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Jun 2021 · 71
preservationman Jun 2021
Step into life
Open your mind to advice
Explore what you have been thinking
Let your ideas flow
Let the outdoors put you in the know
Walk the path to energize
Let your thoughts help you realize
Understand a lesson coming from the skies
Let your voice emphasize
Feel inspired
Walk into believing
Thinking on excelling
Turn a wish in being assured
But remember wisdom that comes from the Lord
Clouds add the analyze
Again, I must emphasize
Doubt can come through a Thunderstorm
But don’t be alarmed
Knowledge comes from above
Life involvement to think of
Wisdom will come
Walk into but don’t succumb
Let the joy of living always being within
Turn your when into then
Act on can
Blow your doubts into the wind
Just let your thoughts to descend
That is because its you that says when
Jun 2021 · 79
preservationman Jun 2021
Don’t hesitate to write tonight
Plan a schedule and write in plain sight
Let your words journey you into pleasure
Be inspired for good measure
Let goodness and qualities follow you from within
Destiny your honor and at your door
Be assured and don’t ignore
Your words are your choice
Your sentences become your echoing voice
Characterize being the bull’s eye
Your moment in truth
Perhaps reflecting back to your youth
It’s the words that turn into poetry delight
Understanding in shedding light
Possibilities that might
Visions and reasons shining bright
The Sunrise with a Sunset
Writing can have that same effect
So Poetry tonight
Follow your heart in delight
Motivate yourself in sight
This is the day or night
Just write
Jun 2021 · 2.6k
preservationman Jun 2021
The memory of a cruise ship
Royalty and majestic having a kick
The ship being the TITANIC
The journey of Bon Voyage
It all happened years ago
As the ocean waves flow
Hold on tight and don’t let go
The passengers ranged from who’s who to how did you come aboard?
The Titanic was ready to set sail
It was a cruise without fail
The weather was just right for an ocean cruise getaway
The passengers were feeling at ease
The seas were calm with a refreshing breeze
The passengers were dancing and exchanging conversation along with drinking with the Titanic avion
As the cruise ship proceeded into the horizon, something was about to happen
The ship hit a huge Ice Bank, and had some damage that turned into disaster
Destruction in the making
The ship was taking on water and started to descend to the sea
The Titanic being a ship that was unsinkable
But unthinkable
Commotion came over the passengers
Echoes of despair
The ship was steadily sinking
Flares being fired to draw attention to the ship’s distress
The thought being my soul to thee
There were no ships in the area, and the Titanic was going to be a ship no more
The Death toll was uncountable
The Titanic was now heading for the bottom of Davey Jones Locker
Titanic was a terror ship
The seas covering the Titanic ship treasure
Unseen pleasure
The Titanic in the history books for sure
The seas burial ground to explore
Titanic being in all of its glory
The Titanic with a story
Jun 2021 · 54
preservationman Jun 2021
Stranded and alone
It happened at a Rest Stop
Travelling on a Motor Coach Bus
I wasn’t paying attention
The bus left me and I was stranded
I was nowhere near any town
I was going it alone being nowhere bound
My clothes were on that missed bus
My mind wants to curse
But it was my fault so why fuss?
So I have no changing clothes
My only plan is to hitchhike
At least my thumbs are in good shape
You hear all kinds of mysterious hitchhike stories
I don’t want to become a statistic
At least I am being realistic
So I am starting to walk down route 15 under the night skies
Yet this lesson has taught me understanding and thinking wise
At least it is a clear night
The Moon is ever shining bright
But no movement of anything in sight
Total darkness with no lamp and flashlight
I could very way be loss
But that is the price one pays when you get stranded
Destiny looks farther and farther
Reality check is starting to settle in
If I were to tell my story I wouldn’t know where to begin
Now I am stranded and alone
Nowhere bound
Surrounded by peace with no sound
Will I ever be found?
A Trailer Truck cruising and I am flagging him down
I don’t know if I will ever arrive at my destination
But you see my dilemma as my presentation
I did get your attention
I am walking down the road under the guidance of the moon
Morning will be coming soon
So into an uncertain path
Walking with surviving in mine
The beginning in the after
Journey on into journey’s end
Jun 2021 · 89
preservationman Jun 2021
Step up to reflect back
Accelerate through the seconds and the hours
The time of when
Through those enduring years
The time showed that moment
The long hard and short time’s division
Time in being what was established
The past into the present
Time no one can keep up
Time on the move
Seconds to prove?
Yet throughout a soothe
Time after time
Keep that in mine
Time is simply up
Time again
Final hour
Jun 2021 · 88
preservationman Jun 2021
Journey through the darkness
Struggles like heavy chains
Searching while moving
Bitter heart of cast iron
Love not being welcomed
Hatred my voice of Jester
Dare to enter
Cries mounting from within
Despair starting from then
The moment is the hour
Tomorrow’s destiny roadblock
Direction uncertain
Dark curtain
The only way to press one’s way is to believe
What can be harkened can be relieved
Knowing the way makes everything ok
Truth in honesty
The way being guided
Press on Press on
Just keep moving along
preservationman Jun 2021
The ponder no doubt
Arranging within the theory about
Now let’s work this out
First, doubt must be deleted
Second, forget about being defeated
Consider positive thoughts being your assurance
Look in the mirror and see you are the influence
Encouragement starts with you
Don’t expect encouragement to always come from the outside
It’s comes from inner where you reside
It’s acceleration for you to go through
Resist only your thoughts that are holding you back
Make a list of all your drawbacks
But keep track
It’s a known fact
Be consistent
Avoid resistant
Think positive in all your approaches
Don’t depend on negativity
That means your aurora that accompanies in your conversations of other voices
You have choices
Now you can tell resistance goodbye
Give consistency a try
May 2021 · 276
preservationman May 2021
The visualization of the Harmonica playing in the background
It surrounds a story of Tapping Dapper Willie foot stomping sound
He sits alone telling his narration of hope that became reality
Tapping Dapper Willie that was too become who was raised poor with no money
He watched Dancers from looking through the window at a Dancing School appropriately named, “START FRESH AND EXCEL DANCING SCHOOL”
Upon looking through the Dancing School’s window, Tapping Dapper Willie pictured himself dancing and entertaining for people on stage
He felt he was talented to be the amaze
Tapping Dapper Willie also known as Willie Jackson had dreams and inspiration surging throughout his inner soul
He was going to a story ever told
Mr. Jackson’s spirit was like a star shining in the night sky
He had fire with desire to dance, but being poor wouldn’t be his opportunity in chance
But will it?
As luck would have it, Mr. Jackson would often sneak into the dance studio unnoticed at least what Mr. Jackson thought
Something positive came out
Mr. Jackson did not know the owner of the Dance studio was also a Talent Scout
The owner on several occasions observed Mr. Jackson’s dance motion moves, and felt they were smooth
Willie Jackson always practiced to make perfect
The owner approached Willie Jackson and let Mr. Jackson know he witnessed his talent within
But Mr. Jackson explained he was poor and had no money for classes
The owner suggested I believe in you and you must believe within yourself, and with that said offered a Scholarship to Willie Jackson
He quickly rushed to tell his Parents, which they were surprised and saw this as a blessing
Enthusiasm rang over the Parent faces and of course Willie Jackson
The scholarship started Willie Jackson on his way towards stardom
The Dancing School embraced and enriched the wisdom
So Willie Jackson became Tapping Dapper Willie to the world
He was entertaining from New York City to Global around the world
Tapping Dapper Willie knew he had the talent, but it had to proven
So dance away Tapping Dapper Willie
Your road to fame
You are now an entertaining name.
May 2021 · 63
preservationman May 2021
A young boy with dreams
His mind is moving full of aspirations
But remember, a young boy who is Five years old
This is his story that was never told
The young boy keeps imaging
However, its hopes in the plan
Years upon years have moved forward
I see you were wondering that looks awkward
The young boy is now a Male Adult
It’s his passion for success being felt
His eyes are set surrounding the Greyhound bus
It’s not driving, but engaging
It’s the action of Customer Service involvement
The mind wheels are turning and the scenery is captured from within
The young boy to Male Adult is a Greyhound Account Executive
Once again, engagement with a voice
The Adult male has found his purpose in life
His dreams throughout were the advice
How nice?
Dreams do come true, but only if you believe
This is how aspirations are received
The fact of the matter, imagine the inner and it will surface on the outer
A young boy doesn’t stay permanent, but an Adult male has on his mind to conquer and challenge the world of capabilities
Yet, it comes with responsibilities
The young boy listened to his dreams
The aftermath being the Adult male’s future of tomorrow
So no more picture this, but imagine that
There was movement within the fact
I hope you were able to keep track
Fulfillment struck
Hound Man Cometh out
May 2021 · 77
preservationman May 2021
Can’t explain
I will be eliminated
Something happened
What went wrong?
It was a serious crime
That is why I am serving time
I can’t give specifics
I have a bandana on me to be killed
I can’t seem to be still
My life is on the line
Life is not going too be kind
I can’t convey details
My life already is an established fail
I am becoming weak and frail
Value has no meaning to me anymore
I standalone in my own whirlpool
Perhaps I am a plain fool
Any given hour my life could be no more
It’s a matter of time
No excuses
I just can’t explain
May 2021 · 94
preservationman May 2021
Surrounded by four by four walls
The Cell bars thick and tall
I have a small window to peek out and see Day and Night
When darkness comes, it becomes my personal night plight
Lights turn to out
My thoughts only settle in the present
The Jail Cell is whom I represent
No Family, Friends nor phones
I am totally alone
I pray to keep my mind sane
I try not to complain
This is my current prison time that will remain
In but with no out
My parole is being worked about
Tomorrow unknown
My Lawyer will let the facts be shown
But to society at present, I am not known
May 2021 · 58
preservationman May 2021
My Lady My Lady
I showed you I am a true man
You don’t find many within the land
That kiss was enforced through you giving me courage
It was fullest
What’s love without romance?
It all comes from the heart
My heart had direction
You are my Lady of affection
The emotions I felt
You gave me character
Your heart was my open door to enter
Enchanted beyond
You are definitely someone to look upon
Love you even more than ever
Thank you my Lady
May 2021 · 61
preservationman May 2021
Calling Earth, Calling Earth, are you listening?
You see the Pandemic is letting up
I am giving Earth one more chance
This is an opportunity
I see the Earth needs unity
Earth is slacking in its prayers
Remember, I am the preserver
Things happening on Earth not right, but must change
Hatred and Sinful nature can’t remain
I want humbled and sincere hearts
This is how change starts
Biblical Scriptures tell my whole story
I am the glory
I bring Earth comfort and peace
Just rejoice and feel released
Peace is what I am about
You can’t do it alone, as I am the Lord that works things out
The time is now
Do it while
I am not about style
The Earth I control
I am the whole
I will be watching
Carefully observing
The Earth is under my eyes
I am the understanding and wise
Watch the skies
The elements of my return
Stay focused and learn
I have spoken
May 2021 · 60
preservationman May 2021
My heart cherishes
But being old, it’s hard for me to remember
My thoughts say, “Remember the time”
But my body says I have reached my years
I am an 89 Year Old Man
I have seen life and enjoyed
But now my failing condition constitutes rage and being annoyed
Now all I see is walls that surround
My friends are dead, and nowhere to be found
My sight is slim, and all I hear is sounds
My life is in the hands of the Heavenly Father
Heaven watches and I am there abreast
My time is of the essence
My final curtain slowly coming down
Lord, lead me to your flowing waters
You have showered me in blessings to reach my old age
Life has been good to me
My soul is devoted
My flesh will soon turn to dust
But please don’t make a fuss
I lived and saw
Cry no tears
I am with the Lord near
Angels have descended
This is my when
Heaven bound
May 2021 · 165
preservationman May 2021
Lottery ticket I hope I win
Let my fortune be in sight
Perhaps I am being too polite
The lottery ticket will make me rich
The thought of it is making me itch
I will try to be myself
It will be my own Robin Leech affair
I will handle my lottery ticket win with care
I must be careful in whom I share
I must think financially wise
Maybe start my own enterprise
I am beginning to feel energized
Imagine my own corporation having a skyscraper 80 stories aiming for the sky
But between you and I
One can dream
We can think what would seem
Inspiration is surging from a nearby stream
I am still thinking lottery rich
However, I will wait until I reach cross that bridge
It would be a blessing being a privilege
preservationman May 2021
Now her me loud and clear
I am the President of the United States, and won’t be smeared
The United States Constitution shows us inspiration in preserver
I have bills that need to pass through
The Voters think we have no clue
Now GOP and Democrats we must work together
The Bill involves us all
I am the President and make that call
If we intend to function, we must act on resolutions
The Senate seems to be stuck on negative conclusions
The Media is pretending it all is an illusion
Remember these vital words, ‘WE THE PEOPLE”
It is just that simple
We must be able and ready to charge
Bills strive on victory
That is what makes them a story
It is also America’s glory
We walk in our own shoes
Yet lately in this Capitol, you seemed to be confused
Both parties must move from separation and defuse
Bills are waiting for the senate vote
I am the President, and I can assure you this is no joke
Remember my commitment in the words I spoke
It was a promise to America
I was being honest in my speech
It was my determination without any defeat
I hope I have opened your eyes and you are a woke
That is my Washington, DC Rise, and today we have understanding be wise
May 2021 · 58
preservationman May 2021
This is who I am
You wonder
I analyze
You assume
I illustrate
You suggest
I participate
You look yonder
I am at present of a tomorrow moment
Distance is all around
But how far do you see?
You must be motivated to the highest
Dream, but look out for the detour
The straight line can have a cut of
But stay on focus, and don’t lose sight
Thoughts happen Day and Night
You see what you want to see
But is it what it should be?
A mirror can’t define a situation
There must be substance for creation
So understand yourself
Only you have the explanation
You are the centerpiece of presentation
You are now the representation
With that said that concludes my lesson of education
May 2021 · 92
preservationman May 2021
Not about a trash bag
A pulley man being no drag
Sound the Trumpet’s as there is strength in our midst
Hefty Thomas, a Weightlifting Champion
He could lift 1000 pounds in weights as if they were toys
He could bend steel bars as if they were rubber
Mr. Thomas performed Feats of Strength
He is one that goes at every length
Hefty pulls heavy trucks, buses and even a large passenger plane
He is his own takeoff and controls his own boundaries
The world has witnessed Hefty Thomas at numerous weightlifting competitions
Competitors are always warned when Hefty demonstrates
Once Hefty lifts, the message becomes clear to competitors, “Lift or stay home”
Some people saw Hefty as Hercules while others see him as Atlas
But no matter what, strength in any name
Hefty is a strength warrior
He also had been witnessed in crushing a solid brick to ashes with one crush
Hefty wrestled a Lion, and you could hear Bone Crushing sounds from the Lion
Greater the strength the power within the heart
Heft Thomas stands 6’2” weighing 400 pounds with veins extending from his neck to his legs
His muscles are all beef and contour
Hefty is not a little man and some consider him a giant in average standards
He had broken world weightlifting records
Yet, he never competed in the Olympics, but didn’t chose to do so
Hefty Thomas wanted to show the possibilities in how strength could be performed in fitness good in strength beyond compare
He was a man who had a mission, and strength being his bounty and that I wanted to share.
May 2021 · 1.9k
preservationman May 2021
In the corner collecting dust all alone
This violin has seen fame being entertaining and full blown
The violin has played Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall
It even has seen all over the world by all
The violin even played solo behind various themes
A violin voice of melody of its own
But years of neglect into the dust years
There is no preserver
The violin’s time has come an sad end
Sits with no purpose
A violin that enthused the world
Now forgotten strings
The violin had the spotlight doing its thing
Alone now, but the violin proved without a doubt
It showed what music was all about.
May 2021 · 83
preservationman May 2021
Comfort on his mind
Relaxed in being his self combined
The Captain’s daily task of steering a passenger cruise ship
But what I discovered being a tip
He was Captain during the day
But at night, Ship Ahoy Disco Queen
He was often dance to music from Donna Summer
The Captain would be in his room
He danced away with nothing on but nylon
But the Captain always thought that was where he belonged
Being a Captain was his lively hood
It was becoming a Disco Queens in where he truly stood
The night showing his other side
Because of that he wanted to hide
So how did the Captain separate Day from Night without being detected?
I can assure you it wasn’t easy
No pun here, but it was somewhat cheesy
So the Captain had control through the waves
But at night, he just couldn’t control himself and behave.
May 2021 · 58
preservationman May 2021
You were told to turn right
You didn’t listen and turned left right into a detour
You thought you were in the know
Because of not following directions, your own understanding showed
Pursue has a listen
Knowledge becomes wisdom gained
You must obedient
But keep your inspiration radiant
Embrace in motivation
This is one of life’s divine creations
Have you mastered or was it pretend?
Do you have ability of can?
Any idea when?
Don’t think you know if you have not experienced
Because the blockade is your own interference
Life gives you clearance
An Actor knows because of what he or she feels
But life is real
You have to deal
Constructive criticism is a preparation
Life’s aspirations
What you put in as participate
It’s not a dream dropped out of nowhere
It’s you and life achieving together in compare
What might being obvious in could be
What should is the possibilities
Turn negative renounce into your positive pronoun
Follow is to listen
Achieve is a reminder in continual
Ability that works
Life adding to the perk
Settle your thoughts
Control your dreams
Step out into your own spotlight
The sun shines, but don’t stay under the shade
Come out and show you in what Heaven made
May 2021 · 57
preservationman May 2021
Enchanted by the lips
Heart beats love
Romance surrounding thinking of
Every kiss says we are one
Every embrace being the one and only
I am no longer lonely
Love written in our own story tale
Once upon a time became mine
I know our love is genuine
As we dine and sip our wine
Endure of your loving words to cherish
Call me distinguish as I have been granted you as my wish
Your kiss feels like the friendly skies
As I glance into your eyes
Understanding became our wise
Our love is clear for take off
My heart being your course
Kiss upon a kiss
Bliss eternal ever more
May 2021 · 49
preservationman May 2021
Kiss me for the last time
The hour has come
My soul has vanished
My life has come to an end
I am not Heaven’s begin
My flesh is no more
I am decaying to the score
My spirit has dashed into soar
Heaven’s schedule On-Time
My life transported like a module
Into Heaven I am destined
My tomorrow being another day
I am in Heaven to stay
May 2021 · 78
preservationman May 2021
One drop becomes a break
When it gets personal it becomes hate
Standards is what the heart creates
Plastic is only a assimilate
The glass being broken promises
Honesty that was always false
Particular setting the course
Glass cracks nothing but lies
But don’t get hypothesized by looking into the eyes
Its phoney hopes and dreams
People are not what they seem
Shattered emotions
Broken glass connected with broken spirit
It is called second class
Broken for sure with an abode
Glass pieces can’t be fixed
The heart can’t do a mend
It’s a clean sweep
The broken separation is what the heart will keep
Breakable glass cut deep
May 2021 · 104
preservationman May 2021
Crime in Sentenceville
Time after time to fill
Justice within the period of Villain’s rise in Jail time
It was the villain called Night in planning a crime wave of all crime waves
Intentions with no behave
Night planned to steal all Poetry work causing desperation
It was the hour of midnight, and the plan was taking place at that moment within a suburb warehouse in Wordyton part of Sentenceville
The alarm was cut off and every careful step made
Nothing was overlooked, but carefully mapped out
But was it?
Poet Man got the call that something sinister was taking place
It was dash into the Book Mobile, and put a seal onto Night’s plot
It is going to be a Night of like it or not
When Poet Man arrived, he confronted Night, and he was surprised
But Night’s Hutchmen thought they were wise
But Poet Man is energized full of words of power
Hour by hour
But was Poet Man outnumbered?
He came prepared with illusionist his wonder
The fight grew into Justice having a battle with evil
As the fight became intense between Poet Man with Illusionist by his side with competing with Night and Hutchmen
All kinds of words flying through the air during the fight such as Distinguished, Justice, Liberty and creation straight out
Poet Man and Illusionist gave a fight to the finish in keeping Poetry where it stands and where it belongs in society
So behind bars and hutchmen got
Night saw daylight being caught like a net
Poet Man and Illusionist had that effect
Poet Man and illusionist said, “Poetry is here to stay, but Night will always see darkness loss in his own fog”.
preservationman May 2021
Who could forget the opening intro for Channel 5 10:00 PM NEWS, “Do you know where your children are?”
I knew where I was at home waiting for the 10:00 PM NEWS, and the image of the anchor Bill McCreary to speak
I was taking a Broadcast Journalism course at CUNY Hunter College
I witnessed first hand at Channel 5 Metromedia Television Station now known as FOX 5 Television Studio in New York City
My Hunter College class took part in the Live Studio Taping of the BILL BOBBS TALK SHOW
It was after the taping, I briefly spoke to Mr. Bill McCreary
How do I describe Bill McCreary, Professionalism and his words giving viewers his purpose in his stories
Mr. McCreary had explanations in what made his stories come to life
One particular news story was MALCOLM X, and Mr. McCreary had interviewed Dr. Betty Shabazz, widow of Malcolm X
I had the pleasure and honor to have Dr. Betty Shabazz as one of my Professors at CUNY Medgar Evers College, my Alma Mater
I hope you see a connection
Influence and assurance coming together
Tomorrow was more than a thought in reality
Mr. McCreary brought what could have been an Impossible Dream
He showed how opportunity can happen
So Mr. McCreary showed me I am the wonder within, but don’t look yonder, but look directly at your front door in possibilities
Let truth always be in our hearts, and honesty set the tone in meaning
My tomorrow came with understanding by the media eyes of one man being wise
Bill McCreary wants the world to remember him in his stance behind purpose
Reasoning having no doubt
Yet it was clear in being obvious
You don’t want the world to cry, but I am saddened
You will not be forgotten
Your Soul is my behold
Stand up and be bold
Heaven needed you, and you answered the call
The 10:00 PM Nightly News is missing a distinguished anchor
It’s you Mr. Bill McCreary
Every step I take will be an effort behind every inspiring try
It’s not goodbye, but until we meet again
preservationman May 2021
Lord I pray
India has a Pandemic extremely high I relay
Deliverance is what India needs
Their hour in a desperate resolution indeed
Death mounts all around India
Uncertainty having where does their tomorrow stand?
India illness throughout
Lord, India needs an intervention worked out
They need your Merciful and care
India doesn’t have much too bare
But you are the Lord that has blessings to share
Eyes to the cross
You conquered having force
The people of India are at an all time loss
The world is trying to give India assist
But the world should look to you because you don’t miss
Guide India’s Medical team
Turn their tomorrow like a refreshing stream
You are wise and understand
Spread your Spiritual hand over India’s land
You are the only hope
Your assurance is what matters to India’s cope
Your eyes focused like a microscope
Lord, you know what to do
You are the Healer that can pursue
Heavenly wise
Help India not to give up
But believe and take in
This prayer I want to reach throughout India
Now and Forever
Lord, Almighty
May 2021 · 73
preservationman May 2021
Let the words dazzle and dance
Come alive in entertainment in trance
Words have their own presence
No one knows what is inside as the Poet thinks
The Poet controls the words and letters using the alphabet
Like a Piano key, it’s the words that set the tune
The Poet introduces the tempo
Open heart
A Poet’s theory
History and mystery
Unknown until proven
Follow me to our destination
We reached sentenceville
In your heart until
You thought
But a Poet showed
You read
But now you understand
A Poet knew from the very beginning
You wondered but wasn’t sure
There were clues along the w4ay
The Poet makes it clear
But the Poet always draws you near
A time being the moment
Write in constant action
Yet wanting your reaction
The Poet’s time takes time
That is what separates us being genuine
You can applaud being appreciation
This how a Poet ends in presentation.
May 2021 · 70
preservationman May 2021
Destruction going through my head
It’s attack on instinct being the instead
Struggles through the ashes
But I must rise above
There’s a story within a story
Chapters of fight
Vengeance with might
Darkness controls
But I see uncertain light
The mind says focus
I am surrounded by time
But why do I feel so unkind?
There is fire burning within my heart
Lost soul
I stand alone being bold
Perhaps I should kneel and pray
I remember my Grandmother saying praying makes everything ok
Lord, help me reach beyond what I can’t control
Be my guide
Turn my spirit into centralize
But let me apologize
Let my struggles become victory
Your presence being your glory
Story to tell
Show me that straight line
You said walk and continue to walk
It was our talk
A turnaround
I am free
It’s a new day
Tomorrow has no sorrow
Living life
Knowing in receiving
Struggles that bind
I am turned loose
May 2021 · 82
preservationman May 2021
Eye to Eye
Voice to Voice
The love they bring
Embracing being the thing
It’s a time when a child is sometimes sick
Mother’s to the rescue is what stick
Responsibility never a question
Discipline in my eyes is a life suggestion
Learn from when you are wrong
Having respect when becoming an Adult is how one gets along
Mother’s have no specific schedule
They work around the clock
Their compassion never stops
Mother’s know how to be a Mother, because they act like a Mother should
Mother’s don’t sit still
They know they have duties to fulfill
So on this Mother’s Day
I had to take a moment to say
I cherish you more than you know
Don’t ever let go
I know at times you wonder if you are loved
Every day you are the honor
Every tomorrow is a new day of your inspiration
Every second is my heart enduring in your appreciation
So Happy Mother’s Day to every Mom
Love and embrace
Remembrance of a Mother is something no one will ever erase
preservationman May 2021
Road mighty and king
It was always Greyhound doing its thing
Flashing lights and the stretched hound
Move out the way traffic and move aside, I am Greyhound
Greyhound being America’s Icon
But these days, First Group has became a con
Greyhound has a name that captures hearts being fond
What would happen if Greyhound were no longer on the road?
The sunrise and Sunset would have no behold
It would be a darken highway
No Greyhound seen on any freeway
A sad day with Greyhound losing its bark
But with no bus you will find a place to park
The Go Greyhound could become leave the driving to someone else
So avoid the bus would actually be a fuss
First Group is selling Greyhound being the Parent Throop
Silently and quietly unnoticed scoop
Employees including Drivers have made Greyhound it’s own institution
But I am not making Greyhound a conclusion
Time has a when
Thinking only in assumption of then
Now wait until
Greyhound still has travelling to fulfill
Where there is a way is followed by will
Now no one knows Greyhound’s future outcome
I am not even suggesting Dust in the wind
A Hound Dog will always have victory to the finish, and that is what makes Greyhound so distinguished
So those flashing lights and your acceleration
It’s America saluting you with all your appreciation
Continue to Go and the road is your flow
Go Greyhound and let me lead
Greyhound I want you to continue to proceed
Please don’t become a flood that receded
We need your presence and acceleration in the wind
Your blinking lights that flash every now and then
You are Greyhound because you can
This is not Greyhound’s end.
preservationman May 2021
It was that town having a small population
But everyone got along, and of course that was the appreciation
I would often walk miles just to energize my mind
The Sun would be shining among the high trees
There was at times a refreshing breeze
I often sat by the Lake and glazed at the night skies
Wished upon one star after another
I knew this one town was my purpose
The surroundings made it all obvious
All one has to do is believe
Life expectancy is what one would receive
I often heard Folk tails, and it made my mind to wonder
But I didn’t think yonder
I learned who I am
Also what my life ahead being fulfilled
Dreams only give you possibilities
But true revelations come true being hope
I knew I was only solid ground
It was the peace that surrounded all around, and being at ease within my heart
A town I will never forget
Thank you for showing me the way
You kept me from running away
My destiny a waits
My appreciation in what states
A town so full of joy
I am feeling like a young boy
But I have become an Adult
I have the towns heartfelt
Yes, I was beaten with a belt
But that was all discipline
Wisdom and understanding has become my wise
It is all visualized within my eyes
Thank you town for making me realize
Your joy was no surprise
It became my compromise
May 2021 · 147
preservationman May 2021
Innovation and Precision
Honor the Judge
The court does not serve any fudge
Prestige in here comes the Judge Fancy
Justice setting
Quality cases
Jurisdictions being money wasted
Taste within the courtroom w4alls
Lawyers in designer Fancy Suits
Cases after Cases full of investigating pursuits
Justifications with no courtroom fights
The Judge Fancy wearing a distinctive robe
Judge Fancy is known all over the globe
Fancy with essential fashion
Judge Fancy’s verdicts seem more like a cushion
Some might think all an illusion
Yet everyone draws conclusion
But everyone in the courtroom wants seclusion
Judge Fancy is that moment of truth
It all started in his Judging youth
Judge Fancy, a man of elegance
He knows just the right fragrance
You scent the presence of Judge Fancy in an instance
That’s his way
But things do change day by day
May 2021 · 82
preservationman May 2021
Being the Leader in controlling one’s manly life
The Black Man  should always know what they want
Sometimes being guided from sound advice
Having confidence in being assured
Under the accord of Faith which comes from our Lord
Understanding being a Black Man
Not let opposition say otherwise
The Black Man is the head of the household by demand
Expressing conviction when emotions are wrong
Yet through it all remaining always strong
The Black Man knowing when to take his place
Sometimes the enemy wants to meet face to face
Creating the right environment for a family
Supporting the Wife or Girlfriend
Knowing the Wife or Girlfriend is the Black Man’s companion who will give good advice
The Black Man having no doubt to think twice
Being Father to your Son or Daughter as a Black Man should
But society wonders if the Black Man could
It’s about survival all in that order
The Black Man who romances a woman with having a baby
It means taking responsibility and not someone else
The Black Man is the unity being solely self
The Black Man must look beyond seeing the woman as a *** object
The woman has the right to reject
But it’s the enchanting interlude having the effect
The Black Man is considered a king
But the Black Man must always remember one thing
A woman is a Queen
The Black Man cannot substitute anything in between
The Black Man presents the image of destiny
The inspiration from within
The Diary of the Black Man
Psychological approaches throughout the land
The Black Man is who he is, and knows how to standalone
It’s the Black Man’s creed
His mind is focused on proceed
Having compassion to help others when in need
I am that Black Man
preservationman May 2021
You see fail
But I am talent
You want me to be silent
But my name is ECHOE
You told me I am surrounded by defeat
But I have been encouraged by delete and I will retreat
I am influenced by applause in can
I am inspired on my terms of when
You see me being no more than I am
Assured told me you are your own setback
This is my tomorrow
Your yesterday long gone
I know where I belong
You flourish on dwell
But I have stories to tell
You want me to bend like a pretzel
But my talent tells me to excel
You can’t step into my shoes because they don’t fit
Ability forms it
You just don’t measure up in size
Essence is my energize
Determination leads me
But that is not what you see
Watch me move and swirl
Captivation in attention from Earl
I am the moment
Defeat is not my conclusion
The commitment is no illusion
What you see is not what you get
It is the best yet
Today is the day
You need to get out of my way
This is my time to shine and take away
You are the runway
I am taking off
May 2021 · 72
preservationman May 2021
In Jail for life
You didn’t listen to the Lawyer giving advice
All you do is stare at the Cell walls
Within the Jail Cell, it is you and a stall
Through the Jail Cell Window, you see the night Moon and Stars
You visualize your life living on Mars
Your life now is no longer your own
Your name in society is no longer full blown
A letter and numbers represent you are an inmate
Jail is now your fate
You write letters to family for inspiration
You are trying to compose communication
You pray for wisdom and understanding
But you are in a situation
You are God’s creation
The Devil wants you to reflect condemnation
Other Inmates see you as a failure and loser
You made mistakes
The thought of it makes your body shake
Jail is no joke
Your mind is fighting revoke
Your punishment is rebuke
Awakening Jail
It’s the place where you will get your mail
So now you want to sleep
You will be soul deep
No answer when you will get out
Life in prison is your bout
May 2021 · 565
preservationman May 2021
A past reflection
A look that had distinction
Total recognition
Unforgettable yet wise
A look that captured the eyes
Memorable for the future
A perfect picture moment
Essence within the encore
Witnessing from before
Beauty and character with all it’s galore
Yesterday with tomorrow in mine
Dream come true
Reflection having its own accord
A face not easy to forget
Having avion with no regret
Yesterday’s face devoted to my heart can never be erased
The thought and the moment coming together
A face like no other
Yesterday’s look being tomorrow’s imagine
May 2021 · 64
preservationman May 2021
Prayer to
Heaven from
Words of despair
Our connection to share
Heart sustaining
Your guidance yet waiting
Lord I pray
It’s a struggle on this day
Help me overcome
I feel lonesome
I know you are everywhere
You sit high and look down with care
It’s patience now
Your miracles in response in wow
It’s a matter of Faith
I must hold on
You are powerful and great
You know how to turnaround fate
Your arrival is never late
Your time being your will
Praying for you to fulfill
This I pray
Now and Forever
Apr 2021 · 76
preservationman Apr 2021
It’s been a while since we talked
The last time was a reject
No matter what the discussion it had no effect
I even used compromise
Your response was absolute surprise
We just couldn’t see eye to eye
I thought what must I do to get your attention
But it came to hesitation
Yet there still wasn’t any communication
I was explaining everlasting within your soul
Showed you miracles in behold
Illustrated a story that was never told
I even tried to be bold
The reality came to no respect
Again it was reject
I offered peace
But your emotions you wouldn’t release
In fact it was full of commotion
It felt like a wavy stormy ocean
Time after time I wanted to talk
You took it as a stalk
I ant you to live a better life
I wanted to offer some advice
You won’t make it alone
You see my illustrations daily being shown
In fact, full blown
But you put me down
You are getting nowhere bound
You only have one life and one chance
I am the advance
Talk to me while you can
Your days are numbered and waiting for when
So world you have been contacted
The acknowledgement waits for you
No time to think through
You know what you need to do
Just pursue
preservationman Apr 2021
Apr 2021 · 103
preservationman Apr 2021
Bags packed
Open Road a awaits
My hearting striving on journey no hesitate
Enjoying life in appreciate
Destination anywhere
Certainly no square
Feeling the breeze
All at ease
Routes will be miles
I am caught up in the scenery
My stays could be towns along the way
I am away with what I called home
This is my true life to roam
I am exploring who I am
Something I never took the time
The minutes and seconds to reflect
Somewhere out there I am meant to be
This is my opportunity to surely see
I lived alone in a small house
Well I wasn’t totally along as shared with a mouse
This journey was first a dream but thought possible
It was just a reality being a reminder
So the road is my chance while I still have breath
I don’t know how much living I have left
But this is my venture
A life that will offer adventure
A personal moving picture
So world wave to me as I drive by
This is my one life to try
Tomorrow unknown
But my courage and determination being shown
Until my arrival being a permanent stay
For now, I am traveling astray
Apr 2021 · 66
preservationman Apr 2021
Stories after stories saying the hills are nothing more than a legend
But lives often end
Curious explorers wanting to know more
Scientist just can’t ignore
There is truth in those hills
A wonder to ponder
The hills being tall mountains
At some point, a vision of a fountain
With every climb spelling uncertainty
To the valley below a pity
The hills are often referred to as “DEAD RETREAT”
You may reach the top, but don’t return
Echoes are often heard
But what are the hills saying?
What creatures in lurk?
Is it the night just being restless?
Perhaps people’s subconscious in thinking being relentless
The hills could be nothing more than a myth
However, what if?
Want to explore?
We must investigate
But I see there is an hesitate
Somebody must demonstrate
You must have courage and determination
So the hills have power over you
You won’t go through
I guess I am along to pursue
Apr 2021 · 70
preservationman Apr 2021
Walls that separate
It’s love ready to create
Ever after a wait
Yet romance is spreading throughout the land
I am captivated at your command
Smells so sweet
The essence of a Bird tweet
The visualization of Roses in a moving heart
My soul thirst
Fulfilling my Quench
The moment is accelerating
The Moon has pushed the sun from light into dark
We are finally among
The thought of night
The candlelight that adds to the delight
Feed me until I am full
At your will
This is our story tale
Enchanted without fail
The kiss makes our love complete
Come closer, your kiss was unique
Love whispered silently in my ear
But that is every time you are near
You are mystique
Our Souls are bonded
Enchanted beyond any fable
The bull’s eye hit able
Apr 2021 · 57
preservationman Apr 2021
How and when?
The finale finishing at the end
Your mind telling you to write
Your thoughts encouraging being possible
Your words you seem to muster
But are you words wanting you to be their master?
Cluster after cluster
Words becoming more dominant
But are you true in being imminent?
Words are telling you awaken
But you think you are dreaming and still asleep
Your thoughts get deeper
Words are all circulating through your mind
Stories that are developing within your self-conscious
Suspicious speculation in theory
But it is making you furious
You are angry because the words command you
Your mind is fighting the words in a writing battle
The midnight oil has you sitting in the saddle
You are writing poetry you never thought possible
You have the advantage, because the words gave you courage
Let your own words enrich you
Yes, you are the Poet you always was
It was a matter of Influence, Endurance and Assurance
You are your own know more
You took the journey to explore
Words called, and you finally answered
Words announced, “The Poet has arrived”.
Apr 2021 · 70
preservationman Apr 2021
Hours into days
Scenery as we accelerate astray
Downtown along with towns
America’s bus
Leave the driving and don’t forget about us
The beauty of reclining and relaxing back
Communicating with all passengers in acquainting chat
That stretched out racing hound knows the way
But it is the skillful driver who does this every day
Routes recorded into miles
But this is surrounds the Greyhound bus style
The bus wheels turning in schedules precise
Noon Day into sunrise the next day with arrival nice
Covered state after state
I have seen America and that is no hesitate
Nothing but time
The getaway being genuine
The hound took me away
I have my Hotel when I arrive that I will stay
I am picturing Banjos, Trumpets and any other musical instrument that I can think of as I ride
It’s excitement in what America provides
The feeling of welcome
It’s the hound’s way in illustrating
Hound ward bound
The name says it all, the Greyhound blend
Travel until the end
Apr 2021 · 120
preservationman Apr 2021
It’s goodness at every sip
Rejoice and be counted being the inspiring tip
Enriching blend
Everlasting taste at the end
Let my cries of joy shout out
Pure encouragement as I move about
Turn uncertain into deserving hope
Let struggles have engaging cope
Flavor the thought
Insignia the truth
Let the skies open wide understanding
Open heart in loving
Values in respecting
Sip and enjoy the thirst
I know who controls being the ultimate first
A cup filled with assorting spiritual vibes
A deserving refresh
Nourished and prepared
Good to the last drop
Apr 2021 · 65
preservationman Apr 2021
Foreign Translation
English usage language
Sentence awareness
The Writer being the witness
Adjectives and Verbs
preservationman Apr 2021
A narration of a Warrior and a Sword
To Protect within anarchy rights
Strength being the force
Battle forming the course
A Castle nestled in Featherson Valley
Royalty having no alley
Yet there is a defense
Battle until the end
A Warrior using the mighty sword
It is lifted up to the King Lord
The sword being a reminder
Talent in the skillful hands
It’s royalty in demand
The Warrior is at their command
Death could in being ****** flesh
The moment in time in the struggle left
******* under virtue
The seize of the Warrior Bounty
Fight to the finish
The Warrior stands alone being distinguished
One wish one life
Sunrise from darkness
One tomorrow survived today
The thought of battle
Ashes into victory won
Apr 2021 · 63
preservationman Apr 2021
Did you lose that bet?
Did your resolution have no effect?
Is your career hitting the target on track?
All the questions did they hit the fact?
Should I just step back?
If these are some of your regret questions
Perhaps it’s time for some suggestions
Turn your regrets into moving actions
So what do I mean by that?
Turn since into purpose
Rearrange your regret into satisfaction
A regret could be considered as a put off
But you can navigate and set the course
Be your own Captain like a ship and maneuver into your cruising destiny
Journey to the horizon serving your essence
Open that door and make it your personal entrance
Your regret is a fulfilled presence
So put off and regret no more
Regret has become your rewind for sure
Apr 2021 · 61
preservationman Apr 2021
A world in despair
The heart with a don’t care
How much too bare?
Tears having no meaning
The logic in where it is leaning
No sense of purpose
Reasoning a question
The trouble the world is in
A begin with no end
How long in the world cries?
No truth in the world’s eyes
No seeing I too I
No answer
Just be patient and wait
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