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Dec 2014
~(by Joanna, "The Backroads Girl")~

Somewhere between the millions of years
it takes for light to reach earth
and our first glimpse of the stars
there is a promise.

Somewhere between the humility
of a young girl's heart
and her baby's first cry
there is life.

Somewhere in the passing
of precious oil and gold
into a carpenter's rough hands
there is obedience.

Somewhere between the bustle
of a small dusty town
and the stink of its stables
there is a miracle.

Because somewhere
between the heavens
and our small, open hearts
love came
no, love still
comes down.


This is not my poem; it‘s arrival in my Facebook inbox a few days ago was a welcome event and I have read and reread it countless times since.  Some poems are just too precious to keep to ourselves… this is one of those.  I am publishing it here with the author’s permission for all of you to enjoy.   (I prefer to not post nameless poems, so in that it was posted without a name, I took the liberty to give it one.) 

Joanna, thank you for letting me share this with my Hello Poetry friends.  I have no doubt that I speak for others here who would welcome more of your writings here on Hello Poetry.  Consider this your invitation.

From Joanna’s Facebook bio- “I am on a journey- I travel with a suitcase full of of outrageous blessings. I'm an artist, a writer, an explorer...”
SE Reimer
Written by
SE Reimer  Pacific NW
(Pacific NW)   
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