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May 2022 · 81
preservationman May 2022
It’s the gun
Lessens life among
Nothing to look upon
News talk
Person stalk
Person weapon enthused
Mental Health confused
Bullets that ****
Shortened life not at free will
Split second
No minutes
**** gun ****
Person’s will
Guns all over the streets
They win and dead defeats
****** after ******
No vote on Gun Reform
This is a warn
The Senate can’t even justify
How many more will have to die?
How many more families will cry?
Democrats and Republicans can’t even see eye to eye
Bullets have no specific names for victims
It’s a song like anthems
Time will come
The world is becoming next to none
Lives will be no more
Guns are nothing to ignore
Minds want to even the score
It doesn’t matter if it is a Gun or Rifle
It surrounds shoot
Guns need to be given the boot
Faster than life itself
Who else?
Destinations with no arrival
Departures uncertain
Guns are supposed to be for protection
It is now the **** selection
Senate can’t even come to a decision
It’s all about precision
There is a definite need for Gun Reform
The alarm has been called
We are now at stalked
The warning is out
Be alert and careful as you are moving about.
May 2022 · 90
preservationman May 2022
I am your host, Poet Sense
let’s begin, Words Come on Down
Here’s how the Price is Write works
Think of words behind the merchandise
If there is a match you score points
The more points, it brings you closer to the winning circle
Think on certain
You never know what’s behind the curtain
It could be a wordy prize
Perhaps an unsuspecting surprise
The idea is to think of words advise
However, your mind must analyze
The key is to beat the clock and arrow before it reaches the top
But you must be quick as there a limit and the clock will stop
Our words contribute value
Surrounds you
Eyes always on the board
Your sudden could become certain
Words are always your moment of truth and theory
We control the mystery
You have been playing all along
We caught you by surprise and you didn’t even know it
Thank you for joining ‘THE PRICE IS WRITE
Until next time
May 2022 · 79
preservationman May 2022
I wonder all the time surrounding my family
There doesn’t seem to be any care
I feel on alert of beware
There should be love
There is none to think of
Excuses with refuses
I am picturing my own Funeral
My family didn’t communicate with me when I was alive
They are nothing but jive
I am actually living in my own strive
Family love was mentioned to me
It wasn’t from their heart
No sincerity
My tomorrow could very well be soon
It might even take place at western terms, “High Noon”
Family needs to talk to me while I can answer
Otherwise, it will be disconnected to everlasting
What did I do so wrong?
I don’t see a get along
I often wonder, is this the family I belong?
I deserve better than this
This is nothing to pass by and miss
When goodbye comes that’s the finale
Never to return
Family is about associate
Moments to appreciate
Foundation of create
What happened?
Where’s how and when?
Don’t make it a pretend
Everlasting is the end
Don’t wait until I am in the box
Don’t maneuver like a fox
You should do while I was living
Now it is all about deceiving
You had no intention from the beginning
Tomorrow will be what it is supposed to be
I am not going to wait and see
Living is about life
I am not going to give advice
Tomorrow will come in where time went
preservationman May 2022
One time thing
I didn’t need to flex
I did feel a little perplexed
A Female Bodybuilder and I met at a Bodybuilding show
It involves a competition with music and posing muscles you know
A Male Bodybuilding Champion himself introduced me to the Female Bodybuilder
Her smile and personality caught my attention
My charm signaled to her my representation
The Female Bodybuilder wasn’t overly muscular in extreme’s
She had shape and was well contoured
We got to know each other
One thing led to another
Each time we talked the stars twinkled
With glancing moment, the Moon smiled
We didn’t have an interlude
I felt proud that she was willing to go out with me
I guess it was meant to be
As our evening ended, we kissed goodnight
It felt like fireworks in the night
We became the memory open book
It was how our eyes took a look
One flex at a time to remember
Off to sleep now to slumber
May 2022 · 81
preservationman May 2022
Regulation of point
Emotions from within
A past from then
Formulating from when
Time capsule mind cometh words
Open forum of voices
Dialog being choices
Quietness with no disturb
Enlighten by every given word
Time that said
Sentences that amplified
Poet’s moment
Hear me now and hear me good
Time doesn’t wait
Be patient and appreciate
Many Poets have said “Let your words be remembered”
Into the light
The focus from darkness
Before into after
A matter of fact
Muster the feel
Make it personal being the seal
Only Poet’s knows for sure
Ship to shore
Balancing the score
A storm that came
Survival from witness
Eyes saw
A moment I couldn’t ignore
The truth that was told
A Poet upfront and bold
Poetry never gets old
Words and sentences guiding taking whole
Poets in the emphasize
True to life into everlasting.
May 2022 · 73
preservationman May 2022
A man Mighty who sits high and above
All the goodness to think of
Blessings that come alive
It’s praying being the strive
You must connect to Almighty in order to receive
He is the Redeemer, and he doesn’t deceive
But you must be the believer
Look within your heart
Never hardened as you won’t find
The Almighty who is kind
Truth within being genuine
You can call 24/7
It doesn’t matter if it is at night at Eleven
There’s no internet nor email to connect
Pray having the effect
The talk and walk
Not a stalk
When in doubt, let the Almighty work things out
Daily as you move about
Give a chance
This is how you advance
Struggles that bind
You are covered by Heaven’s kind
A refreshing blend
A man who doesn’t pretend
Even at the end
Your spirits will be lifted
Your situation a turnaround
Mercy and Grace
This day
Guidance is the trace
Lifted and assured
Brought to you by our Lord.
May 2022 · 62
preservationman May 2022
It wasn’t a gun
It wasn’t a knife
They say Bullets ****
But not in this fulfill
It was a disturbing mouth
Not yet, don’t draw your conclusion
Mouth extremes that triggered circumstance
Powerful words causing blood and pain within
Slowly dying from insult
Little did you know
The mouth killing formation
It’s facts with information
****** anybody can say
It can be he or she
There’s your ****** verbal 101
Are you the murderer among?
Something to think about
Your emotion erupting forming a bout
Watch your words and what you say
What’s your Verdict?
Guilty or Innocent
May 2022 · 70
preservationman May 2022
Somewhere somebody
Be the somewhere not the somewhat
Be the someone in encouragement
Illustrate the how being the show
Somehow from anywhere
Somebody having a care
Suddenly from somewhere
Be somebody inspiring in don’t be lonely
There’s never only
Someone having a resolution
Somewhat can’t just draw conclusion
Be someone with no inclusion
Somebody needs to avoid confusion
Somewhere through somebody work it out
Now that somewhere understands
Somebody needs to fulfill across the land
You are the somebody
You came from somewhere
Your mission is to do good anywhere
May 2022 · 154
preservationman May 2022
Not a Country
Nor is it immigration
A tomorrow came
But I am living it today
Sounds like a riddle
But there is no fiddle
It’s the Earth’s inspiration
Learning lesson
A lot to understand
I am standing on solid land
Sometimes I wonder
Why having a lot of questions?
Yet no answers
I have been granted
Permission on my part
The Earth making it my start
Having a lead
Amazing Earth beyond my expectations
Yet thankful and appreciative
One who refuses to live don’t know
One who embraces opportunity excels
Some say, “Who am I”?
A person for all generations
I am the image from who and where I was created
Legacy in part, but comes further than Earth’s reach
I know you don’t understand
Perhaps no explanation needed
I am my own universe
Living, breathing, Granted and qualified.
May 2022 · 84
preservationman May 2022
One Soul one body
Praise with a blessing
Into the horizon
Lifted up beyond Earth’s understanding
Wisdom under mercy and grace
The clock with pierce
Everlasting reality
What was taught came to pass
That city
Those loss, what a pity
Beaming rise
Pearly having a surprise
Follow until
New beginning awaits
May 2022 · 403
preservationman May 2022





A             ANALYST




preservationman May 2022
This is your tomorrow
Walk the straight and narrow
Don’t cry, but rejoice
I set the standards
You have living to do
I will always be your Mentor Guide
It’s what my goodness will provide
People will make your mind feel week
Don’t relish listening to their defeat
Look up at the skies, and stand strong on your feet
The wonder comes from above
It’s everything to think of
Fulfill beyond your dreams
Illustrate like flowing streams
You will be directed if you are loss
The skies are the force that sets the course
Sustain is remain
Be inspired and encouraged throughout
This is daily as you are moving about
This is brought to you by Spiritual nourish
Be assured and established
May 2022 · 70
preservationman May 2022
Mold me into your expectations
Inspire me in representations
Give me the words in what and how to say
Carry me all the way
Let my tomorrows be enriched
Establish my goings in and out in moving efforts
Keep my mind always learning and understanding
Encourage me and help me to take away from fear
Be close and always near
Let me be humble and share
Give me an open mind
Thankful and kind
Help me truthful and genuine
Help me stand and win my battles
Even when I am uncertain while sitting in the saddle
Let every storm be my circumstance in don’t be alarmed
You are Heavenly and won’t harm
Keep me obedient
Let my words be radiant
Turn my emotions into tolerance
Let my encouragement to others have influence
Let me always be content
Thank you in advance in this prayer
Whatever comes my way, please help me bare
Let me walk across my own oceans of blessings
This I pray
May 2022 · 171
preservationman May 2022
God’s Foundation stones
May 2022 · 95
preservationman May 2022
Totally observed
Piece by Piece
Pieces to figure out
Sudden curve
Do you deserve?
Master authority
Puzzle complete
May 2022 · 111
preservationman May 2022
So where did it begin?
Sat and wrote
I thought this must be a joke
Letters formed before my eyes in plain sight
They turned me into a Poet I was meant to be
Directed by own ability
But it was through Heaven’s guidelines
I became an automatic Poet
My inner thoughts needed to be expressed
You could call a testimony of confess
Being like cotton through the nylon
My own daily words to look upon
You never know unless you give a try
My fears felt like a war cry
I became a Poet being I
It was Heaven that gave me the inspiring gift
It was the moment that came swift
Time became my words to the world
A revolving swirl
My beginning until end
No hold bars nor pretend
No worries nor fear
Stop only for a short pause
My purpose had a cause
Conquered struggles unmeasurable
Being confident made me able
I don’t know what holds for my tomorrow
Being a Poet now is my morrow
My own accord having no sorrow
A legacy encouraging others in their own possibilities
Let it become responsibilities
Assured influence
This is who I am
My words know me better
Before into the after
From valleys to mountain tops
Encouragement that says don’t stop
My own horizons I hold close
Now you know
Don’t you ever let go
Be your own best poet that you could ever be
Believe in yourself for all to see
Word stories, who knew?
Now pursue
preservationman May 2022
A quote worth expanding
Hope from Heaven
Faith in control
Believing to take hold
Gain more through Christ
It includes understanding advice
When one thinks on having nothing
It becomes stable in sustaining
When you think the Lord doesn’t see what you are going through
Surprise arises with precise
But you must connect to Christ to understand
One must have a thirst for redemption
It’s just the beginning
You will be hitting home runs in the spiritual innings
However, you must pray and connect to the Lord all the way
Never go astray
Pray and Believe
Watch as nothing becomes relieve
Don’t doubt
Your worries will be worked out
The Devil will try to corrupt your mind in thinking uncertain
He will always have you relish on your burden
You see escalates
The Lord wants you to be patient in be still and wait
He is the provider and supplier of everyone’s needs
There’s your hope to proceed
There’s your purpose in need
Nothing may sound empty
Watch as the multitudes of blessings that you encounter
Praying is how you enter
Pray and believe a turnaround
Your nothing will become something
Just believe and you shall receive
Ready for something
May 2022 · 75
preservationman May 2022
The Sun told me good morning and rise
I seem to feel energized
A smile on my face
The way I was moving, anybody would have thought I was in a race
If I was going to be on time for work, I had to keep up the pace
This was a week day of work
The warmth and Clear Blue skies felt good
It didn’t matter where I stood
This was a day too think should
Yet flourish on if I would
It was a day however on acceleration
I was prepared for my Meeting Presentation
It was dash for the bus and train
Arrived at work on time
Fulfillment notated throughout my day
This is a blessing I can say.
May 2022 · 69
preservationman May 2022
It started from my very birth
It was your love flourished to me on Earth
A time when I was sad
Even when I was mad
You took care of me when I was sick
That memory will always stick
It was your love no matter what
Your wisdom taught me that the world won’t be kind
Your words were genuine
Your love was sun up to sun down
You were always around
I cherish the moment of your bed time kisses
Your hearty meals being your fixes
Pulling the bed covers over me
It was a true Mother for me to see
You support me in every way
I still remember this day
When I graduated from High School, it was your loud cheer
When I finished college, you said “Show the world your preserver”
You made me the adult I am today
You died many years ago, but your legacy lives on
Our bond together was strong
Your spirit continues to help me get along
You helped me understand in life where I belong
You made it so clear
I still feel that you are near
You enriched me in Faith
Salvation at every length
I can hear your voice now, “Remember what I always said “Always Remember”
Assurance doesn’t just happen, it is decreed
You are my every moment
I take the time to be inspired in many moments to come
Love you
Now and Forever
preservationman May 2022
A world I thought I knew
But I don’t know
I can’t even describe go
Thoughts and values have changed
This goes beyond the Pandemic as it goes into life of rearranged
People won’t even say Hello
Respect is no longer led
There is hate to the score
Earth is wounded with a sore
It’s wounds that will never heal
This is how the world makes people feel
Death is for real
There is no reason to conceal
Extended hand of friendship is pulled back
Guns upon Guns making track
It’s a known fact
Nationalities fighting each other and for what?
Love has no meaning anymore
It doesn’t matter if it is land or shore
I don’t understand anymore

Humble is a stumble
A world of hate they will accept
Inner emotions what comes out
Look into the mirror and find who you are
You are not Czar
There is no connection between Man and Women
The world seems to think they are the answer
But they are nothing more than the prancer
A world that once prayed
What happened to the Faith being the relay?
It seems several wrong turns leads into uncertain situations
Where’s the joy in one’s eye?
Why can’t we see I to I?
A world that loss hope and cope
The emphasize is surrounded by dope
My heart cries
An uncertain world is why
World, loss your way, but that is not ok
Whatever happened to being guided by Faith?
How do we encourage one another when there is so much rage?
It doesn’t matter the age
Some young people don’t even respect grown adults
What a World

Tomorrow is drifting into the horizon
The Sun has turned black with no image
Waters flowing like blood
Killings and murders on the World’s lips
Stock Ups and Down in dips
World, you need to change your emotions
It must be like a calm ocean

Have you forgotten?
You were created by a Heavenly being and Dr. Martin Luther King brought us together to connect
But it seems time passed and there’s no effect
Time is accelerating among human race
We are in a race among ourselves
The struggles and battles are real
Observe the changing skies
Your tomorrow is what you must realize
How much time do we really have on Earth?
A moment could be any minute or ready or not
It’s not a plot
World, you have crossed into Danger Zones
You are losing sight
You are living in dimmed light
What happened what to the smiles and laughter of joy?
You rather corrupt
Moments are passing by
You understand being your own understanding
What a world with a questionable future.
May 2022 · 83
preservationman May 2022
There is sadness and happiness
You alone are the witness
Within reasons
The connection needing Heaven’s response
Cry after cry
Try after try
Cries release your doubt in tension
That’s fair to mention
Every cry leads to hope
Encouragement is the mechanism to cope
Cries can become like waterfalls
But through the struggles stand tall
Help is on the way
Cries are only for the moment
Cries are only your expectations in what you want to come
Heaven will revise your tears to joy
Blessings will be ahoy
Every cry
Live out in try
Discover and recover
Tears are only fear
Heaven will bring you preserver
Every cry
Heaven will work out your why
Watch from Thy
May 2022 · 99
preservationman May 2022
A bark that was so direct
The alert that had effect
It was cousin’s dog named King
He was King of the house
He didn’t even have a spouse
There wasn’t even a mouse
King was an obedient Dog
In fact, he was well trained
His mind was sharp
Mark my word
King was definitely man’s friend
Right to the end
King died from old age on May 1, 2022
His eyes were saying Goodbye
I tried holding back my tears
But they poured throughout the atmosphere
I always brought King a gift
My family would say “Lucky Stiff”
I called King cousin King
He was part of the family
King would always stay by me
I was always his petter
But when it came to King’s bed
He let everyone know that his bed was his lair instead
His message was “I live here”
I will miss seeing King always greeting me at door
I mean that for sure
As I write this, I am reflecting back on King’s friendly ways
King was camera shy
Didn’t like pictures that’s why
Christmas Days will never be the same
Yet I will have love for King that will always remain
Bark in praise
SIP in God’s amaze
We will see each other again one day.
Apr 2022 · 111
preservationman Apr 2022
My heart suddenly stopped
Yet I was still breathing
My Soul wondered am I having an out of body experience
Heaven crossed swiftly through my eyes
Somehow, I felt energized
I was flying through space
But it was at a steady pace
Just floated
It was as if I was a moving boat just cruising along
But my heart still wasn’t beating
Through it all, I wondered what was going on and did I die?
I was numb
My eyes opened and I was in a hospital and hospital staff revived my heart and the heart monitor was beating steady responses
I lived
No one understands how my heart stopped but I was still breathing
I survived to tell my story
Apr 2022 · 82
preservationman Apr 2022
It’s the Hounding roadways code
The running dog in behold
Depart with arrive
But it is varying times not Nine to Five
Schedule that is intact
Greyhound Bus Lines, Inc. acceleration to be exact
Drivers cruising behind the wheel
Satisfaction Customer travel a big deal
Greyhound being an Icon with a long operating history
It’s no mystery
The stretched out hound many destinations bound
Terminal announcements of Departures and Arrivals in sounds
Go moving with a flow
Leave the Driving to Us you know
Terminals being the start to finish
This is what makes Greyhound so distinguished
To some travelers a dream come true
To others, do I want to pursue
Greyhound being a roadrunner’s friend
To the very end
One hound thought at a time
But please no nickels and dimes
Apr 2022 · 113
preservationman Apr 2022
What happened to love for one another?
Where did respect go?
Smiles turned into hate
Where is the appreciate?
It’s now Hesitate
The world doesn’t even want to communicate
Assurance being forgotten
This is totally rotten
Encouragement loss its fulfilled
It is not in the world’s will
We are Brothers and Sisters on this Earth, it doesn’t matter Race, what happened?
The world’s focus was surrounded by love
Laughter and joy to think of
It seems departed ways these days
Not ok
What’s the cause?
People are called out of their names
Pure Lame
Killings, Muggings and other crimes for no reason
Racism circulating in the picture
No nurture
What happened?
World, World poor World
When will we learn?
We didn’t create ourselves
It was a Heavenly Mighty Self
We need to help one another
We all walk this Earth together, and we can’t be made with the world
We all are the world
You might need someone to bring you water being in distress
Love for one each other says it best
What happened?
Apr 2022 · 92
preservationman Apr 2022
World I showed you my signs
I am the King of Kings merciful and kind
I need everyone to listen
Through goodness I make radiant
Yet world you hesitate
Remember I suffered on the Cross
I am the victory being the force
I see a world so confused
I want to defuse
There is so much Racial tension with hate
This I don’t appreciate
I am a Heavenly King with love
Even my Angels are like flying Doves
My name is not a test
It’s pure confess
My patience grows thin
Take me in
Days and Nights are getting shorter
It’s the prophecy progressing in order
The moment could be in an instance
I waited and waited
Before you know it, it could ready or not
You see people coming home
They are not alone
Pray world pray
That is my relay
Scriptures don’t lie
It’s enriched by Thy
I am always in the midst
If you want to be Heaven bound, make sure you are on the list
Don’t miss your call
It is established for all
Heaven Out
preservationman Apr 2022
I don’t know what I have done
I have with favor with the Lord among
I thought I had friends
The response was all pretend
The Lord enlightened me
He is moving me forward
A different direction onward
I can’t even emphasize
It’s wisdom that makes me wise
I have doing God’s will and I am not finished
I have encouraged many to my ability
But now I am considered the enemy
I am a sincere person
Yet friends had no meaning and a deleted pursue
I don’t have hate
I guess I was never an appreciate
There will be a day where people will wish they would hear my voice, but the connection of friendship would be no more
That day will be my end
I will be with glory
It will be my Heavenly Spiritual story
I request the world look into the mirror and see what image needs to be improved
God has a purpose for all of us on this Earth
If you intend to make it to Heaven it starts with a new enriched birth
Love in the heart being a start
I am at depart
I am a friend genuine
I do try to be kind
God rescued me
He makes me what I should be
This is something the world refuses to see
Perhaps the God in me is not to your liking
I have been accused
The Lord finds me not quilty
Apr 2022 · 102
preservationman Apr 2022
The Earth sky draws dark
The torment of Thy
It was the Hour, Minute and moment Sacrifice
The Lord being beaten and torn
Being forced to wear thorns
The cross standing tall being set
Heavy Rain and Thunder adding to the effect
The flash of lightning being the words from Heaven
The sacrifice begins
Birth to end
Jesus praying and speaking words of gestures during his final hours hanging on the cross
His last words “It is Done”
The Lord’s mission was completed, but we still have a beginning to fulfill in the gospel
He rose from the grave redeeming our souls
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Easter being the day of Revelation
We are the image of the Lord’s creation
The Savior is the Present, Tomorrow and Future
We are connected in Spirit and Truth
Blessed it is all who believe
Don’t let the Devil take over and deceive
Risen above all
Apr 2022 · 100
preservationman Apr 2022
Don’t settle for the moment
Think on achieve now
Age is only a number, but proves you are ready to take flight
Visualize your expectations
Create preparations
Organize the agenda
Add the concepts
Realize purpose
Analyze and expect results
Experimental test for possible pitfalls
Imagine accomplishment
Talent on target
Now Branch Out
Apr 2022 · 86
preservationman Apr 2022
Let my testimony be encouragement of tell
My moments through time
The seconds in hours
People show me hate
This I don’t appreciate
I am friend to anyone being truth
It all started during my youth
I was looking for understanding
What came out was wisdom
Centered from God’s kingdom
An encouraging voice said “Look no further than Heaven”
The Lord said to me, “Son, I am the way”
From that very moment everything came together like a completed puzzle
Yet I wondered and couldn’t understand why there was such turmoil and confusion
The first word that came to my mind was “Decision”
My thought being making good and avoiding evil
People thinking within their own understanding instead of being guided by true understanding that only the Almighty can give and that’s spiritual
I began to seek and I did find
A God being truly kind
I began to see blessings beyond compare
People, People and People
The Lord said “Don’t worry”
Having Faith is the story
lift me to the place of true devotion and commitment
What would you have me do for your glory?
Guide me through the flowing waters
Lead me beyond the darkness
Use me for your purpose
I am the living process towards greatness
This is personal and I am the only witness
Your footprint my destination
My tomorrow has a radiant sunrise
I feel energized
My Declaration is God being recognized
I don’t need to apologize
Declaration says it all of why
That day was my beginning
Now my life is on track for winning
Victory has begun
Mar 2022 · 132
preservationman Mar 2022
Many yesterday’s ago
Words put Recruiters in the know
Feast your eyes
What was accomplished will be a surprise
I am a candidate you would appreciate
My influence in what I could create
I am prepared for any task
Can master concepts fast
I performed on Broadway in a small role
Possess an Office background showing behold
My skills are in the multitudes
Technology is also an include
I have been exposed to numerous business areas
It’s knowledge you know
From Small Businesses to Fortune 500’s
It all surrounds me in being effective
Knowledge upon knowledge I possess
Put my mind to the test
My Resume spell success
The Resume words say it best
I am the Knight in shining Armor
Ready to expel
Assurance you will tell
There’s no music to accompany
I am the candidate in honesty ready to join your company
Call me established
Remember the name well
Put me at the top of the stack
My Resume illustrates fact
Just believe
Performance is what the company will receive
My aid is to achieve
Sincerely yours
Mar 2022 · 84
preservationman Mar 2022
Blessings on high
It all surrounds Thy
When there is a need for understanding
One thinks on everlasting
It’s the guidance from the Almighty
Every day being a blessed rise
Thankful being Heaven’s surprise
When struggles come
You are never alone
When the Devil wants to attack
Defense in barrier makes a strong fact
When people see one as a Child of God
Some people avoid and criticize
Because one is a Child of God, you have favor with a reason to feel energized
The Lord knows our name and we are all recognized
Through the spiritual teachings
We understand
Through the praying, our praises lift’s up
When showers pour
We are cleansed being pure
When Thunder roars, we must be obedient
When we smile, we become radiant
No matter what, pray on
When struggles come, stand up
Feel refreshed in God’s glory
End of Story
Mar 2022 · 66
preservationman Mar 2022
To read or not to read
Understanding enforces from learn
Have you mattered the concept theory?
Your life could very well be a mystery
I am only giving a second that equals only to my minute
You said words, but do they hold true?
As I reflect back everything surrounded fact
True or False?
Tomorrow could never come
Time revolves, but there are problems to solve
Only then being what was
I leave you now to think on how
What do you do?
Mar 2022 · 103
preservationman Mar 2022
This is a true story
I witnessed with my own eyes
Follow the realize
Watch the words advise
The story takes place in Bethlehem, PA at the play simply called “NATIVITY” outside in the Open Winter Air
The cast is ready, and the many animals including one Camel
It wasn’t a moment for a Camel Smoke
It’s a play, and words that were spoke
The trainer puts a Red Cloth over the Camel before the play begins
Things are about to change and listen to the rearrange
The Camel throws the Red Cloth off
The trainer attempts to put back on
Once again, the Camel throws the Red Cloth off again
The trainer forever tries to put the Red Cloth on, but the Camel throws the Red Cloth off again and again
Finally, the trainer got a reminder from the Camel, didn’t I show you I didn’t want that Red Cloth on me, and the Camel takes his back Leg and hits the trainer in the head
The Camel’s mind had other things in mine instead
Suddenly without warning, the Camel is full of Rage and went bersek
The Camel is charging at the audience out of control
Can anybody stop him?
Thereafter, the camel suddenly looks directly at the Doll Baby Jesus
A transformation turnaround begins
The Camel immediately bows as if it was commanded
The Camel proceeded to kneel before the Doll Baby Jesus, and wouldn’t move
There was a soothe and a miracle to prove
There was a certain calmness and peace
It was as if the Doll Baby Jesus encouraged in Spirit and truth
The audience including myself was amazed at what at just transpired at that moment
The Camel got up and moved quietly as if nothing ever happened
A raging Camel became a humbled Lamb
Mar 2022 · 52
preservationman Mar 2022
How do you respond to situations?
First thing you do is analyze
Explore what the situation looks like
Then utilize the possibilities of what might
That is work or not
Throughout the whole process is common sense
College knowledge doesn’t teach that theory
Some might see common sense as a mystery
Yet common sense is simply good judgment in practical matters
What makes sense in how one sees situations
Common sense is a trait that everyone is born with
It’s a tool being the element of the mind
Defining the problem and resolve physics
It’s like a Math Equations and seeing the formation in what is needed
This is how common sense comes into play within life
Do people always use common sense?
It depends if one is thinking doing careful analysis
But it can become give or mistake
Common Sense can be thought as a scientific approach
It’s the mind pondering in how to respond to specific matters
It’s that moment propelling you to think
It’s nothing written in ink
Common Sense is what it is
A push in wanting you to respond and knowing the answer to impact conclusion
Common Sense being regular
Sometimes Common Sense can become peculiar in one’s actions in responses taken
Sound solutions
No illusion nor confusion
The mind thinking unison
Thorough resolutions
Mar 2022 · 712
preservationman Mar 2022
A Mouse who refuses to leave
A Home Owner who is not relieved
The Mouse seems to enjoy the Living Room
It is now a mission of Doom
The Home Owner needs a decoy
One that will bring the Mouse Joy
Extermination is good advice
The Home Owner doesn’t intend to be nice
A Mouse who avoids all trap trays
The Home Owner is determined in relay
The Mouse eyes Garbage, but won’t reach
This sophisticated mouse needs bleach
Yet this mouse is so smooth and sophisticated
One would wonder is this mouse educated
Cheese the mouse totally ignores
Its garbage the mouse wants to explore
I guess the mouse wants Champagne and Caviar
The Mouse thinks he is a Czar
Sophisticated or not
A home is not his spot
Time will come
The Mouse will be getting lonesome
There is no water or food to get
Don’t fret
The Mouse will become history
It won’t be a mystery
Mission rodent out
Mar 2022 · 73
preservationman Mar 2022
A place of wonder
It’s far and yonder
You don’t just walk in
You are requested
What place am I talking about?
It’s described as Pearly Gates
You will never be late
Yet preparation throughout
No bags to pack
All spiritual in fact
It starts being Earthly bound
It’s where life starts
Heaven is beyond one’s eyes in peek
It is a place worthy to seek
Imagine me
A place I want to see
It is a thought
Earth constructs disrespect and hatred
No trust
There is a hesitation
Add no appreciation
Imagine beauty and light
Heaven sounds like a miraculous sight
Flesh is never welcomed
You must be spiritual to get the invite
Goodness throughout
Death and sickness no more
Heaven content
Never perplexed
Cries of despair no more
It’s not a journey exploration
The requirement, “Be Ready”
The city of Joy
Oh boy
Heaven is no decoy
You are welcomed with ahoy
Ready or not
Preparation in turn
The Soul granted
Mar 2022 · 191
preservationman Mar 2022
Turn after turn
Into the unknown
Wheeling and Dealing
Turn left then right
Destiny in Sight
Mission Accomplished
I will sleep comfortably tonight
preservationman Mar 2022
Daylight causing the shadow to accelerate
Speed Control
Destination for arrival
When night falls
Shadow cruising within the darkness
Through the countryside in the wilderness
Headlights focus
The sight of the Greyhound bus
At times, headlights flash
Travelling dash
Trained leader at the controls
The Bus Commander behold
The hound dog in determination
Look at me as we pass by
Observe my dust
Travelled miles
Greyhound Bus Style
Notice the passenger’s wave
Town Folks thinking those passengers are brave
The moving shadow with secrets of its own
The highways will never be told
The moving shadow always knew
It’s destiny to pursue
The Leader progressing to finale
Getting to the terminal maneuvering through an alley
The Moving Shadow says thanks for joining in the ride
So long in the shadow’s stride.
preservationman Mar 2022
Journey to anywhere
Having time to spare
The last moment
The thoughts of the beginning
Moving ever so to the ending destination
The destination is no specific place
From I-95 to I-80 being the trace
Vast countryside and farmlands
Scenery of the mountains seen for miles
All this while
Reflection back of my past life and what will be in my current
Those encouraging moments from advice
But my journey on being anywhere permanent
I am driving into my new horizon
Don’t know what to expect
It will either be promise or reject
My new Frontier
The thought of it makes me shed a tear
Perhaps it could be out of fear
There’s no telling where I will settle down
But now nowhere bound
I feel inspired smelling the fresh country air
The skies are fair
Wish me luck exploring within my journey
Hope I don’t run into my cousin Tennessee Ernie
There will be no return
It’s my destiny in what I discern
preservationman Mar 2022
Mindset thinking on the possibilities
Concept on realities
A Story theory from
A place to need to be
Words. Become what the heart believes
Illustrating to the reader who will receive
The promise
Image is not a Poet
Being confident in words in knowing how to show it
Gifted tale3nt being an accomplishment
Words are the establishment
You don’t know where a Poet is going
But you must understand where the Poet has been
It’s called share
The idea from anywhere
A moment from time
Pause to just reflect
Seconds comes the words
Mountains with the echoes of words out
Quest for tomorrow
Sometimes sorrow
Words chant
This is the Poet’s advance
Poet’s arrival
Words have already started the journey
It is continuation
It becomes appreciation
Lessons learned in the process
This calls for a recess and Write on
Feb 2022 · 92
preservationman Feb 2022
Singing far off in the distance
Fathoms below
A Soul has been lifted up
The seas heard the cries of many
Sea Gods connected directly to Heaven
Souls are embraced beyond space
No visibility nor trace
The waves showcased numerous lives
Remember the before into the after
Souls are welcomed high above
Musical sea tones
What was flesh is now transformed into a living soul
Storms spoke of struggles
Lightning flashes establishing overcame
The seas can’t hold any soul down
Soul’s descended being Heaven bound
They need no more
They conquered the seas and soar
Rain only purifies what any heart always was
The breeze only refreshes one is never alone
A look up, but now becomes a look below
Shores upon shores being nowhere to be found
Birds flying enjoying the wonders over the seas
Ocean thoughts
Carefree breezes
Souls to thee
Reflections of Souls to see
Hymn of the seas
Feb 2022 · 116
preservationman Feb 2022
Far from once upon a time
The place was Brooklyn, New York and the street being Pacific
I lived on Pacific and Classon
It was a 2-Family Brownstone
The exact address was 1100 Pacific Street
I gave the address being fact
Atlantic Avenue rang behind the Brownstone
I was born during a blinding Snowstorm
It was February at the height of Winter being the norm
The Snowstorm was truly full blown
I had to be taken by Ambulance to Kings County Hospital to be born
It was over the ice and through the Snowstorm
But the Ambulance made it on time
However, my birth had complications as things had gone wrong
Health issues had materialized
My Mother and Family were surprised
This could have been a finale
Death was on the lips of the Doctors
But through God’s grace, I am here still today
Despite that ordeal, I had a very happy prosperous childhood
I was raised by my Grandparents
I learned right from wrong
The purpose in how to get along
The legacy carefully planted
I remember Nabisco Factory being across the street from my Brownstone
They used to give out free Nabisco boxes of Crackers to everyone in the neighborhood
At Pacific Street, we had our Land lord woes
It involved in getting heat
Some days the heat would be on, and other days, no heat
My Grandfather yelled to the Land Lord too send up the heat
When that didn’t work, he banged on the Radiator
When the heat didn’t come up, my Grandfather, Charles got fed up, and said, “Evelyn, my Grandmother, I had it, we are moving
Three months later, we moved to a Mitchell Lama Coop, Rochdale Village
My Grandparents are deceased
But I have their legacy at least
My Grandparents wisdom is what the world sees within
Back to my Roots
I can’t forget
My only regret is that my Grandparents are not here.
Feb 2022 · 74
preservationman Feb 2022
I said I apologize
I thought and realized
Perhaps I was wrong in how I said it
But at the time that was my words that fit
Friendship shouldn’t be loss over this
Let this be a hit and miss
I know words are had to take back
They are like a Library fully stacked
I can’t make you accept
At least my apology was an attempt
We have been friends for a long time
Please keep that in mine
Friendship means everything
The extended friendship is the sling
Feb 2022 · 132
preservationman Feb 2022
Once upon a time
No comfort combined
A bus was the start being the Stagecoach
But the Stagecoach doesn’t get my vote
There was Dust that made any traveler choke
Hilly Frontier
Are we there yet in Preserver?
Rainy Days and Nights during violet Thunderstorms
Lightning flash
Stuck in a stagecoach with no dash
However, did I mention how Indians would stagecoach attack
Perhaps John Wayne would fit this track
However, you can history back in fact
Stagecoach travel through the countryside
It did wonders on one’s backside
From destination to destination
Stagecoach travel for me would be a hesitation
Passengers had to take in the bumps
Lead me to the next Saloon
I hope I arrive soon
There were times the stagecoach was a praying event
Now look where time went
This is stagecoach 101 I present
Feb 2022 · 70
preservationman Feb 2022
Lord, I often worry
Remember, I am the glory
You sit in the kingdom
You enriched me in wisdom
Your spirit will always sustain
My Faithfulness will always remain
When struggles become more than you can bare
I am Lord who is fair
But it is my compassion in care
Always pray
I am the connection in relay
Even when the Devil wants to attack
Behold I am the fence of protection that holds back
It becomes the Devil Set Back
My soulful hands got you covered
Don’t worry
You have a testimony being your story
You are home in salvation
Welcome to my revelation
You were loss in darkness
I pulled from the wilderness
You have seen storms throughout your life
From Heaven to Earth, I gave advice
You are now my sheep
I am your God to keep
I will guide and direct
You are my image which will be given power and effect
You are my process
But don’t recess
Stand and Walk
Continue our daily talk
Your questions will always be answered
Closer even now
You captured my Soul, Heart and Spirit
My praises in merit
Understanding indeed
You help me daily to process
I will witness to those in need
Yet, I will endure your creed
Feb 2022 · 79
preservationman Feb 2022
Come Closer
A woman and a Man
The scene of all set
Everything is ready for the effect
The needle is on the record
The sound of rhythm
The start of pleasure had begun
Moans of loud shouts in measure
Love making on the prowl
It’s sight by sight like an owl
Lows and highs like a sea saw
Precision with explore
Like a Horse Race with a start off
Everything on course
The start of loving making with a finish
The idea of distinguished
Temperatures rise with a cool down
Established love
Satisfaction complete
Hungry *** souls full
Thank you for coming to my lair
Feb 2022 · 66
preservationman Feb 2022
I have crossed the Everlasting Bridge
I am overlooking below a ridge
My days on Earth has been a privilege
You got to know me, and I got you know you
My Hourglass says my time is up
These final words I would like to offer advice
Respect each other and be nice
Come together in Unity
It doesn’t matter what City
It can be any community
We were all created within society
Every minute is a time getting shorter
That’s the tall order
Don’t cry for me
Think on my Legacy
Stand firm on principles
Voice out on questions
A destined mine being a fulfilled soul
Look at me through the clouds and smile
I will smile back in spirit
Heaven called, and my soul answered
I am at Peace
Feb 2022 · 95
preservationman Feb 2022
Everything is not always in history books
Visual artifacts adding to the history look
Reflecting back
Dates and Description giving facts
The past circulating into tomorrow
Sorrows and struggles
The outcome of morrow
A concept being theory
The end of the uncertain mystery
History holding strong on words
Echoes of being heard
Utterance with tolerance
Challenge mustering endurance
The confirmed assurance
The aftermath of influence.
Feb 2022 · 58
preservationman Feb 2022
Every hour and second living among
I can always look to you upon
It’s more than a day
It’s everlasting pushing my way
One breath fulfilling into life
One voice with encouraging advice
A moment to just reflect
One spirit having that effect
Thank you even more
You bring enriched galore
I just kneel and pray
You make everything ok
It’s a God given day
Thank you for the inspiration
It’s goodness in appreciation
Endless promise
Truth in honest
My advance to praise you more
Heart to Spirit
My honor in your merit
One more day
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