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Dec 2024 · 35
3 ounces of runny puke
OF A LIFETIME! FOR SALE! I have dozens of photographs of
****** Tom Cruise including up-close ones of his left knee,
a peek at his lower ******* from Zena Beach and, for
hard-core collectors only, 3 ounces of runny puke
(cottage cheese covered in natural
muco-pus) from a movie set.
Dec 2024 · 43
Near the bedroom door of a local ***** Toby heard "Top me off! Top me off!" so he assumed coffee was being served in there but there was more than the "topping off" of coffee cups, there was illegal ******* going on, so he instinctively called a priest who was nearby at the time. "There's whorish activity going on behind that door!" He pointed at the door of the *****. The priest smiled, revealing shiny teeth that were so divine that the average nun would mistake them for the teeth of her husband who is Jesus because all nuns are married to Jesus for some religious reason.
Dec 2024 · 24
VENEZUELAN CHICKS (which is still pretty
****) - Conchita's Colombian jeans were
so tight that they could only hold
one Colombian beauty queen
in them at a time.
Dec 2024 · 48
Trump's upcoming term:
Dec 2024 · 82
Lesbian Celebration
The Lesbian Toe-Feeler...It's been a normal day. Thanks for letting me feel your lesbianism. You felt my toe, my fourth toe. I know, but I could see how it sparked your lesbian curiosity. No it didn't. Shall I touch your other toes? Okay. The Active Lesbian...Are you an active lesbian? Yes, I belong to 28 lesbian organizations. So do I. Then you're a lesbian like me? No, I'm not a lesbian. You're not a lesbian? I'm not. Then why are you a member of 28 lesbian organizations? I don't know. What kind of coffee is this? It's Cool Lesbian Roast. I blended it myself. It's great. It's got a cool, lesbian-roasted quality to it. Thanks, I appreciate the compliment even though I'm not a lesbian. Well neither am I! Would you like another cup? I sure would! This is the greatest lesbian-blended coffee I've ever had and I ought to know, let me tell you! Hey, wait a minute! You said that you're not a lesbian! I'm not.
Dec 2024 · 67
Here's the synopsis: VIRILE MAN IMPREGNATES 100-YEAR-OLD WOMAN - baby born in record time - becomes president of Albania - wages war against Greece - adopts monkey - names him Carl - assassinated by dark-eyed Gypsy maiden - THE END
There's a process, a therapeutic one, that turns mentally-*******
people into Walmart cashiers, yet nobody is willing to try. Meet
Tony, a mentally-*******, abortion-loving democrat. He loves
abortion and he loves it a lot. It's his whole life. Women aren't
the only mothers in the world. Pregnant men and their
cousins know what's right, especially
with regards to pregnancy.
HOW TO STOP A GAY GYM TEACHER - Hey! I said NO! Are you deaf and gay or just deaf?! HOW TO STOP YOUR GAY GYM TEACHER FROM BEING GAY - Just cut it out! I'm here for physical activity that does not include ******* with a gay gym teacher! HOW TO CONVINCE A GAY GYM TEACHER THAT YOU WANT TO BE MORE THAN FRIENDS - Hey, gay boy! Over here, behind the other gay gym teacher! HOW TO SUE A GAY GYM TEACHER TO RAKE IN THE BIG BUCKS - Look out! There's a lawyer in the parking lot and he's 500 billion times more gay than my gay gym teacher! Do you like restaurant equipment? I have several crude sketches that I made of restaurant equipment yesterday. If you want to purchase them, they're fifty dollars each. I also sketched a gay gym teacher.
Dec 2024 · 48
Ball-twisting fun can be yours for 23%-off or no money down. Just pay 45 easy payments of $57 per week for 72 weeks or $99 per day for 3 years and you'll be sitting pretty in the most comfortable chair ever made! Built by dangerous Pygmy cannibals on an island somewhere, this chair features a built-in meat grinder and sinew stripper! You'll be eating people raw in no time with no questions asked, so hurry now or go to bed alone with an ex-lesbian with short fingers.
The day began with a horrific explosion at the ******* toy factory, killing dozens of ******* toy workers. Later, after the dead body pile was 100 feet high, Jesus returned to Earth like the Bible promises. "What's going on here?" He asked in Italian (for some reason). "Well," a local ******* toy user began to explain in Romanian (which is pretty close to Italian only prettier), "as you can see Mister Jesus, large numbers of homosexuals were killed from an explosion." Jesus smiled, showing off a full set of perfect teeth: "I will resurrect all of the dead ******* toy workers right now and return the factory to how it was before the explosion." The local ******* toy user was elated. "Thank you Mister Jesus," he said sincerely in a tone of voice that would touch the hearts of millions of people watching on T.V. till they died.
Dec 2024 · 53
You are so wonderful that I can't believe it. Your eyes are like huge ***** on a dinosaur glistening in the sun on a beach far away 3 days after Kwanzaa. Your nose reflects the glow of the moon like a garden tool manufacturer eating onions with his gay lover in Pittsburgh on the fourth of July. Your smile lights up the men's room as if your teeth and lips were made of large piles of cow manure evenly spread over the roof of a new Toyota Corolla.
Now what? Go out into the world and do womanly things. Like
what? Have your **** and ******* checked for cancer. Why?
Because you have to if you want to be a woman.
(I mean fresh) tantalized young Héctor Sánchez from Norway a lot.
1 Wednesday, as Donna was stuffing a turkey with her bare hands,
Hector walked in. Donna offered to do the same thing to him, but
he was too scared and ran back to Sweden (I mean Norway).
John sold micro-toilets for people with miniature bowels and urinary bladders. 1 day as 3 customers were taking test-****** & *****, Joe Biden hobbled into the shop with a bewildered look on his face. "What do you want?" John asked poignantly. Biden just blanky stared at him like he was totally senile.
DONNA'S EX-LESBIAN TIRE-CHANGING TOOL made Tommy squirm like a ****** in a blast furnace. "Holy Jesus!" Tommy exclaimed as the ex-lesbian part of the tire-changing tool made him squirm like a ****** in a blast furnace. Oh yeah, I already said that.

Dec 2024 · 48
could not be brought back to life, no matter what. "I'll do C.P.R. on him," Johnny, Donna's ex-lesbian lover's neighbor offered. "No, Johnny, but thanks," Donna replied somberly. "Anyway, I've got an appointment to have ex-lesbian *** for six dollars per hour. I wanted seven. But what can I do? I have a yacht payment."
Dec 2024 · 51
and she could be thrown off steep hillsides and be A-okay. 1 day her lover, a notorious ex-lesbian named Charlotte, tried to force her into ex-lesbian *** for five dollars per hour. "Pay me seven bucks per hour or go to hell!" Donna yelled from her huge yacht that she took costly vacations on in France.
Dec 2024 · 38
has more caps than I do and yet he knows how to avoid
tooth decay. Never "twist off" a tumor no matter
how much fun it might be. Treat tumors
like warts, with warty respect. I don't
know the adjective for tumor.
Dec 2024 · 70
I was hopelessly in love with you and tried everything to get your attention from having my legs shortened to having my arms lengthened and nothing worked. Now that I'm seven years older I will try one more thing. Tomorrow I'm having my ear lobes sewn to my lips. If this doesn't get your attention I'll return to Detroit to shack-up with a large gang of violent ex-lesbians.
I feel more compact than a toy whistle wrapped in toilet paper on
the end of a cane pole when I'm in your Egyptian tunnel. I reckon
(or guess) that's what eternal love is temporarily all about.
You can't eat spaghetti without a tongue.
O woe are we. May the hairy mayonnaise of strangers spice up our
fur-burgers. We were a couple in love, a couple of saints. Our
saintly ways of helping those more unfortunate than nobody
else on God's Earthen plane made us stronger (that and
not bathing). The day had come to make a break
from those who hated us (our creditors). I gathered
up an armload of reeking clothes and hit the road
to meet my destiny (and a laundromat).
Dec 2024 · 35
Pentacel is a vaccine indicated for active immunization against
diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, 𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗺𝘆𝗲𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘀 and invasive disease due
to Haemophilus influenzae type b. Pentacel is approved for use as
a four dose series in children 6 weeks through 4 years of age (prior
to 5th birthday).

The following adverse events were included based on one or more of the following
factors: severity, frequency of reporting, or strength of evidence for a causal relationship
to Pentacel.
• Cardiac disorders
• Gastrointestinal disorders
Vomiting, diarrhea
• General disorders and administration site conditions
Injection site reactions (including inflammation, mass, abscess and sterile
abscess), extensive swelling of the injected limb (including swelling that involved
adjacent joints), vaccination failure/therapeutic response decreased (invasive
H. influenzae type b disease)
• Immune system disorders
Anaphylaxis/anaphylactic reaction, hypersensitivity (such as rash and urticaria)
• Infections and infestations
Meningitis, rhinitis, viral infection
• Metabolism and nutrition disorder

• If Guillain-Barré syndrome occurred within 6 weeks of receipt of a
prior vaccine containing tetanus toxoid, the risk for Guillain-Barré
syndrome may be increased following Pentacel.
Her name in Sarah is Spanish and she grandmother with her
liver in a house of bigness. I sawed her in pieces two times
after her fell off foot cracked. I brother her because of gay
***. Thanks for your ***. It was big for a waitress.
Dec 2024 · 52
United States Congress
According to the Associated Press, Dr. Jonas Salk co-authored a clinical trial that "injected experimental flu vaccine in male patients at a state insane asylum in Ypsilanti, Mich., then exposed them to flu several months later." The victims of this medical experiment were described as "senile and debilitated," meaning that obtaining their rational consent to participate in such experiments would have been impossible. And that means Dr. Jonas Salk -- one of the most highly-worshiped figures throughout modern medicine -- was conducting this trial in violation of medical ethics and in violation of the law.

WEB: Drug companies and regulators have long known about the harmful effects of the oral polio vaccine that includes the live virus. In 1976, vaccine inventor Jonas Salk admitted to the United States Congress that the live polio vaccine was the “principal if not sole cause” of all reported polio cases in the U.S. since 1961, according to Salem News.

"The vaccines have a tendency to trigger antibody-dependent enhancement. The vaccine actually enhances the virus’ ability to enter and infect your cells, resulting in more severe disease than had you not been vaccinated." ~ Dr. Joseph Mercola
You beat me with the shovels that I couldn't sell in your
hardware store. You told me that you loved me and that
you would give me another chance. Oh no! Another
customer just backed out of a shovel-sale!!!
Dec 2024 · 40
wafting to 1 side
I thought a lot on toys I got, what I paid for but never bought. I saw
you at a world's fair like everyone who was there from everywhere,
watching children disappear, combin' ***** curls into straight hair.
All hand grenades waft to 1 side on the grenade-lobbing slide when
a good woman tries & her grip slips & her lips trip & Jesus returns.
was so **** that the ghost of Ed Asner tried to make a baby
with her 3 years ago. "I hate Ed Asner's ghost so much that
every time I try to make a baby with a ghost that isn't
Ed Asner, I puke so hard that my kidneys ache!"
I TOTALLY AGREE COMPLETELY about killin' new, black mold
Take selenium & your heart will be 100 before your valves are sold
to porcine heart buyers hog tied in Chicagoland's slaughter shimmy
Turkic (Turkish somewhat) chicks are Mongoloidal enough to hold
my interest (among other things) ex vacuo, gimme gimme!
as poems'll wax cardiologically to ameliorate my pain when I'm old
½ dead, ½ naked in the ½ mast wing of ****** Mary's angelical fold
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