Twenty six alphabets swirling around but this soul only has twenty four hours to wander. Thousands of words and there is only one of me, deciding which word should sit next to the other stranger. So that it makes sense to give the whole stanza a reason. To let it sing a melody but it just sits there staring blandly at endless dreamers, wondering if they would understand the reason why these words were stringed next to one another. Or if they would give up thinking the poet must have been some clever mastermind and the whole art piece needs to be re-examined word by word. Decoding each line that unveils itself and gives a whole new meaning of it's existence. Then again, what if I told you As you read this That there is no reason To my creation. There is no rhyme or rhythm No rules that can set these words on fire.
What if I told you, I exist for no reason? I am not governed by an external force That is in need to tell a story Or deprived of a reason to live Or just to breathe. Just like how the falling autumn leaves Falls from its old roots- Silently. Without needing a reason to fall Without anyone telling - its time is over.
Surely words were created for a reason, To converse with impalpable creatures, But words didn't ask for it It didn't plead to have a reason for its survival In the lonely throats of the dead. But the universe came together And did it anyway.
So today, the warrior words formed together, In a battle that was long forgotten, In silence, when it was once thrown into every page, Forced into the mouths of the filth And sometimes the lovers To create romance and never endings.
Today, the words stand here tall Within the screens and papers In bold it speaks- That it holds no reason, It does not take the blame for the hurting Nor for the joy of the fresh bonfire in cold winter.
It stands tall for its own victory- In its own reality. For no reason or rhyme, For it was only meant for those Built with sovereignty, Who knew words were only meant to be free. It belonged to nobody, nor will it ever. And with no reason, All the words in the world, Cease to end right here.