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preservationman Sep 2022
The beauty of expression
Transformation of words from one body
Steady as it goes
Descending and surfacing
Into the unknown
Understanding buried treasures of words deep
Precious and elite
Beyond imaginations
History for appreciation
Letters into words
Echoing voices waiting to be heard
Deeper and Deeper into thought of the open mind
The depths of learning
The thirst rewarding
The smell of the sea using words fulfilling
Aqua City where words originated
Individual hearts where words once got their start
Never a depart
Cruising the mind about
Destination arriving at determination
Water Color Finish
Words spread out for miles
Aqua Style
Writing even now
preservationman Sep 2022
Dear Faithful:
You are never alone
My spirit in your heart should be full blown
Life will always have pitfalls
Always pray and don’t stall
Truth is everlasting
My words always inspiring
Yet with an encouraging voice
Blessings turn into shall
What doesn’t is no understanding
Take a moment to reflect and see your best life now
You had a time back then you didn’t know which way to turn
Left or Right
But I got you through your plights
Radiant light
Shines Bright
Be encouraged
Continue doing your best
You never know, it could be a test
Don’t accept anything for less
Faith is what will always be
Living and learning is what you will see
Picture yourself cruising on a smooth sea
Your horizon a waits
Distance your heart being parallel to your eyes
Meet your sunrise of daily living
Let your sunset be wisdom gained
Embrace on
Pray as you move along
Enriched and certain
Weather the storms
But don’t be alarmed
Victory is your story
Sincerely, Glory
preservationman Sep 2022
What are your expectations for me Lord?
I am poor and have nothing to offer
Be still and listen
You have a heart of Gold
I am the Lord, just take hold
I will show you wonders beyond the world and your imaginations
Journey with me as your tomorrow unfolds
You have discerning virtues
Your thoughts will surpass the world’s comprehension
You will have greater understanding
Follow my guidance and listen to my spoke words
Tell the people of the world
“Time is accelerating far greater than man can keep up, but the bells are sounding, and the clouds gather like a meeting that is urgent. Redemption is at hand”
The world that refuses to understand
It takes obedient to just listen and wait
I feel I am not worthy of such a task
I am the Lord who will bring It to pass
The world will listen and your voice will confer
This is the day, and tomorrow a new beginning
Enrich, Sustain and embrace
I am the creator
You are the fulfiller
Walk in courageous
All it takes is being righteous
The day is only the moment of what is the come
You will never be alone as I am embodied throughout your soul
You walk within behold
You will have a story of your own told
The mountains are your foundation
Strength in sturdy
My words that are hardy
Be ever faithful
The Lord has spoken
Branch out and encourage
You are ready
preservationman Sep 2022
The thought of understanding
Knowing life is about sustaining
Love is and will always be
The Moon smiles with a clear sky shine
It turns into life being genuine
Enchanted but true
A woman approaches and stands in front of me
Captured my heart
I cry for joy
Romance to cherish and enjoy
We are a couple among the stars
We are in our own universe
Embarking in romance best
My assurance attracted you to my heart influence
You are my Cinderella and I am your Prince
Royal in our own right
We laugh and smile with pure delight
Pure and simple
Enchanted being magnetized
We move through the woods, we are the goodness, and there are echoes of applause
We found each other
Our love is crystal clear being our own reflection in the kiss
No end, but enduring
Our hearts have given us direction
Total affection
The kiss like a script dialog
Love until
Moment of truth
Sealed and approved
I got it right
preservationman Sep 2022
Surprises with realizing
Moments of emphasizing
Plastic lined questionable
Words that are never digestible
Evil that wants to stir up
Mannerisms that could fill a cup
Personality ways
Move astray
Breakable, but can be fixed
Obvious with careful observation
What’s the conversation?
Body Movements
The Heart and Mouth
Deadly tongue poison expelling
Dare to say
A trap to step that way
Reaction before thinking
What were you expecting?
What will you accept?
Plastic that can always pull you in
What will your reaction be then?
People show their character
The image of who they are
Know the true pursue in what plastic does
Don’t cave in
preservationman Sep 2022
Angry skies
Raging seas
Uncertain with no at ease
Turbulences within the moment
Careful maneuvering
Attempting to avoid ship wrack
Tense nerve sessions having effect
Courage trying to mount
Distance of the horizon in count
Winds blew
Heavy rains fall
Echoes of the winds being their call
Unforeseen arrives
Storm ceases
Clouds start to separate
The moon immediately appears
Winds die down
Rain completely stops
The ship still floats
Determination with desire to live
Many storms will follow throughout life
You will never be alone
You won’t drown
You will always be a survivor
preservationman Sep 2022
September 11, 2001 is a reminder for me because I was supposed to work for Marsh & McLennan, Inc. on the 96th Floor in World Trade Center Tower One, but the company never called me. I am blessed that I wasn’t called. My name could have been written in the memorial. Yet, I feel sorrow for all those that did lose their lives and the families left behind without their love ones. I loss some friends in 9/11. God is good as I am covered under his Mercy and Grace.

The hour and that precise minute
Precision at every turn
Shows how the world can turn upside down
Lives that were never found
Devastation and ash having the final sound
We honor the loss being their story, and now they are in glory
It also states never take life for granted
We don’t know what will take place in our lives
Today and Tomorrow is not promised to any of us
Life is precious and time continues to revolve
But are keeping in touch with living love ones on a Daily basis?
Having that I don’t care is not the right vibe to keep
God’s sake
The Almighty being the key
Being the amaze who deserves all the praise
You are still living, and lift those hands in God’s Grace and Mercy
Still among
Today is the day to say Thank You
Today being your reminder to remember
Today is your daily to always pray
Relish the air and seeing the skies as if for the first time
Take a moment to just recognize
Goodness comes from Heaven to your heart
The Holy One makes the determination from the start
Live and keep living
You had been given the spiritual lift
Don’t go astray being a drift
Living with every breathing second is considered being Heaven’s gift
preservationman Sep 2022
I am now the Heaven Anchor
Spiritual and true
My assignment is a new pursue
My words are now praise
My heart is full of amaze
I am beyond the clouds and Cameras
CNN and CBS were my Earthly past
My years did last
Remember how I brought you news
Stories that made you wonder and be enthused
I travelled the world
Captured stories that had effect
My final destination being Heaven
I caught God’s attention
I am now his representation
God simply said, “I have Heaven News for you to spread”
Rise and follow me from your bed
You are among the many chosen
No cameras, but my light of glory
This is the Bernard Shaw story
Spotlight on what he achieved on Earth
Enriched into a new horizon
Eyes always on Bernard Shaw
Virtues with lessons learned
Be watchful and pray full
I am where hope always is
Don’t mourn, but wake up always to an inspired morn
Spirit and Soul always comforted
My tomorrow came on schedule
I went to new heights
Soared among the many eagles and birds
I heard whispers from the Lord
At peace
Free from Earth
Bernard Shaw
Conquered and saw
May Heaven be with you always
Until the time is right, we will meet again
No time for cries and goodbye
I am in heaven, but don’t cry
preservationman Sep 2022
Grandma, I remember your departure
Visualizing your stature
It is like it was yesterday
You went to your Heavenly home
Everlasting where you will always roam
You reminded time after time, I am never alone
You often stated, “Let your praises be full blown”
Your sincere voice spoke, “I wish I could take you with me”
But it wasn’t my time
You will be waiting at every bus terminal, Airport and train station anticipating my arrival
You told me to always pray
Everlasting is the gate way
Don’t ever grieve
I am at peace and relieved
I am with the Holy King
But I left you with one thing
Wisdom relishing throughout your life
When situations come always remember my golden advice
A world that won’t be nice
Life itself is not sugar and spice
Goodness comes from God’s advice
Heaven knows
It goes to show
The skies capture the flow
Soulful experience
Treasure my love
So Grandma, I will never forget
I hold no regret
Your impact in me has a positive effect
I miss you so
Praise now and soon I will be lifted up
Your Grandson says, “Thank you for your love”
You are always who I think of
preservationman Sep 2022
I saw my distance
It was my miles in journeys
Blisters on feet like sores
My struggles provided understanding
They prepared me in what to expect
My tears previously flowed like water falls
The thought of my fellow Slaves who died
But I stayed focused in knowing what God who provide
No matter how hot the sun became
Freedom was going to be my aim
The thought never entered my mind that I may not make it
I knew it was going to be a battle, and I couldn’t change the world’s thinking
My inspiration had to continue being sustaining
Deep in my heart, I couldn’t let the world change my spirit
I had to be determined
Blockades were everywhere
Echoes of preserver within
Escaping through rivers was my only chance
My freedom was how I would advance
Yet a voice from Heaven saying, “Push On”
Your freedom will come
It was assurance
It took all of my endurance
Teach your people God’s guidance
I gave you wisdom
Understanding directly from the kingdom
You are free
No longer anyone’s slave
Freedom ways has started
Go and be free
The Sun will guide you to your next journey
Free at last
preservationman Aug 2022
How can I pay you?
You always come through
When struggles arise
You arrive on time with your surprise
When a circumstance becomes a problem
It is always solved
I don’t use my understanding because you are involved
You keep your promise
Your words are true in honest
Your presence is obvious
You are better to me then I am to myself
I am your creation
Your guidance is understanding always giving me information
Your goodness is beyond great
It reigns supreme
You made me whole and spiritually clean
Never late
My praise has no hesitate
Energized and wise
I had to emphasize
You are my enterprise
Every day you teach
My soul became your reach
Lord of Lords
King of Kings
Skies on high
Voice of compassion from Thy
Today and always
Thank you coming your way.
preservationman Aug 2022
Open seas
Relaxing while feeling at ease
Remembrance in focus of the Old Highway One
Journeying while seeing Flying Fish to look upon
Two bodies of waters, Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico
Salt and Fresh water not mixing together
Difference then the other
4 Hours stretch from Miami
“For Whom the Bells Toll”, a novel by Ernest Hemingway being a Long Time Resident and Author
Eyes of adventure
Feeling welcomed as you enter
Fun and galore
Sun and the shore
Lots to see in Key West to explore
Enjoy and tell others
Come back and always keep Key West in mind
You will find the people warm and kind
The Key being Tourist are our number one
Then West being the best for tourist enriching in their own Key West test
We are only Oceans and driving away
Make Key West your getaway
Perhaps even your hide away
Castaway Mates
preservationman Aug 2022
A place where Poets find themselves
Know who they are
Life words that surround
Echoes of voices having sounds
Emotions within
The mind sets the stage
Encouragement forming amaze
Poets are also writers
Possibilities with expectations
Distance always close
Dreams are once in a while
Poets are every day
Having time with no schedule
Readers see Poets in a module
Poets can be unpredictable
But they are always able
They see value in more detail
Write without fail
Words always ready to set sail
The P in Poet serving their purpose
The end T to transcend
The Poet always has a begin that never ends
Inspired because they can
Poet Park is their place
Word trace
Words straight to the reader’s face
Discern is received
Poet’s control
Poet’s shout
That is what writing is all about
Their place in time
Their heart always being genuine
preservationman Aug 2022
Reservations taken every day
Believe in every way
Heaven could transcend on you unexpectedly
It will take place immediately
Are you prepared?
Up or down?
Where is your destination bound?
Reservations are set
It just needs your decision being the effect
Only you being sincere in direct
Hotel Heaven or Hotel Furnace
Just that simple
No Computer, Internet nor IPhone is needed
You have a choice of Beauty and Quality
Or facing the Devil’s tormenting reality
You must be certain
You might be hidden behind a darkened curtain
Hotel Heaven, you are always welcomed
A place fruitful and home some
Reservations are being taken daily
Don’t take the invitation likely
Your room is reserved
Let it be Heaven in what you deserve
A thought to think
Reservation Thine
preservationman Aug 2022
Said and read over and over again
Biblical states then
In the present, it became can
The Ten Commandment were created being a creed
It is how we are supposed to live in proceed
The world has failed under grace
Biblical is the trace
It didn’t say let every man have a man
Nor did it say let every woman have a woman
Failure on all counts
On high from the mount
Men and Women were created in what all human was supposed to have
The world makes excuses to satisfy what they believe
In other words, leading to their own understanding
The Biblical Constitutional document being the Almighty demand
We are at Heaven’s command
Our image being of the Heavenly Father
We **** at will
But pause and be still
Who gives anyone that right?
The world is in a plight
Darkness with no light
Seems to understand, but can’t sustain
The mind is closed with a stain
What is happening will remain
Change means transform
That is the norm
The world continues to fail
Moving in time like a snail
No wonder and without bail
preservationman Aug 2022
No whisper nor echoes
Only silence being a reflection
Your session
Perhaps a confession
Your soul expelled
But the spirit disappeared
Thoughts went yonder
The heart only wonders
Living voice was full of words and discussions
At times being emotions
Wave after wave being like oceans
You heard once, but no more now
Honor with remember
Voices wanted you to hear
The voices vanished
You didn’t want to listen because of your pride
Silenced your heart
Hardened like a rock
Dependability moved on
Now you are stuck in your code of silence
Wasn’t obedient
No ingredient
Voiceless and useless
You thought of the souls before
Feeling the sore
Code of silence for sure
You can no longer ignore
Code of Silence settling the score.
Aug 2022 · 469
preservationman Aug 2022
One who doesn’t pretend
Yet one who will defend
A Patriot is a true friend
It goes beyond the military
It’s pure elementary
The Patriot is someone loyal
One that doesn’t act royal
Supporting one’s well being
When one thinks of a Patriot, they usually associate with a battle war
Patriots are a down to Earth person
Golden in heart
Superior in spirit
The Patriot earns that merit
preservationman Aug 2022
Beauty and looks
Captivated pictures around the Palace of her took
Princess Amber looks to be adored
In fact, all the Villages applaud
The Palace of royalty
A Princess who shares her generosity
She moves with pause
Princess Amber who is modest and Solace
Her gowns are crafted in fashion designs
It matches her personality being intelligent, elegant and kind
Sequence extending from your head to her toes
Dazzle with sparkle
Princess Amber every move an attention getter
Many men want to be her Prince
They try to convince
Enchanted by her charm and wit
Her body is just it
Princess Amber wants a guy who is fit
Well received throughout the community
She inspires unity
As she boards her horse drawn carriage, Princess Amber is marveled as she rides by
A women of wealth
Exercises and is always concerned about her health
Princess Amber is not like any other Princess who came before her
Her name should really be called galore
Her fashion comes from Christian Dior.
preservationman Aug 2022
I remember living in a Log Cabin nestled among the Forest and Mountains
It wasn’t the North nor West
It wasn’t even the East
It was the deep south
Grandma would be singing spiritual songs and praying throughout the cabin day and night
Confusion and not understandable for a young boy being raised in the middle of nowhere
Grandma would always say, “God is able, and always follow his spirit that sheds light being your guide where he wants you to be”
Questions after questions
Grandma would often offer suggestions being encouragement
She always told of her Folk tail about her past life
As I listened, I felt it was like advice
Son, I was a slave from way back
I was beaten until I almost had no flesh
I didn’t let that stop me from thinking Freedom, but I knew it would be the Lord’s wisdom showing me understanding
Grandma prayed Morning, Noon and Night
All that while she was going through her plight
One day, Grandma woke up at 2:00 am determined to be free
She gathered the other slaves and she told them come and follow me
God will show us the way
By the time the sun had risen high, the plantation owners would be searching for what they thought was theirs
In the aftermath, the slaves were never found because they became free
Their new life was fulfilled being God’s will
Wisdom spoke
Son, “Never wonder, but always seek”
Be strong, but never weak
Always be hungry to defeat
Turn wrong into doing right
Have courage and never fright
Grandma has seen and conquered
My years have caught up
My eyes see glory
Soon I will depart for my Heavenly home
It’s where my Soul will roam
Earth is not my restful place
It’s my everlasting being the trace
Heaven United
That is where you will find me
I will be waiting every day at the Pearly Gates
Don’t be late
Heaven’s sake
Wisdom only knows
But now you know
My tomorrow is now
Grandma eyes closed
Grandma lover
The Dove is now flying above.
preservationman Aug 2022
My Roots
A place where I reside
Prudence Trail
Wide with High Mountains
Railroad tracks run the entire mile stretch
I often lurk among the wooden trees as the Memphis Marvel passes by
There are times I even cry
I think on the many journeys with being a passenger aboard
Farm life is a bore
I want to travel to destinations with possibilities
Hope I waited for far too long
I am stuck on a farm doing chores after chores
No town folks to talk too
Always farm work to pursue
The hot sun from morning to dawn
The moments of a quick yond
Endless work within the fields
Desperations being no contest
Memphis Marvel is more than a train name
It’s travel to a new world
Places I don’t see
Yet places I wish I could be
There will be a time when I will leave among my roots
It will sound like melody in musical *****
Enough talking
Back to work
No perk
My hour is not yet done
One day I will be on the Memphis Marvel
Journey to anywhere
Beyond compare
Beyond my roots
I can dream
Tomorrow being like a moving picture
My adventure being obvious
No look back
Staying on track
Memphis Marvel, please take me away.
preservationman Aug 2022
More than ***
Starts with a kiss
Holding hands
Romance builds
Love becomes a thrill
Moon sparkles
The heart will beat approved
The sensation becomes soothe
Night among the stars
The thought of a carriage ride
Glazing at the night sky
Love on relish being wise
Eye to Eye
Heart to Heart
Moment into moment
Endless love
Endless kiss
Love being internal and external
The kiss always being a reminder
Being loved and staying in love
The heart always welcomes enter
Front and center
Love until
Enduring forever
preservationman Aug 2022
It felt like a race during time
Every hour the clock would sound
But human mechanics wasn’t getting anywhere bound
The long hand looked like it was moving fast
The short hand actually remaining still
Foot maneuvering steps felt like it had no will
Time was definitely moving
Breathless became no sooth
But there was something humans had to prove
It was a matter of time
Electronics moved organized than human power
Hour by hour
Minute by minute
How does one beat time?
Unless one is the Marvel Flesh
One who could dash
Challenge being a struggle
Human speed being its own pace
There is time for a soft drink
Not waiting to think
If time has its way
We can all go astray
The time is mine
Maybe being too kind
The time schedule is just fine
Time and time again
Time out.
preservationman Aug 2022
The thought of yesterday
Tomorrow unknown
The Soul awoke
The spirit shaken
Hatred of past times
Racial tension still reigns supreme today
The world that didn’t treat me kind
I was acting genuine
Names called not being my name
Lies told
A racial community being bold
This is my story told
My life had promise
My Mother raised me giving me advice
Through it all, I had to face opposition that wasn’t nice
Being Black wasn’t an easy road
Yet rocky and dangerous
My years made that obvious
I was tormented until Death
My life had no meaning
My color was a curse
If I had the chance, I would have battled in a reverse
My Soul survived
My flesh is no more
Civil Rights still a fight
Don’t settle nor take it light
There is a sunrise
I know you are hot and angry
Let justice make you hungry
Tears on a shameless world
God continues to surface all around
Change doubt as you are moving about
Let your voice be strength
Let my Death be a awake up call
I saw and experienced
Again, I know you are furious
My time passed
Harmony only associated with an orchestra
Demand and command your rights
Break the chains being a strategy
This is Emmett Till
Don’t be quite it and still
Keep the inspiration being your will
I have risen beyond the world’s eyes
I am only giving that purpose of realize
I am the example of understanding and wise
This I had to emphasize
Your worthy and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise
Chosen and undefeated
The battle is not won until complete
Don’t hold back being defeat
Don’t give up nor give in
This is only a begin
My life came to an end
But this is where the world should step in
Emmett Till knows all too well
This is my story and the world I tell.
Emmett Till
preservationman Aug 2022
Poets who say it right
Words coming out like dynamite
Poets who write Day and Night
They don’t take their words light
Poets share their experiences from plight
Determined with desire
Their own encouragement to inspire
Poets tell what they are thinking
Word connections
Own expectations
Poets alone
Words letting it be known
Poets into their crafts
Talent within
Beginning until the end
Poets are like Librarians full of word organization
The idea being appreciation
Impressing the reader with sensations
What the Poet says must be taken within
This is how writing begins
Poets write to explore
Their words are the open and close door
What you heard the Poet added think
It is always written in ink
The theory
The mystery
All for the reader to see
Poets who you don’t even know
Words are presented being show
True Poets in plain sight
What are you writing tonight?
preservationman Aug 2022
Bold and Beautiful
Vintage still youthful
Distinct from Front to Back
Specifications to detail giving the facts
It’s move and maneuver
Nothing particular
Simply a bus
A People Moving time machine
Past to present
One can always remember
Step aboard and enter
Through the many dreams as one slumbers
The thought of the mighty bus
Its enriched history being a must
It’s the bus in all of us
Fascination adding to the plus
Turning on the engine
The power of the exhaust
The transmissions being the force
The manufacturer approved of course of course
The bus like no other
Many will follow being another
Buses to always remember
History will always be on the move
Buses are simply smooth
Vintage is the evidence of prove
The bus has become the forget me not
Don’t be surprised if it passes your block.
preservationman Aug 2022
Heavenly heavy heart bleeds
He is now seen as hope
The world prefers to their own understanding in cope
Refuses to recognize
He is the power and energize
Mighty and a world that loses sight
Throughout Earth being light
Mirror of our own Lord’s creation
Miraculous, Excellence and Golden
We must be withholden
The Lord prays for the world in tears
He is not welcomed near
A world prefers to live in fear
Lord Host
He is someone to boost
Navigator and Creator
Lord cry
A world who won’t give the Lord a try
He doesn’t want to see the world perish
He is love and distinguished
The Lord is guidance and advise
Biblical tools and commandments
Turning away and astray
The Lord sheds tears for the world that is not ok
Hold onto the Lord’s threshold and take whole
Believe in him and not in self
Not like everybody else
True, Honest and serves a purpose
Make that your spirit being obvious
Let the Lord weep no more
Don’t ignore
He the rising King in guidance for sure
Clouds maneuver
The rains came
You have been cleansed
Redeem and come clean
The Lord welcomes you being his esteem
Aug 2022 · 63
preservationman Aug 2022
I wear it well
The world can tell
A name given to me by the Greyhound Bus Company
I am the arrive with no depart
The Greyhound eyes
Because I am wise
I am Greyhound’s energized
The thought of lead
My words in how I proceed
The eyes of Customer Service
Travelling bus passengers made that obvious
But Houndman Cometh goes even further than that
There’s a following and it’s hard to keep track
My passion for Greyhound goes way back
It started when I was a tot and moved up into today
Greyhound is relished into my heart in every way
I have toy scale Greyhound, and many other bus models on display
It’s the Houndman Cometh relay
Arrive with a never to depart
Now you know where that name got its start
This is where I will depart.
preservationman Aug 2022






Aug 2022 · 59
preservationman Aug 2022

















preservationman Aug 2022
Beyond the galaxies
Journeys into the unknown
Ms. Nichelle Nichols, best known for her role on Star Trek
Characterized as Lieutenant Uhura, Communications Officer
Ms. Nichols has gone where many have gone before her
It was Higher than the Star Trek Frontier
It is her Soul maneuvering in spirit of preserver
She is among the many Souls
Ms. Nichols leaves her name in remembrance of behold
Space being her threshold
The name Starship Enterprise
Ms. Nichols wants her fans to rise and continue to live
She would say “I finished my work on Earth”
I have a enriched new birth
I have another role to play
It’s Heaven’s way
Watching Earth on high and rejoicing with Thy
Don’t cry for me
I have been lifted up you see
Only applaud my achievements
Remember how I opened closed doors of Race
I have a new Frontier
I encourage my fans to continue to preserver
My mission has transitioned
The Clouds have written my name
Space welcomed Ms. Nichols to explore
Her talent is nothing to ignore
Ms. Nichols proved to Hollywood she had her own act to follow
Achieving was her inspiration in believing
She told the Lord “I am Ready”
Beam Me Up
Ms. Nichols boarded the Heaven Enterprise
She’s now among the stars
Beyond Earth’s presence and vision
Her spirit strives
NASA Mission Control, Ms. Nichols mission complete
We will always hold Star Trek close
Never far, but always in our hearts near
STAR TREK being a fact
Beamed Up
Everlasting to Ms. Nichelle Nichols
Well done
I am pleased
Now sleep and rest at ease
Gone where Heaven wants us all to be
Captain Kirk, Star Trek was in good hands
My tomorrow came
My today of remember
Lieutenant Uhura out.
Jul 2022 · 74
preservationman Jul 2022
I am on the street
No roof
Sleeping on the pavement
Once lived in a Two Bedroom Apartment
My apartment had assortments
One night there was a knock at the door
I thought should I open or ignore?
It was the Landlord
He stated, “WHERE IS YOUR RENT?”
You see, I was working, but was laid off after working for a company for 12 years, the company was doing bad
It was good bye to this lad
I was on unemployment and received my Severance
I was living off the two sources
I was the only forces
Now the sources have been exhausted
I hadn’t paid the rent in months
The Landlord evicted me at once
The Street is where I nest
Living outside is not the best
The Shelters are not for me
They are not safe you see
Pavement life
Living my own advice
The thought of home is only within me
No Family
Homeless into endless
This is where I roam
The street I call home
My name is not known
I am nowhere to be found
Maneuvering people and car movements are my only sounds.
Jul 2022 · 100
preservationman Jul 2022
No Logs
No Fireplace
No Cookout
The wood was used to craft into Toy Scale Model Buses
Sounds strange?
Yes, Wood was used in creating Genuine Authentic Moving Models
Visualize highway buses, and think of the wood being part of the setting
I am a witness to it
I have in my collection of actual buses made out of wood being the work done by a Deceased Susquehanna Trailways Motor Coach Engineer
How were these buses carved into a bus
It was careful study being the tracing and using cardboard to capture the right detail once the analysis was done
Then came constructing the wood one Carve into design at a time
I am honored to have in my bus collection of 7 Wood bus models from the creator himself and remembrance of a Trailways Motor Coach Engineer
A Motor Coach Operator with more than just drive, but a vision to create into sculpture
Eyes of Wood
Woody detail of could
Craftsmanship that always came out fine.
Jul 2022 · 79
preservationman Jul 2022
Life was nothing
Day was like night
I wasn’t going to be polite
Blinded by darkness
The Winters were bitter
Coldness being my emotions
Cries with no tears
Desperation with every shout
What I thought was mine I could no longer control
Walls were closing in
The finale being my possible end
Alone and broke
No advise
A world that wasn’t nice
People who just don’t care
Trapped in my own dealings
Beaten down to my own selfishness
I was the only witness
Suddenly, I humbled down
I prayed
Never in my life did I pray before
There was a wonder made me explore
Through the many voices I thought I heard
What I was going through was struggles and I wanted them to end
No more hurt and no more suffering
Storms have been all part of my life
No recovery
Yet trapped within my slavery
You haven’t been in my shoes, because we don’t wear the same shoes
Tired of pain
I don’t want to hear excuses
I am reaching the point of no return
My ignorance overpowered believing
Now I am stuck on deceiving
That praying is starting to take effect
My Faith was assured in the Lord
Worry no more
From my head to my toes
The Almighty made it clear
He is always near
Nothing to fear
The record set straight
Understanding maneuvering through any fate
Praying is never too late
That is definitely something to appreciate.
Jul 2022 · 66
preservationman Jul 2022
It was a Newspaper caption that caught my attention, “RISE AND THINK”
I felt inspiration in those two words
But within, there was hesitation
I was asleep in my mind not wanting to think
I was meant to excel
My own accomplishment having a tell
The rise being my every step of progress
No time for recess
Think being the strategy in making. My life different than any other day and year I have ever experienced
My moment captured in time
Turning point
Rose through the rotation
Rose to the radiant sunshine
Overcame what has been holding me back
Just rise
Jul 2022 · 59
preservationman Jul 2022
Nightmares that come to life
Directions needing advice
Through the subconscious mind no one expects
Be still as the dreams manifest
The action straight out being bold
Wonders through the mysteries
The focus on your own history
Untold stories circulating through your mind
Almost near Death
Fear you hold dear
The Outer Limits of your own extremes
Standing along by a stream
Transcending possibilities
Face to Face with your realities
Still on pause
Dreams are the reason being your cause
The body responds
Yet no yond
You are trapped in your own cave
Disobedient as you didn’t behave
Troubled spirits within
Take everything of your dream in
Still dreaming
Dreams are waiting for your reaction
Dare to Dream the impossible
Wake up
Dreamed upon
You are still among
Destiny the dreams expelled
Destined now
The dreams showed you how
Jul 2022 · 86
preservationman Jul 2022
Dear Diary
My moment taking a minute
I write because I found love
At first, I wanted love, but wasn’t being loved
It all changed in a big turnaround
The kiss on my lips is what started it all
It caused my body to have expelling eruptions
Then it was followed by sensations
Love had taken me over
My ***** were being fed because I was hungry, but became full
I am the witness
My room felt like a hot summer night
All intense
Temperatures seemed to rise
No need to
No need to emphasize
Love was in control
Took hold
I went over the rainbow
I was truly loved
Now you know
Got to go
Diary moment
Definitely no let down
Heart to Heart pump
Blood rushing
Diary out
Jul 2022 · 66
preservationman Jul 2022
Intercity bus travel that takes you far
You don’t need your car
Small Towns and Major cities
State to State
Scenery that passengers will appreciate
Picture taking to formulate
Rural Bus Stations to Terminals
The road with the Greyhound Bus in Control
America’s Icon Company that has been around
Destinations anywhere can be bound
A Bus company that operates around the clock
Maneuvering that never stops
On-Time performance in arriving on schedule
Sometimes buses can be late
Yet it is situations that the company doesn’t anticipate
Greyhound buses roll Day and Night
The headlights tell the story in plain sight
Bus Drivers greeting one another with in on and off flashing lights
Road bound
Now that describes the bus Hound
Greyhound then
Still now
That is the Greyhound bus know how
Towns folks often wave
America comes up close
Look no further than the Greyhound bus
You will always be shown the way
Welcome Aboard!
preservationman Jul 2022
It all started with World Wars
Drafts for men were expelled
Some men who didn’t want had to compel
But Highway buses had to continue to operate
Bus travel is how passengers associate
Men were caught in war details
Bus operations couldn’t just fail
How would highway buses still operate being dominated by men?
Women applied for the task
They were hired in numbers fast
Women knew they had what it took to drive a bus
The country was going into war and there was no fuss
Some women drove trucks
Driving a bus would no problem
It was a matter of putting on the bus uniform
Operating on schedules being the norm
Praise the women who had the courage to pursue the highway bus driving career
Today, women are driving in the Greyhound preserver
The chance to pursue
Men might say, this is something new
Women bus drivers became known
History has shown
Women now drive in highway coaches and transit
No one thought women would catch on
They proved they know how to get along
It goes to show you  “Women have Drive”
Jul 2022 · 80
preservationman Jul 2022
Some say a day of the ordinary
Others might say extraordinary
Wives that were married to Husband’s who cheated
No honesty, but pure deceit
Husbands would prance out with other women on the side
Some Husbands would even do it where they used to reside
There was no Wives love
It was all Forget Me Not
Wives tried to be faithful, but how do you be faithful when Husbands were cheating on the side
Wrong was going to be right as the Wives themselves were going out doing their thing
Partake was going to be called for Heaven’s sake of love
Seems like a relationship battle
It was by way of Tick Tac Toe
Even score
The Wives were putting their former Husbands on notice by way of know
Affection at its best depending on which side you were on
The Husbands could care less
No one wants to concede
It seems the Husbands were doing thing
The Wives had found their individual fling
Yesterday has turned tomorrow in a big way
Both sides are like the runway with all having their get away
Husbands swinging and Wives fulfilling
Yesterday’s Wives with their outside missions to please
Everyone maneuvering at ease
Let’s see how long this will last
Yesterday’s Wives all in heat
It’s between the sheets
Yesterday’s Wives outcome.
Jul 2022 · 157
preservationman Jul 2022














Jul 2022 · 82
preservationman Jul 2022
Around and Around
Traveling through destinations one journey at a time
Where your journey takes you, nobody knows
Expectations feeling like sensations
Efforts leading into opportunities
There’s no telling where journey’s will make their mark
But it becomes learning experiences to fulfill
It won’t be complete until
Pass your own possibilities quiz as the drill
Circulation should be flourishing appreciation
Seeking advice as suggestions
Thinking on what you never thought
Forgetting on the never will
Yet, only you yourself who knows their true self
It is not about everybody else
Think of yourself in a Time Capsule with a mission
It’s about precision
Coming to your decisions
Followed by purpose and reason
Why the journey?
The only way to find out is too explore
The answer will be in your own journey
But remember, you must observe
You will not notice right away
It will be what you learned being a take away
Trust me, it will be straight understanding
This is where Learning and Development take place
It is not a waste
Time well spent
It’s where your expectations went
Go where you have never gone before
Journey in with continuation out.
Jul 2022 · 66
preservationman Jul 2022
Feet go in and out
Walking pavements moving about
Sometimes shoes fit just right
At other moments feeling tight
Sometimes shoes make feet ache
The thoughts that surround being for Heaven’s Sake
It’s all about comfort and style
Being confident while thinking while
Shoes having the right look
A picture taking session in took
It doesn’t matter if its Casual, Formal or Business
You are the only that can testify being the witness
That is what makes you a Shoe In.
Jul 2022 · 85
preservationman Jul 2022







Jul 2022 · 192
preservationman Jul 2022








Jul 2022 · 114
preservationman Jul 2022
A barstool sit in don’t you move
I am here to get my drink on and frustrations to prove
I have a job which I am not enthused
Drinking might sound overused
I am at the bar to think
I am drinking away troubles
I can’t even imagine how my day went
I know it wasn’t good with no heaven sent
Getting my drink on
For me, it is like an anecdote to help me move along
I know what you are thinking, a bar is no place to get away from situations
It only adds to more extensions
The barstool has become my friend
I am drunk and won’t pretend
Drinking is my therapy to relax
Yet I am still feeling a little perplexed
Getting my drink on
I am at where I should belong
Now I felt off the barstool
I am looking like a fool
Perhaps I should jump into a pool
Someone helped me up from the floor
It was a stranger, but I am not sure
I am so drunk, and I am saying things that make no sense
Everything I say is passed tense
The night is young, but I feel old
The barstool is my threshold
Let me try to make it home
I am glad I live alone
I crashed on the bed
Drunk beyond drunk
My whole is nothing but bunk
I feel like I am nothing but a low life punk
Tomorrow will be another story
I must take a look at image in the mirror being my own inventory
End of story
Jul 2022 · 101
preservationman Jul 2022
Eyes on the nation
Situations occurring
No narration needed
How did America even get into serious situations?
Situations that have caused people to be murdered and even hospitalized
Throughout all this turmoil not even an apology
Guns in the hands with a purpose to ****
Missions with strategies to fulfill
The world often asks themselves in will they be next?
Sometimes wonder circulates as people even step out their doors
Media news you can’t ignore
Anguish runs through America’s minds
It’s not something sublime
Its reality being truth
Everyone says change must come
But change comes from within everyone who thinks differently in these dreadful
But the same scenario keeps continuing
Its people that must change in order for a change to be a reality
Change must rise in how people think and associate with others
The idea of hate must form togetherness in becoming relate
Right now, we are living in fate
People must appreciate one another and get along with one another
There can’t be I don’t care attitude
Peace must have solitude
We are living in a world that is slowly becoming conclude
What the world needs is love being soothe
Calmness with no worry
Mistakes with sorry
The world can’t change itself as people make up the world
People must change their own narrative in their own justifications
In a world no human created, but why destroy a world that has lots to offer
Some people even think “****” is the way
But what is the cause of one’s negative thinking of others?
Whatever happened in the past let it be buried in the past
The thought of killing doesn’t do wrong, but the exchange in fulfilling
Change your thinking
A world of tomorrow could be eliminated today
Stand for everyone’s life
That is my advice
Jul 2022 · 69
preservationman Jul 2022
The story in how words influenced the world
It caused sentences to translate
Helped readers to appreciate
It started centuries ago
Follow me and let me show
Going back as far as Ancient Rome
A Ruler wanted to implement laws
Documentation of clauses
It took words explaining in sentences of do’s and don’ts in provisions
From the point on, words and sentences began with power in life
Electrified and intensified even today
Words have always been expressed through Legacy Historians along with Poets leading today

Sentences explaining good and bad experiences
The thought behind the influences
It also comes down to instances
The encouragement has always been felt
Heart given joy being an honor to write
Every Poet, and even the ones who don’t think they are not a POET has inspiration
It’s appreciation in what is expels from the heart
The emotions that are immediately let out
Every moving letter have a meaning with consistency like I said before, “Power in Words”
Poets have that source of power that push words for reading

Think of yourself as a WORD ENHANCER
Poet thought and inner creativity sought
What a combination?
It’s the mind that unlocks what’s hidden in the mind treasure chest
Beyond information, but capturing attention
It’s a matter of persuasion
The words are out there
Element of preserver
As you write word changes
Any writer behind the connection in using the right words for effectiveness
Now that you know you are the word changer
Think POSSIBILITIES, REALITIES and PURPOSE behind why do you write
You have always been the answer to words
But I wanted to prove it.
preservationman Jun 2022
What would it take to say Hello?
Why do people make other people feel shallow?
It involves having respect
Imagine the gratification in effect
It is not a test
It’s just observation telling true confess
That statement above says it best
People often stare
In their mind it is their characteristic in they don’t care
But it puts people in a situation of caution in beware
Looks can ****
Expressions of warning of instill
Somewhere the world loss distinction
Out the door went appreciation
There is no longer a sensation
It goes beyond the Pandemic
Yet nothing Academic
People Flow
It could very well be somebody you know
Don’t let people change who you are
Enriched personality in inspiration is what goes far.
Jun 2022 · 87
preservationman Jun 2022
Ready Aim Fire
Bullets that don’t tire
Never Expire
Only ****
At Will
Past Tense
No Chance
Sometimes wounded
Other Times Dead
Jun 2022 · 178
preservationman Jun 2022














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