I wonder if IKEA will ever get around to making a knock down Flat Pack version of the perfect woman?
Just take that box home and carefully reading all the instructions put that little Home Maker together.
Comes is several hair shades and hues. And has no religious or political convictions.
Making sure of course to insert all her screws, bolts and handles. Avoiding any "loose screws" at all costs. No need to compromise your purchase.
I wonder if she will speak English? Maybe they even have a silent version.
Sorry ladies, no harm intended. Just a little attempt at humor, picking up on a Joe Cole write about Flat Pack furniture. It's Halloween and I've had way too much candy. So blame the sugar buzz. If you hate it ladies merely swap the genders around and insert "Man" in the title, then I think it will make a lot more sense to you. That way we might all get a smile from this silly little notion.