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Nov 2014
Jon you love to teach with your mouth.  Please start teaching with your ears.

I am only one person.

Jon I know you care too much. Please don't ever stop.

I don't want to burn out.

Before you go to bed you think too much. Make those your most important. For they will be the ones you remember forgetting.

I never write down the things I wish to.

Jon breathing comes simple. Your mothers lungs were not as fortunate. Don't abuse the airbags in your chest.

I can't do this

Without your fingertips you wouldn't know what amazing feels like. So touch the lives surrounding you.

I have too many calluses.

You were given a heart in one piece. Stop convincing yourself it's broken.

I found hope.

Jon your dad left you for a reason. You are a man because of it. Now chest up like you mean it.

I miss him.

Jon she is here. In the snowflakes on your tongue. Sunshine in your steps. And in the muscle that helps you swallow the loneliness of her absence.

I dream of a life with her in it.

Jon you have one back. Please stand up for something worth your time here. Do it with pride doused in confidence.

I don't know my purpose.

Jon you are purpose.
Conscious and myself having a talk.
Written by
JWolfeB  27/M/Cairo, Egypt
(27/M/Cairo, Egypt)   
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