the memory of his smile in the summer when we were sad but happy, broken yet whole, and somewhat okay 2. the smell of coffee in the Barnes and Nobles on 42nd street 3. The Catcher In The Rye 4. hazel eyes that torment me but still make me smile 5. Seconds of Summer 6. vanilla ice cream 7. carelessness 8. poems that give me faith in humanity 9. Twenty One Pilots 10. my friends 11. inside jokes 12. hope 13. "we were wild./we were beautiful./we were free. /we were lost, but god, we were free."-(a.m.) 14. the color blue 15. delusional ideas 16. thinking about the future 17. food 18. cold nights 19. Ed Sheeran 21. bear hugs 22. sarcastic jokes 23. sleep 24. *him