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Sometimes I cannot keep part of me
from asking the stars
where comfort can be found
without weaving the desperation
I feel under my skin
into a rope
that wraps around my tears of sadness.
I am left watching hours
take in the days
and never quite understanding how laughter
can tell someone to call out to the sky
then break and run
on the legs
of sheer madness.

My skies shouldn't tell me to get lost
inside of all I know
when I long to create an ocean of language
we both can plainly speak
without ever feeling any pressure.  
When tomorrow rings in the beginning
of what lies under all that I know to be
held in a distant place,
draped in shimmering hope ,
shall I watch you
write your name on my skin
while I cry out in pleasure?

I never asked for you to bring me a garden full of lies
where one has to work
in the shadows of forgetfulness
inside of a life with a smile that fades
as I regain my sanity.
The truth can be grown in silence
then burn brightly
as part of nothing and still lie beyond
that which soothes our hands
when they tremble
because we can smell the crow
we have to eat so humbly.

Listen to the lines you missed
when you stepped
into the shoes of a man
who no longer relied
on all of his senses
when you began your journey of echoes
where stars once danced.
Do you remember empty promises
as they run through the days
even though you sing?  
Take a chance and lose your mind
when you find there is no way out,
as you rush to remind your tears,
of how they sting.
Copyright ©2012 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
 Aug 2012 Preech
TD Rucker
The lines have become blurred
between lawlessness and legal
Shot in mid-air, the American Eagle
the symbol of our freedom dismantled
Big Brother can't handle
the fury of Liberty within the mind
of the time
of those that rise
Neighborhoods are war zones
each house a prison, overhead are drones
So Uncle Sam can listen.
We give up our rights
for our house and lights
Forgetting those who fight the good fight.
Patiently we wait
at the government gate
with a rumbling stomach and an empty plate.
Our words are weapons
that are kept in line
with threats of a fine or prison time
Road blocks or baracades, they're both the same
So government control
can remain.
Shooting an American seems routine
and daily life,
a twisted dream.
War is on our doorstep, just outside
from Big Brother there is
nowhere to hide.
 Aug 2012 Preech
Taylor Marotto
promises shatter like
broken glass on a hard floor.
i can't breathe.
my stomach is churning.
i'm sweating -- you should be.
torn down is all that we've built,
and i'm feeling it.
i'm feeling myself wilt.
 Aug 2012 Preech
Taylor Marotto
I can't help but doubt you or
Your loyalty
My heart clutched by fear
Insecurely, I worry
that I'm not enough.
Insincerely, you assure me,
No need to think so much
My mind is on fire
The Pressure
is creeping.
Slowly but surely
gripping my throat
It has left me breathless
and blue.
 Aug 2012 Preech
Taylor Marotto
You're twiddling your thumbs,
Tugging on your shirt.
I see you break
Into a cold sweat.
Watch your knees shake,
I know you're nervous.
And you radiate unsure
But you just breathe,
Until the twitching stops.
Calm down a little,
Say what you planned.
Four most dangerous words
In the English language,
We need to talk.
**My turn to worry.
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