If I text you I may miss you a little less cos **** I can't concentrate. And I'm not being moderate or cheesy. I'm being completely honest. You've corrupted every single thought in my mind to just you... Before I sleep you're what I think about and when I wake up, your face pops up in my mind. After studying, my mind quickly disperses searching for memories that we share. I feel the need to hear your voice, your laugher and most importantly see your smile. I can't help but count the days I have till I see you right now its 7 days, a week from now I get to see you, to hold you in my arms. I hate having feelings like these towards someone because I don't know how to handle them and with you around Its not like I can contain them properly. You hear me use words such as 'I Love you' and 'you're awesome' and I bet you think that's what friends say its no big deal although it seems like that to me its much more than that. Its more of a commitment. You're amazing to my heart and soul and I guess you should know that.
Its weird feeling like this. Its so strange and foreign to my heart.