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preservationman Dec 2023







preservationman Dec 2023
On the first day of Christmas
The Lord gave me a gift being a blessing to write

On the second day still inspired that went into the night

On the third day, I didn’t take the gift light

On the fourth day, continued to write with no plight

On the fifth day, joy all the way

On the sixth day, we had a snowstorm, and got out my sleigh

On the seventh day, fun being travel in a getaway

On the eighth day, thankful in every way

On the nineth day, rest and sleep

On the tenth day, dreaming of sheep

On the eleventh day, surrounded by family and friends

On the twelve day, the holiday slowly wined down, and came to an end
preservationman Dec 2023
Celebrate a Holy Birth
Around the world on Earth
The Joy of family and friends
A Holiday not wanting to end
Holiday Season voices
The season of joy
Smiles and laughter
Remembrance ever after
The smell of sugar and spice
The combination sounding nice
The raise of glasses in cheers
Good tidings in continued preserver
Holiday blowing winds
The spread of goodness
Journey far
True meaning of what Christmas is about
Stars shine
A night being the most
Something to boost
Sing along
Oh Night shinning bright
Guide me to delight
Let my wonders extend
Hope at the center
Let the warmth of the season enter
A holiday season to see
Happy Holidays coming from me.
preservationman Dec 2023
No feed
I cry
No compassion
I starve
No love
I am homeless
I grow weak
Darkness in my eyes
My body can sometimes be motionless
I get Dizzy
Drinking water is fizzy
***** and not pure
The world seems to spin in my head
Passerby’s just walk by and ignore
It’s like I am not there
I am homeless, but have dreams
I just imagine, I am off the streets and living in a house
Not sharing the streets with anyone not even a mouse
Hunger sounding loud
Stomach pains daily roar

Not easy to smile when your homeless and hungry
My tomorrows are always stuck on today of every moment
Never a pause, but always with a cause
No one knows the struggles until one feels it in reality
I feel sick at times, but no medical care to remedy
I could die on the streets
Tormented full of bitterness
Words of evil form within my tongue
My shouts to the world in feed me, but stays on starve
Rain falls feeling like a cleanse

When it is cold, the Sun brings the warmth
Never know where my tomorrow will become
Lonely on the streets
Nowhere to turn
Eating garbage of food thrown away by people and restaurants
It becomes competition between me and stray animals
Homeless becomes a reality check being survival
Hunger mounts heavy
Holding steady
All I can do is dream as that is all I have
Maybe one day I won’t be homeless and have a hearty meal
Who am I fooling?
Homeless until
Now it is just another day being welcomed on the pavement of life
Hunger always on my mind
Homeless nothing
Embracing in my own thoughts
Pavement alone to nowhere.
preservationman Dec 2023
When I Die
Don’t cry
View me at my Funeral with appreciation
My beauty of creation
Remember how I lived a good life
My encouragement of advice
Close to the Heavenly Father
Like no other
Embrace in how I made you smile
During your hard times while
My heart I gave
At peace in my grave
Some people never gave me a time of day
Too those, I stayed astray
My life is now complete
No more surrounded with the world deceit
Never gave into defeat
Always held my head high
The reason being guided by Thy
Proud of how my life turned out
Daily as I moved about
In a positive way
Every day
Some people just don’t care
Fair is written in the air
Fulfillment made
Out of the shade into forgiveness
Heaven is my witness
Determined will
Acceleration from still
My Soul at rest
Only I can contest
Goodbye won’t be said
Until we meet again instead.
preservationman Dec 2023








preservationman Dec 2023
My realization of Miracle on 34th Street that came to life
My years working for Macy’s Corporate at the Flagship Herald Square Tower
It was the Macy’s and Gimbel’s competitive era
The miracle started with Macy’s was planning a big advertising campaign
The story begins with a Macy’s Buyer and Gimbel’s Buyer having lunch
Both Buyers asked the same question of what was happening at both companies
Macy’s and Gimbel’s were foes
Being both dominance on Herald Square back then, and Macy’s still is
They always had to outdo the other
As it turned out, the Macy’s Buyer told the Gimbel’s Buyer exactly what was happening at Macy’s
So how, Gimbels heard about the advertising campaign that Macy’s was going to illustrate
For Gimbels that was an appreciate
Strategy beat to the punch
Gimbel’s presented Macy’s advertising campaign making it there’s
This made Mr. Edward Finkelstein, Macy’s former CEO President frustrated
Mr. Finkelstein had another theory with another idea
Counter attack being that Mr. Finkelstein had someone spy on Gimbel’s to see what they were planning
Ready, aim and observe

Gimbel’s had their plan so sophisticated and complex that Macy’s own couldn’t figure out, but presented only a portion the best they could
The Gimbel’s plan didn’t come out the way Macy’s encountered
Macy’s loss on that score
Later that morning at precisely 10:00 am, Mr. Finkelstein had email sent to everyone at Macy’s that we are not to discuss any Macy’s business with Gimbel’s
Miracle defeat in devastation of disappointment
Nonetheless, miracle seen through both companies of Macy’s and Gimbel’s
My yesteryear back
I worked in Mr. Edward Finkelstein’s Executive Office at one time assisting Veronica, Mr. Finkelstein’s Secretary in various Typing projects
I took a Typing test at Macy’s and tested at 95 words per minute with only made on error
Because of that, I was asked from time to time to assist in his office
M. Edward Finkelstein is deceased
Miracle through being competitive
My history in exploring
My story
Miracles have it for all to remember
They can happen anywhere
Miracle on 34th Street
Upbeat and neat
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