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Feb 2022 · 66
preservationman Feb 2022
Holy within the Roof
Heaven is the proof
Blessed is we
A house for all to see
A house prayed up to see beyond darkness
The light is the evidence in witness
All through the house
I am alone with no spouse
Yet alone in spirit
But never away in God’s sight
My house is covered under Divine Light
It is how my house is enriched with might
A house doesn’t stand unless solid
Faith can’t be sustained without prayer
Welcome to my house lair
My house is an example of true Faith
It is surrounded by biblical words saith
A house of everlasting
Blessing remaining
House of lighted praise
The uplift of true amaze
preservationman Feb 2022
Every crackle of Thunder
The Lord is establishing his word
The Flash of Lightning
The Lord wants you to listen carefully
The thought of you in let me remind you
Don’t think of a minute I don’t exist
It’s the Devil that you must resist
I am pure and true
The only thing I ask is that you pursue
Make no mistake
Tomorrow may already be too late
Today is now
I will bring assurance
All you need to do is acceptance
Blessed it is he
These are my words being Thee
Tomorrow will never be promised
Yet world you must be honest
Being corrupt Heaven won’t invite
Don’t take my words light
My words are written for you to understand
It is a request not a demand
Know that I am always around
World, I can be found
Observe the wonders that surround the sound
Peace be unto you in heart
Praying is just a start
Don’t let it be a depart
Fulfill on
I am the Lord where you belong
Just say thank you for the chance
I am how you will advance
Thank you Thank you
Thunder and Lightning have returned
What have you learned?
Feb 2022 · 102
preservationman Feb 2022
Every second and minute
I feel I am in a Time Capsule
My inner feelings are lifted up and I am off on a mission
Time being the precision
Journey through an Hour Glass
I must fulfill the task
Acceleration on impact
A reflection back
My moment to explored
Promise and honest finally coming together
I am walking through a Portal
Feels more like a funnel
My past is revealed
Nothing is concealed
The Portal showed my life mattered
The truth being told
It’s understanding to take hold
Never mind presence deleted
Truth in spirit
The blessings in merit
Time being an opportunity
Time Share
Nothing else does compare
Jan 2022 · 195
preservationman Jan 2022
Let it start with the battle within
It is not the end
It’s a time to think possibilities
It is for you to not be troubled or alarmed
But think above and be calm
No matter if it is being human or the Natural storm
This is too weather
Yet not think whether
Storms can be for teaching and understanding
The preparation in sustaining
Pray while
Blessings poured down the avenues of isle
Faith style
Rule out doubt
The Almighty is moving about
Overcome and be still
Everything falls under the Almighty’s will
Wait and just listen
Heaven will follow through
Look up and watch pursue
The storm a waits
Heaven will partake
But just wait
preservationman Jan 2022
Think on encouragement as a recline
Think Positive and let it run through your mind
Visualize a place of possibilities
Blueprint Joy and Fun as a Place
Travel to destination you never thought
But now let your mind think on sought
These words of my own come to mine, “Eyes brought the shore close, and I saw adventure
I was my moment in time being well spent
But it was Heaven sent
I remember the waves in Florida and the Sunshine giving me a Tan
I applauded with my hands
It didn’t stop there I was somewhere else beyond compare
It was “Go West Young Man”
I felt myself in Los Angeles
I was among the Go Getters on Catalina Island in total exploration soaking up what California has to offer
New York stress left behind
Total enjoyment relished through my mind
So laid back and let become your track
This is my testimony being fact
Tomorrow became my now
Turn your pick up and go in pow
Do it while
Your experimental trial
Just laid back
Jan 2022 · 163
preservationman Jan 2022
It was July 10, 1995 with Summer being in high swing with humidity, and temperatures rising in the high 90’s across the country. However, distances far away, Jeff Masters and Mary Sanders had intense *** urges of their own. Jeff was living in Malibu in the state of California. Mary was living on the East Coast in New York City. They both being far apart, and living alone. The one thing that was on their minds was in search for a love connection with *** hitting the Richter scale. Jeff wanted love feeling like an Earthquake in the bedroom. Mary on the other hand was in steamy heat and used water as her *** dance. But Jeff and Mary found themselves on a dating service, and that is how they found each other. The question comes up in who was going to pursue who? Jeff quickly made a flight reservation, and flew to New York City. He wanted to meet Mary, and perhaps create a love connection. When Jeff arrived at Mary’s door, and she opened. Once inside, Jeff ripped took off his clothes, and he ripped off Mary’s clothes. They both were now naked, and Jeff carried Mary into the bedroom and gently placed her down on the bed. His ***** was hard as a rock, and was ready for the session of love. Jeff quickly got on top of Mary, and was going for the sooth of love intimate.

Jeff kissed all over Mary’s body, and licked in places giving Mary moans of delight.
Both their heart and voices were pulsating in precise. Then it became the motion of in and out of Mary’s *****. The moments got even more intense being pound for pound. The Bed Frame was banging as Mary kept begging. Mary felt as if she had been taken to the Moon and back. It was a night to remember that Jeff and Mary will never forget. They both got what they needed in heat. It was like they were Astronauts being the lift off and the return back to Earth. Ecstasy rated supreme, but only Jeff and Mary know what that means. Love in and, but not out. Jeff and Mary are now a couple moving about.
Jan 2022 · 64
preservationman Jan 2022










Jan 2022 · 68
preservationman Jan 2022
I love you now starting where it all began
My heart relishes can do
Together we will pursue
My love for you will never stop
We were friends then came love
The kisses everlasting
I cherish you more than ever
I am enriched
I see elegance in your eyes
We are Man and Wife
Together the sugar and spice
The Flavor is genuine
My words are true
You are my Peaches and I am your Herb
My heart says it all
I Love You I Love You
Kiss me
Jan 2022 · 79
preservationman Jan 2022
Biblical came to life
MOSES, DAVID, JACOB AND PETER stepped out of the book
Scriptures had their own narration
The words were God’s creation
Each Ambassador gave their account of Jesus involved
There were many struggles that needed to be resolved
Foes tried to attack
This is spiritual with a look back
Jesus who suffered going to the cross
The Chief Priest being the force
Jesus utilized prayer
He prayed everywhere
Yet Sin was a penalty
The Ten Commandments being the reality
But when walking with Christ, the blessings became ever so nice
Throughout biblical history, Jesus and many other people travelled from Ancient Cities after another
Jesus was trying to bring the Gospel to people’s ears
This is all his Flock preserver
There were wars that took place
Anarchy for power being bloodshed in trace
Jesus sits high, but observes below
However, Evil wants to deceive
His plan to keep salvation from being a retrieve
Now there was a lot of confusion along with illusion
The skies would often open into truth
Some hearts were hardened
While others welcomed the presence of conviction’
There were times the Earth moved in a strong shake
It was wonders in Heaven’s take
Jesus warned what was at stake
Today from back then, the world is still on Heaven’s watch
A radar beyond man’s understanding
“Redeem and you shall be saved”
But the world seems to have a problem with instilling love and behave
Spoken word through the voice of Heaven
Faith in believing
Pray world while you got the time
Jesus is pure and genuine
Jesus observes and wait
He is the Day and Night
He turns Dark into light
He is the behold and the marvelous sight
Tomorrow the world will understand
Longevity to wisdom
Become wise from the Kingdom
I know, but the world shall know
I am mighty through
I can lead you into how to pursue
Suddenly the open bible closed
Jesus explained, “Do as you are supposed”
Be obedient
I can make your face radiant
I will always be around
Seek me while l can yet be found
I will be back to Judge the Earth
I am the enriched birth
Listen for my coming in sound
No one knows the hour or minute
I will soon arrive.
Jan 2022 · 210
preservationman Jan 2022




Jan 2022 · 101
preservationman Jan 2022
Don’t worry about angry waves
I can’t make the seas behave
I can lead you through
Captains of every Ship and Boat be calm and not be alarmed
The waves I can’t control
My spotlights in circular are behold
Sea to Sea
Shore to Shore
I am a lighthouse that ships can’t ignore
Waves can undertake a ship
It’s sidewards and downward dips
I am your eyes through the waves
God is the one that causes the seas to behave
I am the Sea Navigator
You are the Ship and Boat Operator
Let your courage be in your heart
Relish inspiration through your mind
I will definitely pull you through
A Lighthouse knows
The spotlight proves
Stormy Seas understand
My shine in vision offers assurance
Bravery throughout into endurance
Of course, make sure you have insurance
Lighthouses to ships, “You will get through the sea wall”
Even if your Ship or Boat engine should stall
Lighthouses have been established and the seas for all
Jan 2022 · 123
preservationman Jan 2022
The story surrounding a 10 Year Kid with talent in his hands
His name is Jeremiah Harris known through the land
He plays the Piano with the tone of aroma of Sugar and Spice
Jeremiah’s tempo is superbly nice
I listened wisely to his Parents advice
Practice makes Perfect
The ivories always respond to Jeremiah’s precision fingers
Sometimes when Jeremiah’s hits various notes, the audience becomes spellbound in a pause like they are in a trance
His Concerts are always a sell out
Jeremiah Harris is known about
He States, His Grandfather was an extraordinaire back in his day on the Piano
One Generation to Another
Jeremiah Harris being his own other
His story coming to life
It’s Piano time
Jeremiah’s Friend being the Piano keys
Rehearse creating the elegance
This is Jeremiah Harris time
He is genuine
Jeremiah is going places
You will need a scorecard to keep up the pace
The Road tour awaits
America and the World will appreciate
I can see the Marquee now
Jeremiah Harris, Long Awaited, but has finally Arrived
preservationman Jan 2022
What’s going on at Capitol Hill
The House and Senate have Bills to fulfill
GOP and Democrats must connect with will
Voting Rights is nothing that should be passed over
The Constitution was a discovery giving us that right
The American People and Capitol Hill shouldn’t take it light
The late Congressmen John Lewis was a true fighter on Capitol Hill for Voting Rights
He was the voice that had might
We can’t go backwards into time
Yet we can reflect
Voting Rights can’t be a reject
Voting Rights Bill gives the American People assurance having an effect
We can’t let the GOP turn America into a Dictatorship
We are not Russia nor China in Communism
The Constitution clearly states, ‘WE THE PEOPLE”
That identifies all people of creeds
Capitol Hill must think with understanding
Voting Rights Bills must be solid in sustaining
Tomorrow could very well be a finale of permanent sundown
Suppression having the shine
Capitol Hill must show genuine
This makes passing Voting Rights so important
House and Senate, “I ask that you do what is right”
Sign Bills in plain sight
Unite with no plight
The American People are depending on you
preservationman Jan 2022
I have spoken to you on many occasions
You ignored and went your separate ways
Remember, I sit high in Heaven
But I look down and enrich the Earth
I instill new birth
I have work for you to do
My scriptures are for you to read
It’s living and understanding in how to proceed
But your spirit must be connected agreed
Praying gives you strength
Faith is the hope at every length
You must be obedient
My blessings make one radiant
My task is a mission
I call from Heaven and all around
Time in the tuck
Feed my flock
preservationman Jan 2022
Think before you write
You have been going through a plight
Yet your emotion will shed some light
Add the sentences that will surface might
Perhaps mentioning the sunshine in how your thoughts came bright
It was during that very night
You were alone
The sky was clear and full of stars
You visualized and imagined seeing Mars
The words held true
But you thought that this was nothing new
However, it seemed like it was a clue
I know now, it was writing for me to pursue
Jan 2022 · 87
preservationman Jan 2022
I hear oppose
It is followed by suppose
Hatred throughout in response
I was born with a lesson
The World won’t be nice
I was raised on advice
Oppose said, “I will always be a Slave”
Now be quite it and behave
I am no Slave to anyone
My name is “Freedom”
I stand on the grounds of Independence and Mobility
You can’t stop where I already arrived
Heaven understands, but why don’t you?
You are stuck on woes
My timing being just right
It’s my understanding in plain sight
You don’t want me to achieve nor establish
You feel frightened that I will go where you have no courage
I am nourished by Faith
I am Black
I totally stand on that
I learned but you are trying to figure out
You worry and that is what it is all about
You want to justify
But you want me to beg and cry
Every struggle is a determination to pull through
I am guided by God Day and Night
He relishes me with his Mighty light
Blessings Reign
You block, but I have a strategy
You criticize, but I am yet inspired
Knowledge is a gift
It’s not on if
You speak so much nay
I hear echoes of numerous positive arrays
You can beat me until my flesh is no more
Heaven will even the score
I see the sunrise in the distance
I am embraced within an instance
I lived for this every day
The Stars and Moon give me the ultimate hope
Even though you oppose
My suppose is a purpose
You are stuck on evil ways
I will move swiftly estray
One day your tomorrow of oppose will end
It will be a new day to begin
Oppose will be replaced with suppose
Determination and Destiny my story
Glory mounted in the skies
You already loss the struggle, but I have achieved the victory
You can Oppose No More.
preservationman Jan 2022
Fear not, but be courageous on
I see wisdom in the sunrise
Hope within the sundown
I hear cries for Justice
Shouts to end separation
Anguish through the struggles
I won’t turn back, I will move forward
The mission is onward
It’s the fight for Civil Rights
It was travels I am observed
Understanding helped me to be aware
Opposition upon Opposition just didn’t care
I the fight was going to be a long haul
It was Night and through Daylight
I stood on promise and being honest
I grew weary and felt tired
Civil Rights remained strong on mind in don’t let time expire
I encouraged people we must carry on
Chant after Chant, “We Shall Overcome”
I saw the image of God, and his words was, “KEEPING MOVING MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS”
Stay the course like I did going to the cross
Remember, I am Mighty and true
I am your victory, and you shall pursue
Dr. King maneuvered through those very words
Marching, Marching and Marching
Through Major Cities and Towns
Dr. King was like Moses to Freedom
But Dr. King’s mission was, “Recognize people with Dignity”
Every footstep was discerning
But sacrifice has its own story
However, God would provide the glory
A quote from Medgar Wiley Evers, “YOU CAN **** A MAN, BUT NOT A DREAM”
It was through Dr. King’s dream providing the determination that he shall not be moved
He was beaten and put in jail
This only added more mobility that transcended
It was time to March to WASHINGTON, DC
I heard the echoes of the song, “PRECIOUS LORD TAKE MY HAND”
But it established “Lead Me On”
Voices upon voices woke up Washington extending to the entire world
Racial Equality was an unjust
The moment of truth had come true
Victory was ever getting near
Opposition was focusing Hate into Fear
God made it all possible and worthwhile
That was the 1950’s and 1960’s
Peace became golden thereafter
The leader, Dr. Martin Luther King has been assassinated, but proved in his fight he intended to win
However, history seems to be reverting back where the fight for Freedom all began
Eye on Freedom and Voting in 2022
Voting rights are being attacked
Media has made it a fact
We can’t lose sight
Dr. Martin Luther King fulfilled to the world, “We are the Might”
It’s not about Black, Brown, White or any other nationality, it’s about coming together as one and respecting one another regardless
Dr. King loss his life
His words then and now would still be good advice
Aim towards Freedom as I showed you the way
Never go astray
I am in Heaven, but my spirit will carry you every step of the way
You told us to stay United
Focus on Mission
Finish until done
Rest in Heavenly Peace, Dr. Martin Luther king
preservationman Jan 2022
Think Positive
Stay Inspired
Analyze Your Purpose
Formulate Reason
Function within your own Census
Resist the Negative Moment
Stay away from Negative Vibes
Enrich in your own happiness
You Are Your Best Witness
Participate With Your Own Personal Project
Embrace In All Joys Through Life
Pray for hope always in advice
Yoga Will Strengthen Your Mind
Feel at Ease
When life becomes unbarring say, Lord help me please
Breathe in then release
Stay Focused on your determination
Handle Your Presentation
Keep Commotion of the Confused World Out
Now try this exercise process
This is now a recess
Just go out and utilize confess
Jan 2022 · 72
preservationman Jan 2022
They range from Coast to Coast
But don’t try to boast
They are wise
It’s every day feeling energized
Understanding in knowing who I am
Words and sentence embedding me in knowledge
It’s a blessing forming privilege
Every sunrise a praise
Every sundown being amaze
It’s that moment to just pause
Just to say thank you in the cause
Honoring the Mighty One
This is what keeps me among
Through the skies words become my inspiration
Doubt is ruled out in speculation
My expression through Mercy and Grace
I am the Human Creation being the trace
Hope is evidence through the skies
I am embraced instilling wise
I have weathered many storms
But always told in not to be alarmed
I am never harmed
I stand for myself in my soul
The skies know and care
They have that certain flair
I just wanted to share
The skies listen in being fair
They help me survive and there is no compare
The skies are my life
They give me good advice
Beautiful and goodness
I am the witness
preservationman Jan 2022
Sidney Poitier, you were a wonder
Your talent spans from yonder
Mr. Poitier were his in how he expressed dramatics to the world
You inspired many to travel in your paths of Acting
Your footprints being your wisdom
Your achievement earned you the award to the Kingdom
You were a master in whatever role you played
Speech with assurance your character
Dramatics was your high point
You were a man who stood on principles
I remember Sidney Poitier on HEAT OF THE NIGHT with his affirmative, “THEY CALL ME MR. TIBBS”
Heaven calls you ‘EXCELLENCE”
You were extraordinary
Yet well established
It doesn’t matter what land one comes from
It’s the determination with the spirit towards effort
Those would be your very words
Your name will always be remembered
In fact, it is spread out all through Heaven
The skies have captured your spirit
Your personality earned you respect in merit
Your life surrounded inspired into possibilities
This is what you wanted all to see
You are what you want us to all be
Thank you for your gift of Acting
Thank you for showing us fulfill
You have proven where there is a way is a will
You are the cure of people of doubt in helping others to achieve their own dreams and aspirations
Your assignment is complete
Heaven announced, “Your room is ready”
Your soul rejoiced and held steady
Your spirit soared
The world applauded
Vision of essence
Your words in don’t sorrow
We will meet again
Rest in Heavenly Peace, Sidney Poitier
preservationman Jan 2022
Blessed Assurance
Thank you for your influence
You were a friend
It was that golden blend
Your tomorrow came ahead of schedule
Heaven was your Birthday surprise
The gates of Heaven were awaiting your arrival
Your personality was genuine
You were the texture of any elegant wine
You showed the world your love for animals and people being kind
But you heart was always genuine
You were a woman of courage and showing no fear
It was your laughter that was always near
Betty White was one of a kind beyond compare
Your life being full of laughter and joy
You were your own original and no decoy
You enriched the world’s hearts
Your inspiration being well done
No matter what role you played, you were superb
You are now reunited with your Husband in Heaven
It’s a splash Dance moment
You gave the world hope
You maneuvered around cope
Golden Girl, you left legacy as your merit
You will always be cherished
There is only one Betty White
The world doesn’t take that light
You nourished our souls through laughter
This is no goodbye
I won’t even cry
You would say, “Remember me what I established on TV”
You are at peace
Your message to the world is “Turn your dreams into reality”
Fulfill and complete
Act on confidence, but be in a determined mode
You are soaring like an Eagle in free flight
You earned Heaven’s Wings
See you there
Until the chosen time, we will meet again
Golden Girl out
Dec 2021 · 60
preservationman Dec 2021
I thought I had family
They became my enemy
I wasn’t wrong in my thinking
I was put in a corner alone
I was a family member no one talks about
The Families reasoning feeling like a Violent Thunderstorm
I was assured they wanted me dead
There’s no instead
Suicidal thoughts
There was a bottle of Poison on the table
There was a certain unable
My mind said, “DRINK, DRINK, DRINK”
At first, it was one sip of the Poison with every gulch
Suddenly I felt weak
My eyes were dim
The Poison was taking effect
I felt sleepy and conversing into a transformation
My heart beat slowly
My moment of Death was near
You caused this
You said I was nothing
I am drifting into a distance beyond tomorrow
Don’t pity nor sorrow
This is what you wanted
You wanted me dead and now it happened
My heart and soul belong to the outer world
Finally, I close my eyes for the last time
Never to awake
Dec 2021 · 291
2021 PAST TO 2022 FUTURE
preservationman Dec 2021
2021 with another uncertain year
One wondered, where do we preserver?
So many things were happening during 2021
Virus Strands
It spread quickly throughout the land
Masks and Vaccine’s held true
This is something for 2022 to pursue
Racial Unrest and rage
It didn’t matter what age
Senior’s Attacked
Breaking News showed the fact
Murders and Road Kills
The reason behind with a pause still
The day the Capitol was seized and broken in
It was surrounded by an Election questioned
For the world, it became a learning lesson
Black Lives Matter
Surfacing was so much negative chatter
Soon 2021 will depart
2022 will be a fresh start
What can we expect?
The most important part would be hope
Praying for Peace
Being able to cope at least
This is serious with no time to waste
Unity and Harmony
Positive voices like a soothing symphony
2022 having new Innovations
A world absorbed in appreciations
Supporting and participating in communities
That would be an important reality
Understanding beyond
Tomorrow’s clear skies to look upon
Living among
Life without all these guns
Fresh thoughts
Tomorrow’s dreams no longer nightmares
Wake up to wisdom
2022, I am waiting for you to arrive
The clock is ticking
Time revolves
2022 your moment
Movement will be the world’s action
Build us like a transaction
The Year 2022
Dec 2021 · 58
preservationman Dec 2021
It was narrated like this
The Night Stars twinkled while all the kids around the world were asleep
They were busy dreaming in wishing which Reindeers they would like to keep
They were thinking deep
At least it wasn’t about sheep
While the kids were sleeping, it became a Santa dash
He was quick in a flash
Snow had fallen during the night
But Santa made sure he wasn’t seen in sight
He placed all kinds of gifts under all the Christmas trees
He brought joy for all kids to see
It was now Christmas morning, and all the kids rushed to get up
The kids marveled at what Santa left
There were smiles among smiles on kid’s faces
It was the captioned moments having traces
You could almost hear echoes of ** ** **
Christmas had arrived
Every child felt energized
It’s no surprise
Christmas is in every kid’s heart like an enterprise
You just have to recognize
preservationman Dec 2021
It is now Christmas Eve
Buying a gift for someone to receive
The question is what to get?
Don’t let it come up to regret
Christmas goes beyond presents under the tree
It’s joy and blessings throughout the year being the way it is meant to be
However, if you need to buy a quick gift
Perhaps a Gift Card, catch my drift
You are struggling in a quick shopping mode
Show love in being kind
Let the gift come from your heart being genuine
Giving one’s self is better than any gift on Earth
Remember the baby Jesus being the Holiday birth
Mercy and Grace is what it is worth
Christmas atmosphere
It is real
It becomes the world’s reality reel
Get the message?
Dec 2021 · 394
preservationman Dec 2021
Built from Ice and Snow
Her erected breast puts the neighborhood in the know
The Snow ******* stands out like two French Musical Horns
The formation being just right
Morning, Noon and Night
It is all shown in plain sight
Some call the Snow being the Snow Wonder Woman
I wouldn’t exactly call her A Marvel Avenger
It’s her stance
The effect the Snow ******* has on men
I hear relationships are trying to amend
Men might be on a prowl
Yet maybe keen eye like an Owl
Men sometimes fight with their own emotion
Yet relationships sometimes form commotion
The Snow ******* brings Ecstasy in the air
Her artistry is beyond compare
Every Snow Man would be her command
Creativity being her demand
The Snow ******* brings life to the yard
Maybe she might need a guard
The warmth will cause the Snow ******* to melt
The neighborhood would be saddened with a broken heart felt
It wouldn’t be until another winter wind
That would be when the Snow ******* would begin
So until her return
The remembrance of Ice and Snow
It’s all about the wintry flow
Snow *******
Formation Institute
Who would have thought?
I see relationships being fought
Days gone by
The Snow ******* is the reason why
Until then
The end
preservationman Dec 2021
I met Chris Dickerson a long time ago when I was a teen
You could see he was built and lean
It was that meeting in coincidence at Former Gimbel’s Department Store
I would often see his pictures in the various Muscle Magazines, and it was Bodybuilding to explore
I watched Mr. Dickerson compete in many Bodybuilding shows
His training was intensity and strategy in one sentence
Mr. Dickerson was David and other the competitors were Goliath
He never felt defeated, but was assured with his own confidence
But victory became his story
Mr. Dickerson won Mr. America and Mr. Olympia
He was David the Conqueror
He was known for having well shaped detailed calves
Every maneuvering muscle stood out
Fans from around the world would give approval shouts
I also met Chris Dickerson again at the Former New York City Mid-City Gym on West 49th Street
That was my honor and treat
However, it was his encouraging words of “BELIEVE AND YOU SHALL ACHIEVE”
I remember those words still today
Bodybuilding was only part of Chris Dickerson’s life
Mr. Dickerson also had talent in Operatic Song
It was the balance of voice along with Bodybuilding
Determination and Challenge always surfaced through Mr. Dickerson’s mind
Pain to Gain
The commitment to the Bodybuilding Game
Mr. Dickerson flew to new Bodybuilding Heights
Soaring like an Eagle to Heaven’s call
He Flexed his last times on Earth
Everlasting is Mr. Dickerson’s enriched new birth
He probably would say, “Thanks for the honor and it was a privilege to my Fans”
Shed no tears
My Soulful Spirit will always be near
Think achievement, but don’t relish on fear
We will meet again
I have now flown into transcend
My journey on Earth has come to an end
Transition bound
Heaven is my new sound
A place of peace to roam
I am fellowshipping with the Lord.
Dec 2021 · 71
preservationman Dec 2021
There was once a house
It was shared prior with a mouse
The house nestled in the hills of Vermont
It was in the town of Maple Square
It brings the maple syrup of surprise
But what makes the Maple Square house so unique, it brings every year Christmas alive to all passer drives
It strived back in its day, but not sits alone forgotten
However, the house will always be remembered
I recalled seeing a Fireplace in the living room
The room was fitting for a Wedding for a Bride and Groom
Back in the house’s day, there would be Christmas Caroler’s would sing outside the house and move to other houses
Vermont would have the Christmas Snow falling, but it was the warmth from the Fireplace
The Christmas tree in the house would stand tall fully decorated
But there were other Christmas trees decorated outside surrounding the house
The thought would be joy and wishing on the stars
Christmas was definitely in the air in Vermont where dwellers throughout Maple Square community would bring Love and Joy in coming together
Tranquil being a oneness song
Even if you didn’t live in Maple Square, one felt they belonged
Everyone was happy in Maple Square, Vermont
It was Joy and Prosperity to the world
Holidays of holidays being a swirl
Blessings full of surprises
Tomorrow of sunrises
Joy to the World
preservationman Dec 2021
With every Chocolate Hershey Kiss
It’s the sweet taste that no one can miss
The chocolate colorful holiday wrappers
The thought of holiday shoppers
One wishes Christmas could last forever
The tasteful feel
The Hershey Kiss making the holiday complete
The feeling is like the Bethlehem Star, what could be so neat?
Joy with excitement
Blessings in anticipation
Gathered together with family and friends in participation
The Hershey Kiss is the holiday appreciation
Don’t leave the house without the Hershey Kiss
The holiday Bliss
Embrace in family and friends
Savor the flavor as a togetherness blend
Hershey Kiss out
preservationman Dec 2021
As a child, I remember my days back home
It was Deep Creek, Wisconsin being the fun times on the Farm where I roamed
Holiday times with the Winter fallen Snow
It was the cold wind with soothing warmth of love
Home was everything to think of
I remember the Hot Chocolate being refreshing accompanied with Marshmallows
We had a Fireplace
Because I lived on a farm, we chopped our Christmas Tree and decorated it in the house
The Christmas Tree would be placed on the right side
I had a Union Pacific Passenger Train Toy set, and it added the effect going around the Christmas Tree
It would be my Father and I together admiring the whole scene of the Christmas Tree and Train set
You can imagine the joy on my face in the Christmas season
All for good reason
My Dad told me stories from Charles Dickens, “The Christmas Carol”
The story was an awkward twist, but the holiday feel was no hit and miss
I would fall asleep, and Mom and Dad would give me a kiss
When Morning came, I would rush downstairs to see what Santa left
It would be gifts of all kinds from clothes to toys
The holiday wouldn’t mean anything without the warmth of love in being loved by a family
Those were my memories
They cherished well among the stars twinkled along with the Moon smile
A lifetime of dreams
Tomorrow enriched with living day by day
My Parents have passed away
But I remember them every day
Yet my heart says I was blessed
Holiday thoughts into one stocking
My life throughout
Holiday thoughts
Holiday ** and Snow
A child’s spirit putting you in the know.
Dec 2021 · 54
preservationman Dec 2021
Rejuvenating life
Flowing waters
Refreshing thirst
Joy to the World
God’s honor our threshold
The stars tell of Jesus story
Our hearts being filled with glory
Hope behind the blessing
Guidance lesson
Cope having assurance
It comes from God’s influence
With every fallen snow
It’s God’s purity in the know
Kneeling in thanking for being the gift
You are the Almighty and no stiff
You are the most precious gift
Your inspiration makes the world strong
It’s fellowship in getting along
Yet, the world seems to relish on disbelief
The thought of good grief
Some people do believe at least
Many have testimonies
Miraculous in truth
Holiday Heaven’s reward
Soulful onward
Dec 2021 · 592
preservationman Dec 2021
He thinks he is DON WAND
A kid Romeo believing he is the man to look upon
He has a forbidden romance scorecard
Doesn’t understand true love
The Little Romeo thinks he is every Woman’s dream to think of
He breaks woman’s hearts
Never finishes what he starts
Yet when woman see Little Romeo, it becomes a depart
Little Romeo calls himself “Romance”
Yet he adds “Chance”
Little Romeo wants to advance
Fat Chance
It becomes for Little Romeo to love
Nothing really to think of
Little Romeo really doesn’t know
He needs someone to show
Little Romeo chants
Woman call it cheat
It sounds more like deceit
Woman trick Little Romeo at his own game
He becomes the woman’s prey to tame
Little Romeo’s mission is totally lame
Grow Up
Understand what love is
Know exactly what you want
Just let Chemistry take its course
Be yourself, and not pretend to be somebody else
Love will help you find your way
Little Romeo, that is the best advice, and you will be ok
Dec 2021 · 232
preservationman Dec 2021
Civil Rights, Civil Rights and Civil Rights
Freedom with a fight
Fed up with plight
It was walk and talk
A battle that had to be fought
The message got out
All that happened moving about
Greyhound took the message across the nation
It became the Freedom Riders presentation
Opposition tried to stop
Name calling in mock
Freedom stands for all
It was no time to stall
Greyhound’s rolling wheels focused enroute
The company supported what the Freedom Riders were trying to do
It was a mission the Freedom Riders had to pursue
Civil Rights being a follow through
Freedom Riders knew they couldn’t tire
The struggle couldn’t be an expire
The multitude of voices in shout
The Freedom Riders stood ******* principles
They were the anecdote with a cure
Freedom simply needed to be secure
Multitude strong with pride
It was togetherness in the Freedom Riders stride
Civil Rights is still an issue today
The world must take a stand all the way
There can’t be a command with a demand
Justice is for throughout the land
Thank You Freedom Riders for the path
This is not the last
Greyhound thanks for the Civil Rights destination
As for the Freedom Riders, you are the face of the nation.
Dec 2021 · 337
preservationman Dec 2021
The Reindeers felt tired
They were no longer inspired
Christmas is only moments away
Santa paced back and forth
Santa needed help with his sleigh
That was his getaway
He didn’t want to let all the Girls and Boys down
It was a night Santa had to be bound
Santa heard echoes in chant of “Leave and US”
Santa thought, “He was dreaming”
Suddenly, the chant got louder and clearer
Santa realized the Hound Bus
Santa immediately called Greyhound and asked if they could be his sleigh for the night
Greyhound felt that was out of sight
Greyhound was ready and Greyhound told Santa not to worry
Everything is ok
Santa was happy he won’t disappoint the kids
The Toys and all kinds of Gifts were loaded under the bus Luggage bins
Santa suggested, let us depart and let Greyhound spin
The Greyhound Driver flashed the bus headlights in delight for Santa
Santa said, “We will be travelling all night
Santa left with Greyhound phase and gave a wave
The Greyhound bus Air has set the stage
Look out highways and pave the way
We are the Santa special
Our mission schedule is reaching kids hearts
Christmas comes from the heart
Santa says, “Have a Jolly Night”
The Greyhound bus will be my sight
It’s joy that is shining bright
Destination being your neighborhood
Good Night
preservationman Dec 2021
The curtain has risen with the eyes of a child
The Greyhound bus fulfills a child’s dream
The Greyhound bus is the headlight on target being the beam
A child’s dream in meeting Santa Claus
The child wants to journey to the North Pole
Greyhound will provide the behold
Little Tim as the child is called is awakened
Wake Up Wake Up Tim
Are you Santa, no, I am the Greyhound Driver that is going to take you on your destiny to Santa in the North Pole?
Tim, get dressed
Your Hound Bus a waits
Little Tim steps aboard
Suddenly, there was an applaud
It Santa’s Elves journeying with Tim to his Santa adventure
It will be a venture far and wide
Greyhound is at your service and Tim, lean back and recline
Little Tim was amazed
Little Time sits in his seat, and its journey on
Hours Later, The Greyhound bus stops at Santa’s North Pole Castle Front Entrance
Little Tim is greeted by Santa Claus himself
Santa shows Little Tim how the toys are made, and a brief tour around Santa’s Castle
Ms. Claus is busy in the Kitchen in keeping Santa fattened up and Jolly
She baked some Christmas Cookies, and offered one to Little Tim
The cookies were sprinkled with assortment of colors for the Holiday and in center was a red nose cherry flavored
The Red Nose represents Rudolph the Reindeer
Little Tim is starting to yawn, and his mind is focusing on Christmas to look upon
But it is almost Midnight for Santa’s ride
Santa tells the Greyhound Driver that he can go on, and my Sleigh will provide
Everything is loaded and ready on the sleigh
Santa gives the Reindeers the ok
Santa then says, “Let’s Dash Away”
Little Tim is aboard
The first stop is Nestled Town where Little Tim lives
Little Tim marvels the winter air and Christmas decorations below
Santa carries Little Tim to his room and bed
Little Tim gives Santa a big hug
Santa quietly says, “** ** **”
Little Tim is fast asleep
He is thinking Reindeers deep
Santa flies away
Merry Christmas to all on this day.
Dec 2021 · 91
preservationman Dec 2021
There once was a bus
A question came, and what is all the fuss?
It was bus passion coming alive
The purpose in making sure buses survive
The idea was preservation
Buses were travelling up and down the road
Suddenly there was a behold
Buses became more in talk
Bus Enthusiast had to stalk
Bus creation became presentation
Bus hearts was the representation
Buses are now alive and well
You see my “DO TELL”
When you see a bus pass by, just wave
Buses have been awakened to the sunrise, and have an ongoing sunset
The vintage bus just got noticed
Bus passion made that obvious
Your bus has rolled out
It is somewhere moving about
Take time to Marvel any bus, and check it out.
Dec 2021 · 64
preservationman Dec 2021
The town just got its first snowfall
It’s fun time the Kids foresaw
Some Kids were busy making Snowmen
Some even rolled over in the snow
But two blocks away, the other Kids were having a Snowball Fight
Snowball battles to the finish
Who would remain standing Distinguished?
The snowballs were hard as ice
But within the air was the smell of refreshing spice
What could be so nice?
Suddenly more snow fell again
Fun in the snow still until
Let it snow Let it snow
Snow Bright putting the Kids in the know.
Dec 2021 · 65
preservationman Dec 2021
It was pouring rain and Heavy Thunderstorms
But my bedroom was don’t worry and don’t be alarmed
The moment suddenly became the urge to write
It all happened during the night
I got out of bed to pray
There was a connection to Heaven
Immediately following came inspiration and I knew I was ok
Words were moving like a sparkling stream in come
Sentences accompanied from letters being lonesome
I was writing with a particular urgency
The story came too life
It all started coming together from the night advice
Somehow purpose was a reason
Soon later, the skies began to clear
I was no longer thinking fear
Transcend was can
There was no need thinking negativity in pretend
Even with the night darkness, I had light
Doubt was no more
I was finally thinking confident for sure
Night guided me throughout
The words had figured it all out
Tomorrow I will be talking about
Night saw a plight
The flash of lightning made it alright
My story is complete
Now I can go to sleep
A writer’s snooze
Now I am enthused
Nov 2021 · 104
preservationman Nov 2021
Comfort in Peace
The Essence of Joy
Stars Inspired
Animation of Hope
Dreams showing possibilities
A Birth assuring Holy
Journey in and Journey out
In the distance, there is uplifting singing moving about
A Night being so Eventful
The showcase so beautiful
The Radiation of Love
Heart to Heart established
Holy Night having a verse
The Moon applauses
The Stars Twinkle
The Presence of a Born King
Its fellowship being the thing
Wonder throughout the air
A Breeze beyond compare
Everlasting like no other
Tomorrow being a promise
Golden in honest
Oh Come
The Kingdom
A Babe being Faithful
Our introduction to Majestic and Glory
Holy Night being the story
preservationman Nov 2021
Its relax and lean back
Let me narrate that
Santa decided he would do a change of pace
Christmas is about timing and no race
e gave the Reindeers a vacation
Santa’s ride will be his own Private Greyhound Bus Provocation
He will be travelling on Christmas Eve night
The Greyhound bus will be seen in sight
Santa wants to ride in style
Journeying refreshed and relaxed
It’s all about the kids and Santa can’t be perplexed
Now Santa will have to change his usual motto, he usually tells his Reindeers to Dash away
But since it is Greyhound, he will have to Jingle all and thanks for Santa being the call
Leave the Holidays to us and let Santa avoid the fuss
Santa is definitely travelling on the Greyhound bus
The Hound bus will be fast
A big difference from Santa’s sleigh
Why should Santa let the Reindeer steer?
The Greyhound bus would be the perfect preserver
Santa suggested, Greyhound is his surprise
Greyhound would help deliver the toys to every Girl and Boy
The Holiday Season is about Joy
I know the Reindeer would be upset
I am Santa and have no regret
Greyhound’s new Santa Slogan, “LEAVE AND LET US DRIVE”
Arrive refreshed and alive
Journey in your dreams and Good Night
preservationman Nov 2021
Court has commenced
Everyone is in court and the Jury is all set to begin
Grandmas Lawyer’s is ready
Santa is representing himself holding steady
The Judge has entered the court and the proceedings give begin in the gravel
Grandma is on the witness stand and sworn in
The Prosecutor asked Grandma to identify Santa in the room, and she points on the right
Grandma gives her testimony on what happened on the day in question
I had Egg Nog with a touch of Alcohol for the Winter cold for warmth before going out
Grandma explained as she walking, she was caught by surprise and run over by Santa’s Reindeers and Sleigh
The Prosecutor then responds to Grandma that she wasn’t alert in her right mind
Grandma’s Lawyer responds with an outburst bullying the witness
Judge responds with over ruled
The Prosecutor asks Grandma, Did you hear any jingle or bells in warning?
Grandma abruptly responded with NO
The Prosecutor then responds with, Grandma, I hope you don’t mind me calling you that, “You said you had Egg Nog with Alcohol to keep warm
If you were drinking that meant you were probably unstable
Where were you going?
Grandma stated, I was going to the store to pick up food and Soda’s for the Family get together on Christmas
The Prosecutor reminded that there were no witnesses and just you in the circumstance
You wasn’t sober, have no idea into whether you were run over by Santa’s Reindeers or a car
The Hospital records indicate that you were in fact intoxicated
There is no evidence that proves Santa and his Reindeer are at fault
It is now Santa’s turn to question Grandma
Do you have any personal feelings against Santa?
Grandma abruptly suggested, NO
Your remarks seem to state, that you are the one in question
Santa stated, I don’t drink, and always remain sober at all times
The shoe now is on the other foot
The Judge asks the Jury to deliberate their verdict
The Jury made their verdict as Santa and his Reindeers are innocent
There was no doubt because of strong evidence
Grandma needs to understand to be sob er and alert when going out
At the moment, appraisal from everyone in the court, but of course, Grandma was upset with the verdict
Grandma has a Drinking bout
Santa was cleared of all charges
Judge’s Gravel
Court Adjoined
preservationman Nov 2021
While you waited for the play to start, you were uplifted with music from gospel greats
Your spirit was given a new revive
The play brought the Cuisine of Joy
The healthy portion of praise
Collaboration of Laughter
A moment of rejoice
In the distance, a song of the gospel
Yet there was a Funeral of a family member which surrounded the play
The Sermon, you will be ok
A family having fellowship problems in coming together
Missing virtues and interpretations
You can’t serve the Devil and use God as your personal pleasure
God is Divine and one of a kind
Salvation is the empowerment in more the family needed
God’s requirement of Love
Yes, gospel songs giving the understanding
Family members learning from each other in how love and respect come together into one
God is not looking at the circumstance, but aligning with the individual heart
Tomorrow came on that day
Family secret that was kept years ago
Mystery family member appeared
Questions with no immediate answers
Family had too much pride
Yet discoveries where their lives derived
That moment within the play became Deep expressions and tearful emotions
The question can family move on to preserver?
But somewhere within the play’s score, Chicken and Biscuits will bring the family together in a big way
A Father and Grandfather had gone onto his reward, but left his legacy
The Song, “PRECIOUS LORD” with take my hand and lead me on
The family was truly led
A Mother knew God wanted the family to come together and unite
The truth will set you free with the connection of Love for one another
The circumstance came as really understanding the new family member
It was hug one another and a family that prays stays
The celebration of life
Strength came in family unity
It was then let’s celebrate, and eat
Chicken and Biscuits led the entire way with direction, and knew the way well
The family was now blessed
Truth with confessions
The family will he ok
Happy Meal
Finale and applause
preservationman Nov 2021
You remember the story of Grandma got runover by Santa’s Reindeers
If you don’t know, let me fill you in
Grandma was walking down the street, and as the reindeers were flying and coming down for a landing, Grandma got run over by the Reindeers
But Grandma wasn’t fully alert before the incident
At that time, Grandma had Egg Nog with her added blend of joy
On Boy
She drank according to Grandma’s account in needing warmth from the Wintery winds during the Joyous Holiday Season
That was then
This is now
Grandma is all well now and Sober
But not necessarily in that order
Grandma visited a Lawyer in getting a case to sue Santa’s Reindeers
Now I don’t know if that will damper Santa’s preserver
Nonetheless, the Legal Papers have been served
Grandma wants Santa and his Reindeers to get what they deserve
But Grandma should have been sober
Santa offered Grandma his apology
But Grandma was thinking Mythology
No Court Date has been set
What impact will be the effect?
Does Grandma even have a case, and will it hold up in Court?
How will Santa respond?
We will have to wait and see
Patience is the only key
Nov 2021 · 88
preservationman Nov 2021
Thumbs up
Walking down the highway
Looking for an escape
This is something any Turkey would appreciate
Thumbing for a ride
Perhaps a Greyhound Bus could provide
The Hound could take any Turkey bound
The smell of freedom having a sound
Suddenly a Greyhound bus pulled to the side
Got on the bus and the Turkey took it in his stride
Traveling on the dog
At least I am not crossing a lake by log
I am on my way
Destination bound to anywhere
My life is focused in not being killed
I have living to fulfil
Yet more determined at will
Thumbs up being free
I am a Turkey on flee
There are no Dinner Tables this Turkey needs to see
A Turkey’s response, “It’s all about me”
It’s life the way it should be
Nov 2021 · 160
preservationman Nov 2021
Embrace the blessings
Give Thanks
Families and friends united in harmony
Value time
Precious life
Enjoying foods of all kinds
Rejoice having a combine
A Turkey thinking having no luck
I have been slaughtered and plucked
Being the Main Serving
I am the one and only deserving
Having all the stuffing and flavor
Dinner tables will all enjoy in savor
I am the usual Butterball
preservationman Nov 2021
I happened being an unknown event
That is how the Earth’s Environment went
Suddenly a plight hit the Earth
Transformation into a new species
Living and walking Turkey’s
This is what humans had become
Gobble here and there
Humans could no longer speak the English language
Perhaps it was years on Turkey’s being the honored table guest
Turkey’s warned Earth everywhere and would get their revenge
Through time
The Earth didn’t take the Turkey’s Serious
But now Earth is furious
However, Turkey’s always got the raw deal
Humans now are the element being the feel
Scientist have no idea in how to combat the Turkey reverse
Now it becomes an everlasting curse
Gobbling effect
Forever Turkey’s
No wonder anyhow
Turkey’s say, “That is what you get”
We give you no regret
preservationman Nov 2021
I am surrounded by Doubt
Voices keep talking to me in my head that everything will be worked out
I am in shame
Perhaps, I should take full blame
I am a loser
If Death was to come, I wouldn’t be surprised
Destroy me, I have no need to rise
I have fallen, just leave me there
The Sun turned black
I have no reason to turn back
My heart is torn apart
Tears after Tears mounting
I am in desperation
I am between separation
Money doesn’t know me
Riches are only dreams
Speculation with Assumption
I never existed
Weathered fiery storms
Forget me always
Loss within my own ashes
Dust never cleared
Wonders with unanswered questions
My hand stretched to the Heavens, but I am not worthy
Alone and Despite
Everlasting is my finish
Finale chapter
I disappeared
Nov 2021 · 191
preservationman Nov 2021
Harmonica sings
The Morning Dew enterprises
Life is full of realizes
One wonders of their destiny in purpose
Thoughts start to surface
Immediate establishes as obvious
Thinking relishes serious
Sitting at the Bayou Bank, one’s life becomes clearer through depth
Will tomorrow be cloudy with no understanding?
One thinks hard, but must look beyond the past and into the current
The Future is uncertain that haven’t arrived
The Bayou seems to know my heart
It becomes a movement of where to start
I am seeing overcoming from life’s wear and tear
Getting through all the beware
Bayou says it is about you
I see my urgency
Let your life direct
You are the effect
See reason
They are resolutions
Pause and see no conclusions
They are the elements to survive
That is how one stays alive.
Nov 2021 · 233
preservationman Nov 2021
Every year it is always the same
It’s enough to make a Turkey go insane
We are the feast
This will be my getaway at ease
I will hop on a Greyhound bus
I am definitely avoiding the fuss
My travelling is a must
This will be a permanent vacation
I am feeling the appreciation
This will be the Turkey’s thanks
I intend to always be a Turkey among
Greyhound will take me to my journey being nothing but fun
A lane changer being no pun
This Turkey is on a scheduled run
A Turkey only understands
The same old tradition of dinner tables having the Turkey as the main course
I am taking action being the force
Feeling at ease while taking in the refreshing breeze
Lying on a Florida beach
They can’t catch me now as I am hard to reach
The sun will be me a Golden tan
Dinner tables will have to find another plan
Thanksgiving is my take away
I won’t be caught by no ax
This Turkey is controlling the facts
Florida might be my permanent stay
Dinner Tables I will always astray
My leisure moment and I am ok
Being the serving never on any day
Dinner tables can have their feast, I am free to breathe at ease.
Nov 2021 · 87
preservationman Nov 2021
Let me take you back
I have a mouse invade
I am not starting a parade
I am on a serious mouse attack
The Sun is high and it’s time for combat
Mouse beware
You entered the wrong lair
Mighty Mouse can’t save you
I am on a mission to pursue
You should have stayed in the Disney Kingdom
It’s battle time using my wisdom
I am responding like an Exterminating Mob
I intend to get this mouse problem solved
They don’t pay rent
They are not Heaven sent
Out will be went
They cannot stay
They will getaway
My Defenses all combined
They don’t call me Killer for nothing
I don’t intend to be kind
I am serious and genuine
My house is not a Hotel for Check in
I suggest you get out while you can
It’s check out time
Goodbye and don’t return
When will mouse ever learn?
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