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Dec 2014
The man stood
Frozen, in time
Not bravery
Just surprised

He stared, transfixed
The creature emerged
And he stood
Where others ran

Scooping babies
And young up
Their faces a mess
Tears and fears

He surprised himself
He was flat faced
The feeling was flat
Empty, calm

The arrow was nocked
Maybe he didn't do it
Only his fingers knew
That it was there

It cornered his lip
And their eyes met
Brown, now washed grey
Against its fiery orange

The creature's attention torn
From havok and rage
Directed upon the poacher
It stared, boring down

Neither moved, readying
A second in time, another
Stretching, another heartbeat
Cats, before the pounce

It moved,
So did he

The creature
Almost a howl
Died, just before
It gave voice

Before the poacher
Sweat never broke
It was curious
But an after thought

The Poacher turned
Facing forward
Examined his prey
Contemplating pay
Acid Loves Mercury
Written by
Acid Loves Mercury  I live when, not where
(I live when, not where)   
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