A note slid underneath my door. How marks on a page can crush the heart worse than steel breaks the bone.
The oceans tide has come to take me away. I dove twice as deep. In laughter apon the first. In regret of that which I could not grasp. Glimmers of light lost in the waters depth cast so far away.
Missed lines the old sometime must think young. I found hope on nothing's promised embrace. A ring of lies one moment of truth.
Remember me for times I can no longer attend. Troubles untold sometimes outside is easier than A insiders view.
The cards werent right and thoose at the table knew a jokers laugh was a far off cry. No words can be spoken in the emptyness of loss for which there is no return.
A shore apart a heart jaded but always true. no blame is to be placed for a road must surely one day end.
The words read last a souls release. The tide must always kiss the sea. A city of emptyness reflects all that is left inside of me.
Stay as was my plea. Crazy how could anyone truley know the madness that is seldom understood by even me.
Words apon a page ive traded ink for life blood of my soul. I left the note unread.
As spiders cast webs woven of time. Cold as the peace final rest to torment. That is the barbwire within my head.
It was time for a much overdue rest. A co writter in life is better than apon the page. Niether is my path no hope as the clock points to a dark hour shadows have returned to stay.
Heaven was mine for a moment. Hell is more my style I guess. As in stories and legends im already on my way.
Voices all speak within there own key. Torment, addiction and isolation. Are all thats left of me.