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Nov 2014
I wake in the morning to a singe question:
Can I use your computer?

Immediately, my heart races...
I'm sweating from parts of my body I didn't know existed,
I swallow,
I panic
I answer
Yes, but
But... It is slow...
But... It is small...
But... It is weak...
...I am weak

The 1st question was simple, do I own that device?
The answer, however, is more questions
Is it enough
Are you enough
Why use it when you could use something better?
Why know me, when you could know someone better?

I am the broken lightbulb
That lightbulb designed not quite as bright,
Staring at brighter bulbs and not content to be dim.
Blinded by their light
Unable to notice the beauty of my own.
Oxygen Bandit
Written by
Oxygen Bandit  Sydney, Australia
(Sydney, Australia)   
   Elizabeth Fruin
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