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Dec 2014
I guess, it just felt a little strange. Usually I was always drowning in my thoughts.
To the point where it consumed me. times,
was my demise,
as much as it also saved me.
But, there were these moments where I lived.
And, it was beautifully tragic because, he knew exactly what it was.
He didn't just hear or see it.
I guess, we as humans,
just feel these moments.
He knew me well,
he understood my laugh.
I learned who I am and why I exist. And I told you to never doubt that I am an extremist.
When I cry, the universe shakes a little. But, when I smile and laugh,
I am selfless.
I just gave and gave my soul to him. He could close his eyes and still dance with every detail.
I was alive.

                          ~ A. Almoudheji
Aliya Almoudheji
Written by
Aliya Almoudheji  Houston, TX
(Houston, TX)   
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