Okay, so basically the last time I knew you Like really knew you You had sharp edges But I loved you like a sister I really, really did. That's why it almost shattered me When I stopped knowing you Because you changed In a horrible, horrible way The last time I stopped knowing you You were a wildfire Spreading too quickly Destroying everything you came near Everything that was ever close to you Including us Including me That's when I really didn't know you anymore The last time I really didn't know you anymore You were just on the very edge of the chasm you created yourself Living in a world of black, white and gray photographs from the past The last time I saw you You were a silent blizzard You wore that same old long sleeved shirt And I know why Now I hear about you With the wrong crowd Probably with a cigarette between your teeth Smoking **** And God knows what else I remember when you would look with distain at those who are so young And killing themselves slowly Now you are just another one of them Now you are just another lost stupid teenager Giving up on being strong And you know what I would almost feel sad That the girl I loved like a sister Has died And been replaced With whoever the hell this ***** is who looks like you and goes by your name But you know what I don’t even care anymore ***** you You broke our bond, me, those I love and care about By extension also my mother, ruined things for my family WRECKED your family So ***** you I laughed when I heard what a disaster you have become Because all those other last times You had sharp edges, were a wildfire, lived on the edge of a chasm, and wore long sleeves Now your edges have slit your soul, You’ve set fire to your own life, Fallen into the endless abyss and are tumbling to your death With worse secrets than just a couple cuts on your wrists that sleeves can conceal You are going to be a mess by the end of this But you know what Good. I don’t care I have a life to live And just because you have given up on living Doesn’t mean I have to Sorry it had to end this way But it is really your fault And I am never going to forgive you for that For what you did to me A couple hours ago Was the last time I heard any news about you And now All you are Is a mess And dead inside But I’m not You won last time I suppose But now I have finally won Because I am alive and happy And you are not You can’t hurt me anymore And now You are just hurting yourself