I have the brightest light and his is kinda dim. But I don't hit the right notes and his is sounding like a good hyme. He's the one that loves to much when it comes to friends, and when comes home at night love sick I just say "here I am". The mirror don't know me when I talk the truth but I know he hears me when he comes back and say "is my noise to big or somethin"? Why do you stare at me like that's gonna change your situation? Let's not point fingers cause the same fingers is gunna hold you tonight. I'm hear then I'm here even when those brown eyes are trying to hide the hurt or won't disappear. Come to me and look at me again, I will tell you it again I love you and when I can't talk to you. That's why we gave our life to the truth so you don't have to lie with a man.