Behind tinted windows we all have battles that rage Its only what's on the surface we can see
There's the girl you called a **** for being pregnant There's the boy you made fun of for crying There's the girl you shoved in the halls The boy you called lame The boy you beat up for kissing another boy
Behind tinted windows we all have battle that rage Its only what's on the surface we can see
She was ***** His mother is dying She's already being abused at home He has to work nights to support his family That's his only reason to live
Behind tinted windows we all have battles that rage Its only what's on the surface we can see
Her sweatpants and hoody provoked him Cancer is a ***** Her father is a drunk His father is in a wheelchair and can't work His family told him they'd rather him dead than gay
Behind tinted windows we all have battles that rage It's only what's deep inside we can't see