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preservationman Nov 2022
It was an Arizona Sunrise
A new day to recognize
It was a Greyhound bus pulling into a Terminal bus stop
Passengers felt alerted and confused
Suddenly winds began to blow
Tumbleweed surfacing in moving and it they weren’t slow
Shutters were hitting what looked like deserted homes
It was a town that was all alone
The Arizona winds blew hard and strong
Passengers on the Greyhound bus felt the bus should move along
A new passenger stepped aboard
He had a Spanish accent
The Mighty winds continued to blow
The Greyhound bus finally pulled out
Destination being Los Angeles
A Ghost town that will always be remembered
Thoughts even through slumbered
Winds surrounding a Greyhound bus stop being an Old Rusted once Gas Station
There’s your presentation
The wind that caught everyone’s attention
Journey wind unknown
Mystery full blown
Ghost town from when
The story that comes to an end.
preservationman Nov 2022
Run Turkey Run
Don’t even go on a prowl
Turkey knife
No cut
No Cook
No seasoning
This Turkey is running for its very life
I am not stopping to see the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade
This is living that needs to be made
No stuffing
No eating from this turkey, and if you are disappointed, tough
Enough is Enough
If meat is what you want, try duck
I will not be plucked
You are out of luck
I am running as far as I can go
When I become breathless, I will move slow
For now, I am on deadline time and all systems go
Eventually, my turkey legs will thump me for a ride by way of hitchhike
Being a Turkey, I am expected to be polite
I am in a plight
Turkey run on never to be done
I want to live among
I am running anywhere from any oven
I will never be an outdoor cook out
Speedily and Steadily heading about
Give yourselves thanks
This turkey is on the move
No catch me if you can
This Turkey is never on when
What meat will you serve that will be something for you to prove
I am on sooth
Happy Thanksgiving and Turkey legs just move
preservationman Nov 2022
Several stars in the night
They were shining bright
A child made a wish
He waved to them a kiss
Held several dreams
Embarking like moving streams
The child wished for a Toy Robot of his own
Too a parent might find that a bit blown
But that is what the child’s dream being shown
There were many other wishes
Yet too many to mention here
The child even prayed to the stars in making his wish happen
The Toy Robot was always his number one goal
The child asked his parents for the Toy Robot, but his parent felt it was too expensive
Be careful what you wish for as you might just get it
There was a knock at the door
The parents said “We are not expecting any company”
When the male child opened the door, it was a toy robot at the front door in a box
It was definitely a surprise, and the parents had no idea who delivered the toy robot
It is still a mystery even today
The male child didn’t care because he was given what he wished for in the stars
Was it the stars or just a coincidence?
It happened like in an instance
No one is saying or don’t really know
In any event, it just goes to show
Dreams can sometimes turn into reality
The toy robot’s name was “Perfecto”
A happy child
Perhaps one day the stars will give us an answer on how that toy robot actually materialized
For now, let the child think the stars made his dream possible
Perfecto on
preservationman Nov 2022
Day into Night
Anticipate of Thanksgiving in plain sight
Uniting families and friends
Thanksgiving offering no pretends
Total inspiration at the end
Giving thanks
Smiles with Laughter
Food that comes after
Bringing people together in the multitudes
Beginning until conclude
Destinations to numerous destinations
Mercy and Grace following
Seeing people face to face
The thought of the Thanksgiving Feast
Worries behind and stress carefree
Where ever your journeys take you whether at home or destination to
Let Thankful pursue
If you are alone, be Thankful to be among the living
Every day is Thanksgiving
Living and Breathing is a reason
It doesn’t matter the season
Reflect on memories gone by
Table setting with food to eat
Various desserts adding to the treat
Your thanks
Don’t take being Thankful for granted
Remember to pray for the misfortunate
They deserve Thanksgiving as well
Remember the Pilgrims who made this holiday
Praise Heaven Authority who embraces our lives each and every day
Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your feast
Family and Friends time
A blessing one of kind
Be Thankful for one another
Let the Feast begin
preservationman Nov 2022
I am thinking back when
Autumn being the sign
The assortment of colored leaves
Capturing moments to retrieve
The Fall Winter Winds
Moments to just observe and feel
Winds blow with an although
Are you prepared for what the winds will continue to blow?
Windy advance with the feel here and there while holding on to your hat or cap
It’s plain facts
Coldness that is brisk
Individuals who can’t resist
We are in the Fall Season
It is within reason
The Good Lord is in control
Adjust in clothing and take hold
November winds will continue to blow
November is preparing us all for what December will be
Anticipation to see
The winds always have their say
It’s always been that way
You probably don’t want to think ok
Go with the flow
November has us in the know
December will be the final show.
preservationman Nov 2022
You think you are bad and rough
For you being Mr. Big Stuff is not enough
You going around acting tough
But you are surrounded by a Gangs that call your bluff
Your ever living moment is characterized on stake
You think you are King Pin
You need to think again
You are not a Leader, but a follower
Gangs don’t even look up to you nor have respect
They think pursue
You don’t even lead to follow through
There’s no promise
You don’t know how to be honest
You are not even modest
Gangs are to steal no matter who they are
You don’t have what it takes to go far
You walk around like you are a Czar
Your own Mother you ignore
Yet she adores
You nothing more than a punk
Low Scale
Lack understanding
No destination with an arrival
Acting a hero marvel
No pity within any city
Your image all fake
No give or take
Mr. Big Stuff, a little man
No demand
One day, you will be non-existent
Mr. Big Stuff no more
You get no encore
That is for sure
preservationman Nov 2022
A Professor lectured and said “Wait Until”
A student replied why?
The Professor’s response was “Understanding in knowing to be Emphasized”
As the Lecture went on
Realize was starting to form from that short pause prior
The Professor wanted to highlight his lecture of observe and pay close attention
Making the concept of complex into simplicity
Reality being the actual
Points added being factual
Real life encounters in what students could face in situations
Put yourself in the Professors place
Preparations for the students being an organized process
Answering questions in the best dignified matter
Sometimes one must be quick thinking with a response while standing on your feet
Why if you were in a business meeting trying to persuade a major client to come to your company in being a business deal
One must be Confident, Assured, Projecting Influence and Excelling Presentation
This is the sale selling process
Your preparation would need the person to be prepared to be the Presenter while being aware of the purpose and reason for illustration
Word observant
Motto, “If I can think it, I can also speak it”
Another Motto, “If I can read it, I can comprehend towards it”
The Professor’s idea to the students was to feel the aroma of information and let it direct you to its finale
It all downs to Common Sense the Professor was adding
Inspiration in being confident instilled to the students
Lecture forming the concept
Ability adding to the effect
Be the best of yourself
Lead, but don’t follow everybody else
Set the course and be the force
Go out and use what you learned
preservationman Nov 2022
Words of Crime
Justice done on a dime
The Story of a Comic Factory
There were Thugs who wanted to make a fortune off Comic Books
All for the taking
The Thugs are about to find out they were mistaken
It didn’t matter who the Comic Book character was
It was a **** buzz
They were determined to steal
Too them it was a big deal
Demonstrating throughout
Illustrating out
Unknowingly to the Thugs, Poet Joe was on their trail
But Investigation conducted without fail
Word surprise
Resisting words on the Thugs side
The fist being the power in extending vibrating sentences as enforcement
So many comic books with the Thugs caught in the act
Not fact, but evidence
Fighting between the Thugs and Super Hero Poet Joe
Pow, Wow, Blunder and aftermath
The Police arrive and took the Thugs to the Comic Book Jail of Finale
Words count in fighting crime
It’s all justice in the mind
Super Hero Poet Joe proved it again
Justice in and crime out.
preservationman Nov 2022
Participate to Associate
Create then Demonstrate
Think but don’t hesitate
Present in illustrate
Be understanding and wise
Remember, you are the surprise
Always energize
Prove your own realize
Show the world how you analyze
Always emphasize
Assured through CUNY
Alumni at heart
CUNY is where my intellect got its start
The concepts made their mark
Purpose and reasoning
I am the secret ingredient of seasoning
I got CUNY know how
Watch me now
Now you can say Wow
preservationman Nov 2022
Seasoned words
Aroma of the senses
Sentences being the secret recipe
Serve while it is hot
Tasteful perhaps being like it or not
Into the oven awaiting to be served
Cool off only for a minute followed by read and observe
Fresh ideas with servings you didn’t expect
Nourishing the mind with words protein
Words that have been clean
Fire being fully cooked and words stirrup
Refreshing blends of words from around the world
Ready to serve
Sit down and pull up a chair
The reader can take it from here
The dessert being assortment of pudding words
Dining pleasure with every given word
No need to speak nor lecture
Wording cuisine
Just right and lean
Tender to the heart and spirit
Heart and mind have been fulfilled
Words that were eaten one letter at a time
My compliment to the Poet Chef
The cuisine was fine
preservationman Nov 2022
The call of the open road
Greyhound is stating, Come on and Ride
The added comfort they provide
Watch the scenery as it unfolds
America’s history up close and personal bold
Greyhound sets the stage through the open road
Observe the mountains in amaze
Greyhound country with praise
Changing formations of Clouds and Sun
Opportunity of still living among
The Hound bus every step of the way
A wave to all the town folks
Even laugher with a few jokes
Greyhound spent
No pretend
Destination to Destination including in between
A might storm that can be mean
A Greyhound Driver’s thoughts to always pursue
Rolling wheels rolling out
Determination is what I am talking about
The idea of travel in just marvel
Not a dream, but reality
Greyhound has the go, and need passengers aboard
The Hound Dog being the show
There is no although
When you think on travel, let Greyhound be your ride
Recline in comfort in what Greyhound provides
All you have to do is ride
See the country behind Rawhide
Greyhound’s America
Scene to scene
Travel, now you know what I mean.
preservationman Oct 2022
The strives for freedom
Voices singing through pain
Cries for hope and dignity
Slaveless thoughts
Beaten night after night
Wounds are the scars that be
Moans sounding like a lonely Wolf
How long do I have to live?
The tears are only mere examples of how I feel
I am a Slave for real
Sometimes I yell out, but it is my own echoes that echo back
No one knows my distance
I am my own assurance

Walked miles during the hot summer months
Picking cotton while working the fields
The Slave Masters call me “THUNDER” because I am mighty in the fields and the slave with the most endurance
But my heart expels revenge
My rage within
The words formulate, “When one shall, one should”
Those words Thunder lives by
Every given moment and second
Sometimes I go down by the Bayou and just admire my own reflection
But it doesn’t change being a slave that I am
Freedom will one day be my reward
Believe that
I often pray for the Lord’s guidance
He is my existence
The Slave Masters are saying, there will be a bad storm tonight
That will be my opportunity to escape covering territory without be discovered
My journey towards freedom
Leaving the South heading North

I heard stories of New York City
A land of milk and honey fit for slave looking for freedom
Legacy my own to achieve
Freedom at last, I shall receive
No more tears and pain
A new life that will remain
My endless story will be in the history books
It’s just a matter in take a look
Those slavery days
Freedom that will always stay.
preservationman Oct 2022
Unrest spirit
The skies opened up like a fiery hell
The Evil Witch
The unfold is being told in tell
The Witch could no longer cast spells
Her evilness suddenly fell
The witch vowed to pass wrath on the world
Good Witch overtook the Evil Witch in swirl
Be gone Evil Witch
Your powers no longer work here
The community finally has freedom from your unity
The citizens over you no pity
Salem wants you back where you belong
You are a mere mortal
The mind having no desire
Into the fire
You will be chained forever
Never to invade again
Be gone Evil Witch
Eternity will be your everlasting
Burn Burn Burn Evil Witch
The bell rings for your endless Soul
The Evil Witch is dead to never show her angry face
Your flesh is now ash
No Tombstone nor grave
You are punished because you didn’t behave
The Witches ashes drift to the Heaven’s above
Safe keeping to think of
Gone forever with no lifetime
preservationman Oct 2022
Darkness On
The spirits beyond
Your Soul to depend
Everlasting end
The sidewalks move
Trick or treat prove
Do you run or stand still?
Scare at will
Mind totally hypnotized
The Moon has no shine
Totally hidden
The night forbidden
It’s a very foggy night
Lurking fright
You wish you could disappear
Fear accelerating near
Possible victim
Halloween vibe
Perhaps jive
It really doesn’t matter
Your teeth are in chatter
Hungry treat
Tricks up the soul’s sleeves
No relieve
Moans turn into yells
Midnight with the ringing of Death bells
Treat or trick
It’s safe to sleep
Your Soul might not be your keep
Eerie in the air
A word of caution in beware
Halloween freedom
The fright has begun
Are you among?
preservationman Oct 2022
A call to pray
Preparation for the day
Mine on Faith
Believing at every length
Time is moving ever so swift
Heaven’s call, catch my drift
We just don’t know
The skies of watch being the show
Wisdom teaching us how to be wise
That is not a surprise
Blessings being the emphasize
Guided by Mercy
Permission through grace
We are in a Heavenly race
Are you on the finished line
Take nothing for granted
Our lives are on a schedule
Arrive and Depart
The clock ticks, there is an hour and a second
Be ever so ready
Pray and hold steady
Circumstances will be a turnaround
Step into the light being found
Darkness night
Analyze your spiritual life in plain sight
Is your spiritual Soul packed and ready to work?
Are you carrying the essentials of Faith you need?
Praying indeed
God’s work needs proceed
The clock is ticking, and the moment holding steady
Are you ready?
Heaven’s call
Heavens emphasize
There’s your surprise
You have the wings to spread God’s word
Let the world know you must be heard
It has been often said, but don’t let anyone lead you into being misled
Chosen is proven
Prayed and Deliver
preservationman Oct 2022
Heavenly One
Can never be out done
Brings amaze
Purpose with amaze
Voice of Thunder
Guidance in through understanding
Falling Rain
Soul purification
Man wants to take away
One must take hold
The bible says read and abide in his goodness told
Mercy and Grace
This is where salvation forms the trace
Say Amen
I say Hallelujah
My life from uncertainty
My spirit to everlasting
The Lord of my life
Guided by his advice
No one knows what tomorrow holds
Yesterday was only a preparation
God say it, but you must believe it
The truth in spirit
Honor in merit
God is the only all
I stand for him with no stall
Now you know
Don’t ever let go
Just feel the spiritual flow
Don’t ever let go
preservationman Oct 2022
All it takes is one thought
Searching for understanding sought
A voice from Heaven
A life well lived
Think on your own life with possibilities that could follow
The Lord dies on the cross
The Thunder in wisdom the force
Assurance for us
The Lord rose from the Grave
Our Hope gained
Healed in miracles
Showed possibilities in our lives
The Lord walked across the oceans
Demonstrated for us to always be courageous
The connection
Oct 2022 · 53
preservationman Oct 2022
A name not from outer space
Yet a name that will ever be erased
Greyhound Bus Lines is where the name originated in trace
It deprives from my devotion to the Greyhound name
On Target in aim
But it goes beyond all that
Follow me in the dialog track
My Commitment to model buses
It doesn’t matter if highway or transit
Connection fit
But I am more into Motor Coaches of the highway
My personal take away
My time as a Bus Historian
Vintage in my own right
A life of participation and appreciation
Fulfilled bus life
No advice
Structure and wheels
This is my big deal for real.
preservationman Oct 2022
My location in viewing was Regal Union Square in New York City
October 15, 2022
Mississippi was where the story took place
Medgar Evers on the case adding to the trace
It was injustice and hatred portrayed
The analogy of being black
The opposition in wanting black to take back
The movie was more than a flick
The lies told throughout that stuck
Anger with emotion
Cries feeling the pain of Emmett Till’s Mother
The open coffin of her son’s reality
The world saw and remembered
The lifeless body of Emmett Till
Justice wasn’t served
A mixed menu of what was not ordered
I held this movie close to my heart
Legacy influence from Thurgood Marshall and Civil Rights Leader, Medgar Wiley
There’s a connection, and I personally felt the experience of the movie throughout
I actually met the Medgar Evers Family, and I graduated from CUNY Medgar Evers College
This person is legacy as well, but wasn’t in the movie with a mention
I was lectured at CUNY MEC by Professor Dr. Betty Shabazz, Malcolm X’s Widow
Even though Miss Till loss the battle, she proved to the Racist world that Blacks have a Voice, Courageous, Determined and will not be still
The voices of reason will always shout out
Miss Till surpassed through the tribulations, Boundaries and Crossing Forbidden Lines
Yet, she held her dignity in honor of her son, Emmett Till
Miss Till was encouraged through the higher minds of legacy
She was guided by Heaven’s eyes
Pillar of Strength
All costs at every length
Emmett Till with smiles and joy
The train may have departed
The Sunrise and Sunset captures the paths taken
The world awakened
Emmett Till until
Spirit reigns
Emmett Till ranks
preservationman Oct 2022
Growing up, I had lots of friends
Joy in laughing, communicating and playing games
Happy times
But as time went on, friends moved away like a drifting tide
It was as if they were trying to hide
They began to not call
I was no longer hearing from all
Family began to treat me like a loss sheep
At least I had my self-respect in my soul to keep
Coldness began center around me
It was the feeling that so called friends and family were giving
I don’t pity myself
I am not like everybody else
My life has freshness and newness
Every day, I never know what to expect
But that is good thing
Prosperity always breathes within my soul
You might think I am ordinary
If you are uncertain, try using the dictionary
Reject can have negative effects
It’s nothing I did
If so, God forbid
My life is surrounded by goodness to which I associate
Bringing love and encouragement
I laugh through the pain
It doesn’t make me lame
I don’t complain
My heart is solid as a rock
I am treated cold by many
Friendship, if any
I have been deleted
Yet not defeated
Commitment is my document
I can’t look back, but move forward
I can’t pause, I must be onward
Life is short, and no time to sit and worry
Life is its own devoted story
It’s the reason I continue to achieve no matter what
My mind in thinking
My ability in composing
My voice in communicating
Pillar of Strength
Extends on all lengths
No stopping me now
Mission with a promise
Being honest
The Lord has taught me well
In case you haven’t noticed, the world can tell
Mind control, the people understand
No matter with friends or woes
I will live my whole life out
No explanations
Life control, I totally took whole
Figure out
preservationman Oct 2022
Thinking back
It’s hard too keep track
Time for me that almost wasn’t
Loss important people in my life
A wonder of how I got through
The plan was ready in perspective
Inspiration started
Guided by Heavenly voices
Echoes of encouragement from numerous choices
Mission to advance
Heaven granted me a chance
Tears are mounting
Being alive
Contributing still
God’s will
Praying that keeps me focused, and my feet on solid ground
Determination sound
Shout with praise
God’s amazed
Battles won
Living among
No pun
Pure joy in living fun
Each day to look upon
Tomorrow’s analysis
Tears of Joy
preservationman Oct 2022
Shar­ing Events
Times Spent
Time went
Memorable forever
preservationman Oct 2022
What would the applause be without inspiration?
What would entertainment be without creation?
The rush of excitement
The practice makes perfect phase
The mind forming wonders of ideas becoming amaze
Stamina and Energy
Determination in being the best
The smell of achievement
The effort of commitment
Essence being excellent
Impact unknowingly until the given try
Disappointments a learning experience
Keep the inspiration high
Trial and Error theory
What one puts in their own mystery
What you will find out being your own history
In time and the right moment
Echoes upon echoes of applause you worked so hard for
Establishment and connection complete
Conquering overflowing waters
Compromising through the differences
Climbing the highest mountain
Believing from within
Beating the odds
Applause from outward
It is just for you
Bow and show your appreciation
You are approved
preservationman Oct 2022
Multi-talent of Stage and TV
Ms. Lansbury lived to be 96
Longevity of life and spanning career
I remember Ms. Lansbury in ****** SHE WROTE that appeared on CBS-TV
When it came to solving mysterious murders, she was no joke
Clues were in Ms. Lansbury’s grasp
Broadway lights with Ms. Lansbury’s presence of amazement
Dazzle in every given line
Ms. Lansbury’s acting was genuine
The feeling with emotion along with the musical vibes
Thank you for sharing your joy in entertainment
The Teapot and Cups will miss the dynamic server, Ms. Angela Lansbury
No one could bring out the Teapot and Cups in Beauty and the Beast
She brought them to live
Her sheer talent of excellence
Ms. Lansbury marveled audiences all over the world with her technique of Beauty and the Beast scratches, which she was known for
When Ms. Lansbury bowed it was thunderous encores with approval of applaud
She got applaud from Heaven and was invited being her honor
You accomplished your own spectrum
Time smiled, and the world adored
You have inspired me of your multi-talent
You gave me joy for the theatrical arts
You showed me my own possibilities in what I could accomplish
In fact, I appeared in a Broadway show having a small role, but cheers from the audience and working with cast members
I hear your encouragement, “Follow through and Pursue”
Your establishment too me, “Be Determined and embrace in stage presence”
Once a Performer always a Performer
You achieved your Heavenly Angel wings
You soared into your journey into Heavenly greatness
Remembering you always in my heart and the world is as well
Your Marquee is ready, Angela Lansbury performed here
Your light will always shine
You did your best yet
Excellence is your spirit
Achievements your merit
Destiny, Dignity and Everlasting surrounds Angela Lansbury
preservationman Oct 2022
I Stand
My voice my Demand
Standing for all
It seems, you wonder my words
I deserve to be heard
I am exercising my rights
Prepared for a fight
Your opposition like a violet storm
I am not alarmed, but will continue to push on
Dr. Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers, Congressmen John Roberts and many others who educated me
It’s knowledge that stood out
My reason for moving about
Beyond the shadows and into the marvelous light
Not frightened and shaken
I speak extensions
A presenter of persuasions
Words greater than anyone could imagine
Several letters at one time
Truth is what I stand for
No hesitation
Marked because of my Race
Ran because of a Chase
Broken promises
Told numerous times, I nothing to offer
Prove you wrong
Destiny and Sincerity
My reality
Onward in forward
You say why do I live?
Why do I stand?
All Grace and Mercy from God
Motivation keeps me inspired
Race barriers make me sick and tired
I will not stop and expire
I will pull through
The battle in begun
Sustaining among
Never Ending fight
Through the Valley’s, Rivers and Mountains
Who I am
Proven with understanding
Remember my words
Ever After
preservationman Oct 2022
Mission of war
Deterioration saw
The thought of becoming a Casualty
Prayed hard in reality
Bombs and heavy ammunition that surrounded me
Ashes of destruction
Comrades either wounded or dead
I had to be strong in mind and heart
It seemed assurance was distance off
I was thinking will I survive?
There are many war stories to tell
Victory close sounding like a bell
I truly was alive
A Soldier never knows what to expect
War can have that effect
A Soldier can find themselves in all kinds of predicaments
Maneuvering in kinds of weather elements
But I can confer
Because of war, my mind can get a blur
This Soldier made it out
Numerous wounds making it hard to move about
War story never forgotten
Chosen being the example
Just that simple
Tomorrow that could have been wasn’t
Here today
A determined soldier in every way
Giving thanks
A soldier now and always
Sunrise and Sunset that will follow me throughout my days and nights
Everlasting wonder
The memory that goes far beyond yonder
I will always hear in my head “Onward”
Proud of you Solder
preservationman Oct 2022
Beyond the Soulful body
preservationman Oct 2022
Words you know my desire
I don’t feel the fire
Words you know
Please catch my flow
I just don’t have the go
I am stuck on pause
Writer’s block cause
Need to express
That’s confess
Alphabets say it best
Inspire me now
Embrace the how
Energize me like a rushing breeze
Let me be at ease
No pretend
Let’s begin
Let my mind transcend and take everything in
preservationman Oct 2022
A sense of purpose
Making life obvious
Living with a positive attitude
Don’t think conclude
Cool and smooth
Defeat may sound like delete
Have a table set of appreciate
A reason to live and think
You won’t find in written ink
Live and keep living
No Doubt
Your influence
Your life has already been planned to live out
No Doubt
preservationman Oct 2022
There once was a post
A positive comment being an uplifted boast
Words that didn’t satisfy
I didn’t respond in a try
There was something wrong with a Facebook fella
Negative jive
I survived
Moved on
I am at where I belong
Life is short
I did abort
Energy saved
I know how to behave
My life fulfilled
Feeling at ease
Give me a break please
Negativity is not who I am about
Problem person needs to work it out
Man in the mirror, make a change
Reflection out.
preservationman Oct 2022
Decisions after Decisions
Provisions like conditions
Promises. Not holding through
Hesitations warrant pursue
Dependency being questionable thoughts
Suggestions actually are excuses
Nothing more than refusing
Favors from extending into desperations
What becomes then after
Uncertainty with no possibilities
Rewarding coming from within
Establishments with fusions
Element being fact
That ends that
preservationman Oct 2022
The thought of Media Broadcast
History in communicating that made Media last
Radio that made you think
TV somehow made you wink
A time when NBC Peacock made you appreciate
Stories that had an associate
Now back to our sponsor
Shows that made you laugh
Drama that made you cry
Yet kept you awake
We seemed too loss one viewer, I hear snoozing
Wake Now Wake
Goodness Sake
The Radio tube being a time the Shadow only knew
There were clues that made you want to pursue
Who knew?
Remember I love Lucy
The famous line, “I got a plan”
Plan or revenge with I want to be in show biz
Fizz Fizz, what a time it is
Comedy with a reason to laugh
TV Thrillers saying you were warned and I told you so
Don’t sleep tonight
You are all so full of fright
Don’t dare turn on the lights
Things began to happen unexpecting when a person became a sudden victim with ****** and blood
Who could forget the Radio Show of Orson Wells
The idea of Invaders from outer space to Earth
True drama with an audience spell
Taking it all in for what it was worth
There you have Radio and TV then
Today, you will find a new blend
No pretend
Pure realities that transcend
Rolling, Complete and Cut
The end
preservationman Sep 2022
The beauty of expression
Transformation of words from one body
Steady as it goes
Descending and surfacing
Into the unknown
Understanding buried treasures of words deep
Precious and elite
Beyond imaginations
History for appreciation
Letters into words
Echoing voices waiting to be heard
Deeper and Deeper into thought of the open mind
The depths of learning
The thirst rewarding
The smell of the sea using words fulfilling
Aqua City where words originated
Individual hearts where words once got their start
Never a depart
Cruising the mind about
Destination arriving at determination
Water Color Finish
Words spread out for miles
Aqua Style
Writing even now
preservationman Sep 2022
Dear Faithful:
You are never alone
My spirit in your heart should be full blown
Life will always have pitfalls
Always pray and don’t stall
Truth is everlasting
My words always inspiring
Yet with an encouraging voice
Blessings turn into shall
What doesn’t is no understanding
Take a moment to reflect and see your best life now
You had a time back then you didn’t know which way to turn
Left or Right
But I got you through your plights
Radiant light
Shines Bright
Be encouraged
Continue doing your best
You never know, it could be a test
Don’t accept anything for less
Faith is what will always be
Living and learning is what you will see
Picture yourself cruising on a smooth sea
Your horizon a waits
Distance your heart being parallel to your eyes
Meet your sunrise of daily living
Let your sunset be wisdom gained
Embrace on
Pray as you move along
Enriched and certain
Weather the storms
But don’t be alarmed
Victory is your story
Sincerely, Glory
preservationman Sep 2022
What are your expectations for me Lord?
I am poor and have nothing to offer
Be still and listen
You have a heart of Gold
I am the Lord, just take hold
I will show you wonders beyond the world and your imaginations
Journey with me as your tomorrow unfolds
You have discerning virtues
Your thoughts will surpass the world’s comprehension
You will have greater understanding
Follow my guidance and listen to my spoke words
Tell the people of the world
“Time is accelerating far greater than man can keep up, but the bells are sounding, and the clouds gather like a meeting that is urgent. Redemption is at hand”
The world that refuses to understand
It takes obedient to just listen and wait
I feel I am not worthy of such a task
I am the Lord who will bring It to pass
The world will listen and your voice will confer
This is the day, and tomorrow a new beginning
Enrich, Sustain and embrace
I am the creator
You are the fulfiller
Walk in courageous
All it takes is being righteous
The day is only the moment of what is the come
You will never be alone as I am embodied throughout your soul
You walk within behold
You will have a story of your own told
The mountains are your foundation
Strength in sturdy
My words that are hardy
Be ever faithful
The Lord has spoken
Branch out and encourage
You are ready
preservationman Sep 2022
The thought of understanding
Knowing life is about sustaining
Love is and will always be
The Moon smiles with a clear sky shine
It turns into life being genuine
Enchanted but true
A woman approaches and stands in front of me
Captured my heart
I cry for joy
Romance to cherish and enjoy
We are a couple among the stars
We are in our own universe
Embarking in romance best
My assurance attracted you to my heart influence
You are my Cinderella and I am your Prince
Royal in our own right
We laugh and smile with pure delight
Pure and simple
Enchanted being magnetized
We move through the woods, we are the goodness, and there are echoes of applause
We found each other
Our love is crystal clear being our own reflection in the kiss
No end, but enduring
Our hearts have given us direction
Total affection
The kiss like a script dialog
Love until
Moment of truth
Sealed and approved
I got it right
preservationman Sep 2022
Surprises with realizing
Moments of emphasizing
Plastic lined questionable
Words that are never digestible
Evil that wants to stir up
Mannerisms that could fill a cup
Personality ways
Move astray
Breakable, but can be fixed
Obvious with careful observation
What’s the conversation?
Body Movements
The Heart and Mouth
Deadly tongue poison expelling
Dare to say
A trap to step that way
Reaction before thinking
What were you expecting?
What will you accept?
Plastic that can always pull you in
What will your reaction be then?
People show their character
The image of who they are
Know the true pursue in what plastic does
Don’t cave in
preservationman Sep 2022
Angry skies
Raging seas
Uncertain with no at ease
Turbulences within the moment
Careful maneuvering
Attempting to avoid ship wrack
Tense nerve sessions having effect
Courage trying to mount
Distance of the horizon in count
Winds blew
Heavy rains fall
Echoes of the winds being their call
Unforeseen arrives
Storm ceases
Clouds start to separate
The moon immediately appears
Winds die down
Rain completely stops
The ship still floats
Determination with desire to live
Many storms will follow throughout life
You will never be alone
You won’t drown
You will always be a survivor
preservationman Sep 2022
September 11, 2001 is a reminder for me because I was supposed to work for Marsh & McLennan, Inc. on the 96th Floor in World Trade Center Tower One, but the company never called me. I am blessed that I wasn’t called. My name could have been written in the memorial. Yet, I feel sorrow for all those that did lose their lives and the families left behind without their love ones. I loss some friends in 9/11. God is good as I am covered under his Mercy and Grace.

The hour and that precise minute
Precision at every turn
Shows how the world can turn upside down
Lives that were never found
Devastation and ash having the final sound
We honor the loss being their story, and now they are in glory
It also states never take life for granted
We don’t know what will take place in our lives
Today and Tomorrow is not promised to any of us
Life is precious and time continues to revolve
But are keeping in touch with living love ones on a Daily basis?
Having that I don’t care is not the right vibe to keep
God’s sake
The Almighty being the key
Being the amaze who deserves all the praise
You are still living, and lift those hands in God’s Grace and Mercy
Still among
Today is the day to say Thank You
Today being your reminder to remember
Today is your daily to always pray
Relish the air and seeing the skies as if for the first time
Take a moment to just recognize
Goodness comes from Heaven to your heart
The Holy One makes the determination from the start
Live and keep living
You had been given the spiritual lift
Don’t go astray being a drift
Living with every breathing second is considered being Heaven’s gift
preservationman Sep 2022
I am now the Heaven Anchor
Spiritual and true
My assignment is a new pursue
My words are now praise
My heart is full of amaze
I am beyond the clouds and Cameras
CNN and CBS were my Earthly past
My years did last
Remember how I brought you news
Stories that made you wonder and be enthused
I travelled the world
Captured stories that had effect
My final destination being Heaven
I caught God’s attention
I am now his representation
God simply said, “I have Heaven News for you to spread”
Rise and follow me from your bed
You are among the many chosen
No cameras, but my light of glory
This is the Bernard Shaw story
Spotlight on what he achieved on Earth
Enriched into a new horizon
Eyes always on Bernard Shaw
Virtues with lessons learned
Be watchful and pray full
I am where hope always is
Don’t mourn, but wake up always to an inspired morn
Spirit and Soul always comforted
My tomorrow came on schedule
I went to new heights
Soared among the many eagles and birds
I heard whispers from the Lord
At peace
Free from Earth
Bernard Shaw
Conquered and saw
May Heaven be with you always
Until the time is right, we will meet again
No time for cries and goodbye
I am in heaven, but don’t cry
preservationman Sep 2022
Grandma, I remember your departure
Visualizing your stature
It is like it was yesterday
You went to your Heavenly home
Everlasting where you will always roam
You reminded time after time, I am never alone
You often stated, “Let your praises be full blown”
Your sincere voice spoke, “I wish I could take you with me”
But it wasn’t my time
You will be waiting at every bus terminal, Airport and train station anticipating my arrival
You told me to always pray
Everlasting is the gate way
Don’t ever grieve
I am at peace and relieved
I am with the Holy King
But I left you with one thing
Wisdom relishing throughout your life
When situations come always remember my golden advice
A world that won’t be nice
Life itself is not sugar and spice
Goodness comes from God’s advice
Heaven knows
It goes to show
The skies capture the flow
Soulful experience
Treasure my love
So Grandma, I will never forget
I hold no regret
Your impact in me has a positive effect
I miss you so
Praise now and soon I will be lifted up
Your Grandson says, “Thank you for your love”
You are always who I think of
preservationman Sep 2022
I saw my distance
It was my miles in journeys
Blisters on feet like sores
My struggles provided understanding
They prepared me in what to expect
My tears previously flowed like water falls
The thought of my fellow Slaves who died
But I stayed focused in knowing what God who provide
No matter how hot the sun became
Freedom was going to be my aim
The thought never entered my mind that I may not make it
I knew it was going to be a battle, and I couldn’t change the world’s thinking
My inspiration had to continue being sustaining
Deep in my heart, I couldn’t let the world change my spirit
I had to be determined
Blockades were everywhere
Echoes of preserver within
Escaping through rivers was my only chance
My freedom was how I would advance
Yet a voice from Heaven saying, “Push On”
Your freedom will come
It was assurance
It took all of my endurance
Teach your people God’s guidance
I gave you wisdom
Understanding directly from the kingdom
You are free
No longer anyone’s slave
Freedom ways has started
Go and be free
The Sun will guide you to your next journey
Free at last
preservationman Aug 2022
How can I pay you?
You always come through
When struggles arise
You arrive on time with your surprise
When a circumstance becomes a problem
It is always solved
I don’t use my understanding because you are involved
You keep your promise
Your words are true in honest
Your presence is obvious
You are better to me then I am to myself
I am your creation
Your guidance is understanding always giving me information
Your goodness is beyond great
It reigns supreme
You made me whole and spiritually clean
Never late
My praise has no hesitate
Energized and wise
I had to emphasize
You are my enterprise
Every day you teach
My soul became your reach
Lord of Lords
King of Kings
Skies on high
Voice of compassion from Thy
Today and always
Thank you coming your way.
preservationman Aug 2022
Open seas
Relaxing while feeling at ease
Remembrance in focus of the Old Highway One
Journeying while seeing Flying Fish to look upon
Two bodies of waters, Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico
Salt and Fresh water not mixing together
Difference then the other
4 Hours stretch from Miami
“For Whom the Bells Toll”, a novel by Ernest Hemingway being a Long Time Resident and Author
Eyes of adventure
Feeling welcomed as you enter
Fun and galore
Sun and the shore
Lots to see in Key West to explore
Enjoy and tell others
Come back and always keep Key West in mind
You will find the people warm and kind
The Key being Tourist are our number one
Then West being the best for tourist enriching in their own Key West test
We are only Oceans and driving away
Make Key West your getaway
Perhaps even your hide away
Castaway Mates
preservationman Aug 2022
A place where Poets find themselves
Know who they are
Life words that surround
Echoes of voices having sounds
Emotions within
The mind sets the stage
Encouragement forming amaze
Poets are also writers
Possibilities with expectations
Distance always close
Dreams are once in a while
Poets are every day
Having time with no schedule
Readers see Poets in a module
Poets can be unpredictable
But they are always able
They see value in more detail
Write without fail
Words always ready to set sail
The P in Poet serving their purpose
The end T to transcend
The Poet always has a begin that never ends
Inspired because they can
Poet Park is their place
Word trace
Words straight to the reader’s face
Discern is received
Poet’s control
Poet’s shout
That is what writing is all about
Their place in time
Their heart always being genuine
preservationman Aug 2022
Reservations taken every day
Believe in every way
Heaven could transcend on you unexpectedly
It will take place immediately
Are you prepared?
Up or down?
Where is your destination bound?
Reservations are set
It just needs your decision being the effect
Only you being sincere in direct
Hotel Heaven or Hotel Furnace
Just that simple
No Computer, Internet nor IPhone is needed
You have a choice of Beauty and Quality
Or facing the Devil’s tormenting reality
You must be certain
You might be hidden behind a darkened curtain
Hotel Heaven, you are always welcomed
A place fruitful and home some
Reservations are being taken daily
Don’t take the invitation likely
Your room is reserved
Let it be Heaven in what you deserve
A thought to think
Reservation Thine
preservationman Aug 2022
Said and read over and over again
Biblical states then
In the present, it became can
The Ten Commandment were created being a creed
It is how we are supposed to live in proceed
The world has failed under grace
Biblical is the trace
It didn’t say let every man have a man
Nor did it say let every woman have a woman
Failure on all counts
On high from the mount
Men and Women were created in what all human was supposed to have
The world makes excuses to satisfy what they believe
In other words, leading to their own understanding
The Biblical Constitutional document being the Almighty demand
We are at Heaven’s command
Our image being of the Heavenly Father
We **** at will
But pause and be still
Who gives anyone that right?
The world is in a plight
Darkness with no light
Seems to understand, but can’t sustain
The mind is closed with a stain
What is happening will remain
Change means transform
That is the norm
The world continues to fail
Moving in time like a snail
No wonder and without bail
preservationman Aug 2022
No whisper nor echoes
Only silence being a reflection
Your session
Perhaps a confession
Your soul expelled
But the spirit disappeared
Thoughts went yonder
The heart only wonders
Living voice was full of words and discussions
At times being emotions
Wave after wave being like oceans
You heard once, but no more now
Honor with remember
Voices wanted you to hear
The voices vanished
You didn’t want to listen because of your pride
Silenced your heart
Hardened like a rock
Dependability moved on
Now you are stuck in your code of silence
Wasn’t obedient
No ingredient
Voiceless and useless
You thought of the souls before
Feeling the sore
Code of silence for sure
You can no longer ignore
Code of Silence settling the score.
Aug 2022 · 609
preservationman Aug 2022
One who doesn’t pretend
Yet one who will defend
A Patriot is a true friend
It goes beyond the military
It’s pure elementary
The Patriot is someone loyal
One that doesn’t act royal
Supporting one’s well being
When one thinks of a Patriot, they usually associate with a battle war
Patriots are a down to Earth person
Golden in heart
Superior in spirit
The Patriot earns that merit
preservationman Aug 2022
Beauty and looks
Captivated pictures around the Palace of her took
Princess Amber looks to be adored
In fact, all the Villages applaud
The Palace of royalty
A Princess who shares her generosity
She moves with pause
Princess Amber who is modest and Solace
Her gowns are crafted in fashion designs
It matches her personality being intelligent, elegant and kind
Sequence extending from your head to her toes
Dazzle with sparkle
Princess Amber every move an attention getter
Many men want to be her Prince
They try to convince
Enchanted by her charm and wit
Her body is just it
Princess Amber wants a guy who is fit
Well received throughout the community
She inspires unity
As she boards her horse drawn carriage, Princess Amber is marveled as she rides by
A women of wealth
Exercises and is always concerned about her health
Princess Amber is not like any other Princess who came before her
Her name should really be called galore
Her fashion comes from Christian Dior.
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