It was waste deep in a lake where I realized that if with you was where I wanted to be, then why wasn't I there? Why was I standing in the water, my family around the camp fire in the distance behind me, the moon lighting up my face, and not beside you? Why was I not with you? Sometimes, what seem like the most complicated situations in the world come to complete clarity in the strangest of circumstances. As I gently ran my fingers along the surface of the lake water, I saw a shooting star and I wished for you. I didn't wish for anything but the simple idea that me and you could some day be in the same moment together. That's all I wanted. For me, love was always an undiscovered emotion that I longed to feel. I watched the movies and listened to the songs people wrote about their love and I wanted nothing more than to find mine. But now, after tripping, stumbling and falling harder than I could have ever imagined, my love is 423.3 miles away and I'm stuck here, wishing upon stars and crossing my fingers, to be 423.3 miles away from here too.