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nail and thumb
i  rux:


the eagle descended
into the tidy pillow
of the bear!

Hell made its Sway!
O wilt
and all My O
and this...
phew phew phew!
aren't the clocks going backwards
on their promises of cuckrels?
going back?
i stirr my cup of coffee:
i'm an antichrist
basic of hand movement:
i am the antichrist...
simple as stirring cup of coffee
being right handed
so i write from left to right
against the sun
i am the antichrist
in his most innocent
beyond politics
this is not
even half of what christ
ever was
or could or would be
or become...
i shouldn't have been
tortured by the Schizophrenic Inquisition
of the Intelligence Quotient
for Bilingual Study of Nations:
America should be a Bilingual beacon
a Spanish-English super Hulk power
hybrid a Nation to conquer the Universe:
the Anglo-Spanish remedy:
an Agreement...
we have learned from the Prussians
the Swabians the Huss... the Swedes
the Mongols the Turks the Russ
and Vikings... now a flavour Islam like Tutti-Frutti:
not drinking but ghost limb
sugar ******* ghosts of diabetes...
whiskey? 11am? don't mind if i do...
to me

i have come to the conclusion that... on the basis of basic
cutting one's fingernails can be
as exhilirating as brushing one's teeth:
i call them the furry teeth, in winter...
because i only brush them at the start of the day
with paste
but not so much come the night owl hours
where i only brush to lodge out the hitchhikers from
the grooves... mmm...
Jon Fosse's "slow prose" as an alternative
to J. Joyce's stream of consciousness is that:
it's not so much reading the next paperback bestseller:
it's a reading of slowness
it's the remedy of articulation within the confines
of punctuation... my current fetish, fantasy...
whatever you want to call it...
i think that i will leave England for one sole reason:
not the immigration debacle not
that the English have created a failed multi-culturalism
of ghetto this that and the other...
i will leave England crying because
of the English psyche...
not because of the immigrants...
every time i go back to the homogeneity of ethno etc
of Poland i feel a nausea: a post-existentialist:
re-existentialist nausea... the sea sickness without
sea without waves boat etc of the Sea of Nau...
and i know i will leave England
because: i just can't stand the English being
so ******* **** *****-prone pristine perfect
correct, correct... ******* correct and a shy shadow
of the American: let's make mistakes!
then correct them!
the English are the gimps of the English speaking
world and i don't know whether conquering
or establishing: whatever in favor of the Raj
the Indian class system worked in their favor:
but i just opened today's newspaper and beyond
half of Gen-Z would rather a dictatorship be working
in England than this fabbled, fakery of democracy:
where half say whatever they feel like
and half are not allowed to say what they, think!
but cutting one's fingernails is a bit like
brushing one's teeth...
i've managed to keep the thumb nail of my right
(thumb) hardened and pointy
like i might be a woman tending to:
funny: it's best to warm up the nails before cutting
under a stream of hot water
so that when you cut the nails
they don't splinter off and fly off into "somewhere"...
soften the keratin: like in hair: like boiling carrots
or beetroots...
hmm... Snoopy Dough and that funny Jewish
actor: but all Jewish actors are funny
even when the Brutalist is being compared:
but not being compared to the time it takes
to watch Ben Hur or Gone with the Wind...
so it's all funny
but unlike the Polacks: ethnonym:
i don't appreciate the exonym of Poles...
poles apart: flag on a Pole:
in American a ****** was supposed to be a slur:
it's actually the proper accurate ethnonym...
but thanks for the supposed tease or slurr...
well... i might call them Yids Hebs but Jew would also
implode by impying Jewel...
if only these brigadeers of literacy would
share their priestly wisdom amongnst us Gentiles:
but given that Christ had to be sacrificed in order
for Yahweh to gobble down the pantheon
of the Greek gods and the Norse gods:
yet somehow Allah was kept rigidly standing:
and that too: i feel that Muslims have no plight
no interest: no reality: in modernity...
i think they are delusional:
like a ****** might be delusional about the glorydays
of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth...


Mateusz Elert <>
10:37 AM (11 minutes ago)
to me

The subconscious is not a petty domain
For the suspension of the ego in
Inhibitions of the superego
This realm of supra-consciousness
is a place of puddle dreams
Reflexive dreaming
Unlike the unconscious and reflective
With focus on symbolism and
The allure of the occult
But you only realise the existence of this
Realm when doing night shifts and
Trying to snooze...
You dream the most spectacular muddles
And that conflates even confiscates
The workings of consciousness
With proposals for: f(x): functioning...
With grammar and arithmetic:
Or rather syntax and arithmetic...
Syntax and memetics
Dreaming occurs in consciousness too:
Day-dreaming it's called...
So there are three tiers of dreaming...

Also the ingenious dynamic of "idle" gaming...unlike prior gaming to replace reading,the narrator-protagonist and self-identification dichotomy of author and reader... idle gaming is perfect for necessary, even unavoidable interests of waiting... maxed out at 30min time limit

The spirits need to be tamed, by cooling them... so they don't bite back... can't imagine drinking warm whiskey or *****...***** especially since it needs to be frozen, matured, beyond freezing since alcohol can't freeze, so it resembles a rich sugar syrup... whiskey is husky and i forced myself to support Millwall... well... simply because I, like, that, part of London... and it's association with Scotch dockers... and Edinburgh was a home fora while

Why do I feela might horn growing out of my occipus bone and almost tickling my forhead: where is this thirds a wifey?

How many symbols are there? Are they aligned with the vowels?

So we have the basics!

Being right handed I stir my coffee anti-clockwise when I add sugar... so why would I read the time as going "forward" that is: "left" to "right" and now have a clock with a face



3                          9

               6                  ?
like but almost unlike...
this parrot: excited presence...
like what is an echo
when there's this eating monstrosity
the parrot unlike the echo

i'm gathering momentum to
ghost limbs
i'm fathoming: ghostly tastes:
a taste of synthetic strawberries
is more real than the actual
taste of strawberries...
it's a Tuesday, morning,
England, death would be real
if if the ghostly fog wasn't: more so...

i've been in an hyperbolic orbit of ego
of fever and
i just can't stop myself
from: unthinking thinking
because i have no moral compass to
attach myself to...
no Russian romance
counter the European-Egyptoid ****...

a light blazing in the daylight hours
while there's little of me to crunch...
crunch: or cruntch...
if only language was the simplest
of the arithmetic functions
to culminate in
the use of
+ -, = ÷, x

               the 5 senses and the 5 basic functions
before say:
                        √ego:              but there still remains
the functioning 5...
oh so bored i am i woke up at 6am
but didn't do anything for
the worth of 10am...

while stirring a cup of coffee:
twilight into 10am
England is not a western European
post-imperialism is s return
to root of Tree
the Tree of Scandinavia
England is Scandinavia
\old Merry ol England
like Denmark is Scandinavia when
attached to the continent via
the hairs of Germany...
i ask you:
given the aura and the fauna
i've been talking to cats
like cats do
trying to see familiar faces
and angels in the snow

i'm a Stpoic before i am ever to be a Christian:
i am Pagan:
i was born yesterday
Judaism is a toothless brat
with a heartless **** circumcised...
i call upon the Asmotheus and the SHEDIM!
i call upon the SHEDIM!
i'm bored of married life because
i can't approach my daughter with
full body Ivory and Glue of Glut
England is Scandinavia!
it's not western Europe!
there is only the west
of missing the mark
i'm flying over America
i'm heading to Polynesia
i need a new sunrise!
level this monstrosity:
if Satan had a beast:
a pet...
so did God:
as a Chimera!
god had a pet too!
this obscrube hmm...

ginger ****** overslept
now i'm playing push over chicken
make room for an elephant
i chaos oh us chaos
let's throw Reyla the order pill
into the mix
i want to put the washing machine on
and put ghosts into cotton candy
no i need the cotton floss
cotton yes
i need caulioflowers and castles in the clouds
with ghosts and swans...
i think i have followwerrs
St Pter's ears tatooed
to their clubs...
i think we are redrawing violence...
for the better: contained chaos measure:
order by length of knife against eye
we know the Grey
the three sisters... i'm marrying a ******* MAyan ****....
  Feb 10 Mateuš Conrad
am I an observer
or a participator,
this life, a reel or real
am I whole, or partial?
this is all surreal
are we living
or watching time spill
doing nothing
rotating in this cosmic realm,
starting where we started,
ending where we end,
rolling the rock up the mountain
watching it fall
traveling back up again.
what is the deal?
we know the prison,
let's dig up the tunnel.

am I a spectator,
or a perpetrator,
this death, a dream or dire,
am I fractured, or entire?
this is all infernal,
are we decaying,
or watching shadows crawl,
doing something,
descending into this chthonic realm,
starting where we're buried,
ending where we're born,
our remains part of the earth,
watching it crumble,
crawling back down again.
what is the ordeal?
we know the freedom,
Are we combusting chemical?
kippah ummah
i take off my dribble
and Ronaldo
the day Denmark
is no part of the continent
the Great Danes
funky edition
if nEngland
not be part of Scandinavia
iceland rude\
brood Ireland tow...
i need meat i need
i need carcass\
i neeed food
i need flesh and blood
i'm bringing Jesus
Christ with me
along with Hugin and Munin...Edinburgh
or Baghdad... bigP: bagpipes: fresh: Juice Justices
squeeze a proper orange...
England is Scandinavia
post imperial
this is my replying to Enoch Powell
what was England
before the Empire?! Angevin England!
some rugby some Scotch sing song
ol' flower of scotland
the Pict to Alba
my acupuncture
             Mickey Moose not a Mouse:
i don't know why i love her
i just love her and she loves me
and this daughter sinister Eminem... door closed:
bread wine crunch
i don't know she my headache
mein *****~!
a girl's name!
*****!                   *****! get get get!
get *****!
aim: with rifle! aim at *****!
***** got, sir! what next?!
ego... ego... son! now take the ego!
you've taken the ***** now
take the second ****: the ego:
you are not female: Enoch bred you covert:
****** loves like your ramming
her with a strap-on *****,...

         Sartre was myopic... utopian...
but there's a merry England:
it's Scandinavian....
if Denmark can be Scandinavian
yet the frige attached to Germany:
like Austrians thoiught themselves:
but there was the Baltic
the Prussians
who weren't Germans...
you forgot the Prussians...
like the next storm comes from

          England post imperialism must
geographically: it is the de-globalized entity
of islands...
it is Scandinavia... part of...
England is Scandinavia:
stop thinking about it it itself
as pronouns and western Europe:
there is no western Europe:
Europe is a funnel...
          England can find safety in a Norwegian
status... you are:
what is western Europe
if not a skew... south with a French-Germano
conflation and proper lingua...
         you are not the holders of the last cusp....
you do not require yourself of
the ordeal...

a tongue like a centipede or a spider...
eyes like daggers
smiles as actors...
                   who are you? the slavic people
are gearing up to taste all that wrath of God
in the Mongol personified...
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