The incessant clock ticking Is driving me out of my mind Waiting for that bell to chime Counting the seconds until 9:39 Knowing it's just one part of the day A little section of time put away Wondering why the **** I bothered to get up Why my breathing refuses to stop And why, ******* it, does my heart still beat? It's annoying really, the constant thump-thump Of blood being pushed through my worthless body I wish it would all just stop I'm over this whole living thing Getting up at 6:30 just to waste away These long as ****, pointless days I close my eyes for just a second Trying to rest my overworked mind And there's another ******* minion So called authority figure Tapping at my ******* shoulder Won't let me ******* be They're too blind to see That I'm already dying. And starting to rot away