my words are ungracious and spill forth today like mewling puke....
it astounds me.... that we celebrate landing, badly i might add, an overpriced piece of mechano on the backside of a space rock...
while..... there are people dying... right here.... on earth....from...ebola cancer....and other diseases
it astounds me.... that one person, can get paid, 20 million $$$$ for acting in a ****** movie while....others beg for change and sleep rough under park benches....
it amazes me, that so many in the world cannot read or write and do not have, basic and i mean basic sanitary facilities....
it confounds me..... that wars are fought over race and religion....
it scares me... that my son, will grow up in a world where safety is far less of a gaurantee...
it saddens me.... that i am as guilty as the next person of passing by oe looking the other way become too busy, too be other peoples pain...
my words, ungracious and hypocritical are but the useless prattle of a ranting raving imbicele mere spit upon the winds of a word in turmoil....
but come on... should we not try to fix this world before discovering others
insomnia... and too many thoughts.... created this monster of a rant....