They Did Not give Their Lives: Their Lives Were taken From Them.
The boy soldiers formed up in line: the Sergeant inspected each in turn. Colonel Forde (retired) took the salute; the cadet’s drilled colour party moved off.
Towards the village Cross the troop marched on, and as the band struck up the tune “Blaze Away” flocks of pigeons rose from misted fields exploding into flight spreading like shrapnel to enfilade the distant trees.
Crackling gunfire echoed in the woods and pheasants beat from cover plunged to earth, killed in fern and bracken by weekend shooting party’s fusillade.
On the war memorial wreathes rested where villager’s names inscribed on stone are listed Unforgotten. The church bell chimed an end to silent minute. A bugle call died away as birds sang out an anthem.