How does Christmas day go? 12am still cant sleep, 8am wow its Christmas run down stairs wait moms still asleep maybe just a peek first wake up mom wake up dad Merry Christmas
As children we were all that way so happy , so merry so ready for Christmas day but as we get older we see the truth, and the lies Santa isnt really its only the the Christmas spirit and sometimes in the worst cases Christmas means good bye say goodbye to your money and hello to a living room full of presents.
But its all worth it ya know? To now see why your parents did it for so many years now to see your children's faces light up exactly like the lights wrapped around the Christmas tree
Christmas isnt about the presents though so many people think it is it becomes a time to be with you family and though your children, they'll wont see it see what you went through to get them everything everything they wanted but once they do they'll understand just as you do now exactly why you did it