am considered a threat
I have done nothing wrong, but I am trying to stay upbeat
Perhaps Racism doesn’t matter to others
But it matters to me
My skin color is all that the world sees
I am a Black Man with inspiration and hope in what life should be
As a Black Man the opposition wants my voice to be silent
Everywhere I turn there is continued violence
I pray to the Lord
This battle is not mine to fight in God’s accord
I wonder at times if I will be killed on any night being the plight
Perhaps my sunrise will be darkened with no light
I could become another statistic
As a Black Man I must think realistic
But I must believe hopeful and have Faith
This is all a Black Man has
My cries come in multitudes
But just like a Book from beginning to end might be my conclude
I just want peace in soothe
I have nothing to prove
I deserve a promised life
God said it himself in giving advice
Lord I know and see
But the world keeps focusing on we
Time reversed
I read biblical scriptures verse by verse
My Faith in action in rehearse
Believe in me the way I believe in myself
My name is not assumption
I am no combustion
I am a Black Man comprising of essence
But God has given me understanding and wisdom to cherish
The world might find that surprising
As a Black Man the thought is energizing
My Death could very well be this day
Yet I am faithful in every way
I stand with one voice being one dream
I am looking out over a moving running stream
Life is not important if one doesn’t open up to God
Embrace respect and no anger steam
The world knows very well what I mean
I am a Black Man created by God
Standing on Faith and Redemption
I am that Black Man today and forever
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