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Will and how
Theories now
Focus on when
Guidance through words
Tolerance and utterance voice
Introduction to Conclusion
Journeying through the open mind
The Audience
Book Talk thought
Words seen through the inspiring eyes
Emotions during the assembly
Intervention phase
The when, how and shall
Wisdom mount
Unknown sentences through the horizon of their own
Assurance in knowing
Bulls eye target
Thrown through catch
Past into present
Poet in represent
Circles and squares
Caution in beware
Time set
The effect
Poet test
Walk in Faith
Every Length
Every Kneel
The Connecting Talk
God’s Glory
The Testimony
The Look up
Overcoming Despair
Lord’s Care
Situation Moment
Circumstance Vibe
Heaven’s Shrive
The Provide
Head Up in Knowing
Blessing Showing
The journey back
The trail
An Author of books
From Miami to Key West
The whom being I
4 hour venture to tour Ernest Hemingway’s house in Key West, Florida
Through his writings encouraged me to write
Extending my own words into theory
Mr. Hemingway being the vision of what words can be, and illustrating thoughts
The whom being can
The glance and grasp
I did a critical analysis of my College English 101 Professor’s Assigned I chose “FOR WHOM THE BELLS TOLL”
I got an A for my analysis of the book
Ernest Hemingway was an impact
His words bringing fact
His accomplishments are hard to keep track
Ernest Hemingway write up
Analysis complete.
If I was an Ocean
Tour my calm waves and feel the balmy breezes
Become at ease
Far and wide would be my waters
Water of reflections and see through bottoms
Breathless Visions would be what my ocean would be called
The welcome of all boaters and Surfers
Happiness throughout
Light houses alert during the uncertain eventful storms
Horizons as far as the eyes could reach
Education through my seas
Once again capture the breezes
Photographic moment
The Night stars and Moon crystalize my waters
Pure cool fresh ocean
Sea to shining sea
Everything added what an ocean should be
Embrace and let it be joy
Through my oceans, and buoys along my oceans
Sea life of splendid
Swim and observe as you enter
The aroma of my fresh water
Shear Delight
Just don’t swim at night
No lifeguard will be in sight
Peaceful mind and soul
Clear thoughts
I am the ocean
Anchors away
Destination Bound
Road miles
Observing scenery while
Onward and forward
Cross Country
State to State
City to City
Town to Town
Up the mighty hills
Across iconic bridges over rivers
People waves through America
Rest Stops along the way
Time limit
Journey through the night
Darkness in plain sight
Driver headlight flashes to other buses
View of the Moon and stars
Travelling far
Hound Bus beats traveling by car
Journey continuation
Travel opportunity appreciation
Seeing America’s creation
Routes into another
Back roads into super highways
The Hound Bus being anybody’s getaway
Hound bus explore
Travel for sure
Arriving here and departing there
Hound bus travel instance
Travel unstoppable.
Several voices
From the seas to the mountains
Valleys to the shores
Liberty and Freedom
Forefathers before us in their wisdom
The Constitution
“We The People”
Standing on principles on solid ground
America’s Legislative bible
Value of our rights in continuation
The tone and setting
The White House honoring
The Senate Uphold
Again, We the people
Granted and expelled
Our Rights
We are the component of government
Angled words being heard
Power in multitude
Never a conclude
Having prove
Left and Right
Govern Principle
Lifting every voice
Exercising strength
Utterance no longer tolerance
Strong in endurance
We and Up to the people
One Nation under God
We the People
America’s rise
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