I’ve never been good at writing eulogies and I forbid myself to say Adieu It’s always been see you later, Alligator or after while, Crocodile It’s nothing so blunt as Goodbye Because Goodbye is not open ended and goodbye does not leave room for next time and goodbye is finite and I live for infinite moments stretched out beyond our galaxies for forever to kiss in the palm of it’s hand
And you ruined my infinity **** inconvenient horse Not only did you say goodbye kiss my old sweatshirt until it was covered in dirt filthy my face with your nuzzling antics but you said, mom, I don’t wanna go and on two broken legs, you followed me around and pleaded, mom, I can do it I just need some time
**** it, horse, don’t you understand I cannot give you more time I cannot let your agony stretch into eternity
I can kiss your head so many times that I forget what I taste like and remember only you
I can breath in your scent so many times that I can no longer smell the air around me but only your sweet stench
And I can hold on to memories so long until they crowd my vision and I can see nothing else
But I can only say goodbye once And you knew this, so you said goodbye enough times for the both of us
I have never been good at writing eulogies and I hate saying Adieu but Summer, I will bend the rules today just to say I love you and Goodbye.