I read over and over of others asking for others Time after time Help help Save me from my life that's a living nightmare Help I'm falling I need you to catch me ... I can't remember the last time I read a poem where someone tried to catch them self with the same vitality ... in the highest moments of "change" we are under a dictator that is ourselves While we complain and take "action" against what we have let become the problem ... It is here because we us you I let it grow ... As we fight to take a shade down from before our eyes, we in turn build a wall of righteousness Because I am fighting to not be ignorant I am not ignorant This is not the case Because I am fighting for equal rights I am helping Yet you follow society's standards to a straight point edge? You may not realize it but fighting for something simply because others started to is following society. You are no exception to the majority. ... In a world where we are all fighting for a voice, who is that has listened? And grown?