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Nov 2014
I can't fathom the thought of love.

the selflessness

the two hearts beating as one

the butterflies that flip around in sight of your partner

the little hellos that makes the blood rush to your cheeks

or the nights that you miss them terribly that you can have them there to hold just by a call

but that's the only the good part...

But what about the Cons to the Pros?

the tears that fight it's way out to see the world

the lonely nights in your bed

the fights and arguments about being unfaithful

or the 75% of breaking up because of the incompatibility between the two hearts that were to beat as one.

That's why I can't fathom the thought of love

One day it's something so beautiful

Like something as beautiful as Disneyland to a 4 year old

But then the next day, It's something so unbearable

Like losing your favorite blanketΒ Β that was given to you by a passed on relative.

How could something so beautiful to the eyes be so dark and treacherous on the inside?
Arielle Joy Garcia Baligad
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