I have trusted so many and if for each I had a penny I'd be rich but it would appear that my unfounded faith has left me in this lonely place but I had some fun along with my 15 minutes of fame as I played their game but as a result I will never be the same
The worse thing I could do is waste another day sorting through old memories so I'll keep the ones I hold to be dear and just forget the ones that brought a tear and forget the ones filled with hate and fear knowing that the past is dead.
I am no longer fragile but strong and what was thought to be broken beyond repair is healed now and as I sit in front of my PC and write another rhyme this time I have an open mind and an able to write away some of the past pain knowing I can only gain.
The meaning of a poem is the experience it expresses and nothing less while the idea of a poem is the only part of the experience it communicates and some words are timeless because our entire life consists of many fires and so much rain and after each experience we never come out the same because they are part of our growing and as a result of them we become more knowing. Jon York 2014